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Everything posted by yendor

  1. Hey, Elixer, have you been away or just not posting ? Maybe I have just missed your posts.
  2. EXCUSE ME, wasn't it Ezrapound a couple of months back that started a thread that went on for days that lamented about the fact that this whole dinar ting might be a scam and were we sold a bill of goods and on and on ? That, my friend is negativity and you were the one that brought it here.
  3. C'mon Ezra, cut the guy some slack..... We all have some negativity in this ride. We want the final lap to be the next one, but also know that there is always the possibility that the stop button might be broken and it will go on and on and on and on..... ! The thing is that NONE of us are giving up on the conclusion. Hopefully everyone has just a little invested .... enough to be happy when it RV's, but not so much invested as to be wrecked if it NEVER RV's and can look back and say it was a lot of fun and the anticipation was exciting.... too bad it never came about .... and just wonder if we were EVER really close. Any one of these scenario's is a possibility. Que Sera Sera !!!!
  4. Which tomorrow ?? The Sunday tomorrow or the Tuesday tomorrow .... which tomorrow ?
  5. If things go as in the past, we are in for a very long wait....... sigh !
  6. This week's report sounds encouraging, but I am not quitting my day job just now. Too many disappointments during this ride...... and probably more down the road !!
  7. If Obama is going to Iraq, that's a good sign 'cause that means that they have fixed up their Golf Course and getting ready for the tourist season !
  8. Biden is looking for a way to increase his charitable contributions from the $80.00 that he gave last year. The last of the Big Spenders !
  9. If and after this HCL passes and there is no RV, THEN where are we ? I know this is playing the "what if " game, but there have been so many disappointments after "important things" have happened, one just has to wonder...... I know, we'll just have to wait and see !
  10. Joe Biden was on his way home in Delaware and somehow ended up in Colorado. Oh well. at least he was in one of the 57 states that Obama visited when he was campaigning.
  11. I had posted this on a different thread about what Tlar wrote, but it pretty much pertains to what Djgabrielie says ......... I can't understand how Nadita can see any credibility in this guy .... or ,yet, how anybody can feel any comfort in what ANY of these guru/pumpers has to say. Some MIGHT have a little knowledge about the Middle East or some of the characters in government, but as for the RV of the Dinar, a rock knows about as much as these guys as to how, when, and how much. If this RV were to happen, no one will know in advance..... not even Adam ! One morning we will wake up and Good Morning America or CNN or Fox News will be talking about a currency change in Iraq and THEN we will get that text from Adam and all these gurus will say that they called it ! And that can be in a week, 6 months, a year, or even several years down the road. But nothing will happen the way that these gurus say that it will. Trust me. The only sure thing is that NOTHING ever happens before, during or after Ramadan !!!! 0 Quote MultiQuote Read more:
  12. I can't understand how Nadita can see any credibility in this guy .... or ,yet, how anybody can feel any comfort in what ANY of these guru/pumpers has to say. Some MIGHT have a little knowledge about the Middle East or some of the characters in government, but as for the RV of the Dinar, a rock knows about as much as these guys as to how, when, and how much. If this RV were to happen, no one will know in advance..... not even Adam ! One morning we will wake up and Good Morning America or CNN or Fox News will be talking about a currency change in Iraq and THEN we will get that text from Adam and all these gurus will say that they called it ! And that can be in a week, 6 months, a year, or even several years down the road. But nothing will happen the way that these gurus say that it will. Trust me. The only sure thing is that NOTHING ever happens before, during or after Ramadan !!!!
  13. And in two, three or maybe five years, these guru guys will be spewing this same, stale rhetoric while we will still be saying, "sure !""
  14. Adam, when the GOI printed their post Saddam dinar (the currency that we all here are holding) was it THEIR game plan to RV or was that the thought that we investors had dreamed up ? I remember when George W. made the announcement that the U.S. was going to invade, he did say that this invasion would not cost the U.S. taxpayer anything. So, I thought that (when I first invested in the IQD) that it was the U.S.'s intent to have a lot of these new Dinar to cover the price of the invasion. If so, WHAT WENT WRONG ??? And is that where we are now ?
  15. Just remembered that "they" said that we will have the RV by late Tuesday Iraqi time. Wow ! I think that I will celebrate by going to work as usual so that I will have a paycheck on Friday..... unless,of course, I get THAT TEXT from Adam.
  16. It seems to me that no one on these sites knows a damn thing about when or why or how this experience will come about. They are all opinions and hopeful or hopeless feelings that they have...... and they are entitled to those feelings. But I, for one, won't put much stock in any of these "opinions" and everyone else should do the same. Don't get your shorts in a knot about anything said here, either positively or negatively. It will happen when it happens.... PERIOD !!!
  17. So, Steve, what you're actually trying to tell us is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING !!!
  18. By the way, Just WHEN IS Adam going to do his Q & A report ? JUST KIDDING !!!!!!!
  19. I am sure that millionaire in training said his comment with tongue-in-cheek....leastwise I hope so. MIT giving you the benefit of the doubt.
  20. One thing certain about this ordeal we are involved in, and that is that Adam will NEVER forget about us !!!! 'NUFF SAID !!!!!!
  21. Just the same, why give those weak ones all that false hope? And there are LOTS of those weak ones. Look at how many of them elected Obama..... not just once, but TWICE !!
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