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Everything posted by Realdinar

  1. I agree. All I want is a .10 center. That way the lopster can win too.
  2. Why not? This is as good as any other intel we have gotten.
  3. ok, your avatar is a suv grill. Thank you for mastering corniness. Oh captain, my captain dinarck, can you please help your clones. They want to seem cool. We are here to discuss dinar. Send out a new memo or whatever.
  4. Thank you for providing us with illogical answers. Now please explain and think of ways it can rv. Remind yourself of what shabs is doing with the iqd. Study methods and techniques that will make the iqd special again.
  5. What about me? Im not allowed to comment? Only snatchasnoopy can grace your presence? Oh, how I long for a reasonable question. Can Iraq rv? Yes. How will they? Easy, watch it unfold. Shabs is putting on a clinic right before you eyes. A clinic that will refresh and renew the great iqd. It is a clinic, but you insist on calling it a pain center. Sigh. Ask yourself, how could iraq rv? You might just surprise yourself with an honest answer.
  6. I dont think anyone outside of iraq has that answer, but an idea to rv to .10 would be grrrreeeeat.
  7. This is exciting! I hope it keeps on going down and down. Maybe to around 1%! Yesss!! things just keep getting better and better for us!
  8. Is this your best financial advice? To eat twinkies? You seem rather strange. Gooo RrrrVvvvv!!!!
  9. Oh please, a .05 rv would take all the loppies world apart. I can hear it now, "this isnt fair! How can I be at war with this scam, if it really is not a scam?!?" Lets just hope for the best. Go rv, go strong. Go large. Go shabs. Go iqd. End go.
  10. It can be tough. Thanks mags.
  11. Not 1, but 7 "lol"s. I wanna see how many I can get. Ok, here goes... GOoooo RVvvvvv!!!!!
  12. Is he asking us? I thought they had all the knowledge.
  13. Yes but he did mention s and m. Alert! Alert! We are closer now as we move forward to the rv. Yay!
  14. Um yes, could the regal ones please pass the grey poupon?
  15. what sounds better, "lopster" or "Those that believe the iraqi dinar will lop"?
  16. Daved, you are fumbling the ball...dont be that guy
  17. Those sneaky lil tricksters....ya got us!
  18. Sans, Isnt bigheartfrankd is a distinguished economics expert? Wouldnt someone as ravish and regal, save us only because his big heart runneth over with compassion? Big heart im still not selling.
  19. Sans, Isnt bigheartfrankd a distinguished economics expert? Wouldnt someone as ravish and regal, save us only because his big heart runneth over with compassion? Big heart im still not selling.
  20. This is exactly why the loppers act so smart, and we laugh. Why are the loppers holding? "to make maybe three times my return" they say. Too bad they never look at the facts. They hold dinar wishing for a lop, to only get hardly any return at all. Ye, this why we laugh. Hours and hours of non sense, and they make okie look credible.
  21. "finally completes"... Why havent they done it already like 10 years ago? Its a nwutral event that will cost 150 mil. Think about it.
  22. So the lopsters dont even know what a LOP is? Lopster, depending on the context, isnt always derogatory. Sometimes, Pro-RVers use the term to help categorize those who want the Dinar to LOP. That is not belittling, I wouldnt think.
  23. I know! Even the lopsters are suckers, which means they really are laughing all the way to the bank!
  24. Ok, Ive had enough! I want to act superior and be a saint too! Ok, here goes. This goes out to my fan club (thats you, sweet baby, big heart frank, and pocket protector dave, love you guys)....ok...Saint hood here I come!!! What these cool aid rvers dont get is how easy and simple the lop is. Ive studied currency for years. Just lop the zeros! Simple and does not cost a thing. Its like fast food economics. The gurus are trying take all your money. Haha. That was fun. Now back to reality. Good article up in the news section, about iraq may need another year to replace the currency. So in the mean time Ill count my dinar again and continue planning on what im going to buy with my return on this exciting investment. I also like to pick up a stack of 25,000 dinars and breath deeply. Smells like prosperity.
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