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Everything posted by bostonangler

  1. Why do people think Clinton, Obama, Bush or any other American president can control this? Don't you know it's the Chinese??? LOL B/A
  2. Shabs, not sure how anyone could neg you for that... I'm so surprised by the hatred of humanity displayed by our members... WWJS??? B/A
  3. Never say never... The Democratic and Republican Parties can trace their roots back to the 1800s, but some of the most interesting stories in American political history spring from parties which enjoyed flashes of glory before fading away for good. The extinct political parties of the 1800s include organizations which were successful enough to put candidates in the White House. And there were also others that were just doomed to inevitable obscurity. Here is a listing of some significant political parties who are no longer with us, in roughly chronological order: Federalist Party The Federalist Party is considered the first American political party. It advocated a strong national government, and prominent Federalists included John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. The Federalists did not build a sustaining party apparatus, and the party's defeat in the election of 1800 led to its decline. It essentially ceased to be a national party after 1816. (Jeffersonian) Republican Party The Jeffersonian Republican Party, which, of course, supported Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800, was formed in opposition to the Federalists. The Jeffersonians tended to be more egalitarian than the Federalists. Following Jefferson's two terms in office, James Madison won the presidency on the Republican ticket in 1808 and 1812, followed by James Monroe in 1816 and 1820. The Jeffersonian Republican Party then faded away. The party was not a forerunner of the present day Republican Party. At times it was even called a name which seems contradictory today, the Democratic-Republican Party. National Republican Party The National Republican Party supported John Quincy Adams in his unsuccessful bid for reelection in 1828 (there had been no party designations in the election of 1824). The party also supported Henry Clay in 1832. The general theme of the National Republican Party was opposition to Andrew Jackson and his policies. The National Republicans generally joined the Whig Party in 1834. The National Republican Party was not a forerunner of the Republican Party, which formed in the mid-1850s. Anti-Masonic Party The Anti-Masonic Party formed in upstate New York in the late 1820s, following the mysterious death of a member of the masonic order, William Morgan. It was believed that Morgan was killed before he could reveal secrets about the masons and their suspected influence in American politics. The party, while seemingly based on conspiracy theory, gained adherents. And the Anti-Masonic Party actually held the first national political convention in America. Its convention in 1831 nominated William Wirt as its presidential candidate in 1832. Wirt was an odd choice, having once been a mason. And while his candidacy was not successful, he did carry one state, Vermont, in the electoral college. Part of the appeal of the Anti-Masonic Party was its fiery opposition to Andrew Jackson, who happened to be a mason. The Anti-Masonic Party faded into obscurity by 1836 and its members drifted into the Whig Party, which also opposed the policies of Andrew Jackson. Whig Party The Whig Party was formed to oppose Andrew Jackson's policies and came together in 1834. The party took its name from a British political party which had opposed the King, as the American Whigs said they were opposing "King Andrew." The Whig candidate in 1836, William Henry Harrison, lost to the Democrat Martin Van Buren. But Harrison, with his log cabin and hard cider campaign of 1840, won the presidency (though he would only serve for a month). The Whigs remained a major party throughout the 1840s, winning the White House again with Zachary Taylor in 1848. But the party splintered, mainly over the issue of slavery. Some Whigs joined the Know-Nothing Party, and others, most notably Abraham Lincoln, joined the new Republican party in the 1850s. Liberty Party The Liberty Party was organized in 1839 by anti-slavery activists who wanted to take the abolitionist movement and make it a political movement. As most leading abolitionists were adamant about being outside politics, this was a novel concept. The party ran a presidential ticket in 1840 and 1844, with James G. Birney, a former slaveholder from Kentucky as their candidate. The Liberty Party drew meager numbers, garnering only two percent of the popular vote in 1844. It has been speculated that the Liberty Party was responsible for splitting the anti-slavery vote in New York state in 1844, thereby denying the state's electoral vote to Henry Clay, the Whig candidate and assuring the election of the slave-owning James Knox Polk. But that assumes Clay would have drawn all the votes cast for the Liberty Party. Free Soil Party The Free Soil Party came into being in 1848, and was organized to oppose the spread of slavery. The party's candidate for president in 1848 was former president Martin Van Buren. Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party won the 1848 presidential election, but the FreeSoil Party did elect two senators and 14 members of the House of Representatives. The motto of the Free Soil Party was "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men." After Van Buren's defeat in 1848 the party faded and members were eventually absorbed into the Republican Party when it formed in the 1850s. The Know-Nothing Party The Know-Nothing Party emerged in the late 1840s as a reaction to immigration to America. After some success in local elections with campaigns rife with bigotry, former president Millard Fillmore ran as the Know-Nothing candidate for president in 1856. Fillmore's campaign was a disaster and the party soon dissolved. Greenback Party The Greenback Party was organized at a national convention held in Cleveland, Ohio in 1875. The formation of the party was prompted by difficult economic decisions, and the party advocated the issuing of paper money not backed by gold. Farmers and workers were the party's natural constituency. The Greenbacks ran presidential candidates in 1876, 1880, and 1884, all of whom were unsuccessful. When economic conditions improved, the Greenback Party faded into history.
  4. Seriously? A little history for ya... Cuba wasn't always Commie. . . . Ahhh, who let Fidel take control? Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (Spanish: República de Cuba (help·info)), is a unitary sovereign state comprising the island of Cuba as well as Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean meet. It is south of both the U.S. state of Florida and the Bahamas, west of Haiti, and north of Jamaica. Havana is the largest city and capital; other major cities include Santiago de Cuba and Camagüey. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, with an area of 109,884 square kilometres (42,426 sq mi), and the second-most populous after Hispaniola, with over 11 million inhabitants.[14] Prior to Spanish colonization in the late 15th century, Cuba was inhabited by Amerindian tribes. It remained a colony of Spain until the Spanish–American War of 1898, which led to nominal independence as a de facto United States protectorate in 1902. As a fragile republic, Cuba attempted to strengthen its democratic system, but mounting political radicalization and social strife culminated in the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1952.[15] Further unrest and instability led to Batista's ousting in January 1959 by the July 26 Movement, which afterwards established a government under the leadership of Fidel Castro. Hmmm Dwight Eisenhower. Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. Tough guy in the west? Not so much... Eisenhower entered the 1952 presidential race as a Republican to counter the non-interventionism of Senator Robert A. Taft, campaigning against "communism, Korea and corruption." He won in a landslide, defeating Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson and temporarily upending the New Deal Coalition. Eisenhower was the first U.S. president to be constitutionally term-limited under the 22nd Amendment. Eisenhower's main goals in office were to keep pressure on the Soviet Union and reduce federal deficits. In the first year of his presidency, he threatened the use of nuclear weapons in an effort to conclude the Korean War; his New Look policy of nuclear deterrence prioritized inexpensive nuclear weapons while reducing funding for conventional military forces. He ordered coups in Iran and Guatemala. Eisenhower gave major aid to help France in Vietnam. He gave strong financial support to the new nation of South Vietnam. Congress agreed to his request in 1955 for the Formosa Resolution, which obliged the U.S. to militarily support the pro-Western Republic of China in Taiwan and continue the isolation of the People's Republic of China.
  5. Shabs, I didn't mean it imply he is a Hitler type, only that he is a master of propaganda. I wonder how he'll handle the health of the American dream... I hear lots of crying about our country and our government, but the last 8 years have been the best my company has ever had. In fact, business is so good, we just bought a beautiful new home. Trump surely isn't Hitler, but watch what he'll do to the American dream if (and I say if) he gets his hands on it. I believe he has no chance of winning, and with the recent record of failure the Republican party has had, I have to wonder if it will even exist in 4 years. B/A
  6. Forget it Shabs... You can't fix stupid. As LGD stated how did Hitler do it??? Easy, you spoon feed the ignorant fantasy and they gobble it up like rats eating rat poison. In my humble opinion, this is the worst American politics has ever offered voters. And sadly, I fear there will be a terrible event before the election to scare the sheeple to feed at the trough. B/A
  7. And that my friend is why I put it in Rumors. At least he writes well and in proper English. B/A
  8. The timeline has not changed. Last week of SEPTEMBER, is when Official, Public Rates, substantially move up for the Iraq Dinar. 1st Week of October is when ANYONE can exchange their Dinar, if they choose. We’ve been indicating this all year, since January. It’s the 3rd & Final part of the “Plan”. Here’s our Disclaimer: In our Belief……Opinion, Guess, Possibility, Maybe, Perhaps, Prediction, or whatever else you want to add to these words…. 2016 is the final year, that Iraq will be forced to continue a low, program rate….As we’ve been indicating ALL YEAR. Drop ALL your logical timelines, happenings and events, folks. This is Why: The people of Iraq are NOW being paid. This is Why you don’t see any riots & uprisings right now, and haven’t been for a few weeks. They’re being satisfied, because the money is finally flowing, in addition to many dishonest politicians and inside people, connected with ISIS, being dismantled, removed and eliminated. The U.S., U.N. & IMF (in that order), will NOT allow Iraq to move this rate up to an accurate and sustainable rate, UNTIL the ISIS element (mainly certain people), are out of the picture completely. That’s just about completely done. This is why the program rate has been stuck where it has for so long. The moment this substantially increased rate is made public, EVERYONE will know about it. Everything else, is Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah……2016 is the Year, and SEPTEMBER is the designated month, with the money moving EVERYWHERE, the last quarter (or 1st Qtr. for the U.S.) It is true, that Iraq does not have to substantially increase their rate EVER. They could go on doing this for a very long time. Nothing is forcing them to move it up. However, they need to do this, in order to pay certain people off – including their own citizens, repay loans, reward certain countries for their assistance, rebuild their country’s destruction, and most importantly, substantially increase their Worldwide-International trade presence, marketability, growth, autonomy and Sovereignty…….sooner than later. Your Biggest Barometer: The people of Iraq are pretty quiet right now, and have been for awhile. Take note friends, because this speaks louder than anything. Something is going on…….and it’s MONEY moving into the people’s hands, in larger amounts than over the past 10 years – off the record. You’re going to ask us about the VN Dong. We thought it may breakthrough last week, but they’re holding it in place a little while longer…..ready to jump at any time…..Why? Because they have EVERYTHING in place, and the country is severely undervalued. Lots of preparation for this, going on in VN……just watch their banks, investment partners etc….. Quick story, and we’ve never related any stories, till now: Last week, I spoke to a Divisional Exec. VP, at one of the Top 5 Banks in the U.S., about what their internal process is looking like, right now. Answer: “We’ve been moving key, specially trained Wealth Management-Type Personnel, new & old, around to areas where we know lots of new opportunity, wealth and investment will soon present itself. Some of these people, have even moved across states, for these new opportunities. We’ve geared up professionally, for the upcoming events, and especially for our Top Tier Clients, existing and future. Everything is in place and we’re waiting for these new opportunities to emerge shortly.” We want the Best for Everyone, and we mean EVERYONE. We DON’T WANT anything from you, not your money, your time, your membership, your future investment money, your support, or even your applause. NOTHING. We hope to assist, that’s all…….pass THAT concept along, to all you encounter in life. There’s a little more time…….just a little. If something seriously different becomes important, we’ll chime in. Otherwise….. Keep it SHORT & SIMPLE….. Intending the Very Best for ALL, Dr. Clarke
  9. Flamethrowers used to execute ISIS leaders in Tal Afar after their attempts to escape towards Syria fail ISIS executed a six of its own leaders in Tal Afar, for they allegedly tried to escape to Syria. Ismat Rajab, a Kurdistan Democratic Party official in Mosul, said, “The six ISIS leaders were executed by their counterparts using flamethrower. They were executed as they tried to escape to Syria.” While speaking about another context, Rajab said, “Iraqi planes have dropped thousands of leaflets in Mosul, Tal Afar and Baaj in Nineveh province and have urged the inhabitants of those areas to stay away from ISIS headquarters and emphasizzing on the proximity of the start of the restoration process of the land.” Article Link
  10. August 21, 2016 Iraq Will Boost Oil Exports After Agreement on Kirkuk Fields Iraq, OPEC’s second-biggest producer, will increase crude exports by about 5 percent in the next few days after an agreement to resume shipments from three oil fields in Kirkuk. Shipments will increase by about 150,000 barrels a day as exports resume from the Baba Gorgor, Jambour and Khabbaz fields, Fouad Hussein, a member of the oil and energy committee of the Kirkuk provincial council, said by phone Sunday. The three oil fields are operated by the state-run Northern Oil Co. but their export pipeline is controlled by the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government. The NOC halted exports from those fields in March due to a payment dispute with the KRG. Iraq’s new oil minister Jabbar al-Luaibi, on his first day in the job, said last week he saw ways to resolve the dispute with the self-governed Kurds, and Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi ordered the oil ministry to resume oil pumping into the pipeline. Iraq has struggled to boost oil exports this year, with shipments from the northern part of the country hampered by the dispute with the KRG. Iraq’s exports were 3.71 million barrels a day in July, according to the International Energy Agency, including oil sold by the KRG. Calls to the KRG for comment weren’t answered and text messages weren’t immediately returned. Pumping Operations “Pumping operations started with test pumping at 70,000 barrels a day last Thursday and the Northern Oil Co. aims to boost it to its normal rate at 150,000 barrels a day this week,” Hussein said. “This is a good step and significant initiative to strengthen relations between KRG and the federal government.” The Kurds generated $800 million a month from oil sales after deciding in June 2015 to export oil independently of the central government but revenue dropped later to about $400 million a month, due partly to lower crude prices. Benchmark Brent crude dropped 35 percent last year. The Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline was exporting about 600,000 barrels a day of crude before the payment dispute, including 150,000 barrels from the NOC’s fields. It carried 457,000 barrels a day in July from KRG-operated fields, according to information on the KRG website. Exports in February and March were lower due to damage to a section of the pipeline in Turkey. Kurds Control Control of Kirkuk’s oil is split between the central government and the KRG. The Kurds control two oil fields in the province, Bai Hassan and Avana, which export about 150,000 barrels a day. Iraq, the second-biggest producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, holds the world’s fifth-largest oil reserves. The drop in crude prices over the past two years has squeezed state revenue at the same time when the government waged a costly campaign against Islamic State militants, who have seized parts of northern Iraq. The country was producing 4.78 million barrels a day in July compared with 4.44 million at the end of last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Iraq’s oil ministry. Article Link B/A
  11. I know this is the most messed up thing I think I've ever read. B/A
  12. We may need to have a new category!!!!!??? KTFA August 15, 2016 SlappySquirrell: Are there any more additional 2’s we should be aware of? 2x2x2 +2 more, but is there more beyond that? Sure hope not, lol. If I remember correctly we were suppose to have been given Mosul in the 2nd 2x. With the amount of villages and areas of Mosul being taken back under control, the timing looks pretty close. Maybe full liberation in the 3rd 2x, followed by Dr S. RESUMING the helm of the CBI, a speech, international acceptance by wto, imf, wb, and a RV’d rate for Iraq in the 4th 2x?? I could be off, but I’m usually on. Idk, just some thoughts I’ve been pondering on these 2by2by2by2’s. God bless family, have a safe and wonderful day. ************ Jay: IMO……the first 2 by was the last 2 wks of July. At that time we had a total of 3…2 by’s. Then as the Lava flow….well… FLOWS…Frank & team saw it fit to add another 2 to that (BY) So in the beginning of August, that left us with 3 after the passing of the first 2 BY’s,,, to go again. Then Last week, because things are moving at a faster pace; We dropped a 2 by. That left us with TWO 2 bys as of the end of the 1st week of August. Which takes us until now. We are exiting a 2 by as of today and we have 1 more 2 by which takes us to the 1st week of September. That’s how my math works. Please correct me if I’m wrong. SOOOOOOO……. with all that said this (((LAST))) 2by that we are entering…..SHOULD BE FILLED WITH AWESOME PROGRESS. ESPECIALLY ONCE MOOSE-SUL IS ANNOUNCED….(((HOPEFULLY))) THIS WEEK, which I believe to be the case…IMO…IMO…IMO… B/A
  13. Kaperoni says From CBI – To / all licensed banks and financial companies approved the conversion of all ( to meet the criteria for the purchase of foreign currency ). Looks to me the CBI is making an effort to meet the IMF requirement to liberalize the foreign exchange. More good news…compliance! I see the CBI taking steps to meet the conditions stated in the IMF Stand by Agreement. Of course the sooner the CBI meets them, the sooner they can move to Article VIII!
  14. August 3, 2016 0 comment [JESTER] HI THERE … [chuck60] JESTER Have you and Redwolf made any more progress on the puzzle? [JESTER] chuck60 HERE’S THE DEAL… WE SOLIDIFIED THINGS TODAY… WE DO HAVE IT FIGURED OUT… BUT IT IS VERY COMPLICATED… AND I DOUBT ANYONE WITHOUT A VERY COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID BEFORE WILL EVEN UNDERSTAND IT.. AND THE TRUTH IS MOST EVERYONE DOES NOT CARE… UNLESS IT SHOWS THEM THE MONEY… [JESTER] THE FACT IS THAT IS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT… BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED… IT IS UNDERWAY… AND ALMOST DONE… NO ONE WILL EVER NOTICE IT… WELL MAYBE SOMETIME THERE WILL BE AN EXPLANATION… BUT TRUTHFULLY IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT WILL SHOW YOU THE MONEY… [chuck60] JESTER Understood. [JESTER] chuck60 WELL THEN YOU DON’T NEED ME TO EXPLAIN…. [JESTER] THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THE GROUPS WILL GO WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT FOR OTHER REASONS… [Rebel Girl] JESTER You said it wouldn’t be like the people thought it was going to be… [JESTER] Rebel Girl WELL YEAH… NOT THE WAY THE GURUS SAY… THE WHOLE SCENARIO THEY ARE PUSHING IS NOT THE WAY IT WILL GO… [JESTER] chuck60 IT’S LIKE THIS… I COULD GIVE YOU A THUMBNAIL SKETCH AND TELL YOU A FEW THINGS THAT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BELIEVE ME ON… OR I COULD DRAG YOU THROUGH A VERY SUCCINCT SCENARIO OF REALITY COMPLETE WITH PROOF TO BACK UP WHAT I SAY… WHICH WOULD TAKE FOREVER AND YOU STILL PROBABLY WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND IT… NEITHER OF WHICH WILL HELP YOU WITH WHAT YOU REALLY LIKE TO KNOW… WHICH IS… WHERE IS THE MONEY? [chuck60] JESTER I gotcha. I just appreciate you keeping us in the know, with the right stuff, when you feel we need to know it! Thanks! [JESTER] THE REAL QUESTION WE HAVE REMAINING BASED ON WHAT WE HAVE FIGURED OUT SUPPORTS THE INFORMATION WE HAVE HAD FOR A WHILE NOW FROM OUR SOURCES… MEANING THE WHOLE THIS IS NOT HAPPENING THE WAY EVERYONE THINKS IT IS… [JESTER] WHICH I CAN NOW VERIFY DUE TO THE FACT THEY DON’T HAVE A REAL CLUE OF WHAT IS GOING ON…. [JESTER] AND I’VE BEEN SAYING IT FOR A WHILE WITHOUT REALLY UNDERSTANDING IT MYSELF… BUT THESE ARE PRETTY GOOD SOURCES AND THEY HAVE BEEN RIGHT SO FAR… SO WHEN THEY TELL ME THERE WILL BE NO PUBLIC RV I BELIEVED THEM… EVEN MORE SO NOW… [JESTER] THERE HAS TO BE A REASON FOR THE PTB TO DO STUFF… AND THAT REASON IS NOT WHAT IT WAS BEFORE NOW WITH ALL THE OVERPRINTED DINAR OUT THERE… THAT’S JUST THE FACTS.. [JESTER] I AM NOT TRYING TO PAINT A GLOOM AND DOOM… I BEEN SAYING THAT A WHILE… BUT I AM BEING TRUTHFUL… IF YOU ARE NOT IN A SANCTIONED GROUP ALREADY… LET’S HOPE THE G64 CAN GET IT DONE… [JESTER] BECAUSE THIS THING IS UNDERWAY… I BEEN TALKING ABOUT THE BIG PICTURE A WHILE… WE NOW HAVE ALL THE PIECES AND THE PICTURE IS A GOOD ONE… [JESTER] EVERYTHING HAS BEEN RESET TO A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD… THE POOR COUNTRIES ARE BEING TAKEN CARE OF… IT REALLY IS INCREDIBLE… [MarySunshine] JESTER That is wonderful news… that is one of the things we all had hoped to see… [Rebel Girl] Nothing like a good ol adjustment… Hurts for a bit then it gets better.. [caro] JESTER that sounds great [Hurry Up and Wait] JESTER Are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers,.and Barclay enjoying the level playing field now? [Hurry Up and Wait] JESTER Just hoping they are starting to lose the iron fist on the peeps [JESTER] Hurry Up and Wait IT IS A LITTLE MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT… AS I TOLD YOU PREVIOUSLY… A DEAL HAS BEEN MADE… [JESTER] NO ONE SEEMS TO LISTEN TO THAT PART… LOL [JESTER] THE DEAL WAS TO ALLOW THINGS TO MOVE FORWARD IN EXCHANGE FOR REMAINING VIABLE FOR AN UNDETERMINED PERIOD OF TIME… CHINA WILL STILL BE ON TOP… AND I HAVE NO DOUBT THEY MADE THE DEAL THINKING THEY WILL GET IT BACK SOMEHOW… BUT I DOUBT THAT WILL HAPPEN…. BUT THEY WILL BE AROUND FOR A WHILE…. [chuck60] JESTER I listened to Jim Willie today and I think he is still a little behind you. He talks as if there is no deal yet, but will need to be in the future. [Rebel Girl] chuck60 Jester is ahead of Jim Willie, he will catch up soon! [chuck60] Rebel Girl Yes, he’s been tracking a little behind Jester for awhile now! Glad we’re with the guy who is ahead of the curve!! [Hurry Up and Wait] JESTER Not a big fan of deals due to things can change and prolong the changing of the guard. It is what it will be [JESTER] Hurry Up and Wait LET ME SEE IF I CAN ENLIGHTEN THAT STATEMENT A BIT… [JESTER] IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS A DEAL… THE DEAL WAS TO LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD BETWEEN ALL COUNTRIES AND ALLEVIATE THE US HEGEMONY… TO MAKE THINGS FAIR FOR EVERYONE… NOT JUST THE RESERVE CURRENCY OWNER… WHY SHOULD THE US BE OVERLORDS OF THE WORLD BECAUSE OF THAT…. [JESTER] YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS… MAINLY BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN FOREVER SINCE ANYONE TALKED ABOUT IT… BUT THE FACT IS THE IMF 2010 REFORMS HAD A LOT TO DO WITH THAT DEAL… [JESTER] ALL THE GURUS HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT IT AND THE PASSING OF THE REFORMS WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED BY EVERYONE IN GURU LAND SINCE THE LEGISLATION WAS PASSED BACK IN DECEMBER OF 2015… AND NO ONE NOTICED… AND WE REPORTED IT ON THE FB PAGE… [JESTER] SO WHO CAN TELL ME WHY THAT IS IMPORTANT? [JESTER] SERIOUSLY? HOW ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO UNDERSTAND WHAT COMES NEXT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT WENT DOWN? [Hurry Up and Wait] JESTER majority of votes [MarySunshine] JESTER Because US had an unfair amount of voting rights and US had made an agreement in 2010 to give away some to make it fair and then they didn’t do it… [JESTER] MarySunshine Hurry Up and Wait NOOOO… THAT WAS JUST THEM HOLDING UP GETTING IT APPROVED… THE QUESTION IS… DO YOU KNOW WHY THAT IS IMPORTANT? [alfonse] Everything has to pass IMF muster? [alfonse] Remove the possibility of the US Veto [MarySunshine] JESTER So then pressure had to put on them to make US do what they had agreed to do… [JESTER] SEE YOU GUYS ALL HAVE THE SAME ANSWER… THE VETO POWER IS A FUNCTION OF NOT HAVING THE VOTES TO DO ANY ONE THING… LIKE PASS THE REFORMS… [JESTER] THE QUESTIONS IS… WHY ARE THE REFORMS IMPORTANT? [JESTER] DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IS IN THE REFORMS? [tmorrow1953] Asset money? [BobV] All countries going back to gold standards ect [JESTER] THAT IS THE REAL QUESTION… THE FACT THAT THE US COULD HOLD IT ALL UP IS A SYMPTOM… PUT A BAND AID ON THAT… THAT IS OVER… WHY DO YOU THINK THEY LIKED TO ACTUALLY KEEP THEM FROM BEING PASSED? [JESTER] AND MORE IMPORTANT…. WHY DID THEY LET IT HAPPEN LAST DECEMBER ALL OF A SUDDEN UNDER THE RADAR BURIED IN A BUDGET BILL???? [JESTER] DO YOU SEE WHY I WONDER IF YOU BEEN DOING YOUR HOMEWORK? LOL [tmorrow1953] Question 2:to keep from losing it all…saw the handwriting on the wall? [JESTER] tmorrow1953 THAT IS PART OF IT… AS THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS WORKING AROUND THE PROBLEM… THE QUESTION IS DO YOU KNOW WHY??? [BobV] To stop the US from starting wars [tmorrow1953] Sorry boss……..I let you down. Don’t know [MarySunshine] JESTER They were going to be obsolete due to the other organizations being formed? [JESTER] MarySunshine NOOOO… THE DEAL HAS SOME SORT OF AGREEMENT IN IT TO UTILIZE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE TO SAVE THEM HAVING TO RE-INVENT THE WHEEL AND START FROM SCRATCH…. [Aunt B] Jester so the US would not be left out completely [Sandhaul] Jester to do away with the world reserve currency. [JESTER] Sandhaul DEFINITELY NOT… [JESTER] NEARLY ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN DISCUSSED IN THIS ROOM TO DATE… [JESTER] I AM DISTURBED BY THE FACT THAT NO ONE IS REMEMBERING THESE LITTLE PIECES… [Jojill] Jester to keep Obama from blocking it [JESTER] IF YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW STOP GUESSING… [JESTER] WASTE OF TIME… [JESTER] OKAY SO NO ONE HERE REALLY KNOWS WHAT THE REFORMS ARE ALL ABOUT… [tmorrow1953] I thought the 2010 deal was the gold re installation pact [JESTER] tmorrow1953 NOT ENOUGH RESEARCH DONE THEN… LOL [BobV] It’s supposed to help the economy around the world. [chuck60] JESTER Didn’t they include an increase in China’s voting rights and recommend yuan as reserve currency? [JESTER] chuck60 IN 2010? NOPE… [JESTER] The year 2010 was—finally—the year of IMF reform. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF’s Managing Director, did not exaggerate when he asserted that the agreements of 2010 were “the most important reform in the governance of the institution since its creation.” What will happen now, and why is it so important? [JESTER] Three major changes have been agreed to. Each one is a major reform and the culmination of years of work. Each one will be difficult to make effective. Each one should prove to be a blessing, but only if it is well implemented. [JESTER] First, the fast-growing emerging market countries will have a bigger say in how the institution is run and how it interacts with its membership. For the first time, the combined voting power of the United States and the current European Union members will fall below 50 percent. [JESTER] Second, the institution has become much more flexible in the way it lends money. When the IMF made its first loans in 1947, it had just one technique: an immediate currency swap (the borrower’s domestic currency exchanged for a convertible currency, usually U.S. dollars). It gradually expanded the repertory to include stand-by arrangements, extended (larger and longer term) arrangements, more favorable terms for loans to cover commodity price shocks or loans to low-income countries, and other special-use facilities. [JESTER] Third, the general financial resources of the IMF, which usually have been quite scarce in relation to member countries’ financing needs, are to be doubled. That increase, however, is to be matched by a rollback in the Fund’s standing borrowing arrangements. The main immediate effect of this reform, therefore, will not be to increase the amount that the IMF can lend, but rather to reduce the need for the Fund to borrow from creditor countries to finance large lending operations. The challenge in coming years will be to ensure that the IMF’s resources are adequate, are used well, and do not become a substitute for the difficult policy reforms that can be made only when manifestly necessary. [JESTER] The reforms of 2010 will not be the end of the road. One major ongoing effort is for any future competition for the leadership of the IMF to become more open. All of the Fund’s ten Managing Directors have been European. All eight of the Deputy Managing Directors (First Deputies since 1994) have been from the United States. For the past decade, while non-European candidates for Managing Director have been nominated but ultimately rejected, pressure has been intense for the selection process to be open fully to all candidates without regard to geography. [JESTER] The IMF’s Executive Board, which selects the Managing Director, agreed in principle several years ago to open up the process, but winning higher political support for the reform has not been easy. If I had a crystal ball, however, I believe that it would show that important progressions such as this will take place; that the IMF of the next decade will continue to evolve to reflect the rapid and major transformations in the world economy. [JESTER] WITH LEGARDE HAVING ISSUES THAT WILL LIKELY END UP IN A BAD SPOT… THAT COULD BE LARGE… [JESTER] THE ARTICLE HAS MORE DETAILS BUT THAT IS THE BASICS… [JESTER] TELL ME AFTER READING THAT… WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART? [Angel4444] JESTER Power shift [Angel4444] JESTER The US will no longer be #1 [tmorrow1953] Diversification of managing directors [BobV] Helping to improve economy [kcguy] JESTER So that the actual balance of the IMF control was in line with each country’s GDP instead of being lopsided in the favor of the US. [JESTER] NO SO FAR… [MarySunshine] JESTER US will not be the exclusive reserve currency and the power is spread out more evenly… [BobV] China has been given more power. [MarySunshine] Including the leadership from other countries [Angel4444] JESTER Helping to level the playing field between the industrialized nations and third world countries [JESTER] MarySunshine SORT OF… BUT NOT EXACTLY… THE ANSWER I AM LOOKING FOR IS WRITTEN ABOVE…. IT IS NOT AN ESOTERIC ANSWER… LOL [MotoXR] SDR’s [JESTER] Angel4444 I SAID THAT UP THERE BEFORE… BUT THAT IS THE END RESULT… NOT THE QUESTION I ASKED ANSWER…. [alfonse] First, the fast-growing emerging market countries will have a bigger say in how the institution is run and how it interacts with its membership. [Angel4444] JESTER With a <50% vote, the WEST – ie US & Europe effectively will have lost their veto power over monetary decisions controlling the world. [JESTER] alfonse WELL… THAT IS PART OF IT FOR SURE… SO YOU GET A SILVER STAR… NOT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR… BUT VERY GOOD AS THAT IS CERTAINLY IMPORTANT…. [alfonse] Thank you [JESTER] OKAY… FAST FORWARD… [JESTER] THAT PREVIOUS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN IN 2010 AFTER ALL… [JESTER] THIS ONE WAS WRITTEN A COUPLE WEEKS AGO… YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT WHO WROTE IT WHEN I AM DONE… [JESTER] On December 15, 2010, the Board of Governors, the Fund’s highest decision-making body, completed the 14th General Review of Quotas, which involved a package of far-reaching reforms of the Fund’s quotas and governance. This reform package, which became effective on January 26, 2016, delivers an unprecedented 100 percent increase in total quotas and a major realignment of quota shares. This will better reflect the changing relative weights of the IMF’s member countries in the global economy. [JESTER] SO…. INTERESTING…. YES? NO? MAYBE? …. [JESTER] PRETTY MUCH SAYS IT ALL… DID YOU NOTICE THE DATE IT BECAME EFFECTIVE? IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED… AND NOT A PEEP FROM THE GURUS… REDWOLF AND I BEEN SITTING ON THIS FOR A BIT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS ALL MEANS… [JESTER] The reform package builds on earlier reforms from 2008, which became effective on March 3, 2011. These strengthened the representation of dynamic economies—many of which are emerging market countries—through ad hoc quota increases for 54 member countries. They also enhanced the voice and participation of low-income countries through a near tripling of basic votes. [JESTER] Building on the 2008 reforms, the 14th General Review of Quotas will: [JESTER] double quotas from approximately SDR 238.5 billion to approximately SDR 477 billion (about $659 billion at current exchange rates), [JESTER] THAT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED…. WE CAN PROVE IT… [JESTER] IT HAPPENED IN FEBRUARY… [JESTER] shift more than 6 percent of quota shares from over-represented to under-represented member countries, [JESTER] shift more than 6 percent of quota shares to dynamic emerging market and developing countries (EMDCs), [JESTER] DOES THAT SOUND ANYTHING LIKE “BALANCING THE PLAYING FIELD” A LITTLE? [JESTER] significantly realign quota shares. China will become the third largest member country in the IMF, and there will be four EMDCs (Brazil, China, India, and Russia) among the 10 largest shareholders in the Fund, and [JESTER] SERIOUSLY? THE BRICS… MIGHT AS WELL JUST CALL A SPADE A SPADE YA KNOW… [JESTER] preserve the quota and voting share of the poorest member countries. This group of countries is defined as those eligible for the low-income Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) and whose per capita income fell below $1,135 in 2008 (the threshold set by the International Development Association) or twice that amount for small countries. [JESTER] AND THAT IS WHAT I TOLD YOU UP THERE BEFORE… LETS TAKE CARE OF THE POOR COUNTRIES AND TRY TO HELP THEM OUT A BIT… [JESTER] NOW… ANYONE LIKE TO HEAR WHERE ALL THAT COMES FROM? [JESTER] WELL… IT COMES FROM THE IMF WEBSITE… HA! [JESTER] HIDING IN PLAIN SITE SO TO SPEAK…. [JESTER] OKAY… SO NOW YOU WONDER… WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO THAT? [JESTER] THE REST WILL TAKE HOURS TO TELL YOU UNLESS I JUST COVER THE HIGH POINTS… THERE IS NO PROOF SUPPLIED WITH THIS WAY… BUT TRUST WHEN I TELL YOU…. IF YOU WERE WILLING TO SIT HERE A FEW HOURS…. WE COULD PROVE IT… [JESTER] I HAVE SPENT THE LAST COUPLE WEEKS EVERY DAY WITH REDWOLF GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS… AND AS YOU ALREADY KNOW… THE WOLF IS THE BEST RESEARCHER IN THE BUSINESS…. [JESTER] YEAH THAT IS A LITTLE WIERD… BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS…. LOL [JESTER] SO HERE’S THE THUMBNAIL SKETCH… IF YOU HAVE ASSIMILATED THE ABOVE… NOW WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT? [JESTER] THE QUESTION IS THE SAME AS BEFORE… BUT NOW FORWARD THINKING CAN BE APPLIED… [Angel4444] JESTER the Reforms have been effective since January 2016 [Angel4444] JESTER The balance of power HAS shifted in the IMF and the WORLD [Angel4444] JESTER And the good ole USA hegemony is no longer in charge [MarySunshine] JESTER The World is a fairer playing field for all the countries… [JESTER] OKAY… HINT… IF YOU WERE LIKING TO DO A SO CALLED GLOBAL RESET…. WHAT FACT THAT I POSTED ABOVE WOULD BE IMPORTANT.. [LH] JESTER The Chinese yaun added [Angel4444] JESTER the SDRs have almost doubled to 477 billion…. [MotoXR] “BALANCING THE PLAYING FIELD” [Aunt B] Jester a level playing field [tmorrow1953] Quota increases for 54 member countries [JESTER] Angel4444 SOOOO.. WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT? [chuck60] JESTER They doubled quotas and shifted 6% from over-represented countries to under-represented countries. [MarySunshine] JESTER THe currencies of the world can be used for import export [MotoXR] SDR’s are backed by real assets [Angel4444] JESTER We need FUNDS to do the global reset [Angel4444] Jester and they are NOW available???? [JESTER] Angel4444 DANG… THAT IS CLOSER THAN I THOUGHT YOU WOULD GET… [JESTER] ACTUALLY IT IS EVIDENCE THAT YOU ARE THINKING THE RIGHT DIRECTION…. [JESTER] SO… IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO DOUBLE ALL THE SDRS… MORE OR LESS… WOULD IT BE A GOOD TIME TO ‘ADJUST’ EVERYONE ON THE WAY THERE… MORE OR LESS…? [JESTER] WAIT… WE JUST SAW THAT QUOTED UP ABOVE DID WE NOT? [Angel4444] JESTER the perfect time to adjust everything…. and level the playing field [JESTER] Angel4444 PERFECT… <SMOOCHIES>… [Angel4444] JESTER OMG VERY EXCITING INDEED!! [JESTER] SO… WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT I COULD TELL YOU WHICH COUNTRIES WENT UP AND WHICH COUNTRIES WENT DOWN… AND THERE WERE A BUNCH OF COUNTRIES ADDED IN THE MIX TO THE WHOLE DEAL? [JESTER] I CAN PROVE IT… BUT NOT NEARLY IN THE TIME WE HAVE LEFT.. IT IS PAGES AND PAGES AND PAGES OF INFO… [JESTER] BUT IT DID HAPPEN… IN JANUARY… THAT IS WHY I TOLD YOU THE OTHER NIGHT.. THAT IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED…. [JESTER] OPPS… MY BAD… VOTED IN JANUARY… HAPPENED IN FEBRUARY… [Angel4444] JESTER So Jester if it already happened, what are we waiting for??? [JESTER] IT IS ALL ON THE BALANCE SHEETS OF EACH COUNTRY MEMBER OF THE IMF…. [Goose] Jester So they must have been small values up or down? [JESTER] NOW… ASK YOURSELF… WE ARE STILL MOVING ALONG HERE… WHERE DID THAT FREAKING MONEY COME FROM? [MarySunshine] JESTER So is that on the website? [Angel4444] JESTER So the Global Reset already happened?? [JESTER] Angel4444 IT WOULD APPEAR SO… [Angel4444] JESTER OMG [diditrvyeet] JESTER you said before you see money moving around, is that what you meant [MotoXR] Jester your not kidding in was in plain site [JESTER] NOT SURE IF YOU CAUGHT UP WITH MY FB PAGE LATELY… WE POSTED SOME ARTICLES THERE THAT MIGHT BACK THAT UP… [JESTER] WB Plans SDR Bonds in China [JESTER] The World Bank is planning to sell bonds in China denominated in the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights, people familiar with the matter said, Bloomberg reported. The offering would be in China’s interbank note market, according to the people, who asked not to be identified. Issuance of the securities may be as soon as next month, one of the people said. They would be the first in SDR from the lender. President Xi Jinping’s efforts to promote the yuan’s international usage culminated last year when the IMF added it to its benchmark basket of reserve currencies, making it part of the SDR effective October 1, 2016. [tmorrow1953] somehow that seems monumetal [JESTER] SERIOUSLY? THEY ARE NOT EVEN PART OF THE SDR BASKET YET… OR ARE THEY… IS THIS STRANGE OR WHAT? OR A HINT… IN THE DETECTIVE BUSINESS THIS IS WHAT WE CALL A CLUE… [JESTER] NOW HERE IS SOME FREAKING HUMONGOUS FOOD FOR THOUGHT… PAY ATTENTION… [JESTER] IMF and China Accelerate Creation of New Global Reserve Currency [JESTER] To most people, SDR sounds like the name of an odd disease. And yet, it could be the world’s next reserve currency, at least if China and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) get their way. [JESTER] The so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are an IMF construct of actual currencies, right now the euro, yen, dollar, and pound. It made news last year when the Chinese renminbi was also admitted, although the currency won’t formally be part of the basket until Oct. 1. [JESTER] IMF members have it and can trade it with each other for actual currencies, which indebted nations like Greece and Sudan frequently do. The average Joe or the average company on the street can’t hold the instrument right now, let alone spend it. [JESTER] But that’s precisely what the global monetary elite wants in the not too distant future, and it will use China as a guinea pig. Ahead of the meeting of G20 central bankers and finance ministers in Chengdu, China, from July 23 to 24, some academics started pushing the idea of extending the use of the SDR (currently worth $1.39). [JESTER] “Establishing the SDR as the leading global reserve currency would have far-reaching benefits,” wrote Jose Antonio Ocampo, a professor at Columbia University, in a post on Project Syndicate on July 8. [JESTER] “Beyond the push to use SDRs more actively in IMF programs, governments could issue SDR-denominated bonds. Moreover, private banks could increase their use of this monetary unit, just as some European banks used the so-called European Currency Unit, helping to pave the way for the euro.” [tmorrow1953] can you say one world currency? [JESTER] THERE IS WAY MORE… AND YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET ONE TOO… HERE IS THE REST.. LINK [JESTER] SO AS tmorrow1953 SAYS… AND THANK YOU FOR STEALING MY LINES WHEN THEY ARE OBVIOUS… THIS IS THE WAY THINGS SEEM TO BE HEADED… [Goose] Jester How did they get to1.39 already? [JESTER] Goose BASKET OF CURRENCY IS STRONGER THAN THE DOLLAR…. SIMPLE… [Goose] Jester gold backed too? [JESTER] Goose WHAT? [MotoXR] I have to laugh at the idiots who run our country, China kinda stole the IMF away from the people who created it and make their $$ worthless so to speak [JESTER] MotoXR IT IS WORSE THAT YOU THINK…. THE AIIB IS RUNNING THE SHOW AT THE IMF… [Goose] Jester Is the basket of currency gold backed or just currency [hoot2602] JESTER You still thinking mid-August for the change? [JESTER] hoot2602 YOU ARE NOT LISTENING… IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED… [MotoXR] Jester is that good or bad? [JESTER] MotoXR THAT IS A GOOD THING… THEY ARE GETTING IT DONE… [JESTER] PART OF THE DEAL FOR EVERYONE TO WORK TOGETHER WAS THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE WOULD BE UTILIZED TO NOT HAVE TO RE-INVENT THE WHEEL AND START OVER FROM SCRATCH…. [KCR485] Hi JESTER , what makes you believe that we will see a change in the value of the dinar by mid-August? Thank you. [JESTER] THERE IS MORE TO THIS PROOF THINGIE… AND I HAVE IT… I WILL REVIEW WHAT WE COVERED TONIGHT AND TRY TO SEE WHAT I MISSED AND NEED TO GO OVER AGAIN…. [JESTER] REDWOLF MIGHT BE PROUD…. BUT HE USUALLY KICKS MY BUTT FOR SOMETHING I FORGOT… [KEEPS ME ON MY TOES…. HE IS A GREAT FRIEND… [JESTER] NITE NITE…
  15. What’s the problem with Italian banks? By Andrew Walker BBC World Service economics correspondent 10 July 2016 From the section Business Copy this link Image caption Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena's share price has fallen more than 75% this year Italy's banks are the latest trouble spot for the eurozone. They are struggling with a burden of bad debt, loans that are unlikely ever to be repaid fully. They are a potential flashpoint in an economy that has for some time been seen as posing wider risks to the EU's currency area. Meanwhile, the Italian government is considering a banking sector bailout which could breach European Union rules. It's the size of the Italian economy and its government debt that makes the country a smouldering financial volcano. The risks are aggravated by the political situation. It's the third-largest economy in the eurozone. The government debt burden, depending on which figures you look at, is certainly one of the largest in the eurozone, indeed the largest by one measure. One of the roots of the problem is Italy's two decades of dismal economic performance. Measured by total economic activity (gross domestic product or GDP), the economy remains about 8% smaller than it was at the onset of the international financial crisis. It is roughly the same size as it was at the turn of the century. That has made it harder to generate the tax revenue needed to keep the debt burden down. It has also increased the chances of businesses getting into difficulty and being unable to maintain their loan payments. The result: Italian banks are weighed down with a massive problem of bad debts, or non-performing loans (NPLs), worth €360bn (£307bn), equivalent to about a fifth of the country's annual economic activity. Heavy losses The problem has been exacerbated by the country's bankruptcy legislation, which made it very slow for lenders to get their money back when a borrower failed financially. The law has been changed under the government of Matteo Renzi, but it has taken time to make itself felt in practice. One way that banks can deal with problem loans is to sell them to other investors. But the delays in the foreclosure procedures that enable creditors to recover the money mean these deals involve deep discounts. That, in turn, would mean the banks would have to acknowledge heavy losses in their accounts, further undermining their financial foundations. One of the banks at the centre of this crisis is the world's oldest and Italy's third-largest: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. It has been ordered by the European Central Bank to reduce its holdings of bad debt. At best, the NPL problem inhibits the banks' ability to provide the new credit that Italian businesses need to generate a more convincing economic recovery. At worst, there is risk that the failure of a large bank could set off a wider financial crisis and a set the recovery back more severely. The share prices of Italian banks are down sharply, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena by more than three-quarters this year. So the Italian government is considering a bailout. The trouble is that European Union rules, agreed in the wake of the financial crisis, require a bank's creditors, in particular its bondholders, to take losses before the taxpayer steps in. Under pressure It generally makes sense. Bondholders are usually professional investors who can handle losses and are also, in theory, better able to monitor banks and discourage them from taking excessive risks in the first place. But in the case of Italy, many of these bonds are owned by retail investors. So following the EU rules and imposing losses on this group would be very unpopular in Italy and many would say unfair. At a time when Mr Renzi's administration is already under pressure, especially from the eurosceptic Five Star Movement, he is very reluctant to take this political risk. That risk is especially pronounced now, ahead of a referendum he has called on changing the constitution. There have been some efforts to address the problem using private-sector funds contributed by Italy's stronger banks. Several banks have raised extra capital from the markets. But the problem continued to fester. So there is a political attraction to bypassing the EU legislation and putting public money directly into the banks. But the idea gets a frosty reception from Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel: "We established specific rules as far as the winding down of banks, the recapitalisation of banks is concerned. And we can't come up with new rules every two years." The rules are part of a very important project in the eurozone, called banking union. It was a response to the region's financial crisis, intended to make the banks more resilient and to break the malign link between weak banks and financially stressed governments.
  16. ************ MASSIVE Chaos to Start…Tomorrow? Bix Weir Sent: Jul 11, 2016 10:47:23 AM Europe is imploding as we speak. From riots in Berlin to ATM runs in Italy to Deutsche Bank begging for a 150B Euro bailout – all the controls are breaking down and there is no way to stop it. Many people are asking…WHY NOW? I think it has to do with the BREXIT derivatives that start paying out this week. Let’s face it – the BREXIT was unexpected by the elite even up to the evening of the vote. TRILLIONS in FX bets were gambled on the outcome and those who were supposed to be “in the know” got it wrong. Now they have to pay up according to the rules set out in the ISDA Master Derivative Agreements and individual derivative contracts on OTC Derivative Market. There are various time frames for settlement of derivative contracts but most are either settled in 3-4 weeks after the event or 10 business days after the end of the quarter. The BREXIT vote was held on June 23rd and the results were finalized on June 24th. That puts us at “Settlement Dates” roughly starting tomorrow (if you count the 4th of July as a holiday) and going through the next few weeks. As I believe that many of these contracts will not be fulfilled we will run into immediate counter-party failures blowing apart the “derivative hedges” that were supposed to offset losses. Then, all of a sudden, the “notional value” in the Quadrillions that is claimed to be hedged against turns into the real deal. So expect the rumblings in Europe to begin to turn into a REAL collapse nearing the end of this week and getting worse as we move through July. My friends – if you thought the summer’s been a little crazy so far…JUST WAIT!! May the Road you choose be the Right Road. Bix Weir Martin Armstrong: We have reports from readers in Italy that ATM machines are being emptied. A run on banks is beginning in Italy. ************* Civil Unrest Explodes In Berlin – Over 3500 People Riot Against Police “Civil Unrest is exploding,” warns Armstrong Economics’ Martin Armstrong, just as his long-term cycle models had predicted, as the biggest and most violent protest in Germany in over five years erupted in Berlin over the weekend… ************** DEAD PULSE: The Morgue is the Next Stop For the Financial System – Jim Willie July 11, 2016 The Gold price will find its true value and price over $10,000 per ounce. The Silver price will find its true value and price over $300 per ounce. In reaching these levels, the ratio will return to the 30-1 range. The ruling bankers realize no remedy is possible. They are just trying to steal as many assets and accumulate as much gold as possible before the main bust event. Source:
  17. ( Baghdad – Unidentified gunmen west of Baghdad attacked a man at his resident in al-Shurta on Thursday and took away 95 million Dinars after shooting him down. This was informed by a source from the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. Sharing details about the incident the source informed, “This morning, unidentified gunmen stormed into a house at al-Shurta Tunnel west of Baghdad and opened fire at the owner of the house, killing him on the spot.” “The unidentified thugs later on fled the house after stealing a whooping 95 million Dinars. The location to where the thugs headed, however, is unknown,” the source further said, adding, “Security forces rushed to the area and transferred the body of the deceased to the forensic department. They are investigating the incident and trying to determine the circumstances that led to this sad incident.”
  18. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!! HIGHLIGHTS TUESDAY NIGHT CC 5th of July – 2016 REMINDER … these are “HIGHLIGHTS” of tonight’s CC. Please refer to DoodleBug’s or AggieDad’s full transcript (which will be available later) for complete details. *** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! *** Frank26: This is pretty interesting what is going on. We said that we’d have a conference call if we saw something. We saw it! Delta asked me if he should post it. Delta posted this >>> Another thing we were looking for was flags in Mosul. Last time we were together … Abadi said that “he had the citizens back” We were looking for numbers … MO, M1, M2, M3 etc. – We’re never going to see those, so we started to look at currency. This whole cc is in my opinion (IMO) Back in December, they left the East coast … then put in the GZ … not the banks (at that time) because the cities needed to be cleaned up. Article 8 would allow them to increase the value of their currency. That’s a recap of last cc. What’s in the banks in Fallujah (and soon to be in Mosul) … is very important for the economic and monetary reforms. The citizens are putting fear into the remaining bad politicians and fear into the terrorists in Iraq. There will always be isolated cells. Sure enough … 4th of July in Baghdad … big explosion rocked the city because EID is coming to an end. Unbelievable. The politicians are seeing a “new face” in the citizens. The citizens are heavily involved. They want revenge … and now they are empowered. The citizens will tell you soon that the enemy is not there. Has anyone seen the loans from the IMF? “No!” There are NO LOANS from the IMF! Go to the IMF website, and show me where they approved the loans. Have they raised the value of their currency yet? No … so they won’t get the loans. Every country is waiting for that Green Light now. Post #122 … WS left a post … “readings of the IMF” … and then WS disappeared again. We laid out a 500 IQD BOMBSHELL on our forum … (and not one Guru on another website or blog outside of KTFA knew about it). Not one. Jobs. The RV will not work if they raise the value of the currency WITHOUT sufficient jobs. As you know, the price of the USD has been manipulated. The only way they’ll cancel their auctions is when they raise the value of their currency. Iraq is surviving on borrowed currency (not theirs). What did we give you as a present last Friday? 3 PDF articles … DRS file. Parliament Finance is calling on the government to prepare for the coming year. These technocrats are telling them we are about to explode in business. You don’t see the IMF loans … you don’t see the taxes and tariff’s … nor do they have the money. Every meeting is an agreement … another stone put in place to cross the river to the reforms. The international companies are waiting … salivating for a chance to get into Iraq … but continue to wait for them to change the value of their currency. We gave you our files. That’s the LOI. That is what they are agreeing on. They tell you … “we have banking reforms.” Really? What is it … what is the indicator? The ROAD to REFORM appeared … everything we wanted in the LOI was in the PDF that we gave you. Delta gave you something the week before. Abadi said he solve things after EID. When is the government coming back? After the 11th. ? Right after EID … all of the reforms will travel at a much faster pace. LOL! ? While all of this is going on … Delta called this week and says … “I think we found it. The CBI is going to release the 500 IQD note with the Kurdistan language on it.” [Frank asked Delta not to respond to any questions about his post]. The guru’s copied our files … but not a single word. Welcome internet. I’d like to tell you something. Back in December 2015 … “Junior was told by dad (the IMF) that this is what ks tried to entice the citizens to come in and exchange their 25k’s for the 50k’s. The citizens didn’t fall for it. On Friday … over the weekend … the TIMING to release the 50 IQD note … the language printed on it was a demand of the Kurds. Notice … the Kurds don’t say much since December. The 500 IQD note was printed in December with the 50k note. As you know, the citizens already have a 500 IQD note (without the Kurdistan language on it). When you look at that … IMO … when the value of the IQD goes up … the new 500 IQD note … will be THE LARGEST DENOMINATION!!! Ta-Da-Freakin’-Da!!! There will be no more 3 zeros! The 3 zero notes will fade away … because mathematically (with the new rate) … those don’t work. When they raise the value in Iraq … the 3 zero notes won’t be usable to the citizens any longer. IMO … that 500 IQD note has been “secured” within certain banks … many months ago. The plan is to lift the 3 zeros from the citizens. 500 IQD note (and notes lower than that) is all that will be used in the future. Today … they are closed for 3 days. They will be back on the 10th … and on the 11th they will talk. Abadi said that as soon as “this time passes, we will do all of the reforms.” Raffidian & Rasheed banks said months ago that they were 98% ready to do loans for the citizens. At 1 to 1 … a 500 IQD note would be more than suffice. They’ve already eliminated the 50 IQD note. ISIS is creating their gold coins … which is stupid because they are all being confiscated. Delta article was very profound. “The prospects of the investors will solve our problems now that Fallujah and Mosul have fallen.” Will the citizens pay their bills with the 500? The USA is paying their citizens and armed forces. We are still paying the bill — but they are getting ready to take over. The 500 DINAR will be the LARGEST NOTE! The others will be deleted over the next few years. That puts things into a completely new perspective, doesn’t it? Iraq will NOT be split into 3 parts. KTFA family … this 500 note is a precursor to releasing the other LD’s. Everything must occur ALL AT ONCE! That’s why do many dominos are being set up all at once. The rest of the LD’s will also have the Kurdistan language on them … ALL OF THEM! All of them are positioned in [secured] banks right now. Once they change the value … you will see all 3 languages. There was law in December 2015 … the Kurds language must be included on the currency. The 50,000 notes were to eliminate the 10k, 25k … but the citizens wouldn’t work with them (the banks). This 500 IQD note released … IMO … equals a CHANGE THAT IS COMING to the IQD rate. For them to release this now without a rate change is beyond stupid … (and the IMF is not stupid). IMO – this newly printed note is for the next 2-3 months to allow the RV to blossom. Paris Club … Kuwait … “postpone their payments” … for a reason. Article 8 will allow them to pay their own bills … a rate that the INTERNATIONAL world will love. I believe the rate will go full-speed by the end of the year. What we were looking for … DELTA FOUND IT! We believe it was the 1st domino … to be follow by a sequence of others to fall. The banks in Iraq … (especially the big 3) … will hold onto the 50k’s for a while to make large transfers – which spells … NO LOP! They are following OUR monetary reform … modified by J Lew. I believe them to be a copy of the USA. Go to and bring up the nation IRAQ and begin to read. The 1st paragraph you will see the 500 IQD note that was introduced to the citizens. They (citizens) were expecting them to revalue their currency 5 years ago. They messed up 5 years ago. They blew it. The international world knows that. Article 8 is about to be pulverized. A long time ago I told you that I believe that IRAQ was ARTICLE 8 compliant … because they “act” like it. The US … as you know … put Maliki in to do these reforms … so they moved him out … put Abadi in (on a short leash) … and Abadi has done an amazing job. O told Abadi that he was placed in as PM for a reason. DAASH got in the way. Iraq asked for help, and we jumped on it … because this time … it would be done OUR WAY! What is the bottom line? Who can we eliminate? So Abadi … after EID … what do you plan to do? He can’t do anything with the monetary reform without the economic/financial reforms. EID is the 6th, 7th and 8th of July. (A time of giving gifts). Meanwhile … a bunch of idiots threw rocks at Abadi’s motorcade. This mad him very angry. Over the weekend the Kurds put out their 3 year plan to be implemented. WOW! (Why now?) … funny … that’s exactly what Baghdad did. “The banking sector reform starts the steps the economic reform in Iraq.” — This is self-confession from the banks family. Their banking reforms are ready for the INTERNATIONAL world. So Maliki … (BOZO) … makes a statement that he’d be happy to come back as the head of the government. No one listens to him anymore. Meanwhile, Russia (who really wants to get into Iraq/Iran) … talks about the “GREEN LIGHT” – LOL!
  19. admin Frankie July 6, 2016 0 comment The international companies are waiting…salivating for a chance to get into Iraq… But continue to wait for them to change the value of their currency. Abadi said he solve things after EID. EID is the 6th, 7th and 8th of July. Right after EID…all of the reforms will travel at a much faster pace. Delta called this week and says “…The CBI is going to release the 500 IQD note with the Kurdistan language on it.” As you know, the citizens already have a 500 IQD note (without the Kurdistan language on it). IMO…when the value of the IQD goes up…the new 500 IQD note …will be THE LARGEST DENOMINATION! There will be no more 3 zeros! The 3 zero notes will fade away…because mathematically (with the new rate)…those don’t work. When they raise the value in Iraq…the 3 zero notes won’t be usable to the citizens any longer. The plan is to lift the 3 zeros from the citizens. 500 IQD note (and notes lower than that) is all that will be used in the future. The others will be deleted over the next few years. They are closed for 3 days. They will be back on the 10th…Abadi said that as soon as “this time passes, we will do all of the reforms.” Raffidian & Rasheed banks said months ago that they were 98% ready to do loans for the citizens. They said they were going to bring the currency out at 1 to 1…and then float it. I said they could float it until it reached $4.25 and then they would cap it. At 1 to 1…a 500 IQD note would be more than suffice… This 500 note is a precursor to releasing the other LD’s. Everything must occur ALL AT ONCE! That’s why…many dominoes are being set up all at once. The rest of the LD’s will also have the Kurdistan language on them…ALL OF THEM! All of them are positioned in [secured] banks right now. This 500 IQD note released…IMO…equals a CHANGE THAT IS COMING to the IQD rate. I believe the rate will go full-speed by the end of the year. The banks in Iraq…(especially the big 3)…will hold onto the 50k’s for a while to make large transfers – which spells…NO LOP!
  20. I'm afraid it is party before people. Party before America. Either party could run Hitler and the brainwashed party members would vote for their candidate... Time to crash the party. Vote independent and love your country again. If you are voting for Trump or Clinton, you are part of the problem not the solution. IMHO... B/A
  21. Yup nice opinion piece... I'm just glad they're at least thinking about the value... Thanks Thuggie. Happy 4th everyone. B/A
  22. two steps forward... two hundred steps back... perhaps I'll cash out before another 10 years... this is not a get rich scheme, that is for sure.
  23. 72 virgins???? I think not. More like 72 dead idiots!
  24. Security forces liberate al-Karamah village south of Mosul: 12 ISIS members killed &lt;img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="Iraqi security forces. Archival photo." data-recalc-dims="1" /&gt; A source from Nineveh Operations Command announced on Sunday that the joint security forces managed to liberate a village in the vicinity of Qayyarah south of Mosul. In the liberation operations, twelve (12) ISIS members were also killed, it stressed upon.According to information shared by the source, it was stated, “Military troops of the 71st regiment of army’s 15 brigade and Nineveh Operations Commando regiment backed by the 37th brigade managed to liberate al-Karamah village in the vicinity of Qayyarah vicinity south of Mosul.” The source added, “The liberation operations resulted in the killing of 12 ISIS members and detonations of 20 improvised explosive devices.” Article Link
  25. Iraqi News admin July 4, 2016 0 comment Forces foil ISIS attack bid north of Tikrit, gun down 72 fighters &lt;img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="Dead bodies of ISIS members. " data-recalc-dims="1" /&gt; A security source in Salahuddin Province informed that 72 ISIS fighters were killed while they were trying to attack the security forces using booby-trapped vehicles north of Tikrit.According to information shared by the source, it was mentioned, “The joint security forces not only foiled an ISIS attack on them at late hours yesterday, but they also managed to gun down 72 members of the terror organization. The ISIS fighters used booby-trapped vehicles driven by suicide bombers to target the security troops near Makhul. However, the forces were up to the task.” “The forces repulsed the attack quite meticulously and there was no harm caused to the forces,” added the source. Article Link
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