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Princess DinarTard

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Everything posted by Princess DinarTard

  1. [quote name='DinarThug' date='19 July 2012 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1342759366' post='999825' Here’s the good part: They are going to be operating with strictly the new dinar only. Not the current dinar. That totally fits what Shabibi has been saying all along. He also said that family members have told him that the local banks are ready to start exchanging the currency. They have the new dinar in stock and they have De La Rue machines too. The bank personnel are saying September 1 also. I will pass on more info when I get it. Have a blessed day. Anyone else read that (in bold) ? So what's the deal?? Are our dinars any good? What the hell does this mean "not the current dinar"? There's only one dinar we can "currently" get through a dealer so what gives? Hmph.
  2. how does a fluctuation of the KWD (kuwait DINAR) effect the IQD (IRAQ DINAR)? Two seperate countries, two seperate currencies and two different circumstances. I appreciate the reporting back but this all still comes off as more conjecture I'm not seeing how one relates to another, other than geographical proximity
  3. Don't leave. I've never heard of you before and am left intrigued by your statement. It is very clear that Randalln is a "pumper"...I said this back in January when he DECLARED that he had a buddy cashing out...and blamed his talk on Red Bull and Vodka So if it matters, I would like for you to stay. I definitely agree with much of what you said. And about 90% of the people who have invested gambled on purchased DINAR are IN DENIAL.
  4. thanks. never heard of him prior to this post. Will definitely look him up.
  5. everything you wrote about is what they did around this time last year...around memorial day. Lots of "it's a scam" talk. Then it died down. A little bit.
  6. first, who's marcus curtis? Is he a new "goo roo" second, yes. There seem to be a lot of people now on the "this dinar is a scam" bandwagon lately
  7. well it's definitely confusing at times. I have a friend who is into Numerology though (I try to never tap into that stuff) but anyway, they approached me and said that this is the "year of the Dragon" (according to the Chinese, I guess) and that I'm going to be "well off financially" by August...I'm hoping that means because of the dinar
  8. lol OP....Your title is funny in itself....Frank26 has been speaking the same "gibberish" for a while now...he is no different than he was when I first got into this...he knows no more than the average "goo roo" yeah, he is a bit "cray" whoa...! I almost read that wrong...good thing I checked it out again...but if those vowels were a bit different we'd have chaos on these here threads..
  9. every month someone comes out and tell all of us just "how close" we are...then that month comes and goes. Repeat on the 1st of the month and on pay day weekends too. so, looks like this "Oublood" character is the newest "guru' to join the list of goobers. He is following the likes of Okie, Dan & Tony, Footforward, BellaGrits, Jonnywg, Bulldog and a host of others who claim EVERY WEEK something significant is around the corner
  10. I have a few questions for you! can you give more details on this "disturbing call" please. Does this so called call relate to the "dinar" itself or was it a call from your brother (or sister) calling you to go hang out when you didn't want to (because I'd be disturbed by that ) ? What makes you think all of the sites are connected? Share the "deets" on that too if you have them. Why do you think this post will disappear? The mods don't censor so called rumors. If that was the case, anything about OKIE would've been scrubbed a long time ago and anyone who mentioned him would be perma-banned, right? Are you paranoid because of this phone call? That's probably the most BRILLANT thing ^^^ I think I've EVER seen you write on DinarVets "Easy"
  11. Well I'm listening to Randy Koonce's call RIGHT NOW (live) and he must read this website and/or thread because he is addressing some of the things posted here...(for example, he just said that the 13303 signing has no influence on giving us the "RV" has allowed us to buy independently, that's about it). He is now addressing the issue of multiple sites working together...briefly. Folks, you have lots of people throwing in the towel because waiting for an "investment" to mature over 9/10 years is just a long time to wait. Not everyone has a knack for being patient so to tell them that is a bit presumptious, don't ya think? Whatever the case, let people just live life ok. If people wanna quit because their tired of guru boo boo, so be it. If you wanna listen to Okie until your ears bleed to death from his lies, ok then. And if you want to hold tight to this a little longer, that's cool. I just want the truth to come out.
  12. well just because you enjoy eating his vomit, doesn't mean the rest of us enjoy smelling it...keep your barf bag to stinks
  13. he needs medication, namely Risperidone and less hits to his forum. If you ignore him and his hissyfits sprinkled with delusions of granduer, he won't know what to do with himself. stop going to his site. Quit posting his drivel.
  14. and sadly, there are LOTS of people who think just like this... That's why those of us who watch from the sideslines have an obligation to speak responsibly and post things that are factual (as the best we can). Rumors are just that and should be taken as entertainment. The problem is when the dinar holders by the thousands (literally) turn to entertainment that TICKLES THEIR EARS from the likes of Okie, Dan & Tony of P-T-R , Footforward and a host of other "gurus" who parade themselves as Iraqi dinar connoisseurs whereby their OPINIONS are taken as "dinar bible fact". It's not and far from ever being true. I don't know what these people get in return from behaving like this (money, kickbacks, free dinar, inflated ego or whatever it is), but those of us paying attention need to just keep in mind that there are ALWAYS newbies coming into this by the droves and we need to accurately present to them real information. I've heard of people going as far as killing themselves due to this not happening fast enough and them being in dire financial straits, needing medical help or legal trouble. When it gets to that point, enough is enough. Sometimes, it's just a bit too much and it bothers me that if someone like myself suggest that some of us (on here) should behave a bit more maturely regarding what we post and quit feeding into this madness, it's countered with harsh words/crirticism and/or "phantom neg's". I don't subscribe to the original poster's sentiments, but I am not shocked by them either. We can all help in our own way by decreasing the amount of exposure some of these so called "gurus" get "on the boards" and conference calls by minimalizing their importance. It just makes no sense to me how in the world people like OKIE can still be getting hits to his website and people signing up to hear lies, day after day after day...on an hourly basis (the same is true for P-T-R, 3 S Intel and The Big Call Groups)..."This isn't my first rodeo" with these people. I sniffed them out a while ago.
  15. yes..yes and yes...I agree 1,000% why is it that everytime a notorious b.s.'er rumor insider feels the urge to pound away on their keyboard to share their $0.02 about things on here (when half the's PURE CONJECTURE).... there's an overwhelming "thank you" mantra that immediately follows?? (those kind of responses from some users always seems so ill-timed and quite Jim Jones-ish to me ). I'm not "tracking" that. At all. definitely +1 for you for thinking out loud sir (anyway, regarding randlln's original post...he gave it two weeks until we would see something "great", check the date for yourself. Well, it's well past a month from this projected time frame and I still hear....crickets)
  16. ok. PAUSE!!!!!!!! Do you have some kind of insider "source" (ie: Direct link to Shabibi or someone) or is the aforementioned comment pure personal conjecture on your end? Because if it's the latter, your statement deserves to be in the "rumor" section not the news... The news section is where we look for facts that point to this RV happening. The rumors are for the hearsay and occasional lies. So which is it? Because your blanket statement leaves much to the imagination and offer little to back it up. Still scratching my head as to why that comment has as many "+'s" as it does when it sounds like something a pumper ill-seasoned observer would say Can we just keep the news...factual? (perfect pretty please) Anyway, go RV. Keeping fingers crossed for sooner than later.
  17. well this Princess gave you a +1 so the dinar "gods" wouldn't be mad with me (I think I'm on their bad side for disagreeing with Easy and co.)
  18. dillonsdinar, I agree with you... But what I've noticed is that if you say anything in disagreement about what one of the more frequent posters write, you WILL get bashed or are setting yourself up for that to happen. Guess I took a chance on this one after months/years of watching from afar. It's almost....shall I say Sacrilegious to say "I don't agree" seems sometimes. And even if you do it with no cursing or fan fare it still matters not....ravishing wolves. WOW! Guess it's a lesson learned...keep mum or never disagree This princess has been a "bad girl". I'm so "saw-rie" LoL Count it all joy. But I'd rather count cash...AND hoping to count a lot of it and soon. Go RV.
  19. HARDLY....nice try though. Don't get mad because I and a select few others see through your 'tactics" albeit very transparent. I choose not to subscribe to your brand of reality and I get scolded by your fan club for it? Well that makes for all the elements of a typical "childish" high school bully session. Point is, your "rumor" is bogus and I don't think it qualifies for reprint. As an adult, I'm entitled to my OPINION and shouldn't get bashed for it ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I DIDN'T ATTACK YOU (personally). I stayed "ON TOPIC" and called this one irrelevant. Yet you and your "gang" have belittled me for no apparent reason other than me disagreeing with you. Why? GROW UP EASY.... I've watched you for nearly a year now misappropriate situations and irresponsibly recant stories and throw in a cute disclaimer so that they take on the appearance of a rumor and have said NOTHING until now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough is enough with this charade of yours. If your agenda is to.......nevermind. Not going to feed the trolls on that one. The point is I disagree but I am dumbfounded by how it goes from my disagreeing with you, then to you and your fan club attacking me off the cuff. Try a new tactic.. And FYI, As a princess I can do better than the "WHITE STAG", "GEORGE" or "FADED GLORY" private label brands of WALMART (not that there's anything wrong with that) but thanks for assuming Easy. Make an out of you not me! (Notice my "stink face"). <- insert sarcasm here... NEXT TIME, YOU GOT A RUMOR....MAKE SURE IT IS A RUMOR and not you posting frivolously just for giggles.
  20. this topic was brought up earlier this week and the GENERAL conclusion was that any indication of such activities regarding the ceasing of the auctions and the RV are not synonomous but rather mutually exclusive events. But it helps to hope for the best. Just sooner rather than later...the RV that is.
  21. hmmm...guess you and I are the only ones who notice what's really going on here...I've been wanting to say something about this months ago...but just kept cool. I "lurked" from afar. Yes...putting stuff out there like this....AND AGAIN I POINT OUT THIS ONE WASN'T EVEN A RUMOR THOUGH...does a disservice. I've been in this for a while now but I can only imagine the newbies who take ish like this seriously...(and you and I BOTH KNOW some people even take so called "rumors" as bible fact...let's just be honest, m'kay). I don't think it's right and I don't know what pleasure Easy gets when he does stuff like this....he's done it so many times....and usually people say "thanks for sharing" like a drone. REALLY???? As I've sat back and what so much real news AND RUMORS play out and people respond to it, I would like to say that it all adds to the drama of this show in "dinar land"...but to purposely bring over crap from Okie or the likes of him or other KNOWN LIARS is just plain wrong...rumor OR NOT. Just because it gets aired out in other forums doesn't mean we should repeat it...because all you are doing is stirring the pot of confusion. Seems to me that someone lacks a sensitivity chip if they post blatent lies....and then adds the tag "take it with a grain of salt" to make it worthy to fit in a rumor section. But I guess I'm just a princess observing from my tower..
  22. wow!!!!!! so you are on easy's payroll or the #1 member of his fan club eh? Can anyone have their OWN opinion around here? Sheesh... Sorry I don't agree but Easy's post didn't even have a minutia OF rumor based "intel" in it....He copied and pasted another self proclaimed guru known for spouting off the side of their neck wasn't even a rumor worth repeating anywhere, emailing or calling home about. Just someone saying yada yada this and I get blasted for calling Easy out for dropping that guru's drivel over here? So rich.. True that it's a rumor section but what in it was worth gossiping about ? I'll wait..... I instead of someone debating me like an adult, instead the bullies attack me for the name I gave this avatar? An Avatar? In my opinion, if there is a rumor someone finds, it dang sure better be worth bragging about on the most ridiculous of conference calls...(because more than likely it's a lie anyway)...Rumor are for entertainment purposes mostly (and rarely ever factual)...this was just...blah. vent. Expecting the "princess bashing" to commence in 5...4...3...2...goooooooo LOL
  23. time will tell...heck we've all been waiting so long. hopefully not more smoke
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