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Everything posted by NWGUY

  1. We had another RV prediction, that was to happen by 5 PM EST. I am on the west coast, and it hasn't been posted yet. Did I miss something, or is PTR wrong again? If they are right, I still have 1 hour to get to the bank! Oh well, the nice thing about this ride is, someone will predict another RV soon! Daaannngggg Itttt!
  2. I gave you a + 1, to even you out. Good Story, with a happy ending!!! I am hoping it is a true story! Go RV!!
  3. Just some advise, in case you didn't think about it. Remember, that we have to fill out paperwork for the IRS, and they will know, who cashed in Dinar, and how much. Knowing our government, they will be expecting their share, and unless you are in the definate dark area, I would pay them what you are suppose to. If not, I would be nervous about all the visits, down at their office. Accept the blessing, but don't hang out in the gray area's. JMO GO RV!!
  4. THANK YOU SCOOTER!!! I for one am ready to cash in!!! Hopefully, we can get that at cash in! Keep up the good work Scooter, and thank you for all the work you do!!! GO RV!!
  5. Good Catch on this one. I remember reading that Doc31 has a group that does investment weekly, and he would have more than 2,000,000 in the group probably, so I am going to have call this BP (Bull Puckey)!!! While, I always look for the positive, I don't think this is for real! Keep the faith, it will RV
  6. Gosh....this Maliki dude is kind of a tough guy! Poor Allawi and his boys miss a couple of meetings, like anything gets done anyway, and you lose your job. Just doesn't seem fair, right? Well, on the upside, now maybe something can get done! Go RV!!!
  7. Another positive step for the RV!! Starting to feel something special!! Go RV!!!
  8. Don't give up on this my friend! This is truly a good investment, and will RV. Step away for awhile, and check back in on it later. We can only hope it will RV this month or next. Keep the faith, and it will all work out!! Go RV!!
  9. Now, this is a conspiracy theory, one can wrap their head around....... That is powerful!!! For those that are running against O, this election.....beware of staying in a hotel!! Go RV!!!!
  10. Based on the news we receive, it still looks like a lot to get done in the next couple of weeks, to get the Chapter 7 lifted. I am still very hopeful, that they can get it done. I think if Maliki can get Allawi arrested, and the parliment, can get Maliki arrested, we can get this all done very quickly. Actually, all kidding aside, there is a lot to get done, and I would bet, that a lot of of it is done, behind closed doors. Adam....we are waiting for those texts!!!! Go RV!!!
  11. These people are funny. They have made more predictions about seating the Security Ministers, than OKIE, and all the other GURU'S, have made about the RV!!! I am curious to see who's prediction actually happens first. Maybe, this time they will actually seat the Ministers. Toast to.....Here's to the Ministers! GO RV!!!
  12. Just RV for the world, and we can call it even!! Oh, and a thank you would also be in order, for the loss of our braves soldiers! Americans, don't ask for much, just respect and appreciation for what we do for the world! Go RV!!
  13. Hi Adam, I just noticed that this is available. I have all my dinars in a safe deposit box, and do I need to go get it out, and take a picture, or can you add this, because I am a VIP member, and have a good reputation I believe? Let me know, and thank you for the effort you and your associates put into this for us.
  14. Thank you for the post. I actually think this was a true and sincere rumor! Nice presentation, and I hope you are right! Good Luck, and I hope you and your family are together again, with a lot of RV money, to live comfortably!! Go RV!!!
  15. How embarrassing for Shalibi, getting fired for not doing your job! Especially by the King of Do Nothing....Maliki himself! Hang your head in Always something interesting going on over there. Go RV!!
  16. knew he would do another 100 days, because he couldn't fire anyone for performance, since he made almost 000 progress himself. He is Capt of the ship, but the funny thing is, that he is not about to go down with the ship!! Well, the game is still on, so lets be ready for anything!! Go RV!!!
  17. I wonder how long it will take them to make a decision on the commission of Youth & Sport??? Geesssh! Maybe M or A will nominate one of the Youth Commissioners for one of the other Ministries!!!! Go RV?
  18. Lol.....I don't think it is what you say here that gets you bashed!!! I think what get you bashed, is the way you say It. Humility, intelligence, and a touch honesty, will get you tons of respect, not to mentioned the honorable +'s. Now, as far as the tiered RV....LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Hopefully, you understand now! Good Luck!! Good Posting!!! Good Life!!! Go RV!!!
  19. The only thing that you are in control of, in this investment is yourself, and your attitude. Don't count on someone else to pump you up, and don't let someone else take you down. This is a personal investment, made by each and everyone of us. As individuals, we need to accept responsibility for our decision, and not blame someone else's actions, as a reason for our disappointment. Stay focused, and you will get through this!!! Go RV!!!
  20. Thank you for the post. IMO, I think Maliki is banking on getting this guy approved by a majority, when parliment comes back next week. I would bet, that he has made arrangments and deals to get this guy approved. Moreover, I bet he will do the same with the other Ministeries also. I think he will have this Government seated by next week. Just in time for the end of June deadline. JMO, and hope I am right!! Go RV!!
  21. lol....There is a good reason he gave everyone another 100 day pass....he hasn't done anything either, but set a record for the most procrastination, and mismanagement ever to come to a democracy!!! It is really hard to fire anyone, when he is probably the reason they couldn't get their jobs done. Strange bunch over there, but they do need to get it together, and get the government set, let everyone do their job, and get money flowing through Iraq, for their people. Go RV!!!
  22. Once the RV happens.....I would consider myself a LOBBIEST!!! lol I will give what I can to get what I want!!! Go RV!!
  23. NWGUY


    Thank you for the post! I like conspiracy theories, but I don't think the banks have that much power to hold off this RV, or to have any control what so ever. While I agree that Iraq may need to be more stable, and have better security in place, I really think they need to get money flowing through their system. The economic situation is almost as dire, as the security. They need to get their infrastructure fixed, and without the RV, it isn't going to happen. Let's keep the focus on getting the Government seated, and the Chapter 7 lifted, and then get the RV!! I see this happening this month, but so far, just like everyone else, they could prove me wrong!! Go RV!!!
  24. Don't Bash Me, but if Obama can get this handled and RV'd, I will vote for him!!! It is all about me now!!! Go RV!!! Actually my vote is up for bid....Obama, Hillarious, Biden, etc,......Oakie.....whoever can get it handled!!! lol
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