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R Veyron

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Everything posted by R Veyron

  1. Waiting for this RV thing to happen so I can go into retirement retirement.
  2. I teel that next week that it will be confirmed that Ole Guru Steve is a big fat liar when nothing happens.
  3. Why would you assume I am referring to something posted on another site ? I am just asking plausible questions here...
  4. If this isn't a classic case of Poetic Justice, I don't know what is. That it may of happened by accident or by some coincidence , I think that God may be getting a good laugh out of it.... Pay back is a B!%ch Okie, Get you summa that !!!!
  5. Im not seeing where approving a budget and or nominating a president means RV ..... Am I missing something here, I just doin't see where this is clear or evident.
  6. Dinar -1166 equal to 1 dollar, Having Okies phone number ,,,,, Priceless !!
  7. Well, Im calling Delta a ginormous liar.
  8. Looks like Stryker Strykes out ....He is Sofa King full of it.....
  9. Probably an older Guru who got bashed too much for being constantly wrong and changed their name. The Chase guy is probably closer to being right about anything but I do think there's still a chance they could do someting with their currency but that chance is probably low at this point.
  10. It appears that the usual decievers continue throwing out their lies. This for me is the worst part of my involvement with this investment. The sad thing is, it could very well come about in the near future, it's just the horde of liars that come along with it are pissing me off.
  11. That's right, disassociate from the dollar and look to your neighbors in the region to help determine the value of your currency. Kick those radical bums out of your country, send Malaki on an extended vacation and then pull the trigger on the RV. Now get to work.
  12. I got news for you,this Brietling chap doesn't know Jack, just like the rest of these "in the know" , "connected" " Inside info" know nothings. That he is an investor just means he is in the same boat we all are. He knows nothing.
  13. I find it hard to believe that such a small force has caused so much ruckus and getting away with causing so much chaos. They should send in Ninja Team 6 and wipe them out pronto.
  14. That would suck for him if we all of a sudden had an RV while he was headed for the big house.
  15. No Worries ? Well, I just have one, that Delta is full of S%&t, that's all.
  16. ****** This has been a test of the International Dinar Alert System, If this had been an actual alert, you would of been instructed to put on your Depends Under garments for the following email alert would be informing you that the RV had occurred. Since this the RV has not occurred and this is just a test, do not put on your Depends under garments and go about your daily routine.. But, this could of been an actual alert but it's not so don't get all excited and remain calm. In the future, there could be another test that may seem like an alert and you may think it's an actual alert but it will just be a test so don't get all excited about that one because it hasn't happened yet, but it might. . We'll be sure and let you know when it does though because that's just what we do..******* ****Once again, this was just a test and not the real thing but one day it might be so be ready for that*******
  17. Let's see here... country in turmoil so you raise salaries... what's wrong with this picture ?
  18. No boots on the ground, just possible drone strikes for now...
  19. Iraqs money is nice and safe spread out around the world in peoples sock drawers...
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