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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. I like how even the simplest typos mean so much. ha ha Irags. Hahahahah. Irags. hahah Every time you say it you gotta chuckle. Go RV
  2. Hey Doc. Thanks for the update. Sure makes you think there is something going on. God Bless you and yours my friend. Dinosaur.
  3. Dinosaur

    Up coming RV

    How could we make less if the dinar revalues at a nickel when we bought a million dinar for a $1000? It cost me less than a tenth of a cent to buy 1 dinar. So at .05x1million dinar I get $50,000 USD Do the math. Where is your head at? It is not a question of if there will be an RV. The question is when. Whether you are frustrated or not use your head and "think" about what you are saying before you speak. That is your common sense reaching out to you. You should listen to your common sense Mr. Bubbles.
  4. Hey Qman I got .86 when I multiplied. batteries must be low. I guess I get to watch "Ass The Dinar Turns" as my favorite movie. Starring butthead Maliki and beavis Talabani with their pals Madman Mahdi and Alliwant the enforcer. Thanks for the fun as always you are great. Dinosaur
  5. Or maybe is all BS so we can have an RV. I would not be announcing to the world we have formed our govt and we are RVing on Tuesday. I would bring in 20,000 troops to protect my banks and the people from terrorists. I would have security in place ready to go.. The govt would be formed but not formally announced. Move the security in place in the middle of the night and then in the middle of the night rv. That would be logical. Announce the govt is in place.. Then play the video to the masses. I personally would like Vanhalen singing We'll be dancing dancing in the streets... They'll be records playing and people singing..... dancin in the streets..... Or some reasonable facsimile..... Don't crush the dream.. believe it is going to happen... don't believe the crap coming out its crap. Dinosaur out.
  6. How can you ask what is this post about? Don't you feel for Patty? I do. Hahahahah. I have been there trying to plan partys at corporate functions. Oh the drama. You could not be more right on if you tried. Amen.
  7. Thanks Doc. We appreciate all you do for us. Dinosaur.
  8. Thank you zzzzzzzzz. What a wonderful response to Zantac. I was bothered by the post for so many people out there just hanging on to every guru they trust or admire or are a light of hope to them. Funny going to bed last night I spoke to my wife and stated isn't it amazing after reading zantac's post how defeating his words were despite all the hype that the RV was so close. It is so much easier to believe the negative than the positive for so many people who are just getting by these days and it does drag them down. I said to my wife as I say to all you out there who need a lift after listening to anyone who has an opinion with such deafening degrees of negativity. Just because we have freedom of speech in this country does not warrant that anyone can hide behind this freedom and say anything and everything they want and not expect consequences of actions for their remarks because they have a right to their opinion. People need to understand that the words they choose can hurt many especially on forums like this. People need to understand that theirs is a great responsibility with the "FREEDOM TO HAVE FREE SPEECH" Be respectful with your free speech for the feelings of others. Especially when so many need hope. I am not saying to agree with everyone or everything that comes down the pipe. Absolutely not. I am saying because you have an opinion does not mean your freedom of speech allows you to hurt or effect without consequences. There are consequence to ones actions especially with words. Freedom of speech has been so twisted today that people have forgotten about integrity to their fellow man or woman and have masked that they have a right to free speech and have the freedom to do so any way they please. Having the freedom to do so does not mean you should hurt. I will fight for your right for freedom of speech zantac that much is true. I may not necessarily agree with you, but I will fight for your right to have free speech. I only ask that you understand that free speech should serve the people for betterment and not the individuals agenda. Or if you don't have anything nice to say try harder. My daughter told me that one. Now that is freedom of speech. Dinosaur
  9. I take a crack at the first Taco Bell joke. Here lizard lizard lizard. That dog in the commercial saying that cracks me up everytime.
  10. 11Sounds awesome to me. Actually reminds me of a clip from "This Is Spinal Tap" where Nigel shows Marty his equipment and comments on his amplifier that "goes up to eleven". Still cracks me up. Do you think they new about the power of 11 back in the 80's? Check out Rob Reiner and how young he looked. He was meathead on All in the Family for the younger crowd. And I am dating my self. Enjoy Dinosaur
  11. I listened to jack a couple of times. He is comparing the Dinar that was over 3.00 to a coin that was never real. I get the pumping and tech crap. I get the people who are selling dinars are pumping as with any "retail item" Maybe everyone is a pumper but with credible data? What I don't get is how he can miss that this Iraq with its wealth will not have its dinar sit at 1170 forever while its neighbors are over $2.. What about the tradeable currency to get on the Stock exchange? What about investment into Iraq? What about the WTO? What about Bush selling us out saying the war was going to pay for itself and Jack is saying no its a scam? Come on Jack. Get a mit and get in the game son. As far as I am concerned you are farting against thunder. He is making racket but it sure as hell isn't the middle east that is in control of the USA that is for sure. Jack ASS. I sure liked all the ads he had going across his screen while he convinced everyone to not invest in Dinar. Jack is tricky, dicky and is going to get a good licky if he is not careful advising one thing and then doing a complete 180 turn around. Don't listen to idiots like him. He changes his mind to suit his own agenda. Idiots like Jack have no code. They are the worst of slime. The war will pay for itself. Dinosaur out.
  12. Thank you so much for all you do for us Scooter. Sincerely, Dinosaur
  13. Words of wisdom that my Dad used to say to his four sons and daughter who "sometimes" tested his patience. "I brought you into this world and I can take you out" Mind your p's and q's always. If you don't have anything nice to say think of something! Keep your stick on the ice and keep a stiff upper lip. You are tougher than you know. Keep your driving between the fence posts. Get your elbows off the table. Chew with your mouth closed. Are you new to this family? No?Then you have no excuse. We are a family. Remember that with everything you do.
  14. Thanks for the post Zantac and your honesty.
  15. And on the distribution of posts among the coalition parties is anticipated, the source added, "my Presidency of the parliament and the Security Council for the strategic policy, would come to the Kurds as are the Iraqi List, the position of the presidency with 50% of the powers of the presidency of the Minister, to go as prime minister to Abd al-Mahdi." That is such a tough read even with the translation. Kurds getting presidency of parliament and the security council for strategic policy Iraqi List gets presidency as well with 50% of the Prime Minster duties Mahdi get 50% Prime Minster duties and 50% of presidency duties. argh this is frustrating to read. Anybody want to help me out with this go right ahead. Thanks for the post Carla
  16. Who is MENDI? Is that the new fast food chain starting up in Bagdad? Gotta have a Mendis? Sorry Tommy couldn't resist. Thanks for the post.
  18. The only reason I decided to read this post was because of the title. I wanted to see how DD got Tiac chat off of DD meaning someone had the smarts to not let her post any more crap or mislead anyone. Obviously I was wrong. So I started reading her post anyway to see how far she has gone over the edge this time and then I had an epiphany. When Tiac said when all the smoke clears I understood her and who she is. She is one of the leading dabbers down at Jimmy's Bingo parlour that that has the really long ash hanging from her cigarette that never falls. I've seen her and it aint pretty when she gets upset. She has got to have the spotlight and 20cards in front of her. She knows the scoop on everybody in town and she is downright mean. I can picture her right now going around town in her house coat and her hair is in curlers telling everyone she has more news about Iraq from her sources. I am picturing Carol Burnett with a bingo dabber and momma chasing after her yelling buy Dinar buy Dinar. Or I could be wrong. It might be Tina Ceemore from the tastyfreeze instead. We will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming... GO RV.
  19. Hey Qman; Thanks for all the memories. You sure lighten things up around here. I have made my wife scream reading her some of your jokes. What ya gonna do at 1170 posts? That should be the next marker. I'll tell ya.You are going to cash in your Dinar at a huge rate!. You deserve it. Only 168 more posts left to RV time. Take that GET team. We have our own countdown. I think it is about as real as their intel is. Maybe even more. Go RV Dinosaur out.
  20. "Spectacles Testicles Wallet and Watch Swingers Club" has a nice ring to it. Love ya Possum Dinosaur xoxo
  21. Ha Ha We could call it a courtesy flush and be politically correct at the same time. That's my mind thinking all the time. Dinosaur.
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