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More Budget Delays?


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بغداد(الاخبارية)/تقرير/علي ناجي.. Baghdad (news) / report / Ali Naji .. انقسمت وجهات نظر عدد من اعضاء مجلس النواب بين تسوية الوزارات المتبقية والموازنة الاتحادية. Divided views of the number of members of the House of Representatives between the settlement of the remaining ministries and the federal budget.

فقد توقع نواب ان"يتم التصويت على الموازنة العامة والوزارات المتبقية ضمن صفقة واحد، فيما استبعد اخرون هذا السيناريو مؤكدين ان هناك اختلافاً بين الكتل على الموازنة، وقد يستمر لاكثر من شهر." He predicted that Congress "is to vote on the budget and the remaining ministries in a deal one, while others were ruled out this scenario, stressing that there is a difference between the blocks on the budget, and may continue for more than a month."

وقال عضو لجنة النزاهة البرلمانية والنائب عن التحالف الوطني فالح ساري:"لايمكن التصويت على الموازنة الاتحادية والحقائب الوزارية المتبقية في سلة واحدة." A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and MP for the National Alliance Faleh Sari: "We can not vote on the federal budget and the remaining ministerial portfolios in one basket."

وقال ساري في تصريح (للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء) اليوم الثلاثاء: ان مجلس النواب قرأ الموازنة مرة واحدة، وان القراءة الثانية ستشهد اعتراضات واختلافات كثيرة بشأن تفاصيلها وبنودها، وستحتاج الى اكثر من شهر للتصويت عليها، اما الوزارات الشاغرة فستسمى على وفق التوافقات سياسية، وسيكون التوافق عليها خارج قبة البرلمان، وان من غير المتوقع ان يتم التصويت على الموازنة الاتحادية لعام 2011، والوزارت المتبقية بصفقة واحدة. Said Sari said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: that the House read the budget once, and that the second reading will see the objections of many variations on the details and items, and would need more than a month for a vote, either ministries vacant Vstzmy on according to the consensus of political will Compatibility them outside the parliament, and that it is not expected to vote on the federal budget for 2011, and the remaining ministries and one deal.

وكان مصدر برلماني، اعلن ان مجلس النواب انهى القراءة الاولى للموازنة الاتحادية لعام 2011، وان عملية اقرار الموازنة ستكون بعد الانتهاء من عطلة زيارة الاربعين. A parliamentary source, announced that the House of Representatives ended the first reading of the federal budget for 2011, and the process of approving the budget will be after completion of the holiday visit of forty.

وكان رئيس مجلس النواب اسامة النجيفي قد اعلن في مؤتمر صحفي ان" المجلس استلم الموازنة بعد اجراء التعديلات عليها من قبل مجلس الوزراء قبل اربعة ايام وانه جاد بإقرارها بوقت قياسي بعد مناقشتها مع الوزراء المعنيين والاطلاع على الحسابات الختامية." The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi had announced in a press conference, "The Council received the budget after making amendments to it by the cabinet four days ago and he was serious by adopting in record time after discussion with the ministers concerned and see the final accounts."

الى ذلك، اكد عضو لجنة المصالحة البرلمانية والنائب عن القائمة العراقية قيس شذر ان"العطلة البرلمانية ستشهد مفاوضات قادة الكتل السياسية لحل الخلافات على الموازنة والوزارات." To confirm a member of the Reconciliation Commission and the parliamentary deputy for the Iraqi List, Qais helter-skelter, "The summer recess will see the leaders of political blocs negotiations to resolve differences on the budget and ministries."

وقال شذر في تصريح (للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء): ان"الوزارات المتبقية، ستكون جاهزة بعد زيارة الاربعينية للتصويت عليها داخل مجلس النواب، وان العطلة البرلمانية ستشهد مفاوضات قادة الكتل السياسية لحل الخلافات على الموازنة والوزارات ايضا، وبالتالي سيكون التصويت على الفقرتين ضمن صفقة وسلة واحدة." The helter-skelter in a statement (of the Agency news): "The ministries, the remaining will be ready after the visit of forty days for a vote in the House of Representatives, and the parliamentary recess will see negotiations, leaders of political blocs to resolve differences on the budget and ministries as well, and therefore will be voting on the paragraphs in a deal and one basket ".

وكان مجلس النواب صوت سابقا على 29 وزيرا، إضافة إلى رئيس الوزراء وثلاثة من نوابه، بالأغلبية المطلقة، وذلك بعد أن قام بالتصويت على البرنامج الحكومي. The House of Representatives voted earlier on the 29 ministers, in addition to the Prime Minister and three of his deputies, by an absolute majority, and that after the vote on the government program.

وفي السياق ذاته قال عضو ائتلاف دولة القانون والنائب منصور التميمي ان"مناقشة الموازنة الاتحادية لعام 2011، خاضعة للتوافق البرلماني داخل مجلس النواب، اما الوزارات الشاغرة فتنحصر في اختيار الكتل السياسية ورئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي." In the same context, member of a coalition of state law and the Attorney-Mansur al-Tamimi "To discuss the federal budget for 2011, subject to consensus within the Parliamentary House of Representatives, either vacant ministries is confined in the selection of political blocs and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

وقال التميمي (للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء):ان"الموازنة لم يتم مناقشتها لغاية الان، وليس هناك علاقة بين الموازنة والوزارات المتبقية، لان الاولى متعلقة بمجلس النواب،والثانية بالمباحثات بين الكتل السياسية والمالكي." Timimi said (of the Agency news): "The budget has not been discussed until now, there is no relationship between the budget and the remaining ministries, because the first related to the House of Representatives, and the second the discussions between the political blocs, Maliki."

واشار الى ان"اللجنة المالية وضعت ملاحظات على الموازنة وفق الاقتراحات البرلمانية، وسيتم اجراء تعديلات للتخصيصات، شارحاً ان الموازنة ليست بيد الكتل السياسية، وانما خاضعة لقرارات نواب الكتل." He pointed out that "the Finance Committee made observations on the budget, according to motions, and will make adjustments to assignments, explaining that the budget is not, however, the political blocs, but subject to the decisions of the Vice-blocks."

من جهتها رجحت عضو التحالف الوطني عن كتلة الاحرار بلقيس كولي ان" يتم اقرار الموازنة الاتحادية والوزارات الامنية على وفق نظام السلة الواحدة ". For its part, suggested a member of the National Coalition for the Free Block Balqees Cooley that "is approving the budget, the federal ministries and the security system according to one basket."

وقالت كولي(للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء) ان:"التقاطعات السياسية بين الكتل اجلت اقرار الموازنة وحسم موضوع الوزارات الامنية." Said Cooley (of the Agency news) said: "The intersections between the political blocs delayed approving the budget and resolve the issue of security ministries." مضيفة ان"كتلة التحالف الكردستاني ترفض التصويت على الموازنة اذا لم تحسم حصة الاقليم والزيادة التي جرى الاتفاق عليها مع رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي." Adding that "the Kurdistan Alliance bloc refused to vote on the budget if it does not resolve the region's share and the increase that had been agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

وذكرت ان هذه المشكلة رافقت الدورة السابقة وعلى مرور اربع سنوات، مشيرةً الى ان"تلك الخلافات سوف تستمر مع اقليم كردستان الى ان يتم اجراء التعداد العام للسكان ومعرفة استحقاق كل محافظة." They mentioned that this problem accompanied the previous session and on the passage of four years, noting that "these differences will continue with the Kurdistan region to be a general census of population and knowledge of the merits of each province."

ووصفت عضو كتلة الاحرار هذه الاشكاليات بــ (الشيء المعيب لان الموازنة الاتحادية غالبيتها تشغيلية)،وبالتالي فان عدم اقرارها ستلحق الضرر بفئات المجتمع العراقي. , Describing the Liberal block these problems (b shameful thing because the federal budget mostly operational), and therefore will not be approved would damage the categories of Iraqi society.

من جهته اكد عضو لجنة الثقافة والاعلام البرلمانية والناطق الرسمي باسم التحالف الكردستاني النائب مؤيد الطيب ان" تقديم الوزارات المتبقية والموازنة بصفقة واحدة حدث في الدورة السابقة، ولم نسمع بوجود فكرة الصفقة المماثلة الان." For his part, member of the Committee for Culture, Media and parliamentary spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance MP supporter of the good that the "provision of the remaining ministries and the budget deal and one occurred in the previous session, and did not hear about the idea of similar deal now."

وقال الطيب (للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء): ان" الوزارت المتبقية لا خلاف عليها موزعة بين الكتل الكتل السياسية،اما الموازنة الاتحادية يوجد عليها تحفظات وخلافات، ولم نسمع عن جعل الموازنة والوزارت بصفقة واحدة، اشبه بالدورة السابقة." Al-Tayyib (of the Agency news): "The remaining ministries indisputable distributed between the blocs of political blocs, either the federal budget by the reservations and there are differences, and did not hear about the budget and the ministries to make one deal, like the previous cycle."

وكانت تصريحات صحفية للكردستاني، اوضحت النقاط التي يحفظ عليها الائتلاف، وهي ان الفقرة(ب)من المادة الاولى ائتلاف الكردستاني متحفظ عليها ويرفضها، وبعض الفقرات الاخرى، في المادة (23) و19 و14 اولا والمادة (13) الفقرة خامسة فيها ضرر كبير. The press statement of Kurdistan, said the points that keep the coalition, namely, that paragraph (B) of the first article of a coalition of Kurdistan conservatively them and dismisses them, and some other passages, in Article (23), 19 and 14 first and Article (13) Paragraph fifth where significant damage.

وتنص الفقرة (ب) من المادة الاولى: احتساب الإيرادات الناجمة عن تصدير النفط الخام على أساس معدل سعر قدره (73) دولارا للبرميل الواحد، ومعدل تصدير قدره (2250000) برميل يوميا (مليونان ومائتان وخمسون ألف برميل يوميا ) منها (150000) برميل يوميا (مائة وخمسون ألف برميل يوميا) عن الإيرادات الناجمة عن تصدير النفط الخام، عن طريق إقليم كردستان وإلزام الإقليم بتحويل الإيرادات المتأتية عن ذلك إلى صندوق إعمار العراق DFI بعد خصم نسبة الـ(5%) عن تعويضات حرب الكويت، أو أي نسبة أخرى يقررها مجلس الأمن وتسديدها إلى الأمم المتحدة وعند عدم التسديد يتم خصم المبالغ من حصة الإقليم البالغة 17%. Paragraph (B) of Article I: Calculation of income resulting from export of crude oil based on the average price of $ (73) dollars per barrel, and the rate of export of (2.25 million) barrels per day (two million two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) of (150000) barrels per day (One hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) on income arising from export of crude oil, through the territory of Kurdistan and to compel the region to transfer income from that to fund the reconstruction of Iraq DFI after deducting a percentage of (5%) of compensation for the Kuwait war, or any another percentage determined by the Board Security and payment to the United Nations and at the non-payment amounts will be deducted from the region's share of 17%.

المادة -14- اولا"-أ- يقوم ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي بالتنسيق والتعاون مع ديوان الرقابة المالية لإقليم كردستان باحتساب وتحديد الإيرادات الاتحادية المستحصلة في الإقليم لهذه السنة وتقوم وزارة المالية في الإقليم بتحويلها إلى وزارة المالية الاتحادية شهرياً. Article -14 - first "- a - the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in coordination and cooperation with the Office of Financial Supervision of the Kurdistan region and identification of calculating federal income obtained in the region this year and the Ministry of Finance in the region by turning to the Federal Ministry of Finance monthly.

المادة-19- تراعى عدالة توزيع القروض التي تقدم للحكومة الاتحادية على أقاليم ومحافظات العراق وحسب نسب سكانها بعد الاخذ بنظر الاعتبار المشاريع الإستراتيجية الممولة من هذه القروض حصرا. Article -19 - taking into account the equitable distribution of loans provided to the Federal Government to the regions and governorates of Iraq and in proportion to its population, after taking into account the strategic projects funded by these loans exclusively.

المادة 13 خامسا: على رئيس مجلس الوزراء الاتحادي الاتفاق مع رئيس إقليم كردستان حول نفقات (الرواتب والتسليح والتجهيز ) لقوات حرس الإقليم بما ينسجم مع الدستور ودفع سلف يتفق عليها لتغطية ذلك لحين صدور قانون ينظم الاستحقاقات وتسديدها./انتهى/(7.ر.م). Article 13 V.: The head of the Federal Cabinet agreed with President of Kurdistan Region on expenses (salaries, armament, and equipment) for the Regional Guard forces in line with the Constitution and the payment of advances agreed to cover it until the issuance of a law that regulates benefits and pay. / Finished / (7. T. M ).

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Without the arabic for easier reading, good post

Parliament split on the basket to assign ministries and approval of the federal budget / report

By: mano

On: Tuesday 18/01/2011 14:51

Baghdad (news) / report / Ali Naji .. Divided views of the number of members of the House of Representatives between the settlement of the remaining ministries and the federal budget.

He predicted that Congress "is to vote on the budget and the remaining ministries in a deal one, while others were ruled out this scenario, stressing that there is a difference between the blocks on the budget, and may continue for more than a month."

A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and MP for the National Alliance Faleh Sari: "We can not vote on the federal budget and the remaining ministerial portfolios in one basket."

Said Sari said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: that the House read the budget once, and that the second reading will see the objections of many variations on the details and items, and would need more than a month for a vote, either ministries vacant Vstzmy on according to the consensus of political will Compatibility them outside the parliament, and that it is not expected to vote on the federal budget for 2011, and the remaining ministries and one deal.

A parliamentary source, announced that the House of Representatives ended the first reading of the federal budget for 2011, and the process of approving the budget will be after completion of the holiday visit of forty.

The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi had announced in a press conference, "The Council received the budget after making amendments to it by the cabinet four days ago and he was serious by adopting in record time after discussion with the ministers concerned and see the final accounts."

To confirm a member of the Reconciliation Commission and the parliamentary deputy for the Iraqi List, Qais helter-skelter, "The summer recess will see the leaders of political blocs negotiations to resolve differences on the budget and ministries."

The helter-skelter in a statement (of the Agency news): "The ministries, the remaining will be ready after the visit of forty days for a vote in the House of Representatives, and the parliamentary recess will see negotiations, leaders of political blocs to resolve differences on the budget and ministries as well, and therefore will be voting on the paragraphs in a deal and one basket ".

The House of Representatives voted earlier on the 29 ministers, in addition to the Prime Minister and three of his deputies, by an absolute majority, and that after the vote on the government program.

In the same context, member of a coalition of state law and the Attorney-Mansur al-Tamimi "To discuss the federal budget for 2011, subject to consensus within the Parliamentary House of Representatives, either vacant ministries is confined in the selection of political blocs and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

Timimi said (of the Agency news): "The budget has not been discussed until now, there is no relationship between the budget and the remaining ministries, because the first related to the House of Representatives, and the second the discussions between the political blocs, Maliki."

He pointed out that "the Finance Committee made observations on the budget proposals in accordance with parliamentary, and will make adjustments to assignments, explaining that the budget is not, however, the political blocs, but subject to the decisions of the Vice-blocks."

For its part, suggested a member of the National Coalition for the Free Block Balqees Cooley that "is approving the budget, the federal ministries and the security system according to one basket."

Said Cooley (of the Agency news) said: "The intersections between the political blocs delayed approving the budget and resolve the issue of security ministries." Adding that "the Kurdistan Alliance bloc refused to vote on the budget if it does not resolve the region's share and the increase that had been agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

They mentioned that this problem accompanied the previous session and on the passage of four years, noting that "these differences will continue with the Kurdistan region to be a general census of population and knowledge of the merits of each province."

, Describing the Liberal block these problems (b shameful thing because the federal budget mostly operational), and therefore will not be approved would damage the categories of Iraqi society.

For his part, member of the Committee for Culture, Media and parliamentary spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance MP supporter of the good that the "provision of the remaining ministries and the budget deal and one occurred in the previous session, and did not hear about the idea of similar deal now."

Al-Tayyib (of the Agency news): "The remaining ministries indisputable distributed between the blocs of political blocs, either the federal budget by the reservations and there are differences, and did not hear about the budget and the ministries to make one deal, like the previous cycle."

The press statement of Kurdistan, said the points that keep the coalition, namely, that paragraph (B) of the first article of a coalition of Kurdistan conservatively them and dismisses them, and some other passages, in Article (23), 19 and 14 first and Article (13) Paragraph fifth where significant damage.

Paragraph (B) of Article I: Calculation of income resulting from export of crude oil based on the average price of $ (73) dollars per barrel, and the rate of export of (2.25 million) barrels per day (two million two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) of (150000) barrels per day (One hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) on income arising from export of crude oil, through the territory of Kurdistan and to compel the region to transfer income from that to fund the reconstruction of Iraq DFI after deducting a percentage of (5%) of compensation for the Kuwait war, or any another percentage determined by the Board Security and payment to the United Nations and at the non-payment amounts will be deducted from the region's share of 17%.

Article -14 - first "- a - the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in coordination and cooperation with the Office of Financial Supervision of the Kurdistan region and identification of calculating federal income obtained in the region this year and the Ministry of Finance in the region by turning to the Federal Ministry of Finance monthly.

Article -19 - taking into account the equitable distribution of loans provided to the Federal Government to the regions and governorates of Iraq and in proportion to its population, after taking into account the strategic projects funded by these loans exclusively.

Article 13 V.: The head of the Federal Cabinet agreed with President of Kurdistan Region on expenses (salaries, armament, and equipment) for the Regional Guard forces in line with the Constitution and the payment of advances agreed to cover it until the issuance of a law that regulates benefits and pay.

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Without the arabic for easier reading, good post

Parliament split on the basket to assign ministries and approval of the federal budget / report

By: mano

On: Tuesday 18/01/2011 14:51

Baghdad (news) / report / Ali Naji .. Divided views of the number of members of the House of Representatives between the settlement of the remaining ministries and the federal budget.

He predicted that Congress "is to vote on the budget and the remaining ministries in a deal one, while others were ruled out this scenario, stressing that there is a difference between the blocks on the budget, and may continue for more than a month."

A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and MP for the National Alliance Faleh Sari: "We can not vote on the federal budget and the remaining ministerial portfolios in one basket."

Said Sari said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: that the House read the budget once, and that the second reading will see the objections of many variations on the details and items, and would need more than a month for a vote, either ministries vacant Vstzmy on according to the consensus of political will Compatibility them outside the parliament, and that it is not expected to vote on the federal budget for 2011, and the remaining ministries and one deal.

A parliamentary source, announced that the House of Representatives ended the first reading of the federal budget for 2011, and the process of approving the budget will be after completion of the holiday visit of forty.

The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi had announced in a press conference, "The Council received the budget after making amendments to it by the cabinet four days ago and he was serious by adopting in record time after discussion with the ministers concerned and see the final accounts."

To confirm a member of the Reconciliation Commission and the parliamentary deputy for the Iraqi List, Qais helter-skelter, "The summer recess will see the leaders of political blocs negotiations to resolve differences on the budget and ministries."

The helter-skelter in a statement (of the Agency news): "The ministries, the remaining will be ready after the visit of forty days for a vote in the House of Representatives, and the parliamentary recess will see negotiations, leaders of political blocs to resolve differences on the budget and ministries as well, and therefore will be voting on the paragraphs in a deal and one basket ".

The House of Representatives voted earlier on the 29 ministers, in addition to the Prime Minister and three of his deputies, by an absolute majority, and that after the vote on the government program.

In the same context, member of a coalition of state law and the Attorney-Mansur al-Tamimi "To discuss the federal budget for 2011, subject to consensus within the Parliamentary House of Representatives, either vacant ministries is confined in the selection of political blocs and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

Timimi said (of the Agency news): "The budget has not been discussed until now, there is no relationship between the budget and the remaining ministries, because the first related to the House of Representatives, and the second the discussions between the political blocs, Maliki."

He pointed out that "the Finance Committee made observations on the budget proposals in accordance with parliamentary, and will make adjustments to assignments, explaining that the budget is not, however, the political blocs, but subject to the decisions of the Vice-blocks."

For its part, suggested a member of the National Coalition for the Free Block Balqees Cooley that "is approving the budget, the federal ministries and the security system according to one basket."

Said Cooley (of the Agency news) said: "The intersections between the political blocs delayed approving the budget and resolve the issue of security ministries." Adding that "the Kurdistan Alliance bloc refused to vote on the budget if it does not resolve the region's share and the increase that had been agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

They mentioned that this problem accompanied the previous session and on the passage of four years, noting that "these differences will continue with the Kurdistan region to be a general census of population and knowledge of the merits of each province."

, Describing the Liberal block these problems (b shameful thing because the federal budget mostly operational), and therefore will not be approved would damage the categories of Iraqi society.

For his part, member of the Committee for Culture, Media and parliamentary spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance MP supporter of the good that the "provision of the remaining ministries and the budget deal and one occurred in the previous session, and did not hear about the idea of similar deal now."

Al-Tayyib (of the Agency news): "The remaining ministries indisputable distributed between the blocs of political blocs, either the federal budget by the reservations and there are differences, and did not hear about the budget and the ministries to make one deal, like the previous cycle."

The press statement of Kurdistan, said the points that keep the coalition, namely, that paragraph (B) of the first article of a coalition of Kurdistan conservatively them and dismisses them, and some other passages, in Article (23), 19 and 14 first and Article (13) Paragraph fifth where significant damage.

Paragraph (B) of Article I: Calculation of income resulting from export of crude oil based on the average price of $ (73) dollars per barrel, and the rate of export of (2.25 million) barrels per day (two million two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) of (150000) barrels per day (One hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) on income arising from export of crude oil, through the territory of Kurdistan and to compel the region to transfer income from that to fund the reconstruction of Iraq DFI after deducting a percentage of (5%) of compensation for the Kuwait war, or any another percentage determined by the Board Security and payment to the United Nations and at the non-payment amounts will be deducted from the region's share of 17%.

Article -14 - first "- a - the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in coordination and cooperation with the Office of Financial Supervision of the Kurdistan region and identification of calculating federal income obtained in the region this year and the Ministry of Finance in the region by turning to the Federal Ministry of Finance monthly.

Article -19 - taking into account the equitable distribution of loans provided to the Federal Government to the regions and governorates of Iraq and in proportion to its population, after taking into account the strategic projects funded by these loans exclusively.

Article 13 V.: The head of the Federal Cabinet agreed with President of Kurdistan Region on expenses (salaries, armament, and equipment) for the Regional Guard forces in line with the Constitution and the payment of advances agreed to cover it until the issuance of a law that regulates benefits and pay.

Mass confusions and very different opinions among the MP's of the different blocs. Sounds like they are lost to me LOL

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Lots of deception and misinformation here.

IMHO, I believe that the government will be formed and ratified prior to the 25th of this month, otherwise Maliki will not make much of a statesman-like impression on his Arab brethren.

I'm talking about the 25th of January.

You know what I'm sayin'?


Edited by Geck
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In regards to this statement out of the above provided article we are provided a great clue or piece of information:

“A parliamentary source, announced that the House of Representatives ended the first reading of the federal budget for 2011, and the process of approving the budget will be after completion of the holiday visit of forty.”

They are telling us that the 2011 Iraq Budget will not be passed until after the holiday visit of forty.

Going by the Islamic calendar: Their year began on 7 December 2010 (Evening) and ends on 26 November 2011 (Evening).

The Day of Ashura is the 10th Day of their 1st month which would be the evening of the 17th of December.

The 40 Days of Prayer begins the day after The Day of Ashura.

So the 40 days of prayer begins on the evening of the 18th of December.

If we count 40 days from the evening of the 18th day of December we have the 40 Days of Prayer ending on the evening of the 26th of January.

Which means they are saying the process for approving the 2011 Iraq Budget will be after 26 January 2011.

Edited by icfaith
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Of course they have run into a few problems....we have been running a democracy for a couple hundred years and we have not figured out how to avoid delays and disagreements, so why does anyone expect a country in its infancy to do better? :wacko:

We'll be lucky if they work this out by June...forget about the Arab summit meeting, Maliki does not have to have everything completed beforehand in order to look good......that's just wishful thinking by the investors who want it done so they can get their money, well.....forget it.

The only people Maliki and the rest of Iraq need or want to impress is their own......and they won't be bullied into anything just because some foreigner is waiting for an investment opportunity. :wub:

The rest of the ME will not be impressed by Iraq's new gov regardless of what others on this site would have you believe....the rest of the ME is made up of dictators, royalty and the like....NO democracies. They are not exactly happy or impressed with one taking a foothold in the area and possibly upsetting their own apple carts. :bulb:

As I've said many times before.....there are many issues that are far from a done deal and until they are worked out, this RV will NOT happen. The problems that exist in Iraq are among others; the Kurds and the HCL, the Kuwait issues, Mr. Sadr, the temporary minister positions, Iran and the budget. Don't hold your breath......JMO :wave:

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