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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

My honest belief... Dinar

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I guess I'll add my 2 cents worth. I have been invested for about 7 years. I did buy my first million from a friend and then did more research. I have never bought because of what someone has posted on the internet. I am surprised that people get SO angry with the so called gurus. Why would anyone trust 4, 5, or 6 letters on a computer screen? Is it like that commercial on TV where the girl says "they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true" and she's dating a "French Model" that she found on the internet and of course he is not French or a model. I work very hard for my money and I would not trust anyone on the internet with 2 bucks never mind what I would invest my money in. People need to grow up and do they're own research. Buyer Beware. Fraud is rampant in every day life, people are naïve - These are the people that think they have won the Ed McMahon Sweepstakes. As WC Fields said "there's a sucker born every minute" - with the internet it's every nano second. Be responsible, stop blaming other people for telling you lies. Wha wha wha - I am not sticking up for the gurus by any means - they are idiots and anyone with half a brain knows that. Anyone with less than half a brain gets what they deserve. Anyone who can't tell the difference between these gurus and the truth shouldn't be allowed to drive a car. Stop blaming some no name moron - Okie, bluwolf, TNT, etc...for making you spend money you don't have. Why would you believe someone named Okie? After 2 weeks of being online and to all of these web sites anyone would be able to tell that all of them are full of it. We are grown adults and need to act like it. This is a society of not being responsible for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Well I'm sorry but if you lose your house because you invested money you really didn't have whether it be Dinar, Facebook, or Enron you get what you deserve for not protecting your assets and doing your own due diligence. It is not criminal to lie, do I hope these people rot in Hell? You bet. It would be better if everyone just ignored them. Don't buy into their BS - They are just letters on a screen and should be treated as such.

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Yes , agreed...sundog but this does require a learning curve for some. People get excited over the thought of get rich quick. I believe it is possible here. I bet there were doubters in yahoo or a number of things and as you know high risk hi yield. But the pampers are Miles's in their determination to spread false hope on BS.

I personally like to expose them if possible to help. Or sometimes I put in my two cents on the potential or so called facts.

That is all... Peace

Excuse typos on my ipad, plus autocorrect....

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A good perspective to have.  Thanks for sharing and providing some light for the newer members to base base their decisions with.  One sure way to stop all the predictions is to have the RV NOW!!!!  Go Baby Go

Edited by AirBorne
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Back in the late 1980's there was a "investment opportunity" called the Jones Arbitrage.  Jones really was a real person and supposedly had done this before.  I met a man in Orange, Texas that said he had made a couple of million on the deal and was doing it again.  I invested in it, but not any more than I could afford to lose.  Just as I have invested in this one.  Well we waited and waited until Mr Jones finally died and they caught his wife trying to sneak out of the country with about 8 million dollars that Jones had collected from his "investors".  I saw so many people so eat up with the dumbass, that every time a rumor came around that it was going to happen this very weekend, some of them would go out and buy new cars and all kinds of junk that they couldn't afford.  One woman I knew bought a new house in the 200K range (today that would be about half a mil) and wound up losing it all.  I went on with my life.  Kept on working and saving and investing and taking care of business.  Yes, I had a lot of hope that it would come to pass, but alas, it never happened.  Yeah, I lost some money, but not more than I could afford and still go on with my life.  This opportunity is about the same, except we saw how the Kuwait Dinar came back to life and this is what I based my decision on.  So we wait and hope.  If you are a  member of this group and a VIP, you already have an inside scoop when it happens.  All the Gurus are full of crap.  Until then, I will not get over excited.  I will go on with my life, working, saving, investing, taking care of business and staying totally prepared.  Then one day, I will get that text message and email, me and my lil' darlin' will grab our bags that are already packed and quietly disappear.  No fanfare, no shouting, no bragging, just enjoying our new found wealth.  AND YES I AM HOPING THAT THE RV HAPPENS....AND SOON

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I guess I'll add my 2 cents worth. I have been invested for about 7 years. I did buy my first million from a friend and then did more research. I have never bought because of what someone has posted on the internet. I am surprised that people get SO angry with the so called gurus. Why would anyone trust 4, 5, or 6 letters on a computer screen? Is it like that commercial on TV where the girl says "they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true" and she's dating a "French Model" that she found on the internet and of course he is not French or a model. I work very hard for my money and I would not trust anyone on the internet with 2 bucks never mind what I would invest my money in. People need to grow up and do they're own research. Buyer Beware. Fraud is rampant in every day life, people are naïve - These are the people that think they have won the Ed McMahon Sweepstakes. As WC Fields said "there's a sucker born every minute" - with the internet it's every nano second. Be responsible, stop blaming other people for telling you lies. Wha wha wha - I am not sticking up for the gurus by any means - they are idiots and anyone with half a brain knows that. Anyone with less than half a brain gets what they deserve. Anyone who can't tell the difference between these gurus and the truth shouldn't be allowed to drive a car. Stop blaming some no name moron - Okie, bluwolf, TNT, etc...for making you spend money you don't have. Why would you believe someone named Okie? After 2 weeks of being online and to all of these web sites anyone would be able to tell that all of them are full of it. We are grown adults and need to act like it. This is a society of not being responsible for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Well I'm sorry but if you lose your house because you invested money you really didn't have whether it be Dinar, Facebook, or Enron you get what you deserve for not protecting your assets and doing your own due diligence. It is not criminal to lie, do I hope these people rot in Hell? You bet. It would be better if everyone just ignored them. Don't buy into their BS - They are just letters on a screen and should be treated as such.

I couldn't agree more... Great assessment. 

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Good post JimH:  Something else to keep in mind along with the way it happened in Kuwait:  The Iraq Dinar has always had a value much larger than USD.  It's very easy to look up.  In 1949 it's value was $2.49.  That is what sold it for me.  It's more so now with all the oil, gold, gas, etc...and with the technology and means we have nowadays to harvest those resources.  It's harder to believe that it's won't have value.  The peeps that say Iraq has to come out low so their people can learn how to deal with money makes no sense to me.  They have always known how to handle money and it's an insult to them to suggest differently.  That is also a reason that I find it will not come out low.  It's only been 10 years of low value and decades of high value.  I don't believe it will come in the range of double digits but I do feel in the $3 range but definitely above a dollar.  I think this time we all made a good investment.

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That's what I like so much about this site... You can actually get your opinions posted even if they don't go along with all of the guru bs.. And if they are so called "GURUS" then why can't they live up to their title? I am so tired of hearing the same thing come out of their mouths every single day after day! You don't need to have any intelligence about you what so ever to know that these people are either completely oblivious to what is really going on (which I highly doubt) or are just making stuff up to sell more dinar.


I mean no disrespect to anyone, but come on! Enough is enough already! They should all be banned for being compulsive fibbers IMHO. I as an honest dinar investor am absolutely offended that these creeps get to post anything they want to. Based on what I read on a daily basis posted by other fellow dinar holders these "GURUS" are causing people stress and deliberately hurting them by gaining their trust and then continuing to pump, lie and push their nonsense with no obvious remorse for a thing that they do and then when someone attempts to hold them accountable for what they are doing you are labeled a "BASHER" or a "NAYSAYER". Seriously?


I think I may be banned from posting on DR site because they pretend to be fair and allow everyone to post their thoughts, etc, but trust me they are playing the game hard-core. Yes, they will let a few little minor opinions on the opposite side slide in so that it seems that is what they do, but come with some truly good and honest info or actual proof against what the gurus are saying and you'll never get posted no matter how many times you try. It is just frustrating to see so many people hurting and being hurt even more because they are too desperate to actually hear the truth and these horrible people are taking complete advantage of the situation. Some may feel that oh well, if they are that gullible then let them suffer, but I am compassionate by nature and it is upsetting to see these things continue to go on.


It's nice to come here and read posts by others who actually use common sense and have some sort of a clue as to what may be taking place. The fact is we all took a small gamble on the dinar possibly revaluing in our lifetime and we DO NOT know when, at how much or under the exact circumstances it will happen, but at least we do have hope and I guess that's better than nothing lol.

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