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Everything posted by TennesseeCherokee

  1. If i were an Iraqi MP, i would not stall or thow shoes any longer. Sadr & Hakim's bunch will storm the parliament building & burn the place to the ground.
  2. The U.S., IMF, World Bank, Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, and countless other folks have now put the squeeze play on Iraq. The corruption and Iran's meddlng in Iraq's affairs is over. Thanks Yota....yes, these blocks can scream that they want so and so but now it legally is Mr. Abaidi's choice and his decision. Lots of indictments are about to fall upon the wicked and Iraq is about to operate as a stable democracy and take their rightful place at the head of the table...
  3. Since Parliament is ATTEMPTING to kick 95% of these Abaidi Technocrats to the curb....all of these must be some great ball busters.....the 5% they are entertaining are crooked as a dog's hind leg. Abaidi should just fill the posts himself and ignore these parliamentarians....he's bent over backwards trying to evict the crooked and set Iraq on it's path to riches....
  4. More intentional lies to confound the community. The Kurds are not going to do jack squat with an RV, on their own.
  5. Maliki is messing with the wrong man, now...... It was Abaibi & the cleric Hakim who asked Moqtada al-Sadr to stop at the Green Zone and to peacefully protest. Sadr made it very clear that these technocrats were to be installed, all pending laws passed and the government at once give the citizens their share of the oil proceeds. This will be Iraq's last chance at a peaceful conclusion at forming a democratic government. If Maliki continues to meddle and interrupt the installation of these new technocrat cabinet members, Sadr is going to morph into something that will make Iran's Qod Forces look like catholic choirboys. If these reforms are stalled by Maliki, Sadr will unleash his million man army, storm the Green Zone and round up all these thieves......this time Sadr's Brigade will torture and decapitate. Maliki's head will be paraded around Baghdad on a pike.
  6. More regurgitated drivel from the gurus of Tony. All hyped up vomitus.
  7. Rotten to the core, these ministers. The corrupt are all trapped with no escape. There are msny outside Iraq who are right in the middle of all this. I do hope that all of them are prosecuted.
  8. I think that the plan was to put Zebari back in his position as foreign minister, anyway, that is his forte and what he does better than anyone in Iraq. He was placed in that finance minister position by Abaidi a few months ago with the understanding that it was only temporary. In this new technocrat cabinet, the goal is to place people in positions that is their specific areas of expertise. If I am not mistaken, Zebari hails from Kurdistan.
  9. We all appreciate all the detailed explanations that you take the time to explain so completely. I appreciate your positive reinforcement when i jump in on a topic. Don't ever sell yourself short. You are extremely intelligent and have a gift of being able t cut to the chase and offer detailed and comprehensive explanations.
  10. There have been numerous scams that have taken place in my 5 + years of monitoring this investment. These instances are not hearsay, they have occurred and continue to as long as there there are people out there who are drawn to the scammers greatest friend.....greed. They simply plant the seed that someone is willing to pay you X amount / dinar, collect the mark's currency and hand them a worthless receipt. Once these charlatans have gotten actual possession of your currency, they split and the greed hungry person most often will not report it because they are extremely embarrassed that they have been had. All this has been occurring for a currency that is worth 8/10ths of one cent, per unit. Can you imagine how many con men are lying in wait to amp this game up when an actual revaluation occurs? The greed factor will be amplified to the nth degree~
  11. Yes sir...... My error. Thank you for your sharp eye and the polite way you pointed my mistake out~
  12. Absofrigginloutly......this Ishmail cat was hand picked and placed inside the CBI, by Maliki. We all know that the CBI is a private bank and their only link to the government of Iraq, is to serve as a depository & transmitter of oil profits gleaned by the state. Maliki put this thief in there to 'cook the books' and to steal the bank's funds. All the funds there are insured by multinational banking insurers. All funds that cannot be accounted for will be reimbursed by the insurer, including all funds that are being they too are a total banking loss.....but this reimburement procedure takes time and investigation. Bottom line, as Boozer stated is this Ishmail cat has got to go and a technocrat such as Sinan al-Shabibi has to be at the helm. All these thiefs are going to be indicted, tried and prison and death by hanging will be the punishment. When this starts, this will be the end of widespread corruption.
  13. This 19 M gallons, in a 76 day period, averages to only 250K bbls./ day. A mere penance of what Kurdistan is currenty capable of producing @ their current wellhead numbers.
  14. We are witnessing the last few days of the existence of The Dawa Party. Abaidi is about to, or has already joined the NSF....... Maliki's sociopathic mind never entertained the ending that is taking place. He continues to believe that Abaidi will fail and he will be Iraq's PM, again. Maliki, you are about to be tried and then you are going to die.
  15. One Word.......'Iran' The World Court, Interpol, will not make their move on Maliki until the Iranian militiamen, aka their Qod forces are evicted from Iraq and that border on Iraq's east side is zipped up and sealed. That should happen pretty soon. Remember, Maliki's power comes from Iran. Maliki is their boy and he is their last grip on the nation of Iraq. When Iraq is completely autonomous, Syria and Iran will be the next bastions of terrorism to fold. All the terror organizations, their funding and marching orders comes directly from Tehran.
  16. I hear ya, my brother....i would laugh my arse off if your words hadn't carried so much wisdom. So, we all hold hands and continue to stand together in solidarity that soon we will be rewarded for our foresight, our vision and dogged determination.
  17. All these left over Maliki crooks gotta be hanged by their necks until they are dead, dead, dead....then the UN monies will flow like honey dew vine water. Late Entry.....Many thanks to Yota!
  18. Mahdi is another one who needs a double hand amputation. When Abaidi completes appointing these cabinet posts and these thiefs are in jail awaiting sentencing, their transparency ratings are going to jump back in the other direction.
  19. Thank you, Yota, for bringing all these fact filled articles & many thanks to Synopsis for providing all of us the cliff notes assessment. I made this statement a couple times in the past..... It is my belief that the current Central Bank of Iraq governor, Ali Mohsen Ishmail, was intentionally placed there by al-Maliki to be his 'inside man', allowing Maliki the ability to pilfer the CBI. This Maliki toad, Ishmail{keywords} will be indicted too for theft of monies.
  20. I hope there is a photographer with Interpol's arrest team. We all want to see a Malili Kodak Moment.......
  21. I emptied it and oh what a feeling, just like that old Toyota commercial.Then, my boss fired me off of my job.
  22. Good Mornin, The three presidencies are..... Prime Minister Abaidi, President Masum & Parliament whip Jabouri....
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