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Everything posted by pokerplayer

  1. @coorslite21 having worked in Iraq I can attest to the fact a large majority of Iraqis are not tech savvy. Most prefer hard currency they can touch and see. Hence the cash under the mattress scenario. May of changed as I was there at the start of the war but I suspect not. pp
  2. No worries, it happens from time to time. Thxs for the apology though. Have a great day Go RV, Come on retirement, pp
  3. It was me that gave you rubies as I am sure you know. I also give you lots of positive points for great comments. The rubies are for not what you said, but how you said it. pp
  4. @Shelley Smith was the last name of a hmmm, donut shop I use to go to. lol pp
  5. Unfortunately the man is a dufus and worse yet, the leader of the most powerful nation on earth Sorry to say it , but you all are screwed if by some wild chance they are able to steal the election again and he gets in for a second term. pp
  6. Thxs Yota. Things are heating up for us all. Hopefully this adventure will be over in the near future for us all. pp
  7. I believe so, with in the next 24 hrs. or so. pp
  8. Thanks @Longtimelurker now I'm really pumped. June is looking good for sure. pp
  9. I'm hearing that Iraq depegged last night has anyone else heard that? If true this is huge !! pp
  10. I don't think @cutter73 was being critical of you Luigi1, just making an observation is all. pp
  11. Biden just help speed up the demise of the US. Dollar. It's sad really. The US is such a wonderful country but to have an elected political party hell bent on destroying her is, well.... criminal for lack of a better way of saying it. pp
  12. Good point @MommaMia I've never declared mine either and they are in the range you were talking about. Yes, it's fun to dream. pp
  13. Hey Davis. Shouldn't you be out campaigning for president ? 😅🤣😂 pp
  14. Exciting times for us after all these years. Thank Ron for weathering the storm to bring over the latest Guru entertainment. Actually once in awhile some of it makes total sense. pp
  15. While I very seldom, if ever agree with you @edbeach this was a great question. Had to up vote you for it as it is a good question. Ok, you can go back to making dumb comments now... lol pp
  16. I strongly suspect that there is no "Firefly " this is something Frank dreamed up to keep the masses drinking the cool-aid. Think about it, Iraq has rolling power outages all the time, but Frank's so called boots-on-the ground always has TV, contacts Frank 2-3 times a week with so called "intel", when no one else has power or that much to share. I call BS, on this one JMHO of course, pp
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