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Everything posted by debratzz

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PVS, I hope your day is marvelous, magnificent, magical... Be blessed!
  2. This is obviously from back in april, from a contractor.I've never given much credence to his opinion. I'm still optimistic.
  3. A bit of post inebriated anxiety?
  4. "Hard to believe she would be making this up", that says it all. It's no wonder you believe the birther conspiracy.
  5. Did you say bibs... They will need diapers if, "fire in my belly" Palin were to run and win :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Thank you past foolish,very well said. So much hypocrisy!
  7. I was trying to find more info about Sarah Palins, "fire in her belly" statement... Turns out it was just the mexican food she had just eaten! Hopin this will pass
  8. Funny how the majority here never comment on all the junk people constantly post about our current president!
  9. I suppose you've just learned to live with low self esteem! :D :D
  10. Not doing the usual verbal assaults tonight deeeeennnaaarrr? By the way talk about trying to stifle free speech, your bud tj started his 3rd thread whining about it this morning.
  11. Thank you, I am glad others see the hypocrisy! Most Obama bashing threads go 3 & 4 pages and anyone in oppostion is verbally assaulted.
  12. Would be nice if it was birthers have left the building...
  13. I am sure you would prefer to go back to a time when blacks were not allowed to vote!
  14. A great tribute to our military! I lived at SAC headquarters in the early 70's. I have a daughter that was born in Ehrling Berquist hospital.
  15. OK, I admit it I do it too! I also try to get aya out of the red
  16. We keep it pretty respectable, but some believe that we express our opposing views ,"to cause trouble". We are a minority at DV, we are the ones that are getting cursed. Some would love to shut us up and make us go away...
  17. Sickening redundant diatribe. Sickening redundant diatribe.
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