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Everything posted by presence

  1. httsp:// Thanks for the factual recap Thugs- I appreciate seeing it - especially in this section- it's never too late to learn~
  2. Here here! I second the motion! - thanks again Yota , for a wonderful post. I still wonder what you will be doing with all the time you have once this hits, but hopefully I know the answer which is giving us fortunate and patient believers in the dinar updates in its post-RV endeavors related to Mr. Montana's endeavors~
  3. Synopsis- I was thinking the exact same thing in regards to testing - and yes, the numbers are staggering- but only compared to what we've seen thus far in Iraq and not when compared to other countries that have it all together in this respect. My understanding of Short-term bonds is anything around 24 hours- although the definition may have changed. If that's the case then this is a momentous occasion for the CBI to finally function at an International capacity. Go RV!!!
  4. Thanks again Thugs- for your encouraging post- which I always find to be uplifting and motivating and sprinkled with a sense of optimism. the obvious difference is that Japan has always had a different level for f integrity and self-respect from a cultural perspective when compared to Iraq. The greatest asset that Japan had is the lack of deficit that Iraq had and still has in its post-Saddam era: Maliki.
  5. I like the way the posters on this page think - and am right there with you - in many ways - Go RV!
  6. Thanks very much for your insight and interpretation navira45 - I am in complete agreement- I pray this is it!
  7. Thanks Thug! Very much! This certainly would be a great time to see a change in Iraq's economy. I really could use a permanent break from all the financial stress and secondary duress...but I digress. Go RV!!!
  8. Thanks for this post, Yota. I wasn't familiar with this stock exchange, but I look forward to learning more about it, along with the Iraqi stock exchange, which I am certain is going to make a lot of people a lot of money as it expands and grows.
  9. Despite the obvious reason why this decision was made (nd when) this is a great indicator that Iraq is getting ready to officially go international! I suspect that this list grows quickly. Thanks for the morning effort - once again!
  10. Thanks very much, Thugs. This article is a great antidote for some of those dealing with chronic anxiety, stress and/or depression. I certainly agree Officiallytook. HCL certainly seems like it is already done - at least behind the scenes - and that it has been for the last several weeks. Too much consistent progress has been revealed or developed since May for it not be done. It feels like the rest of the details regarding the release of sanctions on the artificially suppressed value of the IQD are going to be removed shortly - and hopefully this month. The reverence and details to Kuwait in this article at this point of 'the ride' remind me of an accounting term called FILO, which is an acronym to 'First In Last Out'; it would seem appropriate from certain perspectives, that the resolution of the debt with the country that's been in this the longest in some ways. would be one of the final steps in Iraq's transition to a capitalist economy and .society.
  11. blueskyline- thank you very much for posting this article - it's quite revealing in many ways. Iraq is going to show their cards one way of the other very shortly. Even no move at this point by them is an example of the latter. However, I suspect that all the individual's who've been committed to the IQD as sole investors and all of the country's that have 'donated' upwards of $100 Mm each to help Iraq recover post-Dash aren't going to have to wait longer. Too many positive events have already taken place and led up to 'this Monday' - which is fine with me. Synopsis - Thank you for your analytical breakdown of the numbers, and for taking the time to share your interpretation- I look forward to watching things unfold nicely!
  12. Officiallytook- thank you for pointing out that detail - which goes a long way at this point of the journey, and is also relative to the topic in hand. RJ45-I am in agreement that Always58 has probably learned from the experience. Hopefully a joyful day is upon all of us this month, if not shortly (very shortly at that) thereafter, and one in which we can all 'breathe a little easier.'
  13. Good afternoon Yota, and thank you very much for taking the time - once again- for posting this information to the Dinarvets site. Every piece of info provides a potential clue to when this is going to hit, and I sincerely appreciate your efforts in keeping us up to date.
  14. ezrapound- I am glad you made it through that ordeal; I can only imagine what that must have been like, and am very happy that you made the most of an awful scenario,. You are truly blessed to have the love, support, and perspective that you do- Presence
  15. Thanks for posting this, climber7. The words in this text certainly 'put things into perspective' - at least from my view. I've heard of many of the events described in this article before - in bits and pieces - over the past few years, but this particular summary really gets the point across. I certainly look forward to being in a position to help the people referenced in this article in the coming days or weeks...
  16. Chuck - thank you very much for the info and suggestion. That's a very educational source. Despite having a degree in accounting, there are a lot of basics that aren't' covered in the undergrad (but are mentioned on the CPA exam); it's obvious our government doesn't want to encourage open-minded thinking in this area, and the site you reference fills in a lot of the missing pieces.
  17. Luigi, with all due respect, you've been in this long enough to know what's trash and what's not. There's no reason whatsoever to intentionally deliver every piece of trash to this portion of dinarvets - which is a reputable site for many reasons, When you yourself describe your own posts as trash and make financial references for 'delivering them', it does indeed look like you are pumping and/or posting your excessive amount of posts in the rumors sections for other reasons.; i.e., financial gain. Many members say that 'this is the rumors section' and therefore do not take your posts seriously and read your posts for humor and as a form of letting off steam. The concern is is when others, who are not as familiar with your history and that of the dinar in general, come and view your posts and then take physical action based on their emotional response from 'bad intel.' An extreme example of the latter occurred (and to the best of my belief I do believe this was indeed a fact) several years ago, around 2011 or 2012, when someone on one of the sites you frequently reference thought the post they read which was indeed a legitimate fact, when in reality, it was 'garbage'. That person apparently hurried in traffic to get to a bank only to secure a good spot in an imaginary line that they wound up getting in a severe accident and wound up in the emergency room. Please keep this in mind when you post 'garbage' - not all people (newbies) can discern the difference the majority of your posts and fact, and many of them may take physical action by making careless and dangerous decisions based on their emotional response to the words in some of your posts. peace~
  18. Much appreciated Yota - thanks again for your efforts in keeping us continuously up to date. Hopefully there's more behind the scenes - and that it's disclosed this month-
  19. Thanks for your effort drj- I enjoyed your honest post and hope you don't feel discouraged at the thought of posting an update if anything comes your way- thanks again-
  20. Thanks Yota. Have you thought about what you're going to do with your time after this thing hits? In any event this was a good move - and long overdue.
  21. Thanks Thugs - for this most excellent post! I have neve been a fan of the 'smoke and mirrors' defense, but the article that came out yesterday stating that the oil & and gas laws wouldn't be voted on or addressed until several more weeks was nothing but! As Adam and others have said, no one will know (although some have a strong vibe) when this will hit, but I and many others certainly believe it will be sooner than later!
  22. Thanks Synopsis for pointing out the facts you did, and thank you Brob for the investopedia link and info. I spent time working in mutual fund accounting years ago, and SWIFT codes and IBAN's were required for international and domestic trades. Essentially, it was impossible for a bank to 'play in the mutual fund game' unless they had these. Aetna insurance had small medium and large cap funds- the latter were in the billions as far as portfolio net worth. Iraq is obviously disclosing this information for a reason - and the other agreements in banking recently posted between Iraq and Britain are definitely connected to these updates. Go RV!!!
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