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carlos in san diego

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Everything posted by carlos in san diego

  1. There you go again, speaking for other people assuming that they share, what you feel are your values. I think you flatter yourself in assuming they do. FYI, what's contained in this letter is not rhetoric, and to "tone it down" is exactly the opposite of what we really need. The American people need to know that our government is not "our" government. Decisions made in our name are designed to benefit the very wealthy and the large corporations ONLY. You need to wake up to that fact, and stop trying to manipulate the flow of information. Because it seems YOU fear the truth, and don't want it to be known. Believe it or not, eventually, the people's demands will be heard, one way or another, even if it an inconvinience to you! Carlos
  2. Are you saying we should LOVE Bush / Channey because their plan created the IQD? And ignore the fact that they lied through their teeth to get us into a war that cost 4500 US lives, and 1.5 million Iraqi lives, so that he and his friends could profit? Not to mention that he had direct involvement and control of the attack on the Twin Towers in NY, on 9/11! So we should love him and Channey for this? IMO you need to re-evaluate your morals...Romney is a criminal no better than Bush. Please do your homework, the info is available and not a state secret. Carlos
  3. I was not offended....speak only for yourself and DO NOT INCLUDE ME IN YOUR OPINION! I am in full agreement with the letter. If you want to discent, fine. But have the courage to do it all by yourself, don't think of including me! I find you negative, annoying, and petty. I'm not sure what planet your from....cause I'm ashamed to say you are from the same planet I'm from! Morning HJB, and everyone! nice post! Carlos
  4. Thanks again Machine...your really finding some good ones. You know the situation is getting bad when it finally starts showing up on the evening news, and it is! Finally! I really hope JP Morgan Chase gets in big trouble over the Facebook IPO thing...smacks of manipulation! Carlos
  5. Quite the contrary, I agree that people consider the US dollar and the yen as safe havens in uncertain times. This has been historically the case. Question they know the dollar is going to crash? MY guess is it will also take down all the currencies and markets you mentioned because they are all controlled and manipulated by the same people, the Western Banksters! It's not much of a safe heaven if you loose it all! The Banksters control and manipulate: US Dollar Japanese Yen Commodities Market Oil Market Gold market The Euro The Autralian Dollar Dow Jones Industrail Market You can call it ebb and flow, or whatever you want. I call it manipulation for profit. JMO Carlos
  6. Thanks for the post Machine! I read an interesting explanation for the drop in the price of prescious metals the other day, although it dissagrees with what is stated in this article, I though it might be of interest, and would like to share. As is the long standing analogy, in uncertain times, people tend to gravitate towards prescious metals as a hedge against inflation. Certainly I believe most would agree that we have not seen times as insecure and uncertain as the ones we are currently in right now. So, if the old analogy is true, then why are the prices of these prescious metals dropping? The article says that it must be due to India's attempts to curtail the importing of the metals. That may be true in part, but I don't think it explains it all, because the prescious metals market is rigged and being manipulated daily by the Western Banksters. The report that I read says that since JP Morgan Chase is so heavily over leveraged in their prescious metals market, and since they know a run on the banks is in progress, they foresee they will have to payoff all those possibly millions of investors around the world that have trusted the good name of JP Morgan Chase to sell them gold and silver certificates and other derivatives that they will not be able to cover with the price of the prescious metals at record high prices, and need to lower the prices of these metals to reduce their overall liability. IMHO: Carlos
  7. I'd like to thank you Machine for what you do! Congratulations, you do bring a lot to this forum. I read most of your posts! Carlos
  8. I tend to agree with you Jaman, about us and them only getting half the information. Unfortunately, the "half" that we get most likely is the one that gives us the slanted view of reality that we are use to form our opinions. With our level of brainwashing running so deep, It's no wonder the majority of our people have a hard time understanding clearly what is happening to us, and why our government is so disliked around the world. I hope there is truth to this and that whatever is being with held from us is made public and those responsable for comitting any crimes are punished accordingly. I'm hoping for someone or something to come along soon and blow the lid off the sordid affair and allow for justice to be served. I'm concerned however, about something the article said about.....can't remember the exact words, maybe it was, an abridged vertion of the transcript. I gather this means that whatever we get will be heavily censored by the PTB. Carlos
  9. Thanks PluMmet! Interesting article. First time I've read anywhere that the recent G8 meeting had no positive results for the Greek debt crisis. I had not heard it reported that way on the MSM, who only piptoed around the issue but never made a stand one way or another. China is not in the same financial problems that we have in the West. China does not have a fiat currency and can withstand the ups and downs of problems brought on by world current events, on the other hand we can't. I think we will soon see this come to fruition. Carlos
  10. In 2008 then Senator Obama did not need anything to stand organiser was enough, when considering the lying criminal he was running against! Carlos
  11. So...what's wrong with liking sex, and blowing people up? Carlos
  12. I really hope the Greeks do withdraw from the Eurozone and thumb their collective noses at the Banksters that have put them into debt! The only way they can show their displeasure is to withdraw their money from the financial institutions owned and run by these same criminals. The real fear of loosing your money in a shaky finanacial institution, must be a powerfull motivator! The run on the banks will accelerate further insecurity in the banking industry in neighboring countries leading to what I hope is a domino effect. At least this is what I have read repeatedly will happen . Where the impending crisis lies, is in the fact that most Bankster owned banks are heavily leveraged. Franctional banking rules allow them to loan out upwards of ten dollars for every dollar that they bring into the bank in the form of a deposit. It seems many Banks have exceeded that rule. Unfortunately, I hear the leveraging has been much greater than that. From what I've read, banks may be leveraged as much as 50 to 1. The banks will need to have huge amounts of currency reserves to cover a run on the banks under those conditions. Added to boiling pot is the fact that all these banks are joined at the hip with financial transactions of different kinds that makes it hard to isolate a weakened bank to keep it from bringing down another. Carlos
  13. Thanks Machine! You consistently bring good stuff to the forum! Please keep it up! Carlos
  14. Prsonally, I'm not a big fan of Jim Cramer, but I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to be able to foretell what is obvious to anyone that is even somewhat informed on current events in Greece and the Eurozone. I believe that what has happened to Greece is in many ways similar to what is happening to us here in this country, if only because it is the same people who are creating the problem. The International Banker Mafia. They have printed excesive amounts of worthless currency and made it available to themselves to profit from, and in many cases, to lose in their risky money making scheams, and then they tell us that what they have printed and mispent (or flat out stolen ) is now part of our national debt. A debt that they claim we (and the Europeans ) must pay them back for. Since they control the whole Banking system, we have no oversight or control as to what they do, and therefore they assume we will be obliged to accept whatever terms they dictate. These will MOST LIKELY come to include lower wages, higher taxes, loss of social security benefits, unemployment benefits, medical and welfare benefits, and any government payed retirement payments. These are the austerity measures that the Europeans have put up with now for years. They were promised by their politicians that if they put up with these measures for a number of years, that things would improve, and they did not. That's why the Europeans are rejecting them completely. I believe if this does not crash the European Banks, then we will also be subject to this same economic plan....we are next in line. That is if the European banks don't crash first, and they most likely will. These fabricated debts are not our debts people! The Federal Reserve is a privately owned institution. It is owned by the Banksters, it is not part of our Government and is not beholding to us. They answer only to their share holders...the Banksters! Do not allow them to convince you that what they print is your debt! They have printed the money for their own gain and not to service our national needs! Carlos
  15. Well written piece TQueezy! I would not worry about the appocalypse too much if I were you. We will make it to the other side alright. There is a different sort of appocalypse ready to befall us however. An economic and social one that will be long remembered in history. We are all getting mixed signals from different sources right now. Some say the economic problems in Europe will collapse the banks here in this country as well, they say it is begining now. Others, mostly main stream media, give you the impression that what we are experiencing is a minor bump in the road. What to me is more alarming, is the fact that the Bankers have tried to impose austerity measures, higher taxes, and lost social benefits on European nations with very little to show for it and the Europeans are finally getting rid of these governments in favor of more forgiving policies, understandably so, since many feel that the debt that is at the core of the problems is not their debt at all, but the bankers debts, that has been unjustifiably impossed on them. I see more and more evidence of these same auterity measures coming across the pond to our country. Mainly from the right wing of the government, who insist that any social benefit be paid for by the taxpayer, a relatively new concept, considering previous tax cuts for corporations and the elite did not require to be paid for in advance. We wil see our government officials try and convince us that a tax increase will be in our favor, and that we need to cut all forms of social benefits...down to the bare bone, effecting principly the very young and very old in our society. The majority of Americans wil vote for these measures because they do not know that Europe has just experienced the same thing...The Americans don't know that it failed miserably, and will accept their governments assessment of the situation because, collectively they do not know any better. This may be the real appocalypse of 2012. Carlos
  16. These events are just the tip of the iceburg. I'm glad real people are taking a stand against a government that is completely disconnected from those it was established to serve and protect. It's further evidence of a government whose mandate has been highjacked by special interests. Our government has become a fascist dictatorship designed to promote the interests of the very wealthy. Our vote and view has no value in their world. Please be aware that corruption is prevelant among both political parties because they are both controlled by the same elite, please elect Ron Paul, even if you have to write him in at the bottom of the ballot. Carlos
  17. Romney is a vulture capitalist. A vote for Romney is a vote for the right wing neo-con status quo. If your going to elect Romney, you just might as well reinstate GEORGE BUSH. Anyone with half a brain can see that his policies have destroyed this country. You right wingers need to wake up! Clear your minds of the indoctrination and brainwashing. The GOP does not have any answers for the American people, they are only concerned about the wealthy and very wealthy.....they don't even bother to try and hide the fact anymore! This is why all we get from the MSM are issues like abortion, *** rights, and contraception, the right wants to appeal to single issue voters. These are the same fools that walk around with blinders on. The candidates never will discuss the real issues, because they don't want you to know anything! Wake up! Carlos
  18. Thanks Ed Grimm! And welcome to the forum! You found a good article. It was already been posted a few months ago, although still a good read. Despite all the negative talk about the article and the author's knowledge, I happen to think he's telling us the truth and is very knowledgeable. I guess those that who do not agree with this Judge did not read it the last time it came out, or they would have been able to connect the dots to other threads. These same people have not seriously done any homework for themselves to verify what he is saying. I have and agree 100%. Carlos IMHO
  19. Thanks Yota! I did'nt think the WB had any influence over the CBI anymore. It seems to me the US has little influence anywhere else in Iraq. Certainly makes you wonder what the whole picture is! Carlos
  20. Your right ayrnay22: I heard years ago just what you are saying...that we were afloat in oil below our country, and that it's being protected a matter of "national security" implying that our nations security would be jeopardized if these reserves were not protected. The plan, as I heard it, said that as a national strategy we would use up everyone else's oil reserves first, the we would tap into our own when everyone else ran out. I have reports also of oil exploration and drilling in many states now, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Texas. Halliburton was also working in Eastern Utah for a number of years. All these states are booming! Probably the only real place where the average American can find work that pays descent. I've seen many recent reports on MSM nightly news. They can't find enough workers. For all of you that are unemployed, you might consider relocating. They need every type of workers: construction, cooks, truck drivers, electricians, and oil rig workers. The news report I saw a couple of nights ago was a about some average folks in Kansas that were making a killing leasing out their farmlands to the oil companies for exploration. There appear to be many opportunities to make an honest days wages for someone willing to take a risk. Unfortunately it's the only game in town right now. We have no other boom, except perhaps to a lesser degree in the mining industry, as the rising price of prescious metals is sustaining it's own small economic recovery also! It's my belief that the Government decided to tap into our reserve oil supplies. My guess is that this decision was made because the Bush plan for Iraq's oil did not play out as planed. The Iraqis seemed to have denied the US access to it's oil, with the exception of small isolated examples. Since Iraq would not play ball with Washington, now the PTB are looking to make another attempt, this time in Iran or Syria. As if they had their way, we would have invaded Iran years ago. Certainly the drumbeats of war eminating from the Elitest right wing have grown louder over the years. I believe the attack and invation of Iran has been stopped, although maybe only temporarily, by other major world players, Russia, and China. Carlos
  21. There's no point getting yourselves all excited over nothing. The oil companies will not dristribute their oil products in this country. They will ship it all overseas because they can get a better price for it than they can here. We live in a controlled market environment. The big oil companies have the product and we are the captive audience. They will not flood their own market place and upset the price structures they have us used to paying. When the Alaska oil fields first came to light, people thought that we would finally become indipendent of Opec oil, in fact this was a lie perpetuated by the Elite through their store bought politicians, the GOP, to have the American people get behind the oil companies and develop the Alaskan fields...Fat chance! When are Americans going to wake up and stop believing the tripe that comes from the political right? After all the lies we have been told, how can anyone in their right mind be so naive! Carlos
  22. Delta: Thanks for the right wing propaganda! The reason we don't have a budget is because there is no point in having one! The banksters financial empires hopefully will be coming down around their ears and our dollar is soon to be devalued. The bill this senator is backing is an elitest measure to take from us what we already have, they want all our tax money going to pay their debt, the do not feel we deseve Social Security, or anyother government benefit. They will see them all eliminated as soon as they can convince us that it is in our best interests to do so, and they will,because there are many people in this country that are just dumb enough to do it. They will do whatever the elite banksters and their political stooges ask us to do. These people cannot think for themselves and they blindly trust anything put out by our government. Beware America....this is how it begins..... Carlos
  23. Mongo: it's the GOP that is responsable for the financial problems that we have today. After eight failed years of Bush economic, we have seen too many bailouts and flat out lawlessnes here in this country, and this is what you would have us return to? Wake up man! This is your GOP brainwashing is showing! We tried the Republican way...we tried the "conservative" way and it did not work! The GOP makes no effort to hide the fact that they work for the elite and not for you or me! The Democrats are also puppets of the elite but, at least they make an effort to help the people, despite gridlock from the elitest stooges in the GOP. A vote for a Republican is a vote for a continuation of the same garbage that we have now. Carlos
  24. Thanks delta22! This type of news needs to be made public so that the average voter can vote for someone who can clean up the system. At this time, we have heard of theft, embesslement, money laundering, manipulation of the markets, extorssion, and coverups from every major bank in the Western World. My question is....Is there any bank that is free from corruption or is it naive of me to even contemplate the posibility? What makes matters worse is the complicity shown by the same people who are charged with investigating charges of corruption in the banking industry. That gives the impression that those agencies are working hand in hand with these criminals to make sure that their illigal activities are'nt stopped. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, in our halls of government, our elected representatives (mostly the GOP ) have been working feverishly for years now, not to control or stop the illigal banking activities that have cost our economy trillions of dollars in losses, losses that we the tax payers are being asked to foot the bill for, but they have actually been doing just the opposite by successfully removing any measures that restrict illigal activities through oversight. They have modified or rescinded laws that protected us from this predatory behavior. The efforts of these Lawmakers has removed most oversight into the activities of the Banks leaving the Bankers to police themselves. The fox is watching the chicken coop! Great! Obviously, this lack of seriousness shows that our elected officials are also working for the Banker criminals to further their own carrers and pocketbooks, because The only visable results from the 2008 bailout fiasco was a new set of laws (the Frank Dodd Laws ) that does not go completely into effect until 2014, giving the Banker criminals plenty of time to clean out the shed! Carlos
  25. DinarMillionaire: I quote: "Do you think thee issues we face today were written in the 10 commandments? No obsolutely not." Yes they were: Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steal These two still apply to todays problems, we have allowed Bankers to become too greedy and we have not stopped them! I am not religious anymore. But I find most of you who are religious seem to want to sit on your hands as spectators while your well being, and that of your families is being threatend by criminals in our government and large corporations. I think religious people need to stand up and be counted for what they believe instead of sitting on the fence and allowing these things to happen, most are to afraid, insecure, and timid! Carlos
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