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About Dr_Payne

  • Birthday 02/20/1972

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  1. It's nice to dream about being rich. It's another thing to be rich. This investment is slightly better than playing the lottery. If there is a LOP and it does RV after the LOP at say, 3.33, and you have 1,000,000 dinar, and end up with 1,000, you end up with a profit. If you paid 1,400 bucks for your dinar, with the LOP and the RV, you end up over 3 grand. That's a very large return on an investment. Put that grand in the bank and see how long it takes to triple. Invest in bonds and see how long it takes to triple. There are a ton of variables in play here..."If" they honor the current currency..."If" you can only trade in old currency for new currency in Iraq..."If" it happens at all....If, If If. I sincerely hope that there is not a LOP, that all of this is "smoke and mirrors". I learned at an early age that where there's smoke, there is usually fire. "If" I become a millionaire on a small investment, I will be ecstatic! It's very exciting. I personally love to read the stuff that the "gurus" post. There are a few that make some educated and informed guesses. There are a few that I like to refer to as "two bucket people." Those are the people that always have to outdo someone else. You know, the person that if you tell them you ate a bucket of shiat, they come back and say that they ate 2 buckets of shiat. Either way, it's entertainment. It's a lot like wrestling. You know it's fake, but those guys put on a helluva show. Another great piece of advice - Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
  2. That whole taxing goods coming into the country is a terrible idea! I mean seriously, look how well NAFTA worked for the US! Yes, that was sarcasm, but feel free to bash away.
  3. I honestly can not believe how everyone gets so upset when it comes to the rumors section. I personally like to read them and anyone with any sense (or since as some gurus say) should realize after reading them a couple of weeks that most of the information is recycled often. You could say it's like reading the National Enquirer vs. the Wall Street Journal. If you want facts about this investment, don't look for them in the rumor section! Also, most of these rumors come from different sites so why are people intent on killing the messenger? Keep these rumors up! I love reading about how we're going to be rich tomorrow, how it's already happened 3 months ago according to boots on the ground, how senators are talking to common people, how the Batchild turned 30 and spent his fortune on Dinars, how UFO's were spotted near the Bermuda triangle, and how the Rothschild's are responsible for every penny of wealth in the entire world (plus their very own cigar size)!
  4. That link takes you to an Oakie post? He's been making it "perfectly clear" that "it is done" for as long as the US has had "boots on the ground"
  5. I'm from Monroe, GA and pass this place on my way to visit my dad. I'm in if it RV's.
  6. You should probably remove three of them...
  7. RV rate will be different for every will match the price of gasoline where you live.
  8. Hmmm...most of the gurus say where there is smoke there are usually mirrors.
  9. This just in... Almost every single thing consumed in excess is bad for you. Moderation is the key. The which doesn't kill us (now) will only make us stronger, or dead later.
  10. I still do not understand how people can support government controlled health care. I agree that things were once too much in favor of the doctors, and now they favor the insurance companies. To give someone else the authority to say what you deserve and what you do not deserve is outrageous. Yes, you can keep your child that refuses to get a job on your insurance until they are 26. Yes, you can go to a hospital and get service. What they do not tell you, and what most people fail to realize, is that the service you take for granted will change. An inflamed gall bladder that needs to be removed will be treated with antibiotics of the smallest power. And then when they don't work, it will be treated with a medium powered antibiotic. And if that doesn't work, it will be treated with a high powered antibiotic. And then when all of that fails they will schedule surgery - and how far out that is, will depend on your age. It will come from a book read by someone with a high school education deciding what to do with your illness based on percentages. So you have cancer that has a 10% survival rate? The survival rate is so small that it will be deemed unworthy to spend the cash to even attempt to treat that. Oh, your child has leukemia? Your grandmother broke her hip? Your 60 year old father had a heart attack? For the government to insist that you have anything, and we as the people allowing that, is opening the door for more control of our lives. Think about it. If the government insists that we all have health care because some people do not realize it's importance what's to stop them from going further? Oh, let's say that a study is ran and GM is deemed safer than Ford. The government steps in because they do not believe that we can make our own decisions and decides that everyone must have a GM car instead of a Ford. Guns kill people. The law abiding citizens do not realize this. So let's take away their guns. Most citizens can not add or multiply or are not smart enough to check out the nutrition facts on the back of a can of soda. So let's make the soft drink companies put the exact amount of calories on the front of a can. No, we don't care if they will pass the cost off to the citizens. Video games are desensitizing children. Let's get rid of them altogether. Marilyn Manson caused that kid to go in and shoot up that school. Let's get rid of all of that type of music. Ten years later, someone else gets elected, decides that if they can get rid of one type, let's get rid of every bit that pesky rock and roll. Bicycles are the #1 cause of spinal injury in children. Let's get rid of those while we're at it. Don't forget to earmark that bill and add trampolines and swimming pools because they are #2 and #3 on that list. Keep your right to choose. Bash away all you want. The one's bashing are the one's that want to control things because they feel you are not smart enough to decide for yourself anyway.
  11. All of this is leading up to serious drilling here... The new commercials on CNN, the increased price per barrel, increased prices at the pump, and so forth and so on. It's a subtle attempt to change the minds of the select few that get bent out of shape and make life hell on the majority that a) knows we need to drill here, or doesn't care either way. The one's that don't care either way will be the first swayed, the one's that protest will feel it when gas is 5 bucks per gallon.
  12. If you carry around a cell phone, you already are "chipped." There is something new (you have to sign up for it now) that sends auto texts to your phone when you pass within a certain proximity of a store/airport/etc... Now, I'm no rocket surgeon (pun intended) but having to sign up for something and then someone deciding if you want to use their service that you have to do what they want anyway usually comes down to about 2 months. That's the 2 months it takes for that particular company to see how much potential revenue they could make if they force you to do it and put it in small enough print where 99% will not take the time to read it. My Yorkie and Schnauzer are both chipped. The Yorkie will probably go to hell, the Schnauzer has a much better demeanor though.
  13. I get warm and fuzzy feelings when thinking about things like life after 5:00 pm everyday. I feel especially warm and fuzzy when the weekend rolls around. I wonder if the angels are handing me a beer and a 60 ring Gurkha when I finish work for the week?
  14. Do you guys worry this much about the money taken from your paycheck every week? The government will get their share. There are two sure things in life, death and taxes. Sometimes I wonder exactly what percentage our ancestors were being taxed when they finally decided to take matters into their own hands and form the U.S. How do you think that compares to today? We pay taxes on everything we purchase, there are hidden taxes in the price of gas, oil, cigarettes, alcohol, and so forth and so on. Half of what you make, or more, goes to someone else. There are two types of people, the caught and the uncaught. I think I would rather pay instead of having a cloud hanging over my head day in and day out. If you are not rich now and foresee yourself rich after the RV, rest assured, you may not have the problems that currently plague you, but there will be problems. Money does not solve everything, but can make certain things easier. Do some research and take some of that new money and hire a tax attorney.
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