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Saudi authorities execute two Iraqi prisoners in a prison Rafha beheaded by the sword


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Saudi authorities execute two Iraqi prisoners in a prison Rafha beheaded by the sword

Sunday, February 26, 2012 09:21


[baghdad - where]

Saudi authorities executed two Iraqi detainees at a prison Rafha beheaded by the sword on Saturday.

The head of the International Organization for the fight against terrorism and religious extremism, the palace said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The Saudi authorities embarked on Saturday to commit a new crime added to the record of criminal against the Iraqi people and the death of two Iraqi detainees have the two camp [ Nasser Al-Fayez Hashim] and [imad Abdul Redha Mohammed of Rafha prison after prison authorities took them from the government and implemented Anabarhama beheaded by the sword. "

He added, "if we deplore and condemn these heinous crimes committed by the Saudi authorities have the right of our children in its custody call at the same time the Iraqi government to execute all terrorists, the Saudis who are in Iraqi prisons and reciprocity is not Arhabiyém the best of our sons as well as in the case of if not the matter on the Iraqi government to find solution to this tragedy, it will resort to international bodies. "

The palace said that "our organization I discussed earlier in this subject with the Minister of Human Rights and the heart of Michael during our meeting at the United Nations and Otkdmt request the formation of law team competent legal elimination of international criminal to go to Saudi Arabia and the opening of files of each of Iraqi detainees who have been cut off their heads and re-examined carefully to discover the world the entire volume of crime committed by the authorities there the right of innocent people of our children because we do know that they did not receive fair trials, the fact that the sentences have been issued from the trials of formality which the provisions of the sectarian primarily designed to pressure the Iraqi government in order to be traded for terrorists Saudis convicted in Iraq ".

"As this is a team of international criminal examine each rule separately to the rest of the detainees, especially those who are waiting for the application of the death penalty to cut off their heads" over.

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The Saudis slap every nation on earth in the face, spit in their eye, then ask for their help, then don't get it & then they wonder's why.

The Saudis will need every Arab nation in the region, especially Iraq to pull all their resources together from the growing Iran-Syrian threat. Either that or pay the USA to do their fighting for them like they always do. This time it will be different. It will cost them cash or oil up front. The Saudis also like to make deals & promises they can't or won't honor.

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The Saudis slap every nation on earth in the face, spit in their eye, then ask for their help, then don't get it & then they wonder's why.

The Saudis will need every Arab nation in the region, especially Iraq to pull all their resources together from the growing Iran-Syrian threat. Either that or pay the USA to do their fighting for them like they always do. This time it will be different. It will cost them cash or oil up front. The Saudis also like to make deals & promises they can't or won't honor.

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The US Constitution prevents any type of payment for assistance of other Countries!!

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Reading this, it sounds cruel. I suppose that is just my own aversion to beheading, and the death penalty itself, though there are cases where I do believe the only solution is execution ... why punish law abiding citizens by using their tax money to keep alive, with all the medical and social benefits that seem to be expected and provided, some low life who cannot be rehabilitated.

Anyway, back to the beheading. In medieval days the Muslim nations, such as Turkey and a lot of the middle east as we know it today, there were three ways to execute a criminal. Now before we get to the execution part, let me build up to it.

If a man were caught stealing, even a loaf of bread to feed his family, he was punished by having his hand cut off. Immediately, as the blood was spurting his stump (no hand there any longer) and arm up to the elbow or so was plunged into hot tar. It would burn the skin and cauterize all the blood vessels to stop the bleeding. I read once that it also had certain anti-germicidal or anti-biotic properties that helped keep the wound (I would consider the stump where the hand used to be as more than a wound, but anyway) free of infection when the tar wore off as it did when new skin grew under it and the stump closed and sealed with scar tissue. Thus a thief, having been caught once, was missing his dominant hand. Guess what happened if he was caught a second time. Yup, second hand chopped off. There is even a punishment for a third time ... though how one could actually steal something with no hands I don't know. The punishment for being caught a third time was "shortening" ... which meant he would be shorter by the height his head took up because he would be beheaded.

There were many crimes that meant the removal of body parts ... considering what happened when rape was the crime I am surprised anyone committed that particular nastiness. After the removal of ... ah ... hmmmm ... certain body parts in that case, one would also be shortened (beheaded) usually unless they just bled to death.

Anyway, have sufficiently examined with apparent aplomb the atrocities that can happen in a world we really do not, as westerners and Christians, understand, let us get back to the manner of execution in the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia is Muslim and adheres to the Law of the Prophet. I have not read all of the Qu'ran but what I have read did not have any references to the Prophet describing punishment done with a scimitar ... however ...

The death penalty in a Muslim country has three basic variations: drowning, garotting, and beheading.

Drowning isn't just being tossed into the river or down a well. The prisoner has his hands tied behind his back and is put into a cloth bag with a bunch of rocks, and the top is tied shut. He is then put into a small wooden boat, all the better to rock and bounce and make you throw up in I suppose but it is part of the whole "ceremony" of drowning. The little boat has a name but I cannot remember it. The man who rows the boat out to the middle of the lake or river or harbour is sort of an under-executioner. He is never told who is in the bag, is supposed to ignore the fact that it is a person in there, and is paid by the dump ... er ... ah ... I mean by the dropping of each bagged person into the water, which he does without further ado and then rows back to the harbour, ties up the little wooden boat, and waits for the next time the emperor or whoever gets upset and decides to get rid of someone in this way. Being tossed alive into the water and not being able to get free must be horrifying.

The second way is by the garotte. A Spanish word and practice, it is not certain if the Muslims took the practice to Spain when the Moors migrated to the southern part of the country, or if the Spanish took the garotte to Turkey in their trade missions and ... well ... small altercations. The garotte can be a cord, or a piece of chain or something like piano wire that cuts as well as chokes. Ceremonial garottes, as used in the palace of the Sultan, were lengths of cord, quite often made of silk, (the Muslim world was responsible for setting up trade routes from China to the middle east and Spain [the route through Muslim country, deserts, mountains, forests, was known as the silk road] and from there it was just one sailing away to trade with the British Isles, so while you are nursing a bad feeling for Muslims, remember they helped to open up trade throughout the entire world as was known at that time.) ... where was I? Oh yes, the cord was often silk, with a knot, or series of knots, tied in the middle of it. The executioner stood behind the criminal, who may not be aware he is about to be garotted. In a flash the executioner reached over the criminal's head and placed the knoted part of the garotte on or near enough to the wind pipe, pulled it back to behind the criminal, usually crossed the cord over itself and was, all the while, pulling the cord tight. The knot is meant to damage the voice box so the criminal is silent, and helps to achieve asphyxiation while he is being strangled. These executioners who are so skilled with the garotte were usually held in high esteem, paid very well, lived in the Sultan's palace and wanted for nothing ... except perhaps a conscience. But then, they were doing their job; the Sultan's word was law.

The third form of execution was beheading. There were really no such thing as jails in medieval times in the Muslim world. The Sultan held "court" one or two mornings a week and any and all complaints of a criminal nature were presented to him then. At most an accused person might have to spend a night or two in a guarded room. The concept of dungeons in the basement seems to be a western/Christian adaptation. Anyway, when the accused was brought before the Sultan for a hearing the Sultan made his decision right away. He heard everything from domestic squabbling such as a man divorcing his oldest of four wives so he could take a young wife into the household and then not returning her bride price so she had no resources. The Sultan might order a fine and the man would have to give his ex a house and money to live ... sort of the way things are today. But he also heard the cases of crimes that required the ultimate punishment. So, the accused would only have to wait for a day or two to find out what the Sultan decided and he decided it while the accused was standing in front of him. If the sentence was beheading, they took the accused out to the sandy part of a courtyard (the blood was easier to shovel out and then refill the area with more sand) and push him to his knees and whoosh! it was over. Quick, clean, not a long time worrying about it and certainly not a struggle like drowning or going through the strangulation of the garotte.

So, my point in all this, other than relating some history that I find interesting (I know, I am strange) is to let you know that even though the Saudis have executed a couple of Iraqis who are accused, and presumably found guilty, of terrorism, they got the quickest and least painful of the ways in which the Muslims usually execute criminals. I sometimes think that incarceration for a long time before trial, or waiting for some aspect of the process, would be worse than whatever the punishment would be. If you read this far, thank you for doing so.



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So why are we paying $120 a barrel?

Ask Bush Sr. He cut the deals behind closed doors adter the Kuwait war. It's also in his book. Ask the oil speculators hedging prices up which is supposed to be illegal. Ask Soros. Ask Obama why we are shipping our own oil to China while we go without & are cutting back on oil & refinery capacity.

It's all about control of our wallets. Forget the rule of supply & demand. It doesn't work with big oil. Right now there is a glut of too much oil on the world markets. Oil costs will remain high till right before the elections & then, like majic gas will drop $2 gal & Obama will take credit for saving America.

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Reading this, it sounds cruel. I suppose that is just my own aversion to beheading, and the death penalty itself, though there are cases where I do believe the only solution is execution ... why punish law abiding citizens by using their tax money to keep alive, with all the medical and social benefits that seem to be expected and provided, some low life who cannot be rehabilitated.



Great post smee. While garroting, drowning or beheading might be extreme, my personal opinion is that we would reduce crime and decrease justice system overload if we took less time getting to trial and made the punishment equitable with the crime. Perhaps we could be drastic and start by taking away cable tv.

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Great post smee. While garroting, drowning or beheading might be extreme, my personal opinion is that we would reduce crime and decrease justice system overload if we took less time getting to trial and made the punishment equitable with the crime. Perhaps we could be drastic and start by taking away cable tv.

i agree my friend but only in a just system, which does not exist. look up how many minorities have been released since the advent of dna technology. there are many people behind bars who did not do the crime. there are many people who have accepted a plea deal for lack of money to fight the system. the JUST-US system is exactly as it sounds. it is corrupted by prejudices and greed. i am not telling you what i've only read but what i've also lived.

last year i stood before a judge who illegally entered a plea for me. i asked him if we were on the record. he angrily replied that we were on the record. when i continued to serve the court notice that i gave no one power of attorney to enter any plea for me, he immediately silenced me and threatened that if i say another word he will find me in contempt and arrest me. the bailiff took position behind me with handcuffs drawn. at the point of coercion i accepted the judge's offer and he knew i was not done. so, i paid to have the audio/video dvd printed and guess what i found? a complete section of the middle portion of the hearing removed. the time stamp jumped a full 1min 30secs removing everything i said to the court.

that is the truth of our justice system. we are no longer in common law courts. all courts are now commercial and everything is a commercial transaction. we are talking payment, bid, performance bonds of the "person" held in custody. we are talking BIG MONEY.

so because i knew the game, wouldn't you know that on my next hearing date, the judge allowed everyone to go before me (approx 20+ people) and held me for last. when i approached the bench, she wouldn't let me talk. she instead told me that the court would enter negotiations with me and for me to please be seated to speak with the city attorney who negotiated a favorable commercial transaction with me. and that is the game. i would hate then to see people executed over a commercial game.

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