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Everything posted by Tess

  1. Well no bunny rabbits for sure thanks... never thought there would be... makes other things easier. Anyone seen the chapter 7 post that was posted last night by RonS..
  2. Chapter 7 resolution, another big piece of the puzzle that will lead us down the road to RV Yeah
  3. Thanks Todds We were on chat and they wanted the posting I gave them your previous response that it was 2008 thanks for the input.
  4. The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies Below are the central controls related to the exchange rate of the foreign currency to convert the project inputs and outputs from foreign currency to its equivalent in the local currency, and that is by calculating the net discounted present value standard and the internal return on investments in economic analysis that governs investment projects that costs excess one million dinars. Estimate the shadow price of foreign currency: 1. It is necessary to put central controls to amend the official exchange rate * to reflect the shadow price of the foreign currency, and that is considered one of the necessary requirements to implement the net discounted present value standard and the internal return rate on investment in the economic calculation stated in the instructions, paragraph nine. The central controls for adjusting market prices distinguished a group of outputs and inputs traded internationally, where the projects production or usage of them is reflected on the abundance of foreign currency in the economy and thus project outputs or inputs used of such are considered purely foreign currency outputs or inputs. * What is meant by exchange rate: the number of units of foreign currency, expressed in dollar per one dinar. In particular the following outputs and inputs of foreign currency were distinguished:
  5. this is the link that ronscarpa posted earlier and we beleive it is about 2008 vintage. But good information. But really hard to believe they would post an actually amount. Honestly if they did I would thinl folks would buy this stuff. Just sayin!!!
  6. Perhaps just so it can fly up tomorrow. Areyou sure it is different. We saw something like this awhile back and it just posted out a nothing. If in fact it has changed it could be changing because the dirty float has been removed... Frankly that is what it would have to mean. Most of us know that the dirty float is what has kept the dinar at the value 1170. Not either up or down even when the dollar has and did fluctuate. So the dirty float should it disappear the RV should not be far behind. The auctions have been controlled to keep the value of the Dinar stable at that level. Gotta go check ...
  7. sorry Chiro we must be writing and posting at the same time... yours was not posted when I started.. but you are correct. Thanks for making it easy for the folks to find the dates and read all about it!!!!
  8. Ok Ok yes it is a bad deal yes he got it trough on an end run. But for us and right now it does not apply is goes into effect in 2012... It will give us time to act not react. I'm burning too but for this RV and for this issue we certainly all hope and believe we are going to cash out and protect ourselves long before 2012.. Check out the bill as sad as it is the dates are correct and are there. December 2012!!!!
  9. just shoot the rabbit already and kill the lop rumors for awhile already... THANKS TODDS YOU ARE CORRECT. GO DINAR ADDING ONE WORD. nOW!!!!
  10. Wow and yet you as an internet stranger who supposedly invested long ago have chosen to be the evening GURU. The list of errors in the information in your message was shocking and since you show up as a new and never thanked member guess we can take what you are saying as a grain of what ever. Guess if I were you I would sell out and move on to the really big thing down the block. For the third time tonight I am happy to tell you I'll buy if your selling... Dinars not the full page posting you submitted. Everyone knows there is a risk to any investment and certainly this has been long term but for me and mine we are in. By the way Lop on over to the drug store and pick up something for that head ache. Also look up the information on sellers they can not buy the Dinars from themselves they are registered and sellers are just that sellers. They do not get to keep the left overs
  11. Hi I also have thought this through in that way... .23 cents would just invite purchase not sales. Great but not good enough to cause folks to sell all they have just free up a little. Even at what I expect .86 cent there would be speculation but if they are pulling bills in they can control the speculation in that way to a degree. >86 cents and bills in by June first. or even Jan 1 2011 would hold off investors.. Won't it be fun to see just exactly what they do...
  12. Well you might want to reconsider your title here. if not there may be a new post that reads something like Demon slain he will never see 30... more news coming.. Just a thought
  13. well just more monkey chatter... But when it does happen it will be posted everywhere in the news, news papers and all sources... Fox Cnn , letterman everyone will be talking about it reading it etc... However we are the only ones that know monkey chatter is really Money chatter and because of that we will be spending it when they ar just chatting it up. . Go Dinar and April 1 or any day sooner is ok with me...
  14. It is no wonder people think everything on these sites is BS ... when folks deliberately post this crap. And interviews supposedly with the two most important folks in Iraq right now M And S and More BS.. I certainly hope this happpens soon the crazies have taken over the site. I know its a rumors site facts just don't live here Anymore.
  15. Well Possom I cant see feel or smell it but I can certainly spend it with the best of them so I'm on board for this weekend being the one...
  16. I think you got it closerD earlier when you made your comment. The announcement is the step in the right direction. It simply adds to the total accumulation of evidence for an RV.
  17. Now another step in the right direction. Sounds like a well planned approach All ofthe information leads to the road to success. Hopefully that RV success express is in route to you and homes near you...
  18. Yes it was talked about as was the rate of .86 cents to 1.49 and everywhere up to 3 something. As were the Dates for the 11 the 12 the 18 th of March with a Later play for April 1 st ... So yes eyes on the horizon but I love the theory and thought of th glass half full plenty of time to talk about June or evenDecember. We could see a .86 cent RV after the Election results are declared, With another larger float perhaps that hot number you mentioned of over 3.00 happening either June or Even jsut before year end to capture the Dinar hold outs... Iraq and its people need this now...
  19. You might try this theory out for a fit.. As I see it we are as a country holding vast amounts of Dinars but those are as has been stated not actual bills but are often referred to a T Bills. Those will be honored even after the new zero less 25, thousand dinars are captured and turned back into the banking system. As I have heard discussed many times in blogs.... So it is not our governments holdings or dinars we need to have concern for unless we give them away they will remain available through not only this increase in value by the RV but also as the Dinar takes it's place in history as one of the soundest safest growing currencies. Yes to that in the next 5 or so years. So even though we will likely not get the option in my opinion to cash in later for more the US Gov will hold and run with that option. so as we enter the dinars back at say somewhere between .86 cents and 1.40 or so that will certainly buy mine and likely most of yours back. Then they will build the value back to the 3.22 area at which time some t bills and or oil will chaange hands. Remember the oil companies are contracted with the country the oil comes from so yes we all buy oil even the Government from Oil companies. Iraq would simply use there Oil contract with the OIl companies to pay back the US and other countries that are certainly vested here.
  21. Tess


    i would say thanks for your two cents worth but unless i miss my guess you are talking about half of that... frankly why would they bother to do so little. they need this to build their country and the people of Iraq want more than 1 cent back...
  22. Frank My best prayer for your dad just went up... Thank you for your efforts and taking time toinight to reach out to us...The 11 th it is then. Be well and best to the Family
  23. wait smitty next tuesday is the 16 th and that was his referrence.... this is all his collective but very current thoughts ... so i know how old it is... you should too...
  24. please to whoeve makes that decision sure like his posts please no unwanted posters on this guy he is a good and valuable asset lets keep him... Please...
  25. Interesting and gee imagine logical. Must be something wrong with it but as it stands I Like it and would happily move you to the head of the class. Now can we Prove it... That would really set things in moton..
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