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Everything posted by JREDinars

  1. okay here goes. My ex husband and wonderful father of my 5 and a half year old daughter, tragically passed away, suddenly, at the age of 33, 1 month ago. My husband called me as I was driving to work and told me to pull over. He told me Stewart was dead. I was could I tell my daughter that her daddy was dead. I sped to Stews house where his sister and mom and two patrol officers stood on his porch. My husband was standing in the driveway. I jumped out and ran towards the house. I could see Stew. He looked asleep. Immediately in denial I start trying to reason with everyone there...saying, "Check AGAIN! He's just asleep! He's a heavy sleep you guys know that!" The patrol officers looked down...then to my husband, a detective in the same police department. At that moment I heard a car door shut and noticed another couple detectives I recognized walking up..."Jen, my husband said, "Ive been doing this more than 20 years, He is gone." I collapsed on the wet concrete, hanging onto his leg, sobbing inconsolabley. THough my ex and though we weren't partners in love, we were partners in life...He had the world at his finger tips...was in talks with record complanies, was working a good job while finishing his masters degree. He had fallen to prescription drug abuse and entered rehabilitation last January. He completed a live in program where he still got to see Emily (our daughter) twice a week, which was hard as he was used to seeing her much more--but hey--he needed help. He completed in July 2011 and was doing well up until the week before he passed. I had the feeling that he might be taking pills again. I knew he was hanging out with a particular individual who supplied him pills. My first thought when I got the phone calls was OMG...did he commit suicide!? HE told me that was NEVER an option...but the night before, he sent me a text...the kind he sent me before he learned to move on when he was in rehab. Only the text had a statement in it that made me think...maybe it wasn't an accident... The text said, "Merry Christmas, Baby. I hope you get all you want. Love You." After much discussion with his friends and his family and mine (we are all one big one) I realized he had plans for the next week, for Christmas, had bought EMily a dozen gifts that still sat under his tree...and I realized that if he'd done it on purpose, he'd have texted me a lot more than he did. We had a history like that. Plus, there were still plenty of pills around including 13 Soma on his notebook below the couch where he fell asleep and awoke to God. I also found comfort that while in rehabilitation, he had become close to God...and in mere days before he passed away, had changed his favorite books on Facebook,, to "The Purpose Driven LIfe," The Bible, and "Heaven Is For REAL!" So we had all come to the conclusion it was an accident....and a very tragic one. Anyway- enough backstory. I truly think he has communicated with Emily and Myself since he passed. I was never much of a believer of that...I mean, I had heard of it and have family members that are very intuitive and believe in it. Here's what happened: 1. We told Emily, after school on Monday, that Stewart died early that morning. So Tuesday morning she awakes to tell me "Mom! I had a dream about my dad." I asked what did you dream? (Not thinking she'd remember as shed never remembered a dream before). She said, verbatim, "Well, Me and Gran (Stews Mom) were at my daddy's house and I couldn't find him! So Gran told me he was in the other room! But when I went in there I didn't see him! (she paused) But mommy!!!! Daddy Tricked Me!!! I turned around and he said, ""Silly, I've been standing beside you the whole time!" ANd he was Momma...he was standing beside me the whole time and I didn't even know it!" I TRULY BELIEVE HE CAME TO EMMY IN HER DREAM. 2. I was driving home that same Tuesday about 1am from running an errand. I was listening to Sirius Radio crying my eyes out. I was a wreck. The first song I came to was 'Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac. Now that was one of Stews favorites. It was also a song we had always listened to.. and a song he played. I immediately changed the station. Didn't want to hear it...I was already a MESS. So I am listening to a different station with a different song playing, and freaking-A...'Everywhere' comes on. So, I change the station not thinking much of it. The next station I change it to is on a commercial. So I let the commercial run and low and behold the DARNED song comes on AGAIN!!! At this point I am crying and semi-out of it from the last 24 hours events. I change the station one more time. Relieved, I hear a different song just starting. OH but wait. As soon as that song was over...yes, you guessed it. Fleet wood Mac's EVERYWHERE came on. Finally while still crying I sort of laughed and said, "OKAY STEW! I GOT IT!" I let the song play through and that was the end of that. Now, being Sirius Radio and it being different Genres and years like "70's, 80's, etc" what were the odds of THAT!? I have yet to look up the lyrics but I think He somehow had an influence on that. Can't think of another explaination. 3. Lastnight, my husband, daughter, and father in law were eating dinner somewhere and they gave Emily a childrens menu. On that menu was a word search. 20 by 20 rows of letters. My lil one isn't quite at the patience level to search words. However I look over and see the two letters, (OD), circled perfectly. Now, shes five, remember, and doesn't know the 'term' or shorthand for "overdose.: But in my mind I had still been struggling with... what if he did kill himself. I mean, I had pretty much accepted that he didn't and he wouldn't but since he sent me that text the night he died...and he had been having trouble for years trying to deal with the fact that I had moved on (he wasn't always good to me, I'll leave it at that) and he had a lot of regrets, but I had forgiven him and wanted him to be happy. And since rehab, he had not sent me one "I Love You" kind of text message. So, when I read the part of his text that said, "I hope you get all you want..." instead of referring it to Christmas, like he was likely referring to, I kept getting caught up on "what it...." Now, maybe it was some random occurrence, but out of 400 letters and the fact that you could circle any two letters, in several combinations...what are the statistical odds that she'd have circled those two. And only those two. I am no mathmatician so I cannot figure that out. Maybe it's nothing, but I can't help but think he was trying to tell me to quit worrying about how he died because it was an "OD" (accidental, not suicide.) Sorry for the length...just wanted to share my 3 recent experiences. Could they be coincidental? I guess. Could there be another force at work here? I believe that could be the case also! So if y'all have anything that's happened to you ike that or to someone you know, I'd love to hear about it! Blessings, Jenny
  2. So ya know, DinarDana and BamaGirl, I tried to Neutralize you. But ran out! Some grinch (we all know who) is negging everyone on there it seems. Alex--got your back at the bar--I too, evened you out! Neutered! Phah-hahaha! Go rv! I need it at this moment in my life...mire than could ever be explained. Anyway--Go TV and someone please + dinardana & BamaGirl! Thanks! Xxoo
  3. What's really sad is that no matter what, even if Ron Paul could win the majority vote--he'd never be allowed to be the nominee.. If you think about the billions and billions of dollars that are made off of our current foreign policy (From Defense Contacts to re-builders to security forces, etc), there is no way the profiteers would allow someone with non-interventionist ideas to come into power. The super-PACS and lobbyists would do EVERYthing possible to funnel money into the right hands to ensure RP wouldn't win. At the most un-corrupted level, money would be pumped in by the millions, to the campaigns of other candidates. I think the underlying and fundamental problem with our government on every level, from Welfare to War, is Money in Politics. Until THAT changes...until these people that represent us are no longer taking money from people that will directly benefit from their legislation, from people they will have to 'do a favor' for down the line...we will never see any change, especially change the American people want. Until we HOLD ACCOUNTABLE the people we put in office and FIRE their a$$es for a job bad done, then we will be singing the same tune 4 years from now-8 years from now-16 years from get the idea. I don't know how else we can fix the mess we are in--but in my eyes, the problem is that our politicians are paid for. So every decision made-every vote laid, is one for whomever helped get them into office, whomever they owe a favor, whomever lines the coffers. That--and term limits. Term Limits Term Limits Term Limits!!!
  4. Even so, thanks Delta, for thinking of us when you heard about that! It's hard these days to know what real and what's not so I appreciate your thoughtfulness/concern and Mrparrot, for your time in researching it!
  5. 1. The Longest Day (1962) 2. Cold Mountain 3. Taken
  6. Well said. And I completely agree. Jesus wants us to help other, to help the sick, help the poor...but it seems that many think if you happen to experience grave tragedy and have to get help then you are a criminal scumbag with no integrity and further more-don't deserve the right to vote. I find that very very sad. And not all people who are on some sort of welfare don't have jobs. I think some are just misinformed. I worked two jobs while I received assistance and because of that assistance I was able to become a successful tax paying citizen. I think its so sad that people are so hateful. And it's the same people who claim to be religious republicans. You can't possibly be a person led by the word of God to hate people so much. Sure we all have bad days and say things we don't mean...but there were some very hateful things said here. I have thick skin and I was totally distraught....showed my husband and he was just as shocked and more mad than anything. I don't know. I just can't imagine someone would say I had absolutely no right to vote when I was in college, married, and expecting child while working 2 jobs. Gosh it's amazing. I felt I had to interject because I KNoW there are people on this board who have been there or who are there right now and it seemed no one was standing up for them. I understand the drug testing part but how would that even be paid for. Anyway...appreciate your comment. Even I wasn't as nice as I could have been. I was just really hurt.
  7. Thank you FlintNPebbles. Yes--I am active in giving back. It has been an experience for sure. Thanks for your kind words. A lot of hate around here. JOKER- I, too, was stating my opinion. You took it to a new level. Little JUDGMENTAL. Actually, Her father tragically died. And yes. We were married. Low Blow. I need not deliver you the back story. And I won't judge you for your no longer being married and all the things you wrote about because I'll choose not to be hateful and judgmental. Words can cut like knives. And yes my daughter has EVERYthing to do with this. And no I did NOT go to college on the tax payers dime. I went on scholarship and paid the rest. And don't tell me about Veterans and sacrifice. My husband is a Navy Captain, My entire family lives in Ft. Hood and I've lost a half dozen friends between Iraq and Afghanistan. And yes. During all of this I VOTED. AS IS MY RIGHT EVEN IF I DID HAVE GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. SHOULD I HAVE LET MY DAUGHTER DIE BECAUSE I COULDNT PAY FOR MEDICAL? Right. I guess in your eyes it would have been better to drop out of college and work 20 hours a day, have someone else raise my child and never make a real living. I fought my way out and you berate me!? f off! Never acted full of myself in my post as you proclaim. Simply stated I felt I could get by without foodstamps, (I didn't say I had too much pride--that is what YOU said which may be why you are so angry), though I am sure I qualified. Did I ask for a round of applause? NO. And I don't work in a fancy Law Firm (if you really want to know, read my profile)--I chose to continue thru Law School when my daughter is older so I can be with her more during the tender and precious years that too quickly fly by. You have a daughter I am sure you know how fast it goes by. I chose a different career path for now and I am glad I did. No I don't vote for the Obamas of the world and I think we are screwed if he's re-elected...but I will tell you this: I don't vote for people who proclaim to be so "Pro-Life" but then when something occurs and that mother can't afford to feed her baby said people turn their back on that child. Furthermore--I don't hide behind my computer. It just happens to be, like the rest of us, where I am seated. Would it make you feel better if we skyped? Your nastiness was unwarranted. Your judgments were wrong. I am shocked that you were so hateful about my life which you knew only a few pieces of before you attacked my character in every possible way. Because I feel it's okay to maintain the right to vote during a hard time in my life. Wow. I know too about pre-existing conditions. For 3 years I paid $900/month for medications. Yeah. It is hard. I can relate. My daughter was also very ill and she too was denied insurance for "Pre-Existing" conditions. And don't end such a nasty post with "sorry if I hurt your feelings..." No you're not. Or you wouldn't have hit "Add Reply." Now I'll hit ignore because quite frankly I cannot deal with such low blows. A word of advice:Always treat everyone with kindness, for you never know who is fighting a harder battle than you.
  8. SERIOUSLY!!! More people are on Food Assistance than any other time and that number has risen sharply. I imagine it's due to the economic conditions and high unemployment...not because people woke up one day and decided they would just rather live day to day on very little instead of working. (Yes I realize there are people who do this, but penalizing the masses for the screw ups of the few is not a good idea, a fair idea, or an idea that would help the situation. It would be a grave, scarring, and embarrassing move on the part of America, if we took the right to vote away from these people.
  9. Good idea! Let's start it at the federal level! Congress pees. I pee. You pee. We all pee. Uh-oh...wait....who will pay for THAT!? Because the country is already paying for pay to test their pee (or everyones to be fair)? Sounds like an expensive solution to an imaginary problem; i mean having all these welfare people doing so much voting while high on crack and all....I am sure that voting tops their list of priorities while searching for their next fix or while laying on the couch with a needle hanging out of their arm.... I'm just saying--this is not a "logical" approach here. This is us being pissed off about the direction of our country and the impending failure of this republic and blaming it on "Welfare." Come on. It's way bigger, far deeper, and more corrupt than we'd like to imagine...Yes, we need acme type of welfare reform. But talking about peeing in a cup as a priority over say....fixing our tax codes or ending or fixing the fed who prints money endlessly to fund our endless wars or holding accountable or at least looking into the people who helped bring about the economic collapse and subsequent bailout in 2008-with their dirty mortgage swapping and banks moving private debt to public debt so they can get it off their books....all the while what happened in the financial industry is LEGAL because over time, and because of money funneled to our congressmen by lobbyists, the laws have been tweaked and tweaked a little at a time to benefit the greedy crooks who are helping destroy America? Nevermind...whole different topic. Just saying that we are looking far to narrowly here.
  10. Are you f'n serious!? First off--define "welfare". Then define "conflict of interests." Then tell me what group of people or workers does not have in their history or job, some sort of potential conflict of interest. The right to vote is a fundamental part of what makes this America. Yes many things are broken. Yes people abuse the welfare system & I am willing to bet that the kind of people that abuse welfare and want to "stay" on it aren't the kind of people that vote. But your ideas of stripping anyones rights to vote are preposterous. Washington in it's entirety is a "conflict of interest!" Should we take gun owners rights to vote away? Let's be honest here...conflict of interest. You could apply that to so many things. SSI reciepients. THem too? If you want to fix things why don't you focus on the money that's pumped to our representatives by lobbyists and super-PACS--that effectively buys off every politician. From the Suffragettes to the Civil Rights movement-- it is clear how important the right to vote is and how much people sacrificed to fight for that right. Being on Welfare does not equate to being a felon. I bet you there are people on DV that have fallen into hard times and are recieving some level of welfare RIGHT NOW. It happens. Doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like a criminal. You can't have thought this out. Or maybe you did and if that's the case then....just, wow. You ever stop and think about how quickly your life could turn to $hi+ and you may need a hand up? About 5 years ago, I was a full-time college student studyingn to enter Law School with TWO jobs and a baby and couldn't make ends meet. I qualified for 'food stamps' but felt I could feed us so I never received that part of "welfare." However, I received housing help and the State paid for my daughters medical until I was able to get a now very high paying job. Fortunately I met my husband around that time too, so that helped. And the minute I no longer qualified, because my income was now high enough not to face the idea of living in my car--I no longer received "welfare." In the time I was on government assistance, I studied Constitutional Law and was very active in local and state politics-working on a congressional campaign. And yes. I voted. Every election. To assert that the downtrodden should have their right to vote stripped from them (as if having to get "help" because you can't make ends meet isn't humiliating enough) is appalling to the very core of the idea. I hope the people agreeing with this think about someone you know and how easily they-or you-could end up needing help. Spouse dies. Get laid off. Become very ill and unable to work for a time. Unfortunately it happens and YES--even those terrible people on welfare should maintain the right to vote. I have seen and lived on both sides of this. Welfare Recipient to a household income in the 6 figures. And yes. I am a Republican.
  11. Shabs! U okay? You "hea"....maybe 'heard men sliding from ropes and breakin in through your windows?' Did those men in black come and haul you off mid sentence!? Jeez....that was quick!
  12. Just checked that site and IQD is at 1164.10. !
  13. Thank you all so much. It means so much, really, that you guys don't even know ,me but are lifting me in prayer and saying such comforting things, it's helped me calm down, reading them. I might actuallly try to go to sleep now. Snuggled up with Emily...she is so sweet. I know stew is with God but I wish he'd been here longer. And since I have to hold it together for her...I havent done the whole greiving thing very much, aside from driving to the store I run which is an hour out of my day where I just cry and cry and talk to God the whole drive there... and then pull it back together until it either hits me out of nowhere or i am driving back home. Anyway, I'll drift off now. Lord, I took Ambien 3 hours ago. Pfff. That worked, lol. Thanks again....I will cherish your words. They bring great comfort. I just hope this feeling goes away because it's a dark, empty, very low and sad place and I am not me if that makes any sense. My high functioning super-positive tackle the worlds problems personality is like....gone. I can Harley get out of bed. Surely this goes away right? It just takes time. Ok... Going to sleep, Jenny
  14. My family has just experienced an unspeakable tragedy... I could use if you are reading this, please pray for us...we just experienced the sudden and unexpected loss of my ex husband, Stewart Mason. He was the father of my beautiful 5 and a half year old and we are devastated...taken too young, at only 33 years young. My precious daughter lost her daddy, whom she stayed with several nights a week... and I am so devastated especially for her. I've been with her step dad since she was 5 months old, and they too have an amazing father-daughter relationship, but Stew was a wonderful daddy, very active in our daughters life.... the loss is so unfair and so unreal still. The grief is overwhelming. Though we were no longer partners "in love," we were partners in life. Telling my precious daughter that her daddy was dead was the worst day of my life. Keep thinking Ill wake up out of this nightmare because its so hard to accept. Anyway, Just having an extraordinarily hard time with this... Hence why I am awake at this hour...Unable to sleep...thanks in advance for your prayers and God Bless all of you.
  15. Right!? Yeah. Saw that. And I like how today he tries to deflect the attention off of his open-marriage "allegations" by hiding behind the children in his life. Nice touch. I love how the candidates have such remarkable levels of integrity and just as high levels of honesty and personal-responsibility. Our nation will be great again.
  16. In advance, I apologize for the length. I am just kinda all over the place lol but wanted to share this n regards to what I was saying about Ron Pauls Non-Interventionist ideals and the comparison in what Pat Buchanan wrote in a book called Day of Reckoning-how Hubris, Ideology and Greed are Ruining America. Not sure the year he wrote this. Maybe 2007ish He wrote in an excerpt of the book: "In June 1991, the victorious army of Desert Storm paraded up Constitution Avenue before a presidential reviewing stand. In October, Bush went before the UN to declare America's global mission—the establishment of a New World Order. At the end of December 1991 the Soviet Union disintegrated. The American Century is over. Pax Americana has come to a close. Gone now is all the hubristic chatter of an American Empire. Gone is the “unipolar world” where the United States was the undisputed hegemonic power. All America ever sought had come to pass. But rather than seize the opportunity to shed our Cold War commitments, pull up the trip wires for war planted around the world by Dean Acheson and John Foster Dulles, recapture our freedom of action, & restore a traditional foreign policy, Republicans began colluding with Democrats to tie us down in a New World Order in which U.S. wealth and power would be conscripted for causes having NOTHING to do with the vital interests of the United States. Nevertheless, from the day George H. W. Bush took office to the day his son took the oath, the United States would invade Panama, smash Iraq, drive its army out of Kuwait, intervene in Somalia, occupy Haiti, move NATO to the border of Russia, establish a protectorate over Bosnia, bomb Serbia for 78 days, occupy Kosovo, adopt “dual containment” of Iraq and Iran, challenge China in the Taiwan Strait, & deploy thousands of U.S. troops on Saudi soil sacred to all Muslims. No one resisted. No one could. All these military adventures had one thing in common. NONE was in response to an imminent threat to U.S. vital interests. The United States had become the policeman of the world. But America was the last superpower, and she had proclaimed her new mission: Punish aggressors, preserve the peace, police the planet, in service to mankind. Pax Americana had been declared. But the American people, who would have to contribute the blood and treasure to sustain the NWO had yet to be consulted on their new imperial role. Nor had the world." **From the day Bush gave his speech telling the world "You are with them or you are with us" and every other statement he made in that speech (not saying it was a bad speech, it was indeed very powerful and showed we meant business! Just putting into context, Buchanan's assertions that we are now in The Long War-one that will likely never end. *** "The United States has unthinkingly embarked upon a neo-imperial policy that must involve us in virtually every great war of the coming century—and wars are the death of republics…. If we continue on this course of reflexive interventions, enemies will one day answer our power with the weapon of the weak—terror, and eventually cataclysmic terrorism on U.S. soil… then liberty, the cause of the republic, will itself be in peril. As a PRESIDENTIAL candidate, I repeated the warning: How can all our meddling not fail to spark some horrible retribution?… Have we not suffered enough—from Pan Am 103 to the World Trade Center [bombing of 1993] to the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam—not to know that interventionism is the incubator of terrorism? Or will it take some cataclysmic atrocity on U.S. soil to awaken our global gamesmen to the going price of empire? America today faces a choice of destinies. We can choose to be a peacemaker of the world, or its policeman who goes about night-sticking troublemakers until we, too, find ourselves in some bloody brawl we cannot handle. America is today embroiled in that “bloody brawl we cannot handle.” And, on September 11, 2001, the “cataclysmic atrocity on U.S. soil” was carried out. Almost three thousand dead in one day. The “cataclysmic terrorism” of 9/11 was an unpardonable atrocity. But it was not unpredictable. For terrorism is the price of empire. They were over here because we were over there." Interesting view. Haven't finished the book but its great so far, and very un-expected!
  17. Actually...I read up on him a bit more. I have liked him for years. I think people don't give him a chance. They don't listen and absorb what he is saying. What bothered me at first and what I think bothers most, is his idea of Non Interventionalism. But when I thought about it....we only seem to intervene where the ends will be of value for us. It has to be in our "interest". Not because it's the right thing to do or because we have to or we will face grave danger;, rather--what can we take and how can this play/intervention benefit us. You don't see us intervening in the Darfur Region of Sudan when a MASS Genocide and Rape as a war-Crime has been raging for many years, by the Sudanese backed Janjaweed....hundreds of thousands dead. Probably more now. Millions maybe. How bout some shock n awe on their a$$es or hell, send in the drones for Christs sakes. There are thousands being murdered everyday! It's an atrocity we said "never again" but we do nothing. You bet your revalued dinar (when it happens lol) that we'd be in Darfur in a heartbeat if they had resources we could plunder.... Instead a realtime GENOCIDE is taking place in this world we all live in and we go occupy and intervene in all kinds of places...but not there. Not there because there's nothing there for us. So in that thinking....screw interventionism. If the type of interventions we do were to stop atrocities like this, most of the time....then maybe. But lets stop starting all these wars. I have lost so many friends in Iraq and Afghanistan....and I am only 28. They were kids ya know? And the ones who have come back? Just attended a funeral of a friend last month. PTSD....the horrors of war...he couldn't go on. Most of the rest of them are in someway disabled and unemployed. Sad deal. All the way around. But what we are doing isn't working. Our government has embarked on an imperial hubris that will be the death of our great Republic. On that note--I came across a book by Pat Buchanan who I never liked all that well....but he has some amazing points regarding interventionism and what we are doing and how it's destroying our country. It's a bit lengthy...the excerpt.... but I'll post what he said real quick. Makes sense to me. And yes...I am thinking Ron Paul could be the guy. If more people REALLY read up on him instead of listening to the corporate talking machines on TV--they'd find that this guy knows his stuff. I believe he is a man of integrity that truly has great ideas and wants what's best for this Country. I have more digging to do. We will see.
  18. Scrumdiddles. Bamagirl. I don't post often. I am usually a reader and a researcher only. But I feel I need to interject. I mean this with no disrespect & I can no longer remember who threw the first punch with a sideways statement at the other, but at this point it's moot. Agree to disagree. You will likely NEVER convince the other and now its resorted to pretty much name-calling and a bunch of other non sense. Politics are sticky. If you cant have a healthy, non-personal attacking debate--then just stop. Really, are either of you getting anything out of this other than high blood pressure and hurt? Lets face it--throwing around Bible verses within this should come to an end... with the one about the Golden Rule. You both are very politically opinionated which is wonderful. Considering a large chunk of America is numbed up and dumbed down by corporately owned media empires that pump out lies and push the new empty suit of the week, it's refreshing to see that some actually care enough to push strongly against or for a specific "candidate." that said, let's debate in a more healthy style. Forgive each other and move forward; I am sure there is a common ground. We all want what's best for the country, however it is clear that our ideas on how to get there, and what priority trumps the other, will differ in nearly everyone. On a personal note--not a fan of Obama (at all) or any of the other candidates so I am a bit at a loss. I do like Ron Paul and as many of you point out, he's "out there" on many issues. But what candidate doesn't have some questionable policy ideas. None. There's NO candidate that you'll agree with 100%. I hate several things about each one running for office & think each of them has a dangerous view on one thing or another. With that said, lets try to take the good with the bad and maybe our country can be saved. I fear a death of this Great's a lot to stomach. Matter of fact-I'll go make a drink and get off my soap box. I just really enjoy both of your contributions on this board and this kind of back and forth is getting way to heated; I'd hate to see y'all get booted for even a few days. To those opposing Obama, who do you favor? Just a question, I am truly curious and am trying to research the candidates more.
  19. BUMP! I kept reading and though...this cannot possibly be just happening to me. I saw no red.....and thought I'd just worn it out lol...decided to shoot a question and saw Y'all beat me to it, thanks! bumpity bumpbump. Omg lol! My orange juice came out my nose. That's hysterical! Side note ***yes...please remove the limit on + at least. I could see if you could set a limit on how many times you could plus one person in the same day or even the negs...but night before last, I was up at 2:30am reading and apparently used them all up. So last night I get back on at 11pm, a new night in my mind--I'd worked a ten hour shift and all....and nope. Still said "Youve reached your max" quota or limit or whatever. I hate that! I really wish we could have a little m ore. Thanks!
  20. I am loving the excitement. There are 142 people reading this topic. Friggin awesome! Float baby float.... Good luck everyone!
  21. Right!? And them going on n on about the dinar community getting health insurance togegther, as a group plan. Freaking kiddn me. WTF cares? I thought this call woulda been abt dinar not all of them trying to buy friggin health insurance. And then sum lady leading the call named Rhoda, going on about a chicken her friend owns (yeah, I am serious) must all be related to Okie. Gawd. Nuts. Neway, night!! Good luck to all!
  22. So...I couldn't resist. Got on the call and there's some stupid woman "Rhoda" going on about a friggin chicken her friend has. These people are full of it...Rhoda is saying she might go wait at the bank and the main guy is saying that even if it gets releases, Johnny says we should not go to the banks bc it may take awhile for the banks to have their "packages ready." I people are lacking in the IQ factor...
  23. This will...I guarantee you, have probably a close record on how many views it will get! Must be 40 people reading it now.
  24. Omg. You sure did make me bust out laughing....quite loudly. The husband asleep next to me...not so amused. At least he stopped snorning for the 4 seconds he was awake! Ha! "his cheese slid off his cracker...." my new phrase of the week! Love it!
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