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  1. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON 2-2-2025 Mnt Goat [There are] three issues that will come up under the new Trump administration. When these issues are worked out, we will see the Project to Delete the Zeros followed shortly by the reinstatement back to FOREX. It is really that simple and so now you can be assured this is VERY CLOSE at Hand. 2-2-2025 Boots-On-The-Ground - Itchy Boots [via Clare] THIS YOUTUBE TALKS ABOUT THE DINAR AT THE 18:13 MARK... THEY SHOW OLD SADDAM NOTES THESE ARE NOT IN CIRCULATION...BUT THEY MENTION THE EXCHANGE USED TO BE 3:1 TO THE USD IN THE PAST! Enjoy...! RON
  2. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 The monetary reform is an agreement. It is comprised of many different parts. The best part I can give you as an example would be article 140. Article 140 is the agreement for the HCL to be given to the citizens through the budget...Nothing is stopping it...I know the HCL is agreed upon. I know Article 140 has taken care of it... Sandy Ingram Iraq is in a fragile status. Anytime there is a concern about external forces upsetting Iraq's progress [we] feel obligated to inform IQD investors. The situation in Syria is more urgent than most of us realize. Video Quote: "The take over of Aleppo by an Islamist rebel group, the US has designated as a terrorist group, has alarmed residence and officials in neighboring Iraq. Residents in Mosul are particularly it shares a large border with Syria. Mosul was overrun and ruled by Islamic State Militants from 2014 to 2017...Residents in Mosul are concerned the fighting in Syria...might embolden rebel sympathizers in Iraq." MarkZ RUMOR From insider news and other sources in Iraq - I have more confirmations that they are trying to having it done by Dec 10th and Victory Day. It made me feel really good to hear this from another source or two. Samson Article: "E-Payment Team: Iraq will witness a major electronic transformation next year" Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV showing guy talking saying the approved amendment to the budget will allow the citizen to receive their payments... FRANK: There it is! That budget is the key. That budget has the exchange rate.
  3. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Pimpy It's not the job of the World Trade Organization to handle Iraq's currency exchange rate. That's not what they're there for. It's called the World Trade Organization, not the World Exchange Rate Organization. Mnt Goat We heard this week that Al-Sudani again told the citizens that they can expect a “new currency” and so we know its not more of the 3 zero denominations since the CBI told us they are not going to issue the 20K note or any more other of these notes along this line. So what could this mean? It can only mean fresh new notes of lower denominations reverting back to the currency denominations of the past and finally ditching these 3 zero notes... Samson Article: "Minister of Trade arrives in Geneva to head the negotiating team for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization" Guru Frank26 Here's the Video [below]. Do you see a 50,000 Iraqi note? Do you see the 3-zeros have been slashed off the 50,000 note? Isn't that wonderful? Educating the citizens. Those of you who understand Arabic enjoy! Woohoo! It's not a secret anymore. Everybody knows...It's from the Saudi Arabia area. Quote "The project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place. It was confirmed by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq. It means the value of 1,000 note is 1,000 dinars and will be replaced by a note worth one dinar of the new currency." Clare [Referencing The Drop the Zeros Video above] THAT VIDEO...IS HUGE...THEY ARE EDUCATING THE PEOPLE ABOUT THE DELETION OF THE ZEROS PROJECT. THE ZEROS WILL COME OFF THE EXCHANGE RATE WHICH CHANGES THE VALUE, AND THEN AT THE SAME TIME INSIDE IRAQ NEW NOTES ARE RELEASED WITHOUT THE 3 ZEROS. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. YOUR NOTES OUTSIDE IRAQ REMAIN THE SAME - AND YOU CAN EXCHANGE THEM AFTER THE RI HAPPENS. MarkZ This is going to be a huge week. Meetings are going on right now in Iraq about the HCL, the WTO, and more. This is going to be a big, interesting week for all of us. Frank26 Q? : What will happen in the coming days with the monetary reform? Value.
  4. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Measures by the CBI they say will reduce the dollar rate. They say it will help reduce the dollar rate in coming days. FRANK: The only measure the CBI is taking to reduce the amount of dollars in your country is the introduction of a new exchange rate that will add value to your currency, to your lower notes, and eradicate the need of using any foreign currency. This is the goal of the monetary reform process. I agree, in the coming days this mechanism will bring forth value to your currency and continue to remove the American dollar from your society. Clare Video "IBBC Webinar: Drivers of the Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate" Description "On a webinar organized by the Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC)...Professor Frank Gunter of Lehigh University and Dr Ahmed Tabaqchali of AFC Iraq Fund (and Expert Blogger on Iraq Business News) discussed the drivers of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate." [Note: In the video you'll see a debate of the pros and cons of the Iraqi dinar's potential. Many things the gurus have reported are confirmed in this video...some are challenged.]
  5. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Militia Man Article: "...A campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to bustling the country." They're talking about the Iraqi dinar...They're not talking about the Euro ...[or] all the other currencies ...They're saying we're going to do trade in the dinar and it's going to be the gateway... Nader From The Mid East They are start to prepare people to use only the dinar and they start advertisement...they call it education, I call it advertisement. Things are going good...somewhere 1 to 1. [See the Iraqi dinar advertisement video under Frank26's post below] Mnt Goat I truly can hardly believe all the good news coming from Iraq. Maybe it’s not the RV, as of yet, but I can assure you it is coming and there is no stopping it. It is like a loaded freight train coming fast down the tracks... Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Did you see this [sends video]? ...They are talking about how the dinar is about to become stronger. Then a commercial comes out talking about how strong the dinar is already and will be even stronger very soon...It's about the strength of the dinar, telling them to use it for everyday things and will only get stronger and stronger. [Watch video below] FRANK: You better be ready Iraqi citizens! In my interpretation of it...This is part of the monetary reform education they are teaching the Iraqi citizens that they will soon have value added to their currency... Iraqi Dinar Advertisement Reported To Be Playing On Iraqi TV Right Now. https://www.another MarkZ A Banking Story: A friend of mine in New Brunswick in Canada and is a dinar holder walked into one of the Scotia banks and asked a manager if they were Basel 3 and ISO 20022 compliant. He replied that they were… My friend went on to say that he was a dinar holder and asked the manager if he knew anything about the upcoming currency exchange/RV. The manager said that his staff is trained and ready for it. They are just waiting for the word...So there is a bank manager in Scotia who knows about the RV, is trained and ready for it…. Pimpy I'm anticipating an increase at somewhere around the first quarter of next year. The only reason why I think that is I'm paying attention to everything that Iraq is doing. I think because they're getting away from the dollar in 2024. Let's hope and see if they do it. In addition to that they have already started doing currency swaps with other counties which means they're going to start doing trade in each other's dollars. This is good. That's why I think we're going to start to see an increase somewhere around the 1st quarter of next year...
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mark Article From Iraq: “Al-Amiri waits...and the leaders of the movement: There is no meeting until after these conditions” the important part in this article is they are meeting around the clock now….the leaders are meeting at their own homes to pound this out. I think that is pretty important. Even more important…and my finance minister contacts have been telling me this as well from the last few months…. Mt. Goat picked up on this as well... [reference Mnt Goat post below] [post 1 of 2....stay tuned] *** Samson Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq is the first in the world to buy gold in 2022" Quote: "The Iraqi Bank bought 34 tons of gold. This is the first increase in gold reserves by the Central Bank of Iraq since it purchased 7 tons in 2018. The Bank of Iraq now owns 130 tons of gold" *** Pimpy A Video [was released] in which somebody was talking about the rate change to the Iraqi dinar...there's a lot of suckers...they jump the gun way too quick. Nobody ever said that the rate change took place. What they said is there's talk of a rate change...that you should start to see the value of the Iraqi dinar increase and I agree full heartedly... *** Frank26 IMO the IMF gave them certain criteria to accomplish in the month of July and they did...From July 31st to the end of this month I'm looking for what these [recently released dinar] videos are talking about. I'm looking for a new exchange rate and a reinstituted currency in the country of Iraq... *** Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMICALLY AND PARLIAMENTARIAN” ..THE LAW: THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE DOLLAR WILL SEE THE LIGHT IN THE NEXT STAGE" Quote: "State of Law Representative Jassem al-Moussawi confirmed...Wednesday, that the chances of the coordination framework within the parliament have become very strong, and this qualifies him to change the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar," No! It does not qualify parliament to change the exchange rate. We have gotten multiple articles from the CBI and Finance Committee that they alone have the power to change the exchange rate. Now having said this parliament can surely put pressure on them to act but have control of parliament does not “qualify them to do anything when it comes to currency reform”. *** Mark [Comment:...Iraq has a lot of big contracts to pay by August 15th…one is a huge oil contract to France for 27 billion…so I am thinking it will go by then.?] Yes from what I am being told…i believe it also needs to be done by the 15th of August...I hope and pray I am not wrong unless it’s much sooner.
  7. In the video, Trump decides to withdraw a number of diplomats from the US embassy in Baghdad Sumerian special 2020-12-04 | 06:55 Source: Sumerian 3,099 views The administration of US President Donald Trump decides to withdraw about half of the number of diplomats from the US embassy in Baghdad US officials had confirmed earlier that President Donald Trump's administration decided to withdraw about half of the number of diplomats from the US embassy in Baghdad, pointing out that the date of the diplomats ’return to the embassy in Baghdad remains unknown in light of the escalating tension between the United States and Iran. The United States is about to reduce the number of diplomats working in its embassy Baghdad This talk, the signs of which began long months ago, revealed the features of its implementation close to reality, but all statements indicate that it is a temporary security measure to protect diplomats working in Iraq One of the repeated attacks on the embassy, which is a temporary measure and does not affect relations between the two countries administration President Donald Trump Which decided to withdraw about half the number of diplomats from the US embassy in Iraq She emphasized that their withdrawal would be temporary in light of the escalation of tension between the United States and Iran, so that the date for the return of diplomats to remain remains Baghdad Embassy Anonymous American officials attributed the reduction of the number of American diplomatic personnel to security concerns, explaining that a high-level diplomatic staff, including the ambassador, will continue to carry out its work in Baghdad,, In a step that some counted, not severing diplomatic ties, because the safety of US diplomats, citizens and facilities is in Iraq It is one of his top priorities. While a number of observers expected a change in policy United States of America After the assumption of the President-elect, Joe Biden, who was considered by some to be a first step in avoiding a clash between the United States and Iran in Iraq Because of what he suffers from Iraq Of economic and political problems, and it is part of the application of the American foreign policy towards reducing the number of diplomats and soldiers in the Middle East region, and the current procedure is part of the tactic as that American embassy In the Green Zone, it is one of the most fortified embassies in the whole world This comes at a time when Tehran is still condemning the assassination of a nuclear program scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, threatening retribution from the perpetrators of the operation.
  8. Tamimi calls on the Iraqi and Syrian peoples and all of the damage from Iran to resort to international courts - Video Former Chief Justice of Palestine Tayseer Tamimi, demanded the expulsion of the Iranian regime from the United Nations organizations and Islamic cooperation, calling the Iraqi and Syrian peoples and all those who suffered damage from the Iranian regime to resort to international courts.
  9. My daughter just produced this video on Navy Medicine. I have been to this facility. The changes will be great.
  10. Sumerian Economic Bulletin 29 December 2015 Published on Dec 30, 2015 Economic Bulletin of the Sumerian cover the news of Economics and Business, and markets Arabic, and currency rates, and money, projects, and investments, gold and the stock market and everything related to the economy of Iraq and the world, in addition to news of local and global markets, goods and food, and other economic decisions.
  11. Hi Dinar Vets I'm needing some help ! Back in 2008-2009 I posted a Video of OBama Quoting that the Dinar could very well be our new currency in the future as he was holding a Iraqi Dinar. Does anyone have a clip or copy of this video or a link to it ? Our DV library from the old DV site apparently is no longer available. Thanks for the Help in advance VIZIOIRAQI
  12. GMT 8:04 2015 Friday, April 3 : Latest Update Considered a half-truth that caused the disaster Iraq Iraqi: Confessions Maliki failing to require trial Abdul-Jabbar Zebra Maliki admits in a television interview about his failure in the Iraqi state administration Raised told Nuri al-Maliki, former Iraqi prime minister, a major controversy in the Iraqi street, where he admitted failing to manage the country, calling the current political class to leave their posts, which is them. Iraqis interviewed said "Khaleej Times" These confessions Maliki came late, and stressed the need for the failure of his trial. The confessions of al-Maliki received during a televised interview on the channel of the owners of the same heights, when asked about the political process, he replied: "This is the political class, including me, should not have a role in the Map of the political process in Iraq, because they have failed miserably." When replied Broadcaster wondering: (you of them?) said (yes, I'm one of them), also said: (must a new generation to lead the country's development and civilization) comes! . Serious recognition He said columnist Ali Hussein, editor of Al-term director, what al-Maliki late awakening, he said, "the words of al-Maliki suggests as if the man did not govern the country for eight years, during which all his power of money and politics to seek to extend the mandates to the third and fourth, if allowed Fate, he knows, and political forces know, that the people of this country on their own affairs Mglopon people, and their security and destitution, and the political conflicts that had not been interrupted twelve years ago. " He added: "What is the most dangerous al-Maliki said the words I heard on the lips of an official is involved in the political decision-maker has remained until this moment." He continued: "In the words of al-Maliki, a lot of health, though not the whole truth, but the biggest question, and perhaps the only one, is pushing us to the unknown fate, and why? It came with a large number of those close to him to put them at the forefront of the government?". He said: "I came awakening Maliki late, people moaning years ago, and who have in their hands the ability to decision-making, did not stop to impose their will and shed Mqrbém on the necks of the Iraqis, perhaps the most important thing in the words of Vice President of the Republic that he was told in the words of an official in his place, but Unfortunately, it is the face of speech does not have to hand the decision to expel politicians and hold them accountable, and I mean the ordinary people. " Mismanagement requires account As a writer and political analyst Jamal Muzaffar, has confirmed that the mismanagement is one of the sources of corruption and tool lifetime and worth it account, and said: "Former Prime Minister and Vice President of the Republic is currently recognition failing political class in securing the security and economic stability after the US occupation of the country is evidence that this class Iraq has led to the unknown and that Iraq had experiments to field their policies. " He added: "I do not know why this late in failing to recognize the political class, and not before he leaves power." He explained: "mismanagement is one of the sources of corruption and tool lifetime, and this means that all of the leaders of political blocs have contributed directly or indirectly to the destruction of Iraq and the destruction of its economy, the fact that all surprising, as this proposal and by the man who led Iraq for eight years without any significant progress is not at the level of economic recovery and on the security level, and must be held accountable all those who contributed directly or indirectly to the destruction of Iraq and delivers to this case. " Recognition does not absolve him of responsibility Furthermore, he stressed the writer Shaker Amiri, that this recognition does not absolve Maliki of responsibility, and said: "Maliki recognition came too late, or as they say in Proverbs after the" destruction of Basra, "What does it mean saying" I failed, and with me all the political class and we had to leave work political, and can not plan for the future of political action in Iraq, "not mean they deserve a trial? Does not this mean that this failure caused the people to great damage that killed thousands of people, both those who were killed by terrorist acts or military, or who killed oppression and poverty." He added: "Maliki recognition of this Ayafah never the responsibility of what happened in Iraq, killings and the marginalization and exclusion and the loss of third of Iraqi territory, however Daash and displaced more than two million, seven hundred thousand Iraqis as a result of failure, corruption and crime policy, and the elimination referred to the criminal court to obtain a fair punished. Citizens: Does he not know what he was working? For his part, was surprised by Mohammed Rahim Salim, a retired officer, the words of al-Maliki, asking not to know what he was working, he said: "After eight years of lean overlooking we Maliki this bizarre confessions like trying to coax people to him to respect his opinion and if the eight years in which the blood was not shed, and did not retreats home tens of years back like he was sentenced backward countries. " He added: "surprised at this appearance this time, not al-Maliki knew what he was working? Is enticed him a nightmare to tell him go and admit yours safety? I think that the confession of failure has led the country for eight years worth that people hold him accountable to his actions, but any people these poor people." Karim Abdullah Saadi, employees, has confirmed that the confessions Maliki's attempt to return to fool ordinary people, and said: I watched the meeting on Channel prospects, but I think that the things he has started to go wrong, especially with the connector file is complete, especially as many lawsuits in Iraqi courts against him, he is now wants to he implores people may be that his confession influential among ordinary people say to recognize the virtue of error. For its part, said Fatima Ali, an employee: "If the confession of failure is a real conscience conscious of the attached statement declaring his resignation from his position as vice president and leader of the Dawa party and the presidency of the State of Law coalition and retire from politics." She added, "The recognition of error does not absolve Maliki special responsibility that mistake is very serious and caused the loss of life, then why would tell those who followed him, will announce that they are failures as well? I see it is necessary to stand before the court and say everything that he has, because he was in charge of the interests of People, according to the constitution, the country has lost half of his covenant, and went bankrupt treasury and wasted resources. Maliki: I'm all political failures and pocket not give us any role in the Map of the political process in Iraq Published on Mar 30, 2015 Deputy President of the Republic, Nuri al-Maliki, said all politicians, "and on top of it" failed miserably and should not give them any role in the Map of the political process in Iraq, among the "Arab power in Yemen began and will end in Iraq and Syria." Maliki said in a the televised interview, I followed / # Hpkh_haa /, that "the political class (including myself) should not have any role in the Map of the political process in Iraq because they have failed miserably," noting that it "should be the last generation highlights the background awareness of what happened The mistakes made. " In the gallery a question about the formation of the joint Arab force al-Maliki said that "the planned formation of the Arab force I put the question marks at this stage," attributing it to "we find that beginning in Yemen and end in Iraq, Syria and the other refuses to rebel against the Saudi axis", called on Arab countries to "not to be a tool, however, will hit in the Qatari-Saudi nations and peoples." He said.
  13. by: Mike Kuhlenbeck March 17 2015 The non-profit Fight for $15 organization has released a disturbing video entitled "Burned at McDonald's. Treated with MUSTARD" on March 16, 2015, which reports that, "Four out of five fast food workers have been burned" while on the job. According to the Burn Foundation in Philadelphia, "The Food Service Industry experiences the highest number of burns of any employment sector, about 12,000 each year. Cooks, food handlers, kitchen workers, and wait staff are all listed among the top 50 occupations at risk for on-the-job burn injury." The video features current McDonald's employees, who wish to remain anonymous, sharing their stories. They were identified only by their initials and their faces were obscured. The two workers featured speak of how they were told by management to treat their burns with mustard, ketchup, butter and other condiments. The video was released on YouTube by Fight for $15 to correspond with the news of 28 McDonald's employees who filed safety complaints against the franchise, which has over 14,000 stores operating in the United States. One such employee, Brittney Berry of Chicago, told The Huffington Post that she slipped and caught her arm on the grill, causing nerve damage. "My managers kept pushing me to work faster. The managers told me to put mustard on it, but I ended up having to get rushed to the hospital in an ambulance." The Kessler Burn & Trauma Center, located at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, advises burn victims not to treat their injuries with "butter, grease, creams, sprays, burn ointments, or powders." Other allegations criticize the lack of medical supplies and First Aid materials available in store locations. One-third of fast food workers reported last year that their restaurant had "empty or poorly equipped" First Aid kits. McDonald's was once the most profitable corporation in the fast food industry. Now, thanks to groups like Fight for $15, the company has come under scrutiny for its highly questionable business practices and lack of concern for workers. "Fast food companies care way more about their profits than the basic safety of their workers," according to a public statement issued by Fight for $15. A recent report issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Adding inequality to injury: The costs of failing to protect workers on the job, concludes in its executive summary: "The failure of many employers to prevent millions of work injuries and illnesses each year, and the failure of the broken workers' compensation system to ensure that workers do not bear the costs of their injuries and illnesses, are truly adding inequality to injury." The Fight for $15 campaign, with the help of the Service Employees International Union, has been working for the last two years to help organize fast food workers to fight for better working conditions. The alleged systematic abuse by companies like McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell and other fast food chains has not gone unnoticed in recent years. In the last two years, national fast food strikes have erupted across the country from coast to coast, drawing thousands into the street demanding respectful treatment as human beings. Strikes are expected nationwide on April 15, according to the Fight for 15 campaign. Mike Kuhlenbeck is a journalist and researcher whose work has appeared in The Humanist, Z Magazine and The Des Moines Register. He is a member of the National Writers Union and Investigative Reporters and Editors. Photo: Fight for 15, Twitter.
  14. Rafidain Bank denies the existence of a lack of cash balances at banks Thu, 29 Jan 2015 Time: 13:26 Network news Nasiriyah / Ahmed Hassan denied Rafidain Bank branch ur presence in the state of lack of financial resources of cash balances in government and private banks Rafidain and Rasheed, revealing and Rhode instructions to prevent disclosure of the financial assets of the salaries. TV: Rafidain Bank denies the existence of financial scarcity of cash balances in banks 5 views Published on Jan 27, 2015 Rafidain Bank branch ur denied the existence of any financial scarcity of cash balances in government and private banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, revealing and Rhode instructions to prevent disclosure of the financial assets of the salaries.
  15. Jon Stewart: ‘Duck Dynasty’ turns Fox News into raving ‘free speech absolutists’ Even if he’s not a Duck Dynasty viewer, Jon Stewart said on The Daily Show on Thursday, he still empathized with the “free speech absolutists” over at Fox News in supporting suspended star Phil Robertson. “Look, I think what the guy said is ignorant,” Stewart said. “But I also have an inclination to support a world where saying ignorant sh*t on television doesn’t get you kicked off that medium.” But Stewart also pointed out that the conservative uproar over having to “adhere to cultural norms of speech” only went so far, particularly around this time of the year, showing a flurry of clips where Fox News personalities took offense to the phrase “Happy Holidays” being used instead of “Merry Christmas,” culminating in Gretchen Carlson yelling something about red and white poinsettias before huffing, “Get over it.” “Their belief in free speech doesn’t extend to the holidays, when the word Christmas is mandatory in word, thought, and plant,” Stewart said. He then mused that Fox wouldn’t pressure someone to say, “Merry Christmas,” before showing a clip of Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy cheerfully asking viewers to harass Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D) over the use of a “holiday tree” in the statehouse by posting his office phone number, a contrast to the Duck Dynasty cast itself wishing viewers happy holidays. Watch Stewart’s commentary, as aired on Thursday, below.
  16. Santorum: Denying women birth control coverage is a First Amendment right (Video) Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum ® on Sunday insisted that President Barack Obama was imposing his beliefs on corporations and preventing them from exercising their “right” to deny women contraception coverage in health care plans. Last week, the Supreme Court agreed to decide if the corporation Hobby Lobby — which has Christian owners — had its rights violated by a mandate in the Affordable Care Act requiring most health care plans to offer birth control. In a Sunday interview on CNN, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) pointed out that he viewed the Vietnam War as “immoral” but had continued to pay his taxes throughout the conflict. “This is one country, we all have to live by a set of things that are passed in Washington and are agreed to by the court,” Dean said. But Santorum asserted that employees knew that Hobby Lobby’s owners were “very clear about their religious content.” “I mean, the idea that the First Amendment stops after you walk out of church, that it doesn’t have anything to do with how you live the rest of your life, I don’t know very many people of faith that believes that their religion ends with just worship,” Santorum explained. “It ends in how you practice and live that faith.” “And President Obama is saying, ‘No, once you step outside that church, I get to impose my values on you, your religious values don’t matter anymore, it’s my values that I can impose on you,’” the Pennsylvania Republican continued. “I don’t think that’s what the First Amendment stands for. And I don’t think that’s what the court will say.” Dean, however, argued that the First Amendment allowed the “free exercise” of religion but did not allow companies to make health care decisions for others. “It can’t enable you to force your religious views on other people,” he said.
  17. Video Of White Supremacist Learning He Is 14 Percent Black May Be The Best Thing Ever A white supremacist behind an initiative to turn a North Dakota town into a "white enclave" received some shocking news -- he's not 100 percent white. Craig Cobb, a 62-year-old man who has aimed to start a community for white supremacists and neo-Nazis, received some news that he wasn't too happy about, although we must admit, it gave us quite a chuckle. During an appearance on The Trisha Goddard Show, Cobb was given the results of a DNA Diagnostics test and found out he is 14 percent Sub-Saharan African, and it was all caught on camera. Watch the clip below and check out the hilarity that ensues.
  18. Republican Rep. Admits Boehner is Lying: ‘Votes are There’ to End Gov’t Shutdown (Video) Appearing on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) “let the cat out of the bag” when he refused to toe House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) Tea Party line, revealing that there were not enough votes in the House to pass a “clean continuing resolution.” that will effectively end the government shutdown. Furthermore, Dent said the votes were there and accused Boehner of trying to “conflate” the Continuing Resolution with the debt ceiling. “I am going to insist that the speaker try to bring out a clean continuing resolution to the one I said I would support,” Dent told Blitzer. “I would urge the speaker to bring it out for a vote,” Dent insisted. When Blitzer asked Dent if a clean Continuing Resolution would pass the House, Dent said that, according to the Washington Post, 20 GOP House members would support that measure, with many more that would support it if it was brought to the floor for a vote. “I believe the votes are there,” he added. “I suspect the reason why it’s not being brought out because it may violate the Hastert rule.” “That, or the fact that the speaker wants to conflate – he wants to conflate the debt ceiling and the continuing resolution,” He let the cat out of the bag. The truth is, John Boehner WANTS to continue to shut down the government and have America go off the “fiscal cliff”… anything to obstruct Obama’s second-term agenda. The 21 Republicans who have expressed that they would vote for a clean CR if Boehner brings it up for a vote are: Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.), Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ.), Rep. Peter King (R-NY.), Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.), Rep. Scott Rigell (R-Va.), Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.), Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ.), Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark.), Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY.), Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.), Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.), Rep. Pat Meehan (R-Pa.), Rep. Jon Runyan (R-NJ), Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa), Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.). Please watch the video below and share it on social media forums so that everyone will know the truth about Boehner’s reckless government shutdown.
  19. Funny video!
  20. American Soldier Responds To Anti-Muslim Comments In An Incredible Way on 'What Would You Do?' (VIDEO) "What Would You Do?" by ABC is a hidden camera series where people are put into ethical dilemmas, given the choice between passively accepting injustice and standing up for what they believe is right. This soldier didn't hesitate to speak up when a young man started harassing a Muslim cashier, refusing to be served by him because "he's a Muslim." The uniformed man defended freedom of religion for all, stating, "We live in America, he can have whatever religion he wants." "That's the reason I wear the uniform -- so anyone can live free in this country." When the producer arrived on the scene to explain that both the heckler and the cashier were both actors, the soldier downplayed his "heroic" response by saying, "If you're an American, you're an American. Period." Well said. Watch the video for the full encounter. The soldier part starts at the 5 min mark.
  21. Is Now The Time To Invest In Iraq?
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