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Everything posted by dinarvictory

  1. This is correct, essentially. If you had a decent amount in savings, and would've spend it all on silver in 2008, you would likely be well-off right now. I started purchasing silver at $9 an ounce. It is now $46 an ounce. This is only over the past 2-3 years. Gold has seen decent increase as well, but proportionally isn't performing as well as silver, and it is more difficult to make real gains on for the middle class. The dinar has remained very stable relative to the U.S. dollar, though you can always hold on to a little dinar to see what might happen.
  2. And obviously, I was never looking at a $3.22 RV. My group was one of the first to make up the rumors of the RV of over $2. Even we were told not to say over $2.50 because people might call our bluff, because it would be too ridiculous to believe. And sure enough, people stopped buying as much once rumors of over $3-5 were published, because many grew skeptical. And why would I believe something I literally helped make up?
  3. Actually, when it was presented to me, it was to make money off of selling dinar. If you haven't read my profile, I used to get paid to post rumors on each of these forums. (Which is why my screenname is a generic 'dinar-loving' screenname.) I stay on these forums because there is good information on Iraq, and I feel obligated to only tell the truth to the people I lied to previously. I only own 250,000 dinar; as I was given my dinar. After doing research the past few years, it is true that something is happening to it. This will most likely be a nice (yet small compared to some of your expectations) yield. I will not buy any dinar, however, because I was one of the original "pumpers", and I don't see it being as profitable as my other investments. I invested heavily in silver at $14 an ounce (now over $45). I've invested in precious metals all my life, alongside food stocks. They are the things I had expectations of bringing in a fortune. To give you an example; on bullion alone, I made $1,120 on my most recent silver purchase THIS WEEK alone.
  4. This is how every other currency similar to the IQD has changed values. So yes, they will take off the three zeroes first. This will create a currency that is simpler to use and has technically a more "stable" rate; though value remains the same. However, the government hopes that this will facilitate its use, causing the market to drive the value of the dinar upwards. 8 times would be fantastic, but realistically (in the short run) I'm expecting 3x my original investment, and I'll sell what I have. Obviously over-the-top scenarios have been posted on these sites, as some of us have been paid to do so. But, as everything starts winding up, there won't be any questions as to what's going to happen. Though for some, they won't believe it until they see it, which I have no problem with. I just prefer to have proper expectations. Heck, 3x an investment? Even double is nothing to complain about; I think the main problem is that many people on here have never made an investment before. Many investments yield 12%-50% if your lucky; so 300% would be phenomenal. *In response to vinman's post; not quite. The $1 trillion would still have the same exact value, though its numbers would be $1 billion (value does not change; it's still the same amount in US dollars.) And the US has invested this kind of money in several countries. Think about the money we've spent on Afghanistan and the new spending on Libya: neither of which are going to pay us back in a matter of currency. I'm not sure why so many think Iraq is that special. Yes we've invested more than other countries into it, but that's U.S. foreign policy as of late, unfortunately. What the US cares about are the oil contracts and even working contracts to a lesser extent.
  5. Nothing has happened in Iraq. There's verification, though I really don't think anyone needed it.
  6. dinarvictory

    3 Zeros

    The actual article, in its original language, states that a reconstruction plan in its final steps. The currency is expected to be redistributed in new denominations. The denomination values can be approximated by eliminating three decimal places from the current value (as well as the exchange rate). These steps are being taken in order to facilitate trade and create greater ease of use of the currency for consumers and businesses. One key point in support of this plan was Saleh's astonished (not sure if astonished is the right word. It could be something else;) remark that the money supply had escalated to 27 trillion dinar. And while the government firmly believes the redenomination will facilitate the dinar's use, resulting in an increase in value (in relation to other currencies), most economists believe it will have little effect on its purchasing power, and will possibly have an immediate negative influence on the economy. Hope that clears up the article for you. If anyone notices any errors in my translation and summary, feel free to point them out, as its always possible that I misread a word. (Also this is only translating the parts most of you find important, if you want the rest of the article, I'll be on here later this week probably).
  7. It hasn't happened in Iraq...everything is still the same, there haven't been any announcements or even any bit of talk about it... Make sure these sources are actually in Iraq or at least visit Iraq frequently. Or just ask those of us who do work there/visit there.
  8. The only response I can give to this is that "Athena's" info is fake. There was no RV in Iraq last Saturday; sad thing is, even those who aren't in Iraq know her info is fake. It is funny though. Do they really believe that none of the people who read this stuff visit Iraq/work in Iraq frequently and know what's actually going on?
  9. Hopefully I can answer all of your questions fairly simply. Traders will continue to sell because they are making significant profit on shipping paper. Shipping is low, and you are charged quite a bit more than the currency is actually worth. And if you've been in Iraq recently, there is no strong urge to get the "000's" off the street right now. It is a point of discussion, but everything related to the dinar as far as use is still very similar in Iraq. Many people on these forums get their info off of strangers' forum post with no knowledge of what is actually going on. Another very important thing that I can NOT STRESS ENOUGH. KUWAIT DID NOT RV. This is a rumor that started spreading maybe 6 years ago during the introduction of all of the IQD rumors as a "factual backing". If you do your research with publicly available documents, you will see the rate never had a major "RV". It adjusted by a few cents every now and then, but it has been worth nearly the same amount as far back as I've dealt with these countries. THERE WAS, however, a time when Kuwaiti's feared that their currency would become worthless, so they sold it on the streets at ridiculous rates like $0.10 per dinar. THIS WAS NOT COMMON, though. Very few were lucky enough to find the misfortunate people who sold their currency out of fear. In the end, the currency did not fail or devalue. It remained the same. NO RV. So only those who ripped off others made any money. Don't take my word for it, go to, check historical exchange rates, or Oanda. NEVER TAKE WHAT IS SAID AT FACE VALUE. Research it for yourself, or you'll never know what is true. And lastly, no 500 notes do not protect you from a "lop". Many people here misunderstand the lop as well. All currency denominations are altered; the 500 would change in the exact manner the 25,000 would. If there is a redenomination, entirely new currency is issued and the old is phased out. A "lop" is used to help make a currency more easy to do business with essentially. Trade can be done in much smaller numbers; it eases transactions. The dinar, as mentioned above, is not worthless. The 25,000 note is similar to our 20, etc, etc. The issue is the poverty rate and the wage rate. The people of Iraq are not paid much Iraq whatsoever. The reason it is not a "recognized currency" is because THEIR ECONOMY IS NOT STABLE. This is the actual requirement of a "tradable currency". I'm not saying the RV will or won't happen. Just trying to clear up some misconceptions. Hope this helped. I've been in this for years, I've moderated sites like this, been paid to post rumors, and I've sold dinar for other sites. I know the "dinar business" fairly well. It is a tough investment, but first-hand research is also a main requirement to understand it in any way whatsoever. If you want my honest opinion : Those who bought as a miracle-investment will be disappointed. Those who are investors will be quite (possibly very) satisfied in the end.
  10. This is likely not even a rumor. At these banks, where many go for Dinar, they were informed of the changes Iraq stated they would make. Most saw the article and go off of that. That's why they may not be lying when they say "they think something is changing". This isn't even necessarily a pumper rumor. If they were going off the xe article, it would be a negative tone towards the investment.
  11. Please do not put everything into this investment! I WILL NOT stand to see someone do something like that again. I used to moderate a dinar rumor site, and let me tell you right now, it is not something to leave your job for. Maintain a job!!! The "economist" evaluations on these sites are crap. I know, I had to publish several of them. I've done all the research. I've been in actual economic studies. Never in history has an "RV" like this ever happened, no matter what anyone says. I can prove it with documents and facts if necessary. Also, Iraq can in no way support revaluing their currency like some expect. What has been discussed in Iraq (and is even blatantly stated in articles that we...or "they" turn into what they want). Iraq is looking to improve the economy by first redenominating and taking three zeroes off of the number alone; which eases transactions. At this point, the dinar will likely be left to the market for its value. In basic terms, It will likely "lop" as we call it, and then increase about 10-15% of its value before old bills are entirely removed. However, it is good/fun that on the off chance it RV's, you keep a little dinar just for hope. I didn't even sell all mine after finding out everything. I still kept 250,000. Because if it rv'd; I'd get a new house fully paid and a car, and my job would cover standard bills. I could live very comfortably. But if it doesn't, I continue my life as usual. Ultimately; be safe for your own good. I'm probably going to be hated for this post...
  12. Just for reference, that never happened in Kuwait, and I'm not sure where people get some of that info. Those who were there got lucky sometimes because the people had been frightened that their currency would soon be worthless. Thus, the few who made money off of Kuwait, purchased their currency as low as $0.10 per dinar. However, the currency never crashed, and remained at the rate upwards of $3. The government never had an RI or an RV. It stayed the same, and very few people got lucky enough to play off of citizens' fear. And you can check the facts on this one; rates are documented over the past 50-70 years on several currency/government/or exchange sites.
  13. Assuming you meant Kuwait; Kuwait never had a major RV of their currency. That's a common misconception. The government did not change the currency. Some people were frightened/tricked into selling their dinar on the streets for as low as $0.10 to the dollar. However, it never lost its value and has been fairly constant (though it has increased slight amount) throughout most of the century. If this RV happens, it will be the first event ever like it in history. No currency has ever had a drastic change/increase without a standard lop (device used to make transactions easier by simply removing the 0's). That's why the Iraq dinar is such an exciting yet difficult investment. We have to have faith that it will break new grounds.
  14. Don't worry. The likeliness is actually more that uncirculated bills are counterfeited. They are also less inspected; uncirculated bills are often cased or bagged by the sellers and are sometimes not even taken out by the consumer to "keep them perfect". Circulated bills have usually been inspected by merchants, especially if you get them from a large merchant. They could be counterfeit, they may not be. Uncirculated bills are largely a way to make more money of the counterfeit "fear"; they offer security for a price that's actually ridiculous for exchanging a currency for another currency.
  15. Not to get into a biblical discussion, but don't use the bible's words as proof for us getting rich. While it sounds encouraging; Iraq isn't even the "Mystery, Babylon". If it were, we would have to see it become America, pretty much. And then we would have to decide if it were America or Iraq which was Babylon. I'd still lean towards America, because it has made all nations rich; just imagine the lamentation of the world market if America's economy entirely crashed. America has multiple ports for merchants to bring in goods; unlike Iraq who has one tiny one that a large freighter can no longer even travel through. Iraq in no way has multitudes of different nationalities and tongues, while that is all America is. And when it discusses the world getting rich off of Babylon, it says "the merchants who got rich from her by selling these things to her (gold,silver,fine linen,things of citron and ivory, etc.). They got rich selling things to this nation; The land which buys the majority of the world's products right now; America. Even the robed women with a cup in her hand - in babylonian culture there was such woman called the "mother of the lost" or various other names. Her name was Libertas by the Romans. Previously identified as "Ishtar", Isis, Athena, etc. Goddess of fertility. Also known as the "model figure" for the statue of liberty sculpted by Frederic Bartholdi, whom we call "The mother of exiles." And then just for coincidence sake; all ships coming into new york city's port facilities must come from the south. They must navigate through the seaport NYC/Babylon. With a huge water tower reading "Babylon". Just a funny touch. Now I could be wrong, and Iraq could grow a large port city for deep-water freights...maybe, and many nationalities may flood the country once the RV does happen, and their people may become the largest consumers of the world, and Iraq may become a world power economically and militarily. But what I'm really trying to say is don't use the bible for our selfish desires of wealth. Especially when as of now, it fits the description in not a single way.
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