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About edithjimmy

  • Birthday 12/29/1955

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    AR - transplanted from Texas.
  • Interests
    Living the good life, God, family, friends, sitting around the pool BBQ. Nothing better.

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  1. Always listen to the house of Destiny. Kim Clement was a truly great profit for God.
  2. Good to hear from you. And that things are rolling along. I'm excited a just pray Jimmy will still be hear to enjoy some of the fun after the RV.
  3. Are we becoming such a brutal country that we could care less if my parents ,your parents or just people in general are put to death because their not productive to the country. I wonder if they feel the same way about their parents. May God have mercy on this country and the people in it. .
  4. Its not if I like one person over the other, It comes down to how he is doing his job. Biden can not even answer a simple question. He has dementia really bad. I have taken care of people with Alzheimer's and he is on that level and worse. He should not have been allowed to run in the first place, what they are putting him through is elder abuse I don't care what anyone else says. he should be at home or a nursing home.
  5. If Americans stood together took poles and petitions we can cause it to happen. We the people supposedly elected the president. Why can the people recall a president that is ruining America. All Washington DC elected people are suppose to be working for we the people when their not they should be removed. Imo
  6. You know it really think happened it is still an election that most Americans democrats and republican think the election was unfair. It behooves us all to stand and insist on another president election 2022. Especially with the state of affairs in the White house and the complete mess Biden or his puppet master has us in. I for one do not want to be a commiunist or socialism. This is just what I think.
  7. Everyone knows that the Biden election was stolen. You could see it while watching the news on election night. If they had nothing to hide they would not be fighting the recounts. Imo we need to have another presidential election in 2022. Because most of Americans do not believe the election was stolen. Lets fight for our freedoms.
  8. I thank each and everyone for your prayers and good will. It means so much to know you all care about people who have become family through Dinar vets. Its special to have somewhere to talk to people who care. I thank you all very much. Edith
  9. Jimmy has said if he can't be here with his family what better place to be with our father in Heaven. He is currently thinking about not taking treatment if its only going to give him a week or so more. He said he wants quality time not quantity. So we're taking it day by day and giving our worries to God.
  10. Thank you all so much for the prayers. Jimmy is eating a little bit more he has lost over 60 lbs since March 16th . He has gotten a medical marijuana card here in AR. That is what's helping his appetite. We haven't gotten any news yet on if or how much the chemo is helping. I pray they do another MRI to see if the tumor is coming back or not. His attitude is good he is trying to stay as positive as we can. God is carrying us right now. We have given everything to our Lord . We will not worry because he is with us every step of the way. Thank you all and God bless you all.
  11. Update on my husband Jimmy. They did a couple of byopisisies of his escopgh on Monday 19. They were maglinant masses. It is " high grade neuroendocrine carsonoma. Continued prayers are appericated. This has all hit so fast and so hard trying to process and hurting I need prayers for strength . Thank you all for your prayers and continued support.
  12. I just wanted to ask for prayers for my husband. Jimmy was diagnosed with brain cancer 3-13-21 he had brain surgery 3+16-21. It is a fast moving cancer. We have been in this dinar adventure since the start it would be great if it would RV in time for him to see it through. By the grace of God he will be. I am working on getting him to M D Anderson for treatment. All prayers are appericated. Thank you
  13. Hello people , its a beautiful day here in AR. I have purchased some Bitcoin and Ethereum. I was wondering what are some thoughts on Bitcoin cash and Litecoin? reading on bit cash it seems its waiting for the reset to become popular. It felt so good buying into the Bitcoin . Glad to be part of the future. Any advice on the other two would be appreciated. As always you all have a Blessed day and GOOO RVvvv!!!!
  15. I would like to warn that part 4 is very graphic about child trafficking. It is so horrible it has to stop!!!
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