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Everything posted by umbertino

  1. I am happy to see COMMON SENSE at its Best prevail for once........
  2. If you're so impatient you can just make one up yourself ( it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened and certainly not the last) and play with it.
  3. Don't forget the milkman's cousin's granpa's sister's in-law's pimp's cousin's pusher's baby-sitter. different day, week, month, year.... almost same sxxt
  4. You do sound ALL fake to me.
  5. I'm sorry Man. Didn't mean any offense btw. I was just starting from where the other story-teller ended...........
  6. No, the kind words were coming from someone else. I just wanted to point out, by saying what I said., that I don't have any reasons not to believe you personally .....but your sources.
  7. That's what I'm saying...........The FedEx guy whose grandma used to be the pizza delivery-gal of Maliki's favorite pizza place. And on and on.........
  8. I don't question your credibility. Infact I wrote that I don't believe "it" the story not "you".... Since it goes from friend to friend to friend. Again thanks for sharing.
  9. Thank you Mr. Green AZZ for giving us some of your very precious time.
  10. Thanks for sharing. I happen not to believe it.
  11. Quote Whether its 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, 30 years. THIS IS AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE, never lose sight of that fact. End Quote I'm not losing sight of that fact. But please don't give me that 30 years talk. Not even 3 more than this (I have waited for almost 7, mind you)
  12. is it all that? Just give me the money.
  13. Thanks for the clear and detailed explanation. Appreciated.
  14. Couldn't you just call him and ask him? plus one. ..........I'd catch a plane tonite and be there in a pinch.
  15. Man, that's a lot of money you're offering.
  16. Hey, I'd be more than happy myself....We'll see, as usual
  17. Quote He said something like...well with the war and all we don't want to touch it until it becomes official. End Quote The war? Weren't they informed the war is over?
  18. It's incredible ( but not really) what some "intel" posts do to People. I read on another Forum I frequent ( not specialized on Dinars but with a Dinar section) someone stating that "It's a done thing, Since it ALREADY RV'd in JORDAN and KUWAIT then it's only a matter of very short time before it does all over the World".... I mean, seriously............
  19. Agreed. Train, White Knight, etc...WTF? Well, you posted it and therefore you exposed your post (not yours as such, what you reported) to various types of responses. So no need to call some of them "blood-thirsty" esp. since you clearly stated you will not care past the mere posting stage.JMHO.
  20. The Man went overboard so freakin' much it's not even funny anymore......Ok, maybe he does mean well but he blew his mind up for good..... Send him to the Dinar Asylum. Quote The Forex rate is $5.27 which is the target rate and once published on the Forex is irrevocable. In My OPINION we may see the lower rates on Tuesday as the US Treasury will surely try to steal the amount above the $3.22. So everyone be careful and patient, cash in small amounts for the lower rate , wait a couple of days and the rate should rise to the $5.25 rate and Ali says he is going to use the CBI buy rate as our rate of $6.18. Everything is coming together abeit slow as H***. But our Journey is over folks just remain seated until we reach the gate. End Quote WHAT?????????????'' YEAH RIGHT..........
  21. umbertino


    Common sense suggests you're right.
  22. Yep. As expected given the hugeness of what he stated.
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