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Frank26 post July 6


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Greetings Family,

Today we have a prayer from our KTFM member RUAL12 Please enjoy!








Good evening Family,

It was the last thing that I was thinking about……especially on a hot summer Friday at work. The air condition was on but I could still feel the streams of sweat that would tickle my back now and then. I was 14 years old and waiting on tables at our family restaurant when a husband and wife walk in with a little baby boy that mom carried in her arms. I greeted them with the same jubilant smile that they were giving me. Because I was running around with so many tables I told them to please make themselves at home and I would bring them their menus shortly. The father walked straight into the dining room and the mother followed as she put her child down to walk next to her. Yes it was the last thing on my mind ………but the little boy who couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4 years old did not follow mom………he followed me. Like a little guppy fresh out of water he was wagging any part of his body that wanted to partake of the same joy that he was feeling. He was so excited just to be in the restaurant. Curiosity made him follow me as I went to the waitress station to pick up some menus. He took my hand ……..and I took his. Almost……….as if he knew very well that he was acting like an adult he helped me hand his parents the menus. I asked the little fellow if he wanted to come with me to pick up his booster chair. I could have told him that he had permission to eat all of the ice cream in the world because he would have shown the same expression of happiness on that tender face of his. His parents were bi-racial and he had a beautiful golden look about him. Curls in his hair that would have made Sampson jealous. When we got to the red booster chair he grabbed it from the lower shelf that was above his head………that’s how small he was. There was this little man who looked like he was trying to balance a ladder 100 feet tall…….but he made it. Once he balanced it all I saw was his little body running back to the table to join his mom and dad. It was so cute ………I smiled. When it was time to take their order he kept looking up at me as I wrote on the pad. I would look back at him now and then and wink. His eyes got big……as I’m sure he wondered to himself ………how did he do that? For the next 10 seconds he tried every combination with his baby blue eyes to wink back at me. He finally settled on blinking both eyes at once……..and then would break out in a giggle. He was really captivated with my pen and pad so I tore a ticket off and gave it to him with my pen as I left. You could have given this little man rocks to play with and he would have been content for an eternity. Somehow or another even at the age of 14 I sensed that there was something special about this child. When I went back to the table later on to see if there was anything else I could do for them………I helped the baby child eat by playing airplane and hanger. I would put some rice and beans on a spoon which was the airplane and I looped it up and down and told him to open the hanger…….his mouth. He didn’t care that he was being forced to eat because he was having too much fun. Even with his mouth full those deep blue eyes shouted with constant excitement about anything. Truly this was a ball of energy and of love.

Back then high five was the common thing to do and every time I went by his table he stuck the tiniest little hand out because no matter how busy I was………he knew that I would slap it as I went by. This child was filled with so much life that he gave me the pleasure of enjoying my life. When they were done I went back to the table to leave the bill and a small ice cream cone for the little guy. It wasn’t made of ice cream ………..these are old candies that have a marshmallow substance in a cookie cone. He ate it like a bunny rabbit quickly consuming a blade of grass. Those eyes were special ……..and I loved the way his nose moved as he ate so innocently. When they came up to the counter to pay I asked the parents if I could give the child a small brown paper bag that was only 3” long with an assortment of candies. They said yes. The child heard this causing most of his face to disappear behind a giant smile. Even to this day I cannot remember the faces of his parents………only his in great detail. I went around the counter after the father had paid and gave him the bag filled with candy. He gave me five and I gave him high five back. It was at that moment that something simple went wrong. 100% of the time when I am by myself I think of this child and ……….that day. Yes ………it was a very hot summer Friday in my life.

When the father paid he told his wife that he was going out to start the car across the street. Either the mother didn’t hear that ………..or L did. I had already said goodbye and I was in the dining room cleaning tables. They say that when tragedy strikes in your life the speed of your clock is slowed down in your dimension. Science has proven this with experimentation and so did I on that hot summer Friday night. There are sounds in the universe that no one will ever hear because we are not present to hear them. There are sounds in one’s lifetime that can easily be lived without ever having to hear them. There is the scream of a human in pain and there is the scream of tires trying desperately to grip the hot summer asphalt in order to stop. When the father went out to the car ……….the little boy with the blue eyes and golden curly hair ……….followed him. Mom ……..did not see this. Dad ……..assumed mom had heard and was taking care of the little boy. The father had made it to the car but as the little boy crossed the street ……a drunken driver hit him and caused his head to be split open. His shoes and clothing looked like shrapnel as it flew in every direction. I never heard the impact just the screeching of the tires. But I did hear the thud of his little body as it impacted on the surface of the street. Everything slowed down for a millionth of a second. But just as quickly it seemed as if somebody pushed fast forward on all of our clocks as we ran frantically to the site of the accident. The mother was ahead of me stunned and shocked. The father was coming from the other direction out of his mind. I will not describe what I saw but it is branded in the memory of my soul forever. I ran back towards the restaurant searching for a miracle of a solution……but there was none. He was gone and that’s all there was to it. But I didn’t know how to accept that so I thought of my sister and literally shut down. I suppose it was a defensive mechanism that is applied when the body is in shock. It was the first time I had seen a dead human being. It took forever but the ambulance finally came and took this family away from the rest of my life. Closure was forced upon me with no form of healing.

It was around 9pm in the evening and all that remained were the two black parallel lines that pointed in the direction of sadness. The stain of the little boy’s blood was very dark on the street. The restaurant had just closed so I walked out to the front and sat on the curb staring at that spot. I suppose if I had stood over the area my tears would have eventually washed the tragic memories away…….but only for a moment. I prayed. I cried some more and then ……..I was done. This was so new to me and I was hoping that I had handled it well. As I put my hands on the curb to push myself up …….my left hand felt something. It caused me to sit back down when I realized that I was grabbing the little brown paper bag of candies that I had given to the little boy just before he left the restaurant. At the speed of light the image of his grateful smiling face was all that was left as he locked eyes with me. I am not sure but I believe those reindeer eyes desperately tried one last time………to wink at me as he was saying goodbye. I picked up the brown paper bag and realized there were only 3 pieces of candy left in it. The collision was so violent that everything exploded in many directions. I thought I was done crying ………I was wrong as I brought the bag to my face. Did you every cry so deep and hard that you cannot catch your breath?

They asked me ………..why are you with TINK all the time? I tell them because there is not enough time in our own lifetime to love each other. It goes by so quick that sometimes we forget to even mention it to each other. To be with the one you love is a privilege. To have the time to be with the one you love ………is an honor. When that mother and father awoke that Friday morning it was not in their plans to lose their child that day. We never know what landmines are waiting for us each day. Can you imagine being so drunk………so inebriated that if you should tragically die……….you wouldn’t even know about it? The next site your eyes would behold could be God’s face. When I ask someone what was God’s first commandment to us………they usually say………to love God first. I remind them that during the creation after He created man and woman he commanded them to love each other and be fruitful so as to replenish the earth. Family………IMO try your best every day to find a family member and express your love to them. Find a child of God and tell them of this love. Show a stranger how proud you are of this love by your fruits. Love is so powerful because it is taught to us by our Heavenly Father. IMO…….love is so powerful that it can cure diseases. But you know what………all the love in the world can be for not ……….unless you use it. Try your best not to love yourself to the point where you have none to give to others. Be unselfish with your love in all things that you do. Make the author of love proud that you read His Word and understood.

I often wonder ………if we die as a child can we stay as a child in Heaven? All of us that are adults know the consequences of evil. But a child ………well……….it just doesn’t get any purer than that. To me a child is nothing more but a bundle of love. Since I was 14 I have come to learn that this little boy and my little sister who had so much joy in their short lives…….left my long life filled with their love. I can only hope to do the same in my lifetime. One never knows when it’s our last day. One should always be prepared by accepting God’s love. Yesterday a Detroit Red Wing family member died……….at the age of 45. He woke up to go fishing in a boat with his wife, children and father in law on Lake St. Clair. It was a beautiful day………a hot summer day. Somewhere in the middle of this family joy Probie ……..Bob Probert ……..said that he had chest pains. He died yesterday. Nobody prepares to die…….when they wake up each day. Are you prepared? Right now some of you express a great need for the RI and state that you are prepared. That’s good but may I ask you this………have you told a loved one that you love them today? If God calls you home tomorrow …..have you prepared to leave your love in everyone’s hearts? Every word that you speak to them is powerful for their memories. Every action that you take will be reviewed. If you should go home to God ………what was the last thing you were thinking of? Was it love or was it hatred? With over 40 years passing ………it was the last thing on my mind ……….the little boy that walked into our restaurant. But the good deeds of his beautiful smile that he willingly gave me will forever be on my mind. Try to make a difference in someone’s life Family. Leave a lasting memory of love in people's hearts. By simply loving them. That night when I went to sleep my pocket I found the everlasting loving memory of the little boys scribbling on my ticket pad in my pocket. It will be with me .................Forever. It taught me ............Love. My Christian love and Aloha.



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True, this may not give any info of when the RV will happen, but there is a good lesson in this post. What good are all the riches in this world without someone to share them with? Sure, I too want this RV to happen just as much as the next, but there is more to life than just this. Look at the moral of the post. You never know what the day or night will bring, when it is your time.... what good is the RV then? Just my thoughts and I am sure I will be bashed for them, but oh well. Frank26 brings more than just RV news and intel, IMO. He is a very compassionate person with a lot of feeling for others. God Bless him and all of us.

Thanks for the post! :)

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True, this may not give any info of when the RV will happen, but there is a good lesson in this post. What good are all the riches in this world without someone to share them with? Sure, I too want this RV to happen just as much as the next, but there is more to life than just this. Look at the moral of the post. You never know what the day or night will bring, when it is your time.... what good is the RV then? Just my thoughts and I am sure I will be bashed for them, but oh well. Frank26 brings more than just RV news and intel, IMO. He is a very compassionate person with a lot of feeling for others. God Bless him and all of us.

Thanks for the post! :)

Matt so true, you just never know... :)

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Thanks Frank. Life passes us by so quickly and you never know what will be put on your plate to accept. I never thought that my life would have changed so drastically one August evening 24 yrs ago...when an eighteen wheeler slammed into the back of our van on top of the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge. I almost lost my leg in the accident- have endured 17 surgeries including 4 knee replacements. I went from an active mother of 3 young children to someone who has spent many years on crutches and in constant pain. Have seen the greed of a settlement cause a marriage of 23 years to dissolve and a man totally leave his family seeking more money and a women who could function. Needless to say I do not take life for granted. This RV would be great for me but I can and have lived without it. I have lived without a home but I cannot live without the love of my three grown children. I intend to pay it help others as those who helped me when I was in dire need of everything including a shoulder to lean on.

Greed will get you no where fast. Patience is indeed a virtue. Be thankful for what you have no matter how small and rejoice and give thanks when you are so lucky to have the RV happen.

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Greetings Family,

Today we have a prayer from our KTFM member RUAL12 Please enjoy!








Good evening Family,

It was the last thing that I was thinking about……especially on a hot summer Friday at work. The air condition was on but I could still feel the streams of sweat that would tickle my back now and then. I was 14 years old and waiting on tables at our family restaurant when a husband and wife walk in with a little baby boy that mom carried in her arms. I greeted them with the same jubilant smile that they were giving me. Because I was running around with so many tables I told them to please make themselves at home and I would bring them their menus shortly. The father walked straight into the dining room and the mother followed as she put her child down to walk next to her. Yes it was the last thing on my mind ………but the little boy who couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4 years old did not follow mom………he followed me. Like a little guppy fresh out of water he was wagging any part of his body that wanted to partake of the same joy that he was feeling. He was so excited just to be in the restaurant. Curiosity made him follow me as I went to the waitress station to pick up some menus. He took my hand ……..and I took his. Almost……….as if he knew very well that he was acting like an adult he helped me hand his parents the menus. I asked the little fellow if he wanted to come with me to pick up his booster chair. I could have told him that he had permission to eat all of the ice cream in the world because he would have shown the same expression of happiness on that tender face of his. His parents were bi-racial and he had a beautiful golden look about him. Curls in his hair that would have made Sampson jealous. When we got to the red booster chair he grabbed it from the lower shelf that was above his head………that’s how small he was. There was this little man who looked like he was trying to balance a ladder 100 feet tall…….but he made it. Once he balanced it all I saw was his little body running back to the table to join his mom and dad. It was so cute ………I smiled. When it was time to take their order he kept looking up at me as I wrote on the pad. I would look back at him now and then and wink. His eyes got big……as I’m sure he wondered to himself ………how did he do that? For the next 10 seconds he tried every combination with his baby blue eyes to wink back at me. He finally settled on blinking both eyes at once……..and then would break out in a giggle. He was really captivated with my pen and pad so I tore a ticket off and gave it to him with my pen as I left. You could have given this little man rocks to play with and he would have been content for an eternity. Somehow or another even at the age of 14 I sensed that there was something special about this child. When I went back to the table later on to see if there was anything else I could do for them………I helped the baby child eat by playing airplane and hanger. I would put some rice and beans on a spoon which was the airplane and I looped it up and down and told him to open the hanger…….his mouth. He didn’t care that he was being forced to eat because he was having too much fun. Even with his mouth full those deep blue eyes shouted with constant excitement about anything. Truly this was a ball of energy and of love.

Back then high five was the common thing to do and every time I went by his table he stuck the tiniest little hand out because no matter how busy I was………he knew that I would slap it as I went by. This child was filled with so much life that he gave me the pleasure of enjoying my life. When they were done I went back to the table to leave the bill and a small ice cream cone for the little guy. It wasn’t made of ice cream ………..these are old candies that have a marshmallow substance in a cookie cone. He ate it like a bunny rabbit quickly consuming a blade of grass. Those eyes were special ……..and I loved the way his nose moved as he ate so innocently. When they came up to the counter to pay I asked the parents if I could give the child a small brown paper bag that was only 3” long with an assortment of candies. They said yes. The child heard this causing most of his face to disappear behind a giant smile. Even to this day I cannot remember the faces of his parents………only his in great detail. I went around the counter after the father had paid and gave him the bag filled with candy. He gave me five and I gave him high five back. It was at that moment that something simple went wrong. 100% of the time when I am by myself I think of this child and ……….that day. Yes ………it was a very hot summer Friday in my life.

When the father paid he told his wife that he was going out to start the car across the street. Either the mother didn’t hear that ………..or L did. I had already said goodbye and I was in the dining room cleaning tables. They say that when tragedy strikes in your life the speed of your clock is slowed down in your dimension. Science has proven this with experimentation and so did I on that hot summer Friday night. There are sounds in the universe that no one will ever hear because we are not present to hear them. There are sounds in one’s lifetime that can easily be lived without ever having to hear them. There is the scream of a human in pain and there is the scream of tires trying desperately to grip the hot summer asphalt in order to stop. When the father went out to the car ……….the little boy with the blue eyes and golden curly hair ……….followed him. Mom ……..did not see this. Dad ……..assumed mom had heard and was taking care of the little boy. The father had made it to the car but as the little boy crossed the street ……a drunken driver hit him and caused his head to be split open. His shoes and clothing looked like shrapnel as it flew in every direction. I never heard the impact just the screeching of the tires. But I did hear the thud of his little body as it impacted on the surface of the street. Everything slowed down for a millionth of a second. But just as quickly it seemed as if somebody pushed fast forward on all of our clocks as we ran frantically to the site of the accident. The mother was ahead of me stunned and shocked. The father was coming from the other direction out of his mind. I will not describe what I saw but it is branded in the memory of my soul forever. I ran back towards the restaurant searching for a miracle of a solution……but there was none. He was gone and that’s all there was to it. But I didn’t know how to accept that so I thought of my sister and literally shut down. I suppose it was a defensive mechanism that is applied when the body is in shock. It was the first time I had seen a dead human being. It took forever but the ambulance finally came and took this family away from the rest of my life. Closure was forced upon me with no form of healing.

It was around 9pm in the evening and all that remained were the two black parallel lines that pointed in the direction of sadness. The stain of the little boy’s blood was very dark on the street. The restaurant had just closed so I walked out to the front and sat on the curb staring at that spot. I suppose if I had stood over the area my tears would have eventually washed the tragic memories away…….but only for a moment. I prayed. I cried some more and then ……..I was done. This was so new to me and I was hoping that I had handled it well. As I put my hands on the curb to push myself up …….my left hand felt something. It caused me to sit back down when I realized that I was grabbing the little brown paper bag of candies that I had given to the little boy just before he left the restaurant. At the speed of light the image of his grateful smiling face was all that was left as he locked eyes with me. I am not sure but I believe those reindeer eyes desperately tried one last time………to wink at me as he was saying goodbye. I picked up the brown paper bag and realized there were only 3 pieces of candy left in it. The collision was so violent that everything exploded in many directions. I thought I was done crying ………I was wrong as I brought the bag to my face. Did you every cry so deep and hard that you cannot catch your breath?

They asked me ………..why are you with TINK all the time? I tell them because there is not enough time in our own lifetime to love each other. It goes by so quick that sometimes we forget to even mention it to each other. To be with the one you love is a privilege. To have the time to be with the one you love ………is an honor. When that mother and father awoke that Friday morning it was not in their plans to lose their child that day. We never know what landmines are waiting for us each day. Can you imagine being so drunk………so inebriated that if you should tragically die……….you wouldn’t even know about it? The next site your eyes would behold could be God’s face. When I ask someone what was God’s first commandment to us………they usually say………to love God first. I remind them that during the creation after He created man and woman he commanded them to love each other and be fruitful so as to replenish the earth. Family………IMO try your best every day to find a family member and express your love to them. Find a child of God and tell them of this love. Show a stranger how proud you are of this love by your fruits. Love is so powerful because it is taught to us by our Heavenly Father. IMO…….love is so powerful that it can cure diseases. But you know what………all the love in the world can be for not ……….unless you use it. Try your best not to love yourself to the point where you have none to give to others. Be unselfish with your love in all things that you do. Make the author of love proud that you read His Word and understood.

I often wonder ………if we die as a child can we stay as a child in Heaven? All of us that are adults know the consequences of evil. But a child ………well……….it just doesn’t get any purer than that. To me a child is nothing more but a bundle of love. Since I was 14 I have come to learn that this little boy and my little sister who had so much joy in their short lives…….left my long life filled with their love. I can only hope to do the same in my lifetime. One never knows when it’s our last day. One should always be prepared by accepting God’s love. Yesterday a Detroit Red Wing family member died……….at the age of 45. He woke up to go fishing in a boat with his wife, children and father in law on Lake St. Clair. It was a beautiful day………a hot summer day. Somewhere in the middle of this family joy Probie ……..Bob Probert ……..said that he had chest pains. He died yesterday. Nobody prepares to die…….when they wake up each day. Are you prepared? Right now some of you express a great need for the RI and state that you are prepared. That’s good but may I ask you this………have you told a loved one that you love them today? If God calls you home tomorrow …..have you prepared to leave your love in everyone’s hearts? Every word that you speak to them is powerful for their memories. Every action that you take will be reviewed. If you should go home to God ………what was the last thing you were thinking of? Was it love or was it hatred? With over 40 years passing ………it was the last thing on my mind ……….the little boy that walked into our restaurant. But the good deeds of his beautiful smile that he willingly gave me will forever be on my mind. Try to make a difference in someone’s life Family. Leave a lasting memory of love in people's hearts. By simply loving them. That night when I went to sleep my pocket I found the everlasting loving memory of the little boys scribbling on my ticket pad in my pocket. It will be with me .................Forever. It taught me ............Love. My Christian love and Aloha.



I am afraid that it is difficult at best for me to identify with your touching story this evening. Yes I have been very close to death and in some cases it was death at MY hand. I am not a murderer. I swore an oath and simply upheld it. I did not choose to be in the position at the time but as a very young marine and somewhat of an artist with a rifle I had to do what I had to do. I spent a good amount of time in Central and South America in preparation for a war that never happened ( Sandanistas ) and all of the other factions that had something to prove. My job was to keep the camps safe from insurgents that threatened our special forces groups from training indigenous peoples from the training that the U.S. government was providing to them at the time. I cannot tell you how it feels to pop the gourd of some little underage native jogging up the "

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Thanks Frank. Life passes us by so quickly and you never know what will be put on your plate to accept. I never thought that my life would have changed so drastically one August evening 24 yrs ago...when an eighteen wheeler slammed into the back of our van on top of the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge. I almost lost my leg in the accident- have endured 17 surgeries including 4 knee replacements. I went from an active mother of 3 young children to someone who has spent many years on crutches and in constant pain. Have seen the greed of a settlement cause a marriage of 23 years to dissolve and a man totally leave his family seeking more money and a women who could function. Needless to say I do not take life for granted. This RV would be great for me but I can and have lived without it. I have lived without a home but I cannot live without the love of my three grown children. I intend to pay it help others as those who helped me when I was in dire need of everything including a shoulder to lean on.

Greed will get you no where fast. Patience is indeed a virtue. Be thankful for what you have no matter how small and rejoice and give thanks when you are so lucky to have the RV happen.

Thanks, bless you

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For the most part, I enjoy reading Frank's Stuff..... BUT............

To come on a Dinar Forum and preaching, or looking for an audience is something that doesn't add up (Sorry Frank).

When I come on the forum or chat, I am looking for DINAR info,

If you are looking for a chance to preach, please start a forum and do so, Nothing against you Frank, you may be

a fine individual, with your heart in the right place, but this is a dinar forum, not a join my congregation forum.

Bash me if you like all, I am here to get info on the dinar as to when, where, and how........ I have my own beliefs

and church activities and don't need help...... yes I know if I don't like it, don't read it..... I understand that.

Have a Nice Day !

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Thank you for sharing this it means quite a lot to me as this Monday morning (7/5) my wife woke up experiencing chest pains, I got my little boy of 7 up and we went to the hospital at 6am. When we got to the emergency room they started treating my wife for a possible heart attack. The nurse gave her aspirin then a dose of nitroglycerin. My son and I were both in the room with her and watched all the procedures. Then within minutes of her receiving the nitro, she started into cardiac arrest. At that moment everything slowed down like slow motion. I saw her convulse then die, all the alarms went off and she went A Systolic. I was compelled from inside to get up and go to her. I made it to her and stood at the head of the bed and realized that I had lost her. Then from inside I I heard a voice say (actually more like like a command) it is not her time. With out any thought I just yelled out "in Jesus name it is not your time, come back, Jesus have mercy and I call you back and release healing to your body, come back". I watched as doctors and nurses poured into the room and got out the defibrillators. Then she opened her eyes and and quickly her pulse and vitals restored. Everyone in the room was shocked, the nurse said that was amazing how you prayed and she was brought back. That was just amazing. I started crying realizing God had answered and released his mercy and saved the life of my beloved wife.

The nurse gave us the tape with the cardiac monitor recordings showing the proof of my wife's flat line so we could always remember Gods mercy, and love. After this event the hospital could find no problems, they gave her a tread mill stress test and she passed with flying colors. They released her at 215 pm saying she had no need of any further treatment.

Praise God

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Thank you for sharing this it means quite a lot to me as this Monday morning (7/5) my wife woke up experiencing chest pains, I got my little boy of 7 up and we went to the hospital at 6am. When we got to the emergency room they started treating my wife for a possible heart attack. The nurse gave her aspirin then a dose of nitroglycerin. My son and I were both in the room with her and watched all the procedures. Then within minutes of her receiving the nitro, she started into cardiac arrest. At that moment everything slowed down like slow motion. I saw her convulse then die, all the alarms went off and she went A Systolic. I was compelled from inside to get up and go to her. I made it to her and stood at the head of the bed and realized that I had lost her. Then from inside I I heard a voice say (actually more like like a command) it is not her time. With out any thought I just yelled out "in Jesus name it is not your time, come back, Jesus have mercy and I call you back and release healing to your body, come back". I watched as doctors and nurses poured into the room and got out the defibrillators. Then she opened her eyes and and quickly her pulse and vitals restored. Everyone in the room was shocked, the nurse said that was amazing how you prayed and she was brought back. That was just amazing. I started crying realizing God had answered and released his mercy and saved the life of my beloved wife.

The nurse gave us the tape with the cardiac monitor recordings showing the proof of my wife's flat line so we could always remember Gods mercy, and love. After this event the hospital could find no problems, they gave her a tread mill stress test and she passed with flying colors. They released her at 215 pm saying she had no need of any further treatment.

Praise God

WOW, heck of a story! I could not imagine life without my Wife, it's amazing what happens when you believe.

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Man, I make dozens of positive posts and contributions and get zero or few positive votes, but make one little joke about our RV and I get 8 negative (-) votes!? As a big Frank supporter, I'm surprised! Geesh, lighten up, people! :unsure:

Edited by SuperFlyJr
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Man, I make dozens of positive posts and contributions and get zero or few positive votes, but make one little joke about our RV and I get 8 negative (-) votes!? As a big Frank supporter, I'm surprised! Geesh, lighten up, people! :unsure:

Not yet. 30 minutes before reading this post my wife lost her aunt. We knew she was going due to cancer, but perhaps the message was meant for us. There are othe life and death activities besides the RV.

You just don't get it. There is 100% truth in humor; there is no cloak to hide behind "I was just kidding". It was an extremely callous and heartless comment.

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This is the most beautiful post ever. Frank, I had a horrible day today. I found out that I have a cyst on my only ovary and that I have to have it removed, along with all my other female parts. My husband and I started trying for a baby a year ago and we were hoping that wen the RV happened I could stay home and be a Mom. This post put all my worries and thoughts into perspective.

There are more important things than an RV. Love our Families and our Friends and be grateful for all that we have been blessed with.

Thank you Frank for this Beautiful Reminder. :)

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