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GOOD NEWS: CBI Is Preparing To Lift The Ban On 28 Iraqi Banks.


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Here's an article of Dinarian interest...

The news just keeps on getting better.

CBI to lift restrictions on Iraqi banks.

NOTE: These restriction were first put in place by the UST.

Treat as a rumor.  Not verified.  Your opine.




FROM OTHER SOURCES:               The CBI Is Preparing A Report To Lift The Ban On 28 Iraqi Banks.

ARTICLE:  The Parliamentary Investment & Development Committee revealed steps by the CBI to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects.


The head of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to support private private banks & involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks.” .


He pointed out that "the governor of the CBI promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks," expecting "the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period."

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NOTE:  Here's some more confirmation of the US lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks...

E.O. 13303 has nothing to do with UST restrictions on Iraqi banks being lifted but are related or connected to the above.   IMHO.




4-3-2024   Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat   In today’s news articles we learn about the expiration of the extension of the US President’s Executive Order 13303 put in place in 2003. So, there is no extension this year...Why is this so important to us investors?  First, the expiration of 13303 shows to us once again that Iraq is slowly moving out of the sanctioned mindset altogether. But now we moved to a new level. We know that in December of 2022, Iraq completed its war reparations payments to Kuwait and thus followed that all the remaining UN sanctions were lifted.

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I think that the US needs to remove any and all sanctions.  Then get Iraq to revalue their currency, and makes everyone whole.  Then the US sells back their bases to Iraq, and gets the heck out of there.   Let them deal with their own issues.  :jester:

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The only news that could matter to me is "IT'S DONE !  GO CASH IN AT XYZ RATE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !


Anything other than that is just more of the hype that we have been hearing for almost 2 decades.





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