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Everything posted by desimo

  1. People do not understand the ramifications. Ok so right now 'testing' for HIV is able to be spun into a 'good' thing. But this is done by a signature. What kind of power is this in the hand of one person. This was never the backing of the Forefathers. What is next? Are people so blind or apathetic? One person can 'recommend' universal testing of HIV. If I want testing for something isn't that MY option. All the talk regarding abortion is that the government does not have the right to interfere with their body. What about OUR bodies? Is the argument of the government keeping their hands off of our bodies only for the abortion issue? I do not trust Obama nor his people. I am sure that there were many things the Hitler ordered that was seen as 'good' that later was used to destroy people.
  2. ezrabound that is as close as I am going to go to give any date or rate.
  3. There seems to be increasing pressure from both outside and inside sources stating how the value of the dinar is an insult to Iraq and must be fixed. If Iraq wants to remove the dollar they will not be able to do that if the dollar is greater than the dinar. Also with the mentality of the ME, as well as islam, they cannot loose face by being less than the infidel west. They must be greater than the dollar without it being an insult to both the ME and to islam.
  4. Latest executive order by Obutt includes all Americans 15+ to be tested for HIV. Obutt...get out of my house, get out of my health, get out of my blood, get out of my gun cabnet, get out of my life. I do not like you. I do not trust you. I do not respect you.
  5. Obutt has set out to 'radically revolutionize' America. He has had an agenda from the beginning. This agenda is to make America into something it is not. Obutt has his army in the radicals, black panthers, illegal Mexicans, and radical islamics. Our nation is in peril. Our economy is in deep trouble. Our reputation with other country is a joke. America is in deep trouble and Obutt has been a major factor. Significant government agencies and departments such as the State Department is in major shambles with many aspects running illegally due to security factors not being in place or renewed. Congress is worthless and when ever their is a question they simply blame each other. Reid needs to be replaces with a talking chimp who would probably be able to show greater leadership. Our Constitution is either being shredded or simply ignored. Our children are being indoctrinated rather than educated by the school systems. The dollar is dying. America is at a crossroads. Either there is going to be a major awakening where our leaders actually lead and listen to the 'we the people'; or there is going to be another American revolution because it is going to hit the fan and those sources who have been vying for power are finally going to try to take over America; or apathy will consume America totally and we will simply expire into the history book just like all other great powers who have burn themselves out.
  6. I just want those dag burn pinheads to finish this thing.
  7. I like it only if Americans ever did try a congress blockade we would be shot by our own forces or the UN. This is NOT the America I was born into or that my forefathers fought to create.
  8. I do not think it is a matter of him not being that stupid as much as I believe he actually feels that the American public is that stupid not to catch him. Unless there was a formal name change back to Obama he is a fraud in the WH since the oath was given to a person named Obama.
  9. Funny how the countries made up mainly of muslims can stand against factions of Islam and it be seen as revolutionary advances while if non-muslims stand against various factions of islam it is seen as racism and islamaphobia.
  10. In Illinois is there is a memorial wall been set up in memory of those who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am proud of my cousin who was a spear head for it. After loosing his brother in Nam he did not want to see people have to wait for years after the war was over for the government to get their heads out of their butts long enough to figure that something needs to be done to recognize those lost.
  11. My research as been in areas of psychology so it really grinds my grits when I hear the great minds use psychology to 'prove' that things do not exist. If anyone should be open to things that are not understandable or seen should be those in the area of psychology. I have had my experiences in the areas of spirituality, ghosts, and UFOs. I know what I have seen as a kid and as an adult regarding things flying that are unexplainable. As a psychologist I found one of the greatest tools that I had was the acceptable of the spirit component.
  12. As a researcher I get so irritated as some of the 'great minds' when they are interviewed regarding bigfoot or other cryptos. It is so stupid to think we are the only thing out there. Also it is so insulting to tell people who truly believe they have seen something that they are mistaken. Quite often it is someone who has never left the classroom telling someone who has grown up in the woods that they do not know a bear when they have seen one. If there is one thing I have learned in my research is that there are so more questions out there than there are answers.
  13. These buttwipes are not even worth a response.
  14. Obama needs to be vetted and checked. Holder and his radical past needs to be examined. I think a good vetting would probably result in the dismissal of many in the administration. There are some people who should not be in positions of high authority.
  15. Black on white has already been stated by the DOJ as not being an issue. And they wonder why there is a racial problem in America! If they want equality, then get equality which means black on white is no longer tolerated any more than white on black violence.
  16. Anything for this administration to take away our right to carry concealed for personal protection.
  17. Send those cowardly dag burn (I would say stronger buy I know my point is made) politicians into combat. See how many of them don't have to change their shorts afterwards. Let them be paid what the servicemen and women get paid for actually doing something. See how quickly things would change for the servicemen and women after the politicians get a taste of what is experienced daily. Congress and the White House is nothing more than a huge Charlie foxtrot!
  18. This administration who wants to kiss up to the NAACP will never leave Zimmerman alone in peace. He might as well leave the country while he is still a free man.
  19. I know there are those who want to protect that POS crackhead at all cost. He is not deserving of anything that even remotely looks like respect. Don't you sleep well knowing that our crackhead POS has the 'football'.
  20. too bad the one thing no one would ever know....the name of this POS's drug dealer. Our darling crackhead president.
  21. Maybe someone who be able to tell why this slug using the social security number of a dead man, clarify what his name really is, if it has been legally changed or changed back and tell if he has a prison record.
  22. I do not know why you would think I was kidding. You can go on line and find out most anything about anyone. Who did Obama go to school with at any level. If I was a kid who played with someone who became president I would be bragging about that until the cow come home. Who were his teachers? Who were his neighbors? There are more questions about his person than answers.
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