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  1. I work for a bank in Ohio as a teller and we have internet access...most sites like social networks, are blocked but can get to other sites with no problems...I have lots of pens that work but people take them all the for treats for customers, they like the suckers just as much as the kids do!!
  2. Nice to log on here this morning and see your post...have missed it..thank you for all the time and effort you put forth....I for one apprecaiate it!
  3. Thanks Doc---you made me laugh with your opening!
  4. jdjtj3

    Sept. 15th!

    I have my eraser ready!
  5. If your wallet won't get fatter at least your waist line will!!
  6. if you don't like the fluff then don't read the post...that simple!
  7. To all the "doubters" about Chief---THis is a man who is trying to get intel from people who are actually working to help the Iraqi people and are taking extra time to get intel out. Instead of bashing about not seeing a picture yet of the smaller denominations, try being a little patient. I do not recall seeing any post from you regarding any finds. If you come here for all your intel, then that is the problem. This forum is to help give information, not just tell you a date/rate. Do some research yourself and post then see how it feels for everyone to pick it apart word by word. I for one am grateful for any additional information I find to support what I read in other places. Thank you Chief for all the time and effort you have put into this post! Have a wonderful day everyone.
  8. all the bashers of this post...get a flippin grip! This is truely funny and I don't see you posting anything negative when there are dates and rates given like candy that never happen. This is a RUMOR site...get off your high horse and enjoy life or I can have my cousin how got an email about a cell call about a secret meeting to call you direct!!
  9. jdjtj3


    Grumpy--thanks for the apology. I wish there were others who would do the same and actually mean it. I have not gone into the chat since last Thursday as all it is now is bashing of one another and name calling. I was in the VIP chat the night it was opened to everyone thinking it would be worth the $10 a month if people there were intelligent enough to have a civil conversation, but guess what? It was the same stuff as the regular chat. I do pop in occassionally now to check the posts but I for one will not be back in chat.
  10. I wonder if all these guys have a secret bet as to who will be closer to date/rate!! LOL. almost like all the betting on the Super Bowl. They can bet each other dinar!!
  11. do you have to wait for admin to allow you into chat after they check your posts?
  12. you really can't ask anyone if you should buy more or is a personal decision. If you can afford to sit on the dinar until it rv/ri then it is up to you. You should not invest more than you can afford as we do not know the date/rate on our investment.
  13. can you find out hapw many times you have posted?
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