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Everything posted by usndiver

  1. I've been debunked again. it was a coupon for a dollar off at TCBY.
  2. Now you did it! I confess I'm a Cold Stone Pumper!!
  3. I walked into a Cold Stone Creamery, I had never been to this store before. I had been to a different Cold Stone Creamery just 75 days ago. I asked the associate behind the counter if they were going to be selling ice cream today, he said yes and that they would be selling ice cream in the future too. This is true not a lie, I had never been to this particular Cold Stone Creamery, there was no reason for them to lie to me or defer to another associate! Then I walked outside and found a dollar.
  4. These cards have been out for a few months. Anyone that purchased from TD received one in the mail.
  5. Quietlearner I agree with Royce. If your going to post old articles, give us a warning in the title.
  6. I bought twice from TD last year with absolutely no problems.
  7. usndiver


    grumpy, Take a look in the Tax Discussion forum. There are many opinions on the treatment of this investment. ExeConsultant has some very informative posts on your question.
  8. Quick, break out the violins! I'm sure he's stressed, he should be. But how about the stress that the regular citizens of Iraq that do not live in the Green Zone have to endure every day? It appears that Allawi needs to man up!
  9. Did you consider that in posting your picture you potentialy risk your security? At a minimum change your profile so that it doesn't show your home state. Never underestimate the criminal element out here.
  10. These are not manufacturing jobs. Please capitalize Americans & America. Thank you.
  11. Here's a link to Scooter;s posted topics pages. I'm not sure which one has what you are looking for.[forums]=1&view_by_title=1&st=0
  12. ....He steered away from mentioning anything about the Re-denomination and Revaluation report that he carried inside his leather brief case..... IMO this is where credibility is lost. How would AC know what is in the brief case?
  13. I would have to say it is because long term CG is taxed at 15%, which would be great. There are some folks out here that get riled up if you mention anything other than CG for tax purposes. The fact of the matter is, and Adam has said this numerous times, the CPA's and or attorney's that you use need to be versed in this type of investment. Definitely check out ExecConsultants posts.
  14. Thanks for posting gman. ExecConsultant has dug deep into this with hours of research. His professional opinion, he is an attorney, is that the gains will come under 988. If you look up his posts under the Tax Discussion forum he really disects this topic, explains the process he went through to come to his conclusion. No one really knows if there will be a windfall tax on this investment. But, get ready for the capital gains crowd to post. Thanks for posting.
  15. I reserve my substantive posts for the VIP forums, in the past I have ranted on kool aid drinkers, but I saw the error of my ways and chose to keep my opinions to myself. As I posted previously in this thread, there are other sites in the blogosphere where you and your ilk can exchange "articulate opinions". Good luck.
  16. Give us all a break. Articulate opposing opinion? -136 says nothing? True articulate, opposing opinion would not lead to this "score". Nice attempt with the zing on conservatives as well. IMO the tone of your post supports my hypothesis that you lack any credibility in the arena of honest discourse.
  17. This is a forum for investing in the currency of Iraq. I don't believe it was ever intended for ones religious, political, sexual, social or whatever views. I prefer to stay on point. I love how the whole freedom of speech mantra is thrown out here. DV is a privately owned site that allows members and non-members to read and contribute, that is a privelege, not a right. I'm not being argumentative, I'm simply stating the obvious. There are milions of other sites that are dedicated to the aforementioned subjects listed above.
  18. Probably yes, it's just taking up space, but at least it's not about me sitting with a tin foil hat and pondering the implications of some make believe world conspiracy. Now you gotta admit that the Wedding Crasher reference was funny! Creepy, true.
  19. Slade, once again you have missed the point. Feeling guilty about something? My point is that, as of recent, posts about politics, conspiracy theories, sexual orientation , blah blah blah are choking the boards here. Did I make any reference to squashing debate about LOP and low rates? Now go back to your greasy little keyboard and leer at the screen. Did you ever see the movie "Wedding Crashers"? I picture you as Todd Cleary, the son that painted the pictures, when he gives everyone the attitude and dirty look. By the way the "Black Hole Forum" was purely meant as humor.
  20. First off I want to say hats off to all of the moderators here at DV, thanks for doing a great job out here. I am proposing a new tool for the Moderators. I believe that a new forum, titled "Black Hole", is needed. This would be a perfect remedy for the Mod's as far getting rid of the ridiculous, offensive and abusive garbage posted by trolls and others that lack respect for DV and it's members. A Mod would simply replace the text of the offender with "Moved to Black Hole", "deposit" the removed post or topic into the Black Hole forum for record keeping. Now I'm sure some of the trolls would look at this as a badge of honor, so to remedy this the powers that be would make a three strikes and your out rule. This isn't about free speech, this is a private website and I am sure there are a lot of vets on here that end up rolling their eyes at some of the "posts" out here.
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