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Everything posted by arycroft2000

  1. Lopping the zeros, in reality, should do NOTHING to change the value of the currency.....instead of holding a 1K Dinar note worth $0.85, you'll be holding a 1 Dinar note worth $.00085. They CANNOT do this, unless they are just going to say its a perception thing. In reality this strategy would be a LOP and immediate RV by removing 3 zero's from the nominal rate, so your 1 Dinar note is worth $.85. But, if you have to arbitrarily turn in your 000 notes for single denoms, you would think that you would turn in your 1K dinar note for one thousand 1 dinar notes. This would mean that it is an ACTUAL RV by removing three zeros from the nominal rate, in which case, we are all rich (Well, as rich as the dollar allows us to be....I'm betting its gonna fall fast later this year). Its sounds like what they are suggesting in this article is that you have to turn in you 1K dinar note for just ONE 1 dinar note. If that is the case....this investment really is bullsh*t! Good lord.....I'm getting depressed now.
  2. Did this happen? Does anyone have any information on this? If the Fed is bowing out and allowing the US Treasury to print new treasury bills interest free, backed by commodities......this is HUGE!!!!
  3. "Water cold! Water cold!" Love that movie!
  4. This is the only video you need to watch.....
  5. Dark Helmet: What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie? Colonel Sandurz: You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now. Dark Helmet: What happened to then? Colonel Sandurz: We passed then. Dark Helmet: When? Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We're at now now. Dark Helmet: Go back to then. Colonel Sandurz: When? Dark Helmet: Now! Colonel Sandurz: Now? Dark Helmet: Now! Colonel Sandurz: I can't. Dark Helmet: Why? Colonel Sandurz: We missed it. Dark Helmet: When? Colonel Sandurz: Just now. Dark Helmet: When will then be now? Colonel Sandurz: Soon.
  6. I believe this is true too. SARS has been demonstrated to only affect Asians. AIDS is most certainly a bio-engineered virus. [link][/link] Not so sure about this one, but I do believe there is a power struggle at the top This I totally believe. The proof that the towers and WTC #7 "Building What?" were brought down by explosives is overwhelming. All you have to do is research "Stanley Meyer" and his water fuel cell technology and you'll know that "free energy" suppression is real. This I also completely believe. HAARP is no lie. Its totally real and capable of creating HUGE disturbances in the earth. It has even been documented by people monitoring the microwave plasma energy effects at the epicenters of each of these quakes.
  7. I've been hoping for a long while that what "Poof" is referring to in this chat log really is true. That there are benevolent leaders in our country with enough money, wealth and clout to bring the Federal Reserve System to task and bring back the monetary policy to one of a commodities backed currency controlled by the Treasury. To eliminate the Fed, the IRS and this fiat currency, fractional reserve banking system that has destroyed our economy and put most of the citizenry into indentured servitude. But....alas.... I cannot see the money masters relinquishing their grip and going quietly into the night. i still think we are screwed.
  8. If this really happened to you, then I say, "Fantastic", but..... Until it shows up on FOREX its hearsay at its finest. FOREX @ 14:40 CST, 4-22-11 1USD = 1178.5000 IQD .0008 USD = 1 IQD
  9. When every Iraqi citizen is working trying to earn enough money to buy that new 65" LED Flat Panel so they can show it off to their friends when its Iraqi Super Soccer Bowl time....they'll be to busy and distracted to ever consider doing the whole "Blow myself up for Allah and take as many infidels with me" thing. A great quality of life goes a long way toward eliminating extremism. Edited for grammar
  10. More of the same. Forex @ 14:14 CST Today 1 USD = 1,178.500 IQD
  11. I'll say much as this guy is wrong..... He only has to be right ONCE. Then I can blow this Popsicle stand.
  12. This appears to me that the intention is to delete three zeros from the actual notes......not the nominal rate. But if they do that, how can they raise the purchasing power of the currency. The value doesn't change. instead of 25K notes being worth about $21.25, you just have a 25 dinar note that is worth about $.02125 cents. Unless they plan to do a double deal where they simultaneously drop the zeros off the notes AND THEN move the decimal.....making a 25 dinar note worth about $21.25. Either way.....our investment is a wash. We have to trade in our 25K, 10K, 5K, and 1K notes....and they are just re-denominated. The only way we are going to make ANY money on this is if they DO NOT drop zeros from the notes and they just raise the nominal rate. They reclaim all the 25K, 10K, 5K, and 1K notes as people cash it. Everyone makes money. Everyone is happy. Even if they only move the decimal two places on the rate, that would still give someone holding 1 million dinars about $55,000 after taxes. I could live with that. If the article is saying they don't have near as much dinar in circulation.....WHY remove zero's from the notes? It does NOTHING toward revaluing the currency......which by all accounts should at least be near the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar, which I think is at about $3.5 per dinar right now. Iraq is a FAR RICHER country.....its just the stability that is in question. Thinking about this stuff gets my agent orange all to actin' up!
  13. Singapore went today from what i understand.
  14. Bad news or Good news?? Removing three 0's could be bad, could be good. If they remove three 0's from the actual notes, i.e. a 25K note become a 25 note, then its bad. The currency is still worthless and our investment was for naught. 1million IQD would equal about $900 USD. Major suckage. If they remove three 0's from the nominal rate, i.e. 1 IQD = .0009 USD and the rate becomes 1 IQD = 0.9 USD, then its really good news. If you have 1 million IQD it would exchange for $900,000. Whoohoo! After 35% tax, you'd have about $585,000 per million. Lets hope its off the nominal rate. Time will tell. Don't hold yer breath.
  15. No...its actually going to be in Nov-Dec this year, 2011, when Comet (Brown Dwarf) Elenin passes within .23 AU's of our planet. Google it. Its for real. Now....whether or not its REALLY going to shift the earths poles and peel our atmosphere off our planet and kill us all.....that is yet to be seen. But the comet itself is no joke and astronomers are starting to talk and share their data.
  16. "That or this woman has the worst case of hemorrhoids I've ever seen!!"
  17. ya know....its funny.... My girlfriend bought some new toilet paper for her house and she mistakenly bought that crappy Scott know the stuff they put in college dorm and airport bathrooms? Well, I was taking a dump over there yesterday and noticed the poor quality of the TP. I remember thinking...."Wow, a single Iraqi dinar is actually worth LESS than one single square of this toilet paper. I might as well be wiping my a$$ with it than this and save this Scott tp for a rainy day since its worth more." But in retrospect...I'm in the same boat as they guy above. I would rather keep my dinar forever and use it to wipe my own a$$ with or to start fires in my fireplace than to EVER sell it back.
  18. I purchased all of my dinar in 5K notes....does that have any bearing on this? Are they trying to pull all of the "000" notes out of circulation all the way down to the 1K notes? I went with the 5K notes instead of the 25K and 10K, thinking that they might be the last to be pulled out of circulation, giving me more time to do my financial planning if this thing really does RV and not RD and I really do become "wealthy over night". But, in all honesty, I really don't see the overnight thing happening. I see the dinar slowing appreciating over the next 2 - 5 years up to the $1-$3 level once Iraq gets its crap together. That is, if Comet Elenin doesn't rip our atmosphere away, flip the earth's poles and kill us all when it blows through at .235 AU's toward the end of this year. Just sayin'.
  19. Don't forget..... "TEARS ON MY KEYBOARD"
  20. I've looked into this whole global settlements thing before over the last year or so...I'm not a part of it, but....if its not a hoax.....then its a very interesting story. For the United States, I really think the change is a simple matter of the US Treasury taking back its power to coin and print its own money, interest free, away from the Federal Reserve. Begin issuing "US Treasury Notes", and buy back all of the bonds it sold the Fed. The "US Treasury Note" now becomes a "competing currency" to the fed notes, and the fed notes will go away, since borrowing them creates interest, and US notes are interest free. At the same time, you require all banks to increase their reserves until they are all at 100%. Banking regulations must change so that banks can no longer engage in fractional reserve banking. They can only loan what they have reserves for....period. Biggest problem with banking is their ability to loan 10 times their reserves. Loaning money they don't have to generate more profit. If you or I tried to do this, we would be jailed for fraud. The money must be backed by some tangible commodity (gold, silver, oil, etc.), or basket of commodities so that when you want to trade in your notes, you can actually trade it in for something. You abolish the federal reserve banking system and let the markets determine the interest rates. Things would gradually even out and we would no longer have the "business cycle" booms and busts....things would become steady and markets would become stabilized. The problem is that there is a small group of extremely wealthy men that do not want to give up their control of the world. The Chinese, I think, are pushing very hard to oust these people from the scene......but....they don't want to go quietly. Expect more wars, new illnesses and diseases, and a lot of death over the next few years. Just my opinion.
  21. So...its 14:10 CST (2:10PM) and here is your current FOREX: USD / IQD 1 / 1170.00 -0.05 (-0.00%) 19:10 GMT - Real-time Data (Disclaimer) Bid - 1165.00 Open - 1170.00 Ask - 1175.00 High - 1179.45 Low - 1170.00
  22. These people have absolutely ZERO credibility. They will have even less come Monday, when my FOREX ticket shows 1USD : 1170IQD. After Monday, I'm done with these sites...I'll just check FOREX every couple weeks or so.
  23. I concur. You need to call that brother-in-law and get him to spill the beans on what's up!
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