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**What Heaven looks like**


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Wow. How can you not want to to be with Him. Words cannot express what these videos are saying and at times difficult to see through tears of joy for what is waiting for us. Can you say wow. I am ready at any time.

Thanks for the post easyrider and Bumper for editing.

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Easy & Bump, pleasant and interesting videos. Thank you.

Can't say I ever experienced that, but I did see the Proverbial Bight Light once. Yes, like others have reported, it was a Whitel Light that "Draws" you to it. Yes, there was a peace never experienced before that come with it. Fear of death was totally absent. I guess because there have been so many reports of the Bright Light,...I recognized it. As I moved toward it, I sensed that I could resist it or succumb to it...that I had a choice..maybe. It seemed to be a choice. (evidently my earthly body was able to sustain life...when maybe others aren't when they reach that point).

Evidently it was not my time and I resisted, I was not ready ...and did not pass. That experience has helped me not to fear death, because now I know that when death arrives,..that I will be at peace and it will surround me.

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As amazing as these experiences are they are only a fortaste of what heaven is really like. There is no human language that is adequate to convey the reality of heaven. "However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 corinthians 2:9

"he said, you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." Exodus 33:20

"who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen." 1 timothy 6:16

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." 1 john 3:32

That is the beatific vision. Seeing G-d face to face who is infinite beauty, infinite love, infinite mercy, peace, joy, knowledge etc. That will be the greatest desire of everyone. There is no possible greater experience than that. Human comprehension, language, and knowledge is completely inadequate to accurately convey this reality.

Jesus IS who IS in that inaccessible light with the Father, and the Holy Spirit. He just allows people who haven't actually died yet to experience Him in a way they can unserstand, and communicate. The Holy Trinity alone can fathom the infinite Being of God. It is beyond all creatures, but we will be forever delighted with new aspects of the infinite being of God.

When I was a teenager I had an extraordinary experience with Jesus. I didn't see His face, but He stood at the end of my bed, and asked If I would allow Him to love me. When I said yes, I found my self floating in a sea of peace, joy, and love. I knew instantly that was why I was created... to know this to an unimaginably higher degree forever. That experience came out of the blue, and was unsolicited. Once it was over the only way I could respond was by gutteral sobbing for about 30 minutes. It was completely overwhelming, and by far the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Nothing in life has compared since.. Through that experience I firmly believe that the reality of heaven is indescribable in human language... How can that which is finite describe that which is infinite?

Edited by cranster
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Thanks so much for the awesome videos.

Won't be long and we'll be going there.

Takes me to the song "I can only Imagine".




The struggles down here only make us look forward to that day all the more!!! smile.gif One day we will put off the mortal... and put on immortality... and nothing down here will compare! backflip.gifbackflip.gifbackflip.gif

Thanks easy and Bumper... always does a heart good to be reminded this is just our temporary home!!! wink.gif

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Thanks for the videos and the information. I know that heaven is a wonderful place simply because God is there.

It is interesting in the testimonies of these individuals that nothing new or revealing was added to the knowledge that we already have about heaven. That is, no one had a revelation that we could not find in the Bible. Some of the individuals expressed their "understanding" as to what Jesus looked like or the description on what they were taught that "angels" looked like. For example, angels are powerful and awesome creatures, but none of the angels in the Bible have wings; only the Cherubim and Seraphim have wings.

I wish they could have given to us a description that we didn't already have. That would have been exciting. But they don't. I guess that if they knew or saw something that was unique and awe inspiring, totally different than what we know, that they could not reveal those things. Example: Paul's experience in 2 Corinthians 12:1-5. He heard "inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak." I suppose that included those things that he saw as well.

Anyway, enjoyed the videos and comments. I am writing a book on what happens after death and this is going into my research file.


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