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VIP (worth it??)


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I've decided to post this b/c over and over I see people asking if VIP is worth it or not. When I tried to answer on chat, I realized my answer was longer than appropriate for just a chat -- this way, other people have a better place to post their input, or questions. I'll begin by saying I've been a member since he started it (when I bought his book).which was when I discovered the site.

My take on VIP is that it is VERY nice to get in and get the hottest info: there is no chat when you want it, most people in VIP voted not to have it, not wanting to have to weed thru alot of chaff (sorry, but you know it's true :-). Adam mostly just posts his stuff boom, boom, boom and it's done. But sometimes there are chats, always timely and very useful.

I know (sense) Adam feels great angst about the situation. Not for those who can afford to pay and choose not to, but for those who can't afford it now. For those people, I will say he is sensitive and compassionate to your situation and he seems to get you any do or die info pretty soon after.

What you miss, in fairness to the VIP group, are the details and reasons why that flesh the story out, And/or, more discussion of what the future might bring, steps you maybe want to think about . . . I like a little advance preparation:-)

If you want a reason to jump in, I'd say "the Perfect Storm" is here. If you don't like it, I won't say that - I'm sure you'll like it. I'll say, if you don't find it worth the cost, QUIT: You don't have a yr's contract. I think your obligation is only a mo or 2 (but check). It's a very new group and I'm excited about some of the things Adam has on the horizon, there's talk of group conference calls, future investment information, and more I can't remember now. He's put a lot of time, effort, and money into building us this great site, how many of the "dinar gurus" have put up the time and money to fly to the middle east to cement relationships?? I am grateful and have no problem with him making a few bucks. He saw a need, had the vision and did the dirty work. None of us did. I know he makes some money off the ads, probably good money, so what?? This is America!! I'm glad people are still able to have dreams, still able to build them (gives me more confidence in my own dreams :-) I think he has a great website that should easily transition into something worthwhile for the future, and I feel I'm on a fast track :-) My hat's off to him, kudos to Adam.(P.S. I only wish we saw a little more of him!)

What I like most is getting away from the bipolar mood swings in chat. Even when he says things you don't like to hear (like, I just about choked the first time I heard the rate would not be a high 3+ number), he generally does have a steadying influence and backs up what he says with data or at least anecdotal evidence.

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I just want to point out that the way you get "intel-ligence" is by fostering undercover relationships where it is agreed that names and possibly locations will be totally confidential. When you tell ALL, you become a whistleblower and info immediately dries up. If you choose to reveal sources when politics and high finance are involved, you create a volatile, potentially deadly situation. I am not kidding when I say deadly, I mean bodies in car trunks, etc. That damage spreads rapidly, virally, with pay backs. Frankly, I think we've heard more than enough. Learn to trust your intuition, feel it in your body. You'll usually feel if it rings true or not.

Secondly, lets be clear, no one asked me to write my VIP post. I wrote it in answer to questions. Money is very tight for me right now, I joined VIP hoping to get an edge, and I feel it is worth my investment. Thus far. I won't keep paying if it is not. I was only responding to many questions I hear tossed about. No one is even ASKING you to join. If it's not for you, fine. If you have so much distrust, you've probably made a wise decision. I have not been asked for, nor have I volunteered anything that I consider overly confidential info. Yes, they asked for my name and email, I have no problem w/ that. They did not ask for my bank accnt or even the bank name. They did not ask for my ss#, or how much dinar I had, or even if I had any. They have invited people to be dinar-ified, due to popular request. I chose not to, no big deal. If you want to you do it, if you don't you don't. Try to relax and enjoy the ride :-) of your life!

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Personally, I like having the choice. The chat site has been great, entertaining, educational, a true mixing pot of personalities that range from dinar to sports, to recipes and beyond. I love sitting back and watching the agreements and disagreements with this past weekend being the perfect example....bunny ear or no bunny ear. My gosh...I could have slit my wrists, but kept on checking in cause overall, this is a great group of people! The VIP room, as i understand it, gets down to business. I would like that sometimes, too. I may take that step to learn more about investments, taxes, etc., but for now, I'm just glad we have the choice and nobody is forcing anyone to join. Sit back and enjoy the ride.....speak your piece be it dinar, pets, weather, politics.....and just be glad we all have this opportunity. The entire investment may "die on the vine" but I can't say I haven't been entertained in the process. Lets hope for the best for ALL of us and let each choose their own thing.

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I would love to have good info of how to invest after an rv, but first have to know if I'll be getting enough. Anyways I thank Adam for all his efforts, intel and mostly for not closing such a great site on us. I spend every night a few hours reading, laughing at some of the comments and mostly dreaming of good things to happen for all of us.

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I guess I will never understand, why in some people there is a need for them to feel like they are better than the rest of us. Insecurities i guess? That their a cut above, That their special, and need special privledges, That's what's wrong with this country, our GOV. thinks their better than the people and smarter to and you see the mess we are all in. It also trickles down through society, a type of class warfare now we have it in this forum. Peoples opinions of themselves is way overrated, vain thinking. That's what happens when your country is one of the richest in the world.What will my money buy me, the edge when it comes to intel.....NO will it make me a Very Important Person....NO Will I get my RV before the non paying people.......No It's all in your mind.


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The RV wil come no matter what my membership status is......VIP.....sure if you want to know the ,why and how it will RV, but nobody knows the when or at what rate not even VIP's so IMO it's overkill............More, better RUMORS

Bravo mongo. All people are doing is supplying someone with some extra income. I should have started a pay site many years ago. I would be a milliionaire by now!

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