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ENORRSTE: - Where we are as of November 24, 2010


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ENORRSTE: GET Team - Where we are as of November 24, 2010

After my last two talks with you I suspect that I should just lay low and shut up.

But that is not my normal course, and since TK and Gankans have encouraged me to continue, then I guess I will.

Let me state for the record that I believe that TK and Gankans are straight up guys. They have their foibles, as I do, but when you sum it all up, I think it is safe to say that you can trust these two fellows. My point is this: we are the 3 Amigos. Take us all, or leave us all. I think that is clear enough for you all.

So, having placed that out more clearly than I have ever before, you might wonder where in the heck I might go from here.

Well, let’s review.

In my first talk on this series, as I suspect this is becoming, I made two points.

The first was that I talked about giving as a part of God’s plan, but also about not expecting a reward for the giving. I also talked about giving anonymously, to the extent that you can.

Then I said that we must give wisely so that we do no harm to the receiver of the gift. We must give a hand up to a new dignity for the recipient, not just a hand out.

I also said that our giving opportunity must be directed to prepare others for the tough times that are coming. I further said that we should not squander our opportunity.

Tonight I want to expand on these points. I feel really drawn to this mission, just as TerryK and Gankans have been drawn into it with me. Not so surprisingly, we are called the three Amigos. Friends. Nothing more than that. Yet all of that. What an amazing concept: three individuals drawn together in a common cause. Amigos.

We have been castigated by other sites as scam artists. We have also been thrown under the bus because one of our members predicts the RV every time we have a call. Well, my friends, I have a clue for you here, and it will probably surprise you once again, as I have, hopefully, surprised you a few times before.

Here it is: there are two elements to this little investment of ours and the process that we are all going through as we approach our wonderful blessing.

The first element of this mysterious mystery tour is that no one knows what the heck is going to happen next. Therefore, and I state this with the utmost appreciation and gratitude, we have a person who has been willing, for months now, to come forward and state as clearly as he can what he gets from the “cyberspace” of “dinardumb” on a regular and consistent basis.

Now, admittedly, he has a proven record. In fact, we may clearly state that he has been 100% wrong every single time! On the other hand, he’s the boss, so we tolerate him and love him.

Ah, but you might miss a point here, so I will present it to you clearly. We actually look to him every single time for those tidbits, and we don’t, at least most of us, give a hoot whether he is “right on” or not, now do we?

TerryK happens to be a conduit. That’s it, basically. He hasn’t said that he was ever any more than that. To castigate him, then, is really a waste of time. I mean, think about it. Would you blame the shower drain because it lets the water out of the shower? Of course you wouldn’t.

Oh, now you might say that I am putting TerryK down. On the contrary, I really appreciate and wait for his information, just as I do the water that comes from my shower. But I certainly don’t blame him for anything that doesn’t occur, just as I don’t blame the water for running over me.

If the water coming over me was dirty, then I’d have a right to complain. But it isn’t. It is just water. I watch it role across my body and I either accept it, or I get out of the shower.

I believe that I have made a very significant point here, and I’d like you all, both members of our team and others, to realize this simple fact, which, unfortunately, I’ve had to make several times now: if you do no like the message, do not shoot the messenger. To put it another way that might make it more clear, if you don’t like the water, get out of the shower. Otherwise, enjoy the shower. I do.

So, where are we? We know now that this blessing of ours is close. We know that it is truly a gift from God.

We also know, if you have been following me, that we are going to be held to a standard for this blessing, and that standard is that we will be expected to use it for His purpose, not our own. If I lost you somewhere along the way, then you need to get this point clearly. I will state it once again in terms that will make it perfectly clear to you all.

If you think for one moment that what is going to happen is an accident of economics, you are mistaken.

Furthermore, if you think that you just happened to fall into this “investment opportunity” you are also mistaken.

More importantly, if you think for one moment that you are going to get away with this “scot free”, you are mistaken.

Now, as I have in the past, I have moved the ball forward. Let me state this in terms that you all will understand: there is no free lunch!

I could put this more clearly if I were Saint Paul, so I will: “to whom much is given, much will be expected.” While Paul was referring to appropriating the grace of God, I submit that this is exactly what we are going to do.

What does that mean for us? As an aside, I want you all to realize that I am listening at the same time I am writing. The question is not just for you. It is for you and me. What does this mean for us?

I honestly believe that we are entering a period of history that might just end history as we know it. I don’t say this because I’m an alarmist. I say it because, as we were all taught when we were children, “The Bible tells me so.”

I have never been so convinced of what I’m going to say in my life. I feel this in my bones. I am awed by the majestic ability of our Creator as He pulls together forces that none of us could have imagined possible in this “endtimes scenario”.

Now, we are coming to a place that will determine whether we are truly Christian or are just greedy. It really will come down to this, my friends.

Lines are beginning to be drawn. I suggest that you decide now to pick a side.

Time to react to this earth shaking event will be short. I do not say this to scare you but to inform you. If you think that you’ve made the investment of a lifetime and that life will be forever easy because of it, then you are mistaken.

I’m not talking about the problems of being wealthy in a general sense here. None of us, if we handle our situations carefully, will be like the royals of England. We won’t have people following us around with cameras.

But our lives will change, won’t they?

So, how will we respond to this change?

I’ve hinted to you that I believe our blessing will be short-lived. I will now tell you why, and what we all need to do to prepare for the time ahead.

The RV of the dinar will change the economic structure of the planet. The ball will move from our court into the court of the middle east. This is known by all of the major players, including the UN and the US, and the IMF, and the World Bank. Let me help you explore just how big this really is.

Imagine a process that will change the entire history of the world currency structure. Imagine, for a moment, just how big this is. Imagine the prospect of the dollar being replaced as the premier currency of the world. Imagine, if you will, that in a matter of only a few years the Iraqi dinar might take the place of the dollar.

Can you do this? And yet, you hold dinars. Wow. Should I say this again? Wow!

Now, we aren’t the only people who hold these pieces of paper.

Furthermore, it just happens to be the case that the people who were responsible for the creation of these pieces of paper know, in a rough sense at least, that we have them. However, since their plan is really big, they’ve considered us as “ancillary beneficiaries”, if you will. In short, we don’t matter in terms of the world economy and the need to reboot it.

Now, I have to be very cautious here, since I have let you all know that they know that we exist and that supposedly they don’t care. But they can’t do much about it now, so they will go ahead. Why? Because this is really big, and the world needs it to happen.

There is a “secondary benefit”, however, that they will not be able to control. I am talking about us. Short of a removing the large denominations through a lop, which I have shown numerous times cannot happen, the reality is that we Christians will come into a blessing that has been planned by God, but not known to them, except as an “ancillary benefit” of some speculators.

The world problem will be corrected by the RV, temporarily. The economy of the world will be rebooted. It must and will happen. But there will be a consequence of that happening, and this will be our opening.

It is not fortunate that I state this fact so openly, but I’m convinced that the event will occur and that nothing now can prevent it. The question is this, for us: will we recognize the hand of God in this?

Having asked that question, I will ask one more: will we respond in accordance with His plan?

I am not so bold as to think that I have all of the knowledge about what is coming. Like you all, if you read the Bible, I just see the signs. It seems to me that the signs are very clear: we must use our blessing to prepare for tough times ahead. God, in my opinion, has “front loaded” His plan. If we miss this clear evidence of His grace, then we have no one to blame but ourselves.

I’d like to walk you through what it means to prepare for the tough times ahead. I will do this with my dear friends Ray and Tom, because we are now about to enter into the real world, and we must do things correctly in order for this to work, in my opinion.

On our next call we will talk about how to get through the next 3 years. We will talk about protection, anonymity, focus on what is important, and other issues. If I’m right, the next few calls will be more important than all of the rumors and intel to date.

Of course, I could be wrong.


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Hi Ron. Thank you for bringing this post over to us to read. I really enjoy reading what Steve has to say. We all know that TK is always wrong, and it just bothers me how people bash this guy. If u don't want to be bothered then just don't read his posts. Anyways thanks for all your hard work Ron.............and as always God Bless and Go RVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV B)B)B)B)


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WOW this is the 2nd post I have read like this, 3 strikes and you are out!

Read for yourself!!! sad.gif

my son was in iraq and is home with dinar and we are excited at whats comming soon.very soon.he informed me to load up on dinar and we have.then as soon as it hits we are buying property,and supplies to prepare our family for the crap thats gonna hit the fan in our country.he said get it ,spend it on things you can pay off completely cause there wont be a lot of time when the ship gets to port,get on it and don't waste time. good luck to you all.

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Great post Steve. I agree we are truly blessed to be a part of this great event. We have free will to make choices, but I believe each choice comes certain things that are non-negotiable. So we must be careful of the choices we make. Sometimes it is difficult, but that is when you need to pay attention to your inner voice, gut feeling, guardian angel, guide, higher power; whatever you want to call it, it is there. It will NEVER steer you wrong. Adam made a choice to develop this site, we made choices to be a part of it, and we all will have choices to make when the RV happens. Life is truly amazing and I have enjoyed our dinarvet family and have learned alot; I hope we can continue to share our experiences after the RV; there is strength in numbers and we can continue to learn from each other. We have empowered Adam on our behalf and it will be interesting to see the choices/opportunities he has created. Happy Thanksgiving, God Bless, and Be Safe

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Thank you for posting Ron.

This message speaks tons to those that hear the message and can see the writing on the wall; the message given from the everlasting god...Jesus Christ.

I pray that we are all ready for the coming times...

Bless you brother


A big AMEN to that. Totally bear witness with this.....th_smiley_two_thumbs_up.gif Some of us KNOW that we KNOW we were led to this investment by the Lord's doing because of the circumstances surrounding how we came to know it, and how we came about deciding. I put out several "fleece" to make sure, and every single were answered not to me-- but to and through others unbeknownst to them.

Crazy sounding to an unbeliever, I know.... But God takes what the the world considers foolish, to confound those who think themselves wise (the world).

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Thanks Enorreste. I will not say bad things about TK since he is your friend but what I will say is this: TK has stated EMPHATICALLY that this thing would RV 45 times this year and its always from his highest source..........How do you explain that? I can see two or three times but 45 times is ridiculous and you of all people should know that.

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Grammar Police- Great Quote from One of the Greatest American Leaders of all time.

The problem is that the country was stronger in 1907. Because the people were

stronger morally, more apt to to being against injustice and sin. Now we have to

be tolerant of everything that is making this country weak and pulling the

USA further away from God.

We are just one or two elections of being thrown in to the scrap heap of

once great nations that decayed from within.

I love America with all my heart, and makes me want to throw up when

I see us declining.

Enough Preaching, everyone have a great Thanksgiving.


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