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Everything posted by temperament5

  1. Markinsa, thanks for the belly laugh. I laughed so hard, I cried. Those pics are hilarious especially dating back to Abe Lincoln. Also enjoyed the pics you posted Whatshername!
  2. Wildeman, I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Know that you are not alone and when it becomes overwhelming, give it all to God and he will carry you.
  3. The ECB has been working on a contingency plan should Greece exit. The standoff between the ECB and Greece is creating more risks. Greece wants a loan, not an extension. I believe we are witnessing the end of the Euro.
  4. Wildeman you are right scripture does not pay the bills but his word can bring comfort, insight or even direction. Please do not give up hope. Cling strong to your faith and seek him. I will keep you in prayer.
  5. Wildeman, so sorry to hear about your trials. Seek the Lord and he will carry you during this season of loss. I want to share this scripture with you Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. Although it is difficult, know that he has other plans for you and will open doors for you. Jim, always a pleasure to read your messages. Thank you, Temperament5
  6. The country's finance minister told CNBC this week "Saudi Arabia is OK with cheap oil for some time" the kingdom will continue to dip into cash reserves and borrow to temper the storm in crude. They are doing their best to maintain market share and hurt others at the same time. Based on this, I think we will see Oil hover around these prices give or take a few dollars.
  7. "Blessed are you when others revile you...Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven" (Matthew 5:11-12) Thank you for the reminder of this scripture. Unfortunately, the way many are today, I have to refer back to this scripture many times a week. It still astounds me how much people hate, envy, look for revenge, criticize their brethren instead of showing love! Thank you Ron for sharing!
  8. Thank you for the article. I had to laugh at the statement made "We very much welcome this action by the ECB" on Quantitative Easing. As the article states it does not trickle down and do the job it is suppose to do, instead it makes the rich, richer as witnessed here in the U.S. There is also fear that Denmark might de peg from the Euro. Although Denmark is trying to calm those fears, I for one do not believe they would show their hand until they were ready like Switzerland. Depending on the final resolution with Greece, they could also exit. Interesting times ahead for all currencies!
  9. Thank you for this post. I was tested today in having someone resurface that caused so much pain. Had to pray to show Grace towards them.
  10. Interesting article. Russia has offered to help them out. This will be interesting to watch play out. Depending what Greece decides to do can impact the markets globally (if they decide to leave).
  11. Talented Artist! Thank you for sharing, enjoyed it!
  12. Great post, definitely have to share. Thank you!
  13. This is a great reminder that we are forgiven and our walk with the Lord should be in focus. Although at times I've distanced my walk with the Lord, my faith in him was never shaken. I have taken up the shield of faith (Ephisians 6:16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil) and continually recommit my life to him. The words to "Amazing Grace" resonate in my heart. Praise God! Thank you for the post, always look forward to reading them and taking the time to contemplate the message.
  14. What a beautiful tribute to such a deserving individual. He gave so much for his country and even after his death is impacting many. A hero taken too soon, but his light will shine forever. Thank you for sharing Rum.
  15. Saw the movie, it lived up to its reputation of being a great movie! Makes you think, put things in perspective and reminds you of how much our military does for us. I agree, not enough people in this country honoring our men and women as Veterans or active personnel. Hats off to you once again to all our military, past, present and the future!
  16. Can't wait to see what Greece will do in the coming days now that the new party is in.
  17. Worked for a big oil company at one time....believe me when I say they are not hurting. They have been raking in the money for years. They got used to high price of oil and profits that is all. They are just making the necessary adjustments.
  18. I feel like a rubber ball bouncing off the walls between this topic, Almost Done topic and popping into the party in the Chat Room. Having fun!!! Thank you to all for all the up-to-date information! Keep up the good work!
  19. Yota, you brought a lot of info over on the other topic of Parliament Session to Vote, will you continue to post on that topic or this one? Just want to make sure I keep up with all your posts. Thank you!
  20. Thank you Yota......really appreciate your dedication to bringing us the news.
  21. Thank you for the post. There are actually some good points made in the article which coincide with what is going on with the global economy.
  22. Jim, thanks for the post. The U.S. Is at fault for this unrest.. Like you said there is information out there that speaks the truth we just have to dig for it.
  23. Thank you for the post. Great reminder of how much more I could be doing.
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