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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

What a great speech!!!


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So does this mean we all go out and vote for O-Slam-a ??????

he delivers a smooth slow speech that all can understand.

How does he get the vote to become our final dictator?

Do we send huge contributions to help him get elected again?

Who do we vote for so I can be in the majority?

4 more years of O is that good for the USA?

Before I push the vote button for Obama would someone

cut my fingers off.

I thought O-Slam-a was the best candidate for dictator.

I mean he has appointed czars all by himself cant he appoint himself?

Will someone get me a doctor to help remove my shoe from O's azzhola

that I threw at him? Cant we all throw our shoes at him when he gives his next speech?

I mean what would happen if we did? Obama Marcus collection?

We need his fine dictatorship qualities to rule over this country and make it

Great again.Good Ole Oslama we need him just ask the Welfare Queens.

I think I will vote for Ross Perot again.



Had t' plus one ya...

and here's 2 more cuz you're awsome! :twothumbs:

Such clarity!

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In a supposedly free democratic country (not talking about the party) or call it a republic, whatever, such as ours...the overwhelming majority of people should have their voice heard by popular vote...the majority on this thread have spoken!! If the 3-4 of you that disagree with the majority think you can outdo them on here...better check your mental resources, it ain't gonna happen! The show was stolen on the national stage but you ain't getting away with it here, go back and check the statistics....majority rule...Sorry!!

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TexasGranny, the stay in school until eighteen compulsory requirement is not new to Wisconsin. Here's a link to the policy.

Now that Wisconsin has a college dropout Governor who appears hell bent on destroying the state's public school system, it wouldn't be a surprise to see him try to junk that safeguard too.

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