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Gold and silver


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I was on the chat line and we were talking a little about Gold and Silver as an investment. Adam asked if I would post a thread regarding Gold and Silver. Let me start by saying, 'I AM NOT AN EXPERT IN GOLD AND SILVER". So put away your sharp swords. I became interested in gold and silver several years ago when I saw that our dollar was going down the tubes. Let me get this out of the way: Yes, I am a conspiricy thearist. I believe there are people that are fundamentally changing our way of life. You may agree or you may disagree. Makes no difference unless you get on board to help change where we are going.

Now, assuming that I am correct and we are heading down hill. What can you personally do to preserve your wealth? There is only one thing that, through the centuries that has held its value and that is gold. Silver is another matter. It will probably earn you more money than gold but it takes a lot more (physical) than gold. Harder to store, etc.

I started several years ago reading everything I could find regarding gold and silver. I invested in GLD and SLV with an on-line brokerage firm. If I had tried and been successfuly at picking the highs and lows of these two and had bought and sold at the right times, I could have made a small fortune. I have been in it for the long-haul. I am up over 100% in GLD. Keep in mind that I have been involved for several years. This was no over-night gain. I have not done as well with SLV for the simple reason I waited too long to get in silver and I bought at all the wrong times. Nevertheless, I'm still ahead in SLV.

All of this is in paper stocks. Not where I want to be in this economy. When our investment pays off, I will have a certain portion of my gains in physical gold and silver. You see all of the commercials on TV regarding gold. There is a very good reason. Gold is expected to greatly increase in value. For one thing, it is inversely connected to the dollar. When the dollar goes up, the price of gold goes down. When the dollar goes down, the price of gold goes up. Watch it and you will see that to be true.

Every ounce of gold that was ever mined is still around in some form or fashion, jewelry, stored in vaults, etc. If you had all of this gold in one place, it would not be as big a pile as you might think it would be. Nevertheless, it is still around. Silver, on the otherhand, is a commodity that is used up. It is used in the manufactire of TVs, computers, all types of electronic equipment, etc. Also, the mines are not minig as much as they were. Silver will get more scarce, especially with China, India, Brazil and a few other countrie's economy moving as it is thus consuming more and more commodities. The problem, as stated above, regarding silver is it takes a lot more space to store it. It takes a lot more to have it shipped and it takes a lot more to equal the value of gold. By the way, there is a historical ratio between gold and silver that is way out of kilter at this particular moment. Silver will have to dramatically increase to bring this ratio to where it should be.

I'm going to alienate a lot of people when I say this but what everyone needs to do is watch Glenn Beck on FOX at 5:00pm est and 4:00pm cst. I don't care whether you are a democrat or a republican (nor does he), he tells it like it is reagrding our economy and where your dollars are going and where you will be in just a few short years.

What I fear most, at this particular moment, is that this investment will not pay off soon enough for me to get my hands on the physical gold and silver that I and my family will need once the US dollar takes a nose-dive. You may scoff, but take my word for it it is going to go fast. Now is the time to make your plans, not when it is gone.

There is one thing that can sink the dollar virtually overnight and that is for China to just insinuate that they will not be buying any more of our treasuries. If they stop buying, we have virtually no one to pick up that big slice of the pie to continue financing our extraodinary spending habits. We are and have been living on borrowed money for a long, long time. We have put ourselves in a very bad position. China virtually owns us and we can't afford to make them mad. Therefore, they control us.

I know I started ranting and raving but all of this to say, consider PHYSICAL gold and silver. I'm not saying you need millions of dollars worth but you will need some. Read all you can reagrding this.

Also, when this investment pays off, pay your house off. The dollars may go away but you will need a place to live. Keep some, take a vacation, spend some but buy some hard assets.

Adam didn't know hat he was asking for when he asked me to start a thread. I had a lot to say.

I have been around this site for several months now and I know that there will be many who disagree with what I say and there may even be a few that agree. I will not try to defend anything that I have said herein. Your opinion is your opinion and your are privileged to have it, I just will not take my time to try to answer them. I posted in this in the sole interest of trying to tell you a little about gold and silver so that you can investigate on your own to see if this is of interest to you. Good Luck and God Bless!

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Even better than buying straight gold is buying gold coins prior to the 1930's. Laws are in place right now to be able to confiscate gold and silver bullion when the gov't wants to, but the loop hole to protect rich people is they can not confiscate rare or older gold and silver coins. So make them a part of your portfolio as well as gold and silver.

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Hello Jack.... Are you refering to the Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateralists, Rothchilds? IMO, those who are not familiar with these organizations/family owe it to themselves and to their neighbors to learn as much about these organizations/family as quickly as possible. Members of these organizations, by and large, are globalist who only care about collecting more assets at the expense of national sovernity and personal freedoms. Control is their mantra. Jack is correct about Gold. Fiat money debasement is a tax on non elites, decreasing their standard of living and forceing the population into debt, thus servitude. Precious metals represent stores of value against decreasing monetary values. As long as government policy (dictated by the Elite) advances wild monetary expansion, investing in gold is prudent way to hedge against debasement. A good place to start research is an author named Eustace Mullins (recently deceased). There are others but he has done a life time of research on the shadow power brokers who control governments. Best to all....

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The Government does not want you to own Gold!

“Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the ‘hidden’ confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.” This quote is by none other then the man that was in control of the Fed for years under various Presidents of the United States: Alan Greenspan!!!!!

Have you asked yourself some important questions lately?


Are we going into Depression really?

Why is the Government so intent on printing money like there is no tomorrow?

How is it that the Countries of the G20, are following our lead with the decisions the Fed and the Treasury is making with your money?

Are we bailing out international banks with our money on bad bets they made here in the US?

Do you trust Wall Street and the fat cats that got bailed out first before you did?

Are you ready to turn the page on the governments plan to leave you broke while they continue to pander to the lobbyist in Washington?

Click here


Dear concerned citizens, our Government and Economy are on the brink of a serious political and economic shift and you need to be aware of these trends as they happen. There are serious issues regarding a falling dollar, hyperinflation, rampant unemployment, destruction of the middle class, Bogus Wall street statistics, Ponzi schemes left and right, destruction of our trust in Government and the Investment class, that have led me create this group to discuss solutions that might help soften the blow when all these events lead to one of the great transfers of wealth of our time. Joining Gold Trends Magazine will give you a forum to discuss your worries post your articles and gather insights into to trading not just Gold but precious metals in general.

Ask yourself when 911 transpired, why was the Government so concerned with you continuing to spend money and maintain life as normal? The answer is simple; the entire economy is one huge elaborate Ponzi scheme that the players at the top need to keep going or be found out. In fact the whole World economy is a massive Ponzi scheme, with the architects of the scheme at the top and you in the middle or at the bottom.

Let’s look at the Bernie Madoff scandal and what he was able to accomplish in today’s economy. He ran a 50 billion dollar Ponzi scheme single handed (I think not) for more than 10 years which was paying quite nicely so long as he continued to get new investors to believe his unbelievable returns were real. Like the stock market, so long as there are new buyers for stocks rich people and corporations can keep producing underpaying contributions back to the investors. For so long as no one wanted there money back everything was perfect and investors could keep eating fillet mignon as long as you kept eating Spam. The minute good old Bernie couldn’t get his investors redemptions paid the scheme fell apart. Sound familiar??? Why does the government have to print trillions of dollars to keep the economy afloat now? The Government has taken the place of the investor, or consumer. The answer is clear, the money is not there, it is all credit and now the country is falling apart and the crazy thing is the Government keeps creating distractions for us so that we don’t see the truth, the country (meaning the Government) is broke.

Ask yourself another question, if this is a Democracy and everyone told their congressman not to vote for the Tarp bailout for Wall Street, then why did they do it anyway? It’s because this is a Republic, and if the Government doesn’t deem you intelligent enough to make a good decision they can go against what you tell them to do anyway. This is another long discussion.

Many people like you are forming communities of concern and social outreach to discuss these issues, Gold Trends Magazine is an attempt to make some sense out of these ideas and to separate fact from fiction so your decisions of how to protect your wealth with be the right ones.

Please read the following;

“You always have to ask the question why is it that central banks hold so much gold which earns them no interest and which costs them money to store. The answer is obvious: they consider it of significant value, and indeed they consider it the ultimate means of payment, one which does not require any form of endorsement.”

“Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the ‘hidden’ confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.” By none other then the man that was in control of the Fed for years under various Presidents of the United States: Alan Greenspan!!!!!

So why don’t we hear good things about gold in the media like we hear from Alan Greenspan? Is it an effort to hide or cover up or withhold this information from us? The government has other motives? Why did the Caesars’ give bread to the people during the games at the Coliseum? It is called Crowd control my friends!!! Is there a reason they don’t want us to own gold? A possible answer to that question came from Thomas Jefferson, who years ago said, “If you can control the currency of a nation you can control its people.”

Listen to the attitude of Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild. In a quote from a book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Eustace Mullins, Chapter 5, The House of Rothschild, he says “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

The big money people in this country who run the country behind the scenes know that gold is the world’s only money. And if they can keep the common people out of gold then they can control them during economic crises.

So with the Ponzi scheme all set up and the powers that be running the show, do we fight it or play the game? While all the brokers are telling you to buy stocks and that they are cheap, and while more and more baby boomers are trying to make back their life savings from this current crash, there are going to be a lot of people making real money in the Gold Market and Hard Assets such as commodities.

Analyst are saying Gold could rise to as much as $3,000 and ounce if not much higher with today’s prices hovering around 800 to 900 dollar. That is a huge increase and a perfect hedge against the coming economic disaster you are probably not ready to absorb.

Take back control of your money, join the Gold Trends Magazine Newsletter, learn how to buy Gold, get daily fundamental reports, learn how to store and keep it safe, and keep from getting ripped off more then you already have. When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters-one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.”

Join Gold Trends Magazine today!


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Even better than buying straight gold is buying gold coins prior to the 1930's. Laws are in place right now to be able to confiscate gold and silver bullion when the gov't wants to, but the loop hole to protect rich people is they can not confiscate rare or older gold and silver coins. So make them a part of your portfolio as well as gold and silver.

Again, I qualify my statement. I'm not an expert. But it is my belief that there is a much higher tax rate on "collectibles" and i think rare and silver coins fall into this catagory.

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Analyst are saying Gold could rise to as much as $3,000 and ounce if not much higher with today’s prices hovering around 800 to 900 dollar. That is a huge increase and a perfect hedge against the coming economic disaster you are probably not ready to absorb.

Very well written Goldtrends. This must have been written a while back. Gold has been hovering around $1,100.00 per ounce for a while.

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Again, I qualify my statement. I'm not an expert. But it is my belief that there is a much higher tax rate on "collectibles" and i think rare and silver coins fall into this catagory.

It doesn't matter if you have to pay a higher tax when they decide to recall gold and silver bullion and all you get to keep is the coins. Secondly, if you sell a coin here and there to get money in how are they going to know about it?

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This is an article that I wrote about 8 months ago, it is still relevant, and the momentum has already been built, gold has been trading sideways building a base. If you follow the trends, give it 3 to maybe 5 years and you will hit your 3000 mark as the dollar continues to decline. Obama already said that exports are going to double in 5 years, this can only been done by a depreciated dollar which will push gold increasingly higher --- is my site

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Well, I have to jump in here with my little knowledge of the coming events of our economy. First we have - I have been reading of the PIIGS countries... acronym for Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. World is negative on these countries Bond markets. Last week the US Treasury had trouble selling their bonds to China... only 28% of long term bonds sold and 43% short term bonds sold. The pawns are in place and the Queen is on the move. A World collapse of the economies as we know them is inevitable. From a Cycle prospective, the 500 year Geopolitical change is in motion. With the dollar going down, evidenced by the increase in demand for Gold, Stock Market is being artifically stimulated by the Govt bail outs, Consumer spending and confidence is down and the GDP has been in a inverted slope for some time. This is not good for the world as we know it, but a shift of power, wealth and control will be moving from west to east within the next 2 years. By 2012, our economy will be down even more than it is now and the only way you can stay on top is by buying Inverse ETF's, Gold and Silver. Energy will be somewhat of a concern. Water will become a major concern. So I would say gold would be a good bet. May God Bless this Country and each of you. Best of Luck.

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Hello Jack.... Are you refering to the Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateralists, Rothchilds? IMO, those who are not familiar with these organizations/family owe it to themselves and to their neighbors to learn as much about these organizations/family as quickly as possible. Members of these organizations, by and large, are globalist who only care about collecting more assets at the expense of national sovernity and personal freedoms. Control is their mantra. Jack is correct about Gold. Fiat money debasement is a tax on non elites, decreasing their standard of living and forceing the population into debt, thus servitude. Precious metals represent stores of value against decreasing monetary values. As long as government policy (dictated by the Elite) advances wild monetary expansion, investing in gold is prudent way to hedge against debasement. A good place to start research is an author named Eustace Mullins (recently deceased). There are others but he has done a life time of research on the shadow power brokers who control governments. Best to all....

Well said. A site that I like to visit that provides a lot of information about gold and silver is:

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. One more thing you can invest in when the bonaza comes in is dehydrated food and a good source of water

for if the dollar collapses, there will be shortages of food and other consumable items.

This will be a very serious problem. If you don't believe it, just take a look at Haiti. Within just a couple of days, they had very serious food and water problems. The thing you must keep in mind is that they had the US and many other countries that came to their aid. If the dollar goes to **** in a handbasket, the whole world is in trouble and we don't have a USA to pull us out. We are the USA. When there is no money, the stores are immediately overrun, the food is gone and there is no more coming. What you have at home is what You have and you better have a shotgun and ammo to protect that because someone is coming for what you have at home.

I know, I know, there will be people that read this and say what a nut job. Maybe I am but I am smart enough to see what is happening in Washington. It is just a matter of time before we default on our debts. China and other countries are already divesting themselves of our treasuries. When there is no one to buy them, they just print more money. Hyperinflation will be the result. When your dollar is worth about what the dinar is worth now, gold and silver will be the only thing worth having. Nut job? Maybe. But can you take a chance with your family. (I don't sell gold or silver and I don't pump for anyone that does).

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I agree with everything that was stated concerning the colapse of the dollar and about those who are purposely doing it. Unfortunately though, it makes me wonder, if they want to collape the dollar and send the US into a 3rd world country, then can they really let the dinar revalue? With the amount of dinar our govt. is holding, a reval of a dollar or more would help this country out greatly. Isnt that the exact oposite of what the shadow boys want (rothchilds, etc)? I would love to hear some opinion on this. Its been something I've wondered about ever since it became apparant that they want to bankrupt us. Oh, also, Glen beck is bought and paid for. 80 percent of what he says is true but he is absolutely a wolf in sheeps clothing. Try checking out those who arent being paid millions to push someones agenda. Alex Jones at is an excellent place for real info. Try listening to his show at work instead of having music on in the background, it'll blow your mind. Get prepared now.....dont sit and simmer!!

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There is another investment option that you have to protect your personal wealth ... colored diamonds. You can purchase colored diamonds (of any size) and the dealer or person you buy them from is not obligated to report that you bought them ... unlike gold or silver. They're easy to carry (small size, big value). It's my understanding that colored diamonds have never decreased in value in the last 40 years, but gold has. In fact the value of colored diamonds has increased. Do your homework. It's a viable option.

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