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Everything posted by rvmydinar

  1. Hope it is true cause I really don't mind 1 dinar=0.35$. I will definitely cash out.
  2. Hopefully, " lofty " means high rate as the rate will return to what it was in the 70's.
  3. That's a LOP dan noone want " LOP ". Hope it's just smoke. Everyone can try to make a wild guess , however noone knows exactly what the cbi is going to do with their currency until that happens one day.
  4. Just wonder , what does " Lofty economic value " mean, according to iraq definition? Since this article isn't written by the cbi , then just take this as an entertainment purpose only.
  5. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope your 3rd will be going well. So we all can enjoy our new found wealth if this baby pops one day.
  6. The currency dealers and traders are the only one who make more money and a huge profit from buying and selling Iraq dinar to dinar holders like us, aren't they.
  7. Is this a goose's house? Where is this? Is this house taking a place somewhere in Hawaii? Wait the minute..... what is goose doing inside the house? Laying eggs?
  8. I do. Sorry if I am so grumpy and impatient because I just really really want this to be over soon. So, I can live a debt free after I pay off my debts. Then, I can retire.
  9. Just wonder , who is his CBI contact anyway? Nadar from mideast?
  10. It depends on what kinds of " progress " are you implying to. What I mean is " Sudani stated the dinar was worth more than a dollar is BS because he can't prove it until now ". If I say if he is making a huge progress to make dinar was worth more than a dollar right now, then that means it isn't BS because he can prove what he stated. Do you still believe Sudani can make dinar was worth more than a dollar until the end of this year 2024, don't you? I still have a doubt about this.
  11. Then why does the cbi never test the water at all?
  12. Can the owner of the site test the water on purpose just to surprise the reader as a shock therapy?
  13. Thanks. I already looked at it. And it is just " screenshots ". It could be either a test or a glitch / a computer error. Anyone guess.
  14. What about Have the cbi ever tested the water before? Has Anyone ever noticed it before?
  15. What is the real meaning of " Official rate " , according to Iraq definition? Could be something could be nothing. Don't get over excited yet folks.
  16. How how how? Don't just keep talking without action. Prove it. The current rate 1,310 doesn't increase confidence, does it.
  17. But I"ll take the rate starting from a dime and above ( including 1.77 ).
  18. Where did Screwball post this info on this $2.70? It is more convincing if there is a link.
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