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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

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After a short amount of time here and on a few other Dinar related websites I thought I have to share my initial impressions.

It seems a large portion of people here are no different than those I seeing queuing up to buy the lottery ticket on Saturday morning.

Hoping to get a large reward for little or no input.

In my opinion there is far too many people who apparently know people who know stuff...this is usually warning bells for me and means stay well clear. The whole thing smacks of MLM and those nauseating groups all gearing each other up with motivational BS and inside scoops.

MLM folk are renowned for being dodgier than used car salesmen.

Nobody in the ‘real world’ who is involved in getting this RV done (if it does happen) is going to be talking to a combat soldier, a taxi driver, your cousin etc so enough already!

We all know insider trading goes on in this dodgy world of ours but does your cousin also hear when JP Morgan is about to announce a takeover bid weeks before it happens? No.

All these supposed people in the know really are is friend of friends who in reality know next to nothing about the inner workings of either Iraq or economics and they 'just have a feeling' that such and such is happening.

Sadly the guy who first mentioned the Dinar situation to me is a MLM pumper type and they get all hyped about it but actually when you ask the tough questions they don’t really know what day of the week it is.

Hardly inspiring.

I also notice a lot of religious connotations being bandied about.

As a God fearing man myself I don’t for one second think God is too worried about the IQD and ‘making it happen’.

God doesn’t pander to the material wants of man, he wants to see everyone do the best they can with what they’ve got.

Not ‘’Oh you deserve a break in life for helping all those orphans here’s a lottery win i made happen for you’’.

I also see a lot of what on the surface seem like desperate but decent, hard working people almost pinning their dreams on this happening.

You get nothing for nothing in this world and this is likely to be the same.

Stop the naivety and think about how many economists, professional Forex traders, brokers, hedge fund managers etc there are in the world and I haven’t seen a single one telling me the RV is a sure thing!

Whoa there!! Open your windows, I think the exhaust is getting to you!!!

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Hows is it argumentative? Its actually a very sound well reasoned OPINION.


In a section called Opinions, Perspectives, and Your Two Cents on the Iraqi Dinar

To those who dont agree thats fine but the 'Dont knock the Dream'' mafia is a tad overboard methinks.

Yeah Iraq is as well structured as Kuwait was pre war...seriously ,head,sand.

Sorry I posted then Ive been out fixing the motor on my boat.

Absolutely not. I have better things to do than needlessly wind up a bunch of strangers.

Im merely offering my take on the situation, I thought that was the point of the Opinions section.

OK EVERYONE he is right. He can hold any oppinion he wants.

In fact, he can live any life he wants. He can say what he believes. Though his oppinion isnt like the rest of us it is his right.

Yet, it is con trary to mine and I tend to be more optimistic in life. In my view even if I am wrong the attitude alone is contageous...

So I will post something I read long ago which might not reign inside this man but it does in me...


Some just see a cup as half empty. If we look for views of this investment to debunk it we can find it.

In the end POST RV we will all see. It is what makes it a speculative investment.

GO RV and PEACE my optimistic fellow investors. :)

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