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Everything posted by Tiffany23

  1. are so funny, those are just hints on what to look for, it's not a laundry list that guys have to checkoff. Hey, I really didn't thank you guys for providing feedback on how close I am. I think you are probably being a bit kind to I've been out of practice for almost 8 months. But Ok, I see I have two to do: AKVET and Shy....admittedly, you guys are more of a challenge are very appreciative of others, you are outgoing, adventurous, seems to me you have done some traveling...and not just US and Canada. But it's apparent you love nature....and waking up to a beautiful sunrise over a mountain lake is liberating to you. You are VERY young at heart, I was picturing you at not much older than me, but I did sneak a peak at some data on how old you are....your no spring chicken, but you sure do act like one! Wow...really, I hope I have your energy and gumption for life. To be honest, that has kind of thrown a kink in how I can do my reading on you. Obviously, you have more education that many, you have a keen knowledge of both history and finance. You are pragmatic. You are an explorer and it appears you stay fit. You seem to have been surrounded mostly by females in your life, so that has soften the macho BS that many guys have This has made you more open minded and willing to accept others. Your philosophy on life may be live and let live. You are a softy, and you LOVE animals. Your faith is strong, but not OTT (British slang for Over the Top). You don't mind talking about your faith, but after a while you want to move on to the next subject. Physically, hmmm...that's a tough one...5"10, little bit of a pouch on you, but nothing major...just typical American middle aged man, brown hair, maybe facial hair, green friendly eyes, you don't walk fast, you would be a guy that stops to smell the roses. Shy...ok, not much to go on goes: Friendly, Easygoing, Nature lover, inquisitive, your faith is important to you...but you are also a planner and want to smooth the ruffles in store ahead, as much as you can. Right now you are going thru an emotional roller coaster, and you are admittedly a bit concern on what the future hold, who won't be in your shoes? Being the"man" of the household, that puts even more stress on you because you want to provide for your loveones. You appear to be kindhearted to a fault and probably would still put an extra $5 in the plate, if you knew someone had it worse than you and needed it. You are more of an introvert (yes I know i had to dig deep for that one), but enjoy exploring man from the inside perhaps reading. I see you interested in psychology and perhaps history? Physically, this is going to be a BIG stretch, I see maybe 5'10, dark eyes, brown hair, weigh 183 lbs....that's without shoes! Boyish good looks. So how'd I do Gents? I did write down a few thing about women...but keep in mind...having been one all my life and chased after them all my adult life...I still haven't figured us out! The big thing on whether a girl is in to you is what they do with their hair and if they laugh. are EXACTLY right about a girl responses to your humor is a dead give away if she is interested. If she wants to know more and her laughter lingers then she likes you...also if she plays with her hair while she is talking to you, that means you are doing great. Girls LOVE to be touched by the person interested in them....for those single guys in the crowd, how she accepts you touching her will give you a clear indication of how "lucky" you will be...and not just talking about sex, I mean if she is in to you. If you touch her all night, rubbing her arm or touching her leg....pull back and see what happens...if she likes you, she will IMMEDIATELY notice and will try to reengage. Also, we do at least subconsciously like a little fight in our mates. That is, show us attention, but if you throw in a bit of competition, that isn't a bad thing. Maybe when you go get a refill on your drinks, stop and chat up the hot blond that just came may be talking about the weather...but the girl you are sitting with is already thinking you are talking about meeting up later...jealousy is not always a bad thing. The one thing I've notice about guys and girls is that guys like a girl that is experience but not TOO experienced. If the girl is really good in bed, then the guy starts wondering how she got that good. While girls for the most part, just love having someone that knows what to do....Girls also love a guy that takes control in the least girls my age. I don't want to speak about another generation. Also, pls pls pls, keep in mind, this is advice for single guys in a club environment, this is NOT for those already in a loving relationship. I don't want to get myself in trouble with the straight ladies in the crowd! Tiff
  2. Shy....don't be trying to guess how I do it....magic is suppose to be appreciate for the awe and mystery it provides...once the slight of hand is discovered, it looses it magic! But I'm willing to take up a challenge of an existing newbie...but it has to be an existing one..there are a few of my "friends" that would enjoy taking the piss out of me just to screw with my grey matter, what little there is of it. BTW, I don't claim to by psychic just a bit intuitive, I can teach you a few quick tricks from my waitress days if you wish. Watches and shoes are a dead give away on how much money the guy is good for. But they have to match the rest of the outfit. If the guy is in jeans and a T-shirt, but is wearing a Rolex, then most likely he got that off the street vendor in the Green Zone. But if you want to impress the club ladies, wear nice watches and shoes and that will get you attention. Next fingernails, they are an indication on how clean you are in the rest of your bod. If you have dirt or grease under them, girls won't be too keen to be with you. Also, girls are heavy on smells. Breath and Body odors REALLY turn us off. I think it may be a way nature gives us to sort out healthy mates. How you treat us...a waitress, is an indication of how you will treat your date when the novelty wears off. So girls pay attention to that. Also, cars give a quick indication on what your real resources are....but that also can be a false alarm. So there may be guys who own corvettes but live in trailer homes...but not usually. Also guys, if you have a beer belly or some grey in your hair....that really doesn't matter that much. We are more interested in you...are you kind, honest, caring..if you really want to impress us...cook for us...we love that. Ok, that's enough coaching for now...and keep in mind this is what I have found to be insightful...only have my own experience to go on. AKVET...I wrote down my thought on you...but I'm pooped so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.
  3. Ok FlyHi...I think you are the last. You're an Auzzie, right? Now, I haven't been exposed a lot to Auzzie men. But I did spent 6 wks in your incredible country a few years back..and I have to admit, the 3 days I spent snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef where the best days of my life (other than the Hudak twins that night in London, but that's another story). I have been exposed to Auzzie women, however. There were a couple strippers that worked in Canada that were from there and I became good friends with them. They provide some real interesting tidbits on the Men down under, which I personally have yet to verify. But if I remember correctly, they said that they found American and Canadian men to be much more domesticated. They were shocked to see how often North American men "cried their eyes out" and got in touch with their feelings. They stipulated that Auzzie men would never do that. Likewise, Americans in general I think see Auzzies as something a kin to our Cowboys of the Wild West...strong men that conquer a harsh landscape. Shot first and asked questions later. By the way, the term Cowboys means different thing in different British (former??) colonies. In Ireland and somewhat the UK, a Cowboy is someone that is a trickster, unscrupulous (sp?) man trying to take advantage of a person when he can...that's not what I mean in this case, just wanted to make sure I didn't offend you. So, with that said, answer your question, you are very "colorful" . You come across as funny, flirty but poliet. You have a LOT of energy. A good time for you no doubt is sitting around the barbie and having some suds with your mates. But you are no slouch when it comes to history and it appears that you've done some traveling in your days. Americans I think would love to have you as a house guest, you would be refeshing and be somewhat of a novelity. You are straightforward, but also not above taking the piss out of someone for a laugh. You don't seem to be one that anyone would get offended by, but some of us Yanks probably won't always catch your dry sense of humor. Naturally, you love the outdoors, doing work inside is probably suffocating for you. You no doubt chased some skirts in your day. You have a picture on your profile page, so I'd be cheating to say anything about that part. But I think I'd want you along if I took a trip to the Outback and especially Uluru. You look like a good man to cover my 6. So how'd I do?
  4. Impressive research. I stand in awe...
  5. Wow...that is what I call being taken to town! Very very impressive!
  6. purrrrrrrr! I honestly started to cry...Thanks buddy!
  7. Thanks Mr. P...I'll take a 90...not setting the curve, but still an A! Ok, are both a hard and soft target. You're a retired USMC officer, a pilot, a Texan and A&M you would appear to be one of the cockiest SOBs that ever walked the planet....but surprisingly, you are very sensitive, caring, and hold your family well being above all else. You have been tested in life...and past with flying colors. Your children and grandchildren cherish you...and if you should simply not talk to them because of something they did wrong, it would be devastating to them...because your opinion of who they are and what they have done is very very important to them. It's also very important that you patch up disagreements with your loved ones immediately, or else they will be very lost and hurt without you in their lives. While you had a distinguished career, your kids will be your lasting legacy. You are a man of honor and integrity. Your word is your bond. You don't like people that speak up or down to you. You respect people that speak their mind and look you in the eyes. But few have the integrity to do so. You respect others opinons but rarely change your mind, you've seen enough of the world and human nature so you rarely need to change your mind. In fact, you rarely find your equal and that sometime is a problem, because it is "lonely" at the top. Your fellow retired USMC buddies are highly treasured by you and you wish you could see them more. You don't let things fester, you react quickly and decisive..that is how you were trained and it comes second nature to you. Hmmm...physically, tall, but not too tall, you maintain your shape, not like the old days, but you could still probably beat most guys at the bar in arm wrestling...not that you go to the bars often. Those days are long over. I see strong shoulders, steady gaze, lite colored eyes..hazel or light blue. So did I maintain my 90% grade level? PS...I miss our chats!
  8. Broke...I've written Mr. Stein several times...and he wrote me back each time. Specifically, I 've written several book reviews on Amazon about him and have even provide him with some recommendations for research...and again each time he wrote me back and provide feedback. He also signs autographs for our warfighters. Contact him if you are interested. He is very personable. I think you can reach him at
  9. is not very often that I get called on the carpet for being unsensitive towards others, so I think you have caught me off guard...and I'm very interested in what you have to say. However, I may be looking this in somewhat of another angle. I don't think it is a secret to many of the long term posters to know that I'm a lesbian. I don't normally flaunt that part, as I don't usually see it germane to any topic, but in this case I think it might. When I look at a woman, I'm looking at her in many ways like a straight man a few instances I size her she or is she not attractive? I'm only human...I know what I like, and for me, I like a "full figured" woman. But I like the look of just about any woman's body, it's one of natures best built endevors. Now this is all done in a split second, and then my mind takes over and I engage that person on who they are, what they like, what their opinions are...and again, I can quickly determine if this is a person that is interesting, someone I would like to have a glass of wine and discuss the meaning of love with..or is this a bias, closed minded person that is high on herself. Again, it's a method to determine whether or not I want to spend more time getting to know that person. By the way, I'm not immune to guys that are equally attractive...Harrison Ford...old enough to be my father..perhaps in my, funny, a take control kind of guy. I also admit, I do like Brad Pitt...killer smile...and very down to earth. So while I'm not so much physically attractive to them, I am in to them. Not sure if I had a point to this posting...just that I know what I like, and Julin is one of those people I find both physically attractive as well as someone I'd love to pick her brain.
  10. Mr. Parrot your next, ah may I call you Mr P for short or carrot possibly? You are a natural leader. Someone comfortable in their own skin. You avoid conflict when you can, because you basically don't see it worth your effort. You like being independent and that includes financial you've taken the time to become knowledgeable in financial/money matters. You are a born skeptic, you don't follow the crowd, you prefer to make your own decisions after weighing the evidence. You think life is getting a bit too have a few guiding principals that you follow and can't see what all the hub bub is about. You don't take yourself too serious, and are irritated by those who do. You have a GREAT sense of humor, and enjoy engaging in it whenever laugh at people who don't get your jokes and I do however see something deeply disturbing, and very sinister within you...almost evil....oh wait, it the fact that you are a Raiders fan....Whew!!...that explains it. (so does John Elway still haunt your dreams!) ha ha You like to be comfortable and surround yourself with nice things. You are highly knowledgable in several could go on and on about these subjects, but because you know them so well, peoples' eyes start to glaze over and you realize you are boring them to tears, so you don't really go into it much now a days, except with like minded people. You like hanging out with the golf maybe? People enjoy your company. I see you as tall, thinnish...just a little beer belly, glasses, a few wrinkles...but they are caused by smiling a lot. Some grey perhaps...short hair. Big use to be a lady's man but now you are on the leash for good and are happy just the you figure women cause most of the world's problems one way or limiting yourself to just one is a way of self preservation. So do I know my stuff or what? Tiff
  11. Awesome Cay! ha ha Ok Nadita...your time under the microscope. You are well traveled, so your eyes are open to other ways of doing things. You appreciate all beauty, both foreign landscapes, your back garden or people's hearts. Your faith is strong, but wasn't always so. You love being with people and sharing adventures also lean towards being an introvert...that is, you don't NEED people to be happy. You are like me, can be just as happy reading a good book than being the life of a party. As mentioned, you are an explorer...this is even in everyday tasks such as cooking. (by the way, I made an AWESOME thai lettuce wrap recipe that we could swap). You see cooking as an art, a way to create u get to eat it at the end of the day. You are secretly hurt if someone doesn't mention how good a new dish is, because you very much strive to please. Physically, you smile a lot. I don't see you as tall, maybe medium or shorter...but as my grandfather would say, you are in great shape for the shape your in. You seldom choose to stay on the couch if someone asks you to go do you are are always ready for what the new day brings. Brown hair, brown eyes maybe? Tiff
  12. Your idea kept me up all night. Is this being marketed to a certain segment of society based on their social characteristics. Why is religion seem to be so deeply correlated? Why are many of these people anti-Obama? Why are many of them so suspicious of the Gov't? I thought I'd look into the social characteristics of people that buy lotto tickets: Starting with this paper, it outlines how lotto are purchased by lower income people and are marketed as straightforward. Age of 55-69 is targeted. Religion DOES seem to be a characteristic. After this, I want to look at currency trading. Back later...very intriguing!
  13. are right of course, a person's true worth is the beauty they have within them. No argument there what so every, you are 100% correct..but you know a BUT is coming. Like Smee says, throughout history, women have almost always risen to the top because of one attribute...their looks. Some may have come up thru royal linage but not until the likes of Madam Curie came about did we start getting credit for our brains..or other attributes. So while almost every woman wants to be appreciated in-spite of her looks, I think almost all women appreciate it if you also think of them as attractive. But regardless, you point is well taken, and I'm sorry if I made it appear that I won't appreciate her as much if she was ugly down to the bone...after all, beauty is only skin deep.
  14. Oh oh...I heard a Disney joke last night...can I steal the platform Mr. Moose? It's rated PG, so if you are easily know the drill Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her wicked stepmother won't let her. As Cinderella sits crying in the garden, her fairy godmother appears, and promises to provide Cinderella with everything she needs to go to the ball, but only on two conditions. "First, you must wear a diaphragm." Cinderella agrees. "What's the second condition?" "You must be home by 2 a.m. Any later, and your diaphragm will turn into a pumpkin." Cinderella agrees to be home by 2 a.m. The appointed hour comes and goes, and Cinderella doesn't show up. Finally, at 5 a.m., Cinderella shows up, looking love-struck and **very** satisfied. "Where have you been?" demands the fairy godmother. "Your diaphragm was supposed to turn into a pumpkin three hours ago!!!" "I met a prince, Fairy Godmother," Cinderella replied. "He took care of everything." "I know of no prince with that kind of power! Tell me his name!" "I can't remember, exactly...Peter Peter, something or other...."
  15. Pattyangle ...always the Peacemaker I admire your energy and resolve as well Dive. And as far as passion, if it wasn't for that...I figure neither of us would be here! Yes, I'm glad we could bury the hatchet and not in my forehead for once! I find men such as you..and even Heavy & Troop...are trying to do what is right...and when I break thru to your hearts, I usually can worm my way in...because you also want what is best for the future for their children and their children's children. We just sometimes take a different path. I find I'm not nearly as successful with older (I didn't say OLD) women, ladies like Frances and TxG....never seem able to let me in. They would rather nail my hide to the outhouse door. I'm curious on why that is....thoughts? Is this what it's like to have a mother-in-law...seriously...
  16. Glad we had some fun with this gang....and Maggie..I WAS worried when I read your email, but I see my mate Cher (Dogmatic) nipped it in the bud. She knows that Smee is my heroine...I mean hero...but now that I mention it, she IS kind of like a drug thru...hmmm I don't think anyone mentioned William Shatner....Damn it Jim, I'm an American not a Canadian.
  17. Whew....glad I got a good bit of it. You didn't mention my part about starting a new life or sex...hmmmm. Love Monty Python...being half British, it was a staple of growing up. I hope I don't offend too many people but the one where Jesus is on the cross and he starts singing "Look at the brighterside of life" still cracks me up to this day. Actually, some of you may be surprised to learn that I'm somewhat of a shy person, and I don't like attention. I would much rather read a good book than go to a party. I can be outgoing, but it takes a lot of energy for me to do that. But I'm 5'7...which isn't real tall...I walk very fast. Love to dress up...and turn heads...ok in this area all Ladies do. I dress (outside of work) very ah hmmm provocative....3 button down type of girl...was a waitress at a strip club for 4 years, so got use to dressing for tips I guess. That is also where I gained my amazing perception skills. Ok, i see I have lots of work to do...I think I have about 3 of you in the que. So let me have a think and come back in a bit. This is fun! Also....Thanks Troop...we may have had a few run ins, but you obviously have a great sense of humor!
  18. Ok...for beginners, I SWEAR this is not me posting under a different name...Honest. But OMG...I LOVE YOU! You are like the young lad that tells everyone that the Emporer has no clothing on! I've been trying to figure out why this site is so Conservative myself...I thought maybe it was perhaps because many of the people that hear about this have some type of military ties...that includes me. I haven't spent much time in similar sites, so I find your analysis very interesting! And I totally agree with EVERYTHING you wrote. These people HATE Obama with a passion. The vast majority are Republicans, Christians and White Males. They love to come in and talk about how the world is going to Hell..and that it's so and so's fault. They then slap each other on the backs (by awarding positive points) to each other, and sends anyone that disagrees with them to the woodshed for a paddling. Because I"m one of the few people that challenge their opinions, in many different facets, some of them would relish the idea of me being run over by a Mack truck. So what you are saying is you think a certain sector of the American population is being strategically marketed...Well I never! Wow...that is mindboggling...but sure would explain a lot!
  19. I very much respect Julia Gillard, here in NZ, we see here almost every night on the Telly. She's a gifted speaker, very polished...would give Tony Blair and Obama a run for their money in that dept. She is also a classy dresser, and has a GREAT figure...easily DD. Not that that matters at all, but believe me, she would make every guy take notice when she walks in the room even if she wasn't the PM.
  20. You know I'm puddy in your hands luv. Ok, Tank, I'll give it a shot, but keep in mind that most of my friends I've been chatting with for over a year, so I got to know them fairly well, so I'm not going to be as successful with people I haven't engaged, but here goes: I can label you with a few words: Self Relient. That is extremely important for you and how you want to raise your girls. You are starting out on a second chance in life, so you are very excited but also a bit scared. You are outgoing, inquesitive, very positive, smart, and a self starter. You are a bit conservative for my taste . Your faith is strong but doesn't overshadow the rest of your life. You love the outdoors. I see you as the Brawny man. Strong arms, thick to talk. Sure of yourself but not an egomanicac. You love having sex (who doesn't, right?). Brownish hair, dark eyes. You wish you could remember people's names better. And you have a fetish for japanese food. So, how'd I do?
  21. have attempted to call a spade a spade....I respect that... ALOT! I'm also tired of all this finger point and name calling...whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, an Atheist, a Born Again, a straight, a G A Y...we are ALL Americans...and we are all in this together. So let's stop laying blame and fix this. I am willing to work 12 hrs days to make sure that my parents and grandparents are taken care of. I'm willing to work 15 years past my retirement age if it means those warfighters that secured my liberties are taken care of. I'm willing to double my tax for SS, medicare..but I ask that those who are now in power to get this spending under control I care about my elders...but I also want a family, I want to raise sons and daughters that have a chance at the American Dream...I want what all of you want...that your children have at least the same chance that you did to make it. Please don't keep piling on layer after layer of debt....we can only do so much. AndI respect your wishes, I won't go into any area that you post, as a sign of respect. Tiff
  22. Some of my best friends are from up North...I got my undergraduate degrees in London, Ontario. I love you guys! Just about the friendliest people in the world....not counting Smee of course! love u GF!
  23. Dive...pls show me any evidence to support your claim regarding gov't employees doubling their yearly base prior to retirement....that is ludicrous. I'm calling your bluff, provide one single bit of evidence. People that got into the Fed Gov't prior to 1984 are in CSRS, inwhich they do get approx 70% if they put in 35 years, but the don't get any SS. However, for those of us that came after 1984, we are "stuck" with SS, just like you. Secondly, you keep trying to peg this mess on my generation. We aren't the ones that took the money from Peter to pay Paul that you are alluding to via ss. Instead, it is your generation, the baby boomers, who aren't wiling to fix the system by making sever cut backs, instead you are sticking my generation with a projected 10 fold increase. Let's look at the facts, shall we. You can retire at 62...I won't be able to retire until I'm 75 most likely. You have to pay in 6.2% of your paycheck for SS, do you think that rate is going up or down in the next 50 years of my career? Pls, if you are going to get mad at someone, don't be pointing the fingers at us...Generation Y....go look in the mirror. You guys are 3 times the size of my generation, we have almost no chance of voting anything we want in. Let's be very clear. You've had the last 3 Prez: Cilton, W and Obama. You've held congress for the last 20 years. So, which Generation is and has been in power. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Now that we have that settled, get busy and balance the budget, get a line item veto and get term limits in place. If you can't do that while you are the majority, with 3 times the population of my do you expect us to do anything with 10 times your debt and having to work for 13-20 years longer than you and paying a lot more out of our pockets...Pls, you all knowing experienced Baby boomer...tell me how you are going to do it? I'm sorry if the truth inconveniences you. Tiff
  24. Tx, I know you and I don't see eye to eye. So I'm not going to engage you personally, well not much. But I do have to comment on some things you are alluding to in your rebuttal. One, I never said I think that way, I said that is how many Generation Y see it. I actually AGREE with you, that my generation is trying to get something before they earn it. But that is because they don't see a future, so it is only human nature that they are trying to get something out of a system that they know is headed for a train wreck. You may have put in for 40-60 years, but my Generation will have to up that to 60-80 years. I'm sorry you hate me so much that you can't see when we actually agree on something. Also, for the record, since 1984, most Federal Employees went to something called the FERS/TSP retirement plan. We get 1% for each year we put in with Uncle at the end of 35 years, we get 35% of our high three year salary. While I think it is a very good fringe benefit, I certainly don't see it as a big pension. Also, pls show me one, just one post, in all the posts that have EVERY been posted on this site that anyone but ME, yes ME wanted to make cuts in SS or Medicare? The only other person was Len. No one has EVERY been pro making reasonable cuts in any of these Gov't programs. Most of my none religious postings negative points have been because I"ve raised this topic. Pls...I dare you to find one. Everyone wants cuts to Gov't spending but no one is willing to have their OX gored. As far as earning it...yes you put in for years.....but if you go to some of my postings, you will see evidence to support the fact that the vast majority of taxpayers that put into medicare spend all they put in to the system in the last month or two of their lives in health care costs and then leave 3 times that for the taxpayer to pay. My grandfather ran up a $38K hospital bill in the last 3 days of his life. So where does the excess come from to pay that medical's kicked down the street to have the next generation pay for it. Just one more thing, you know besides my "education" I worked in DC as a liaison between the Dept of Defense and I agree, experience does count when it comes to talking about this subject. I wonder how many ways and means committees in 20 years have been held in your neck of the woods? Maybe you should try to be "enlighten" . Tiff
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