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Everything posted by patrickgold

  1. It just shows how angry the population is and they'll resort to what ever means. Biden has resorted to turning this Nation into a socialist country and going back on promises, and destroying what is good. This flag is nothing compare to their free speech rhetoric towards our President Donald Trump.
  2. No offense Markinsa but magnet is the least of my worries, considering all the side affects happening and people dying. Strokes, blood clots, paralysis, headaches, joint pain and more. People with underlined health issues be cautious. Don't follow the popular movement, when in doubt step away. I know it's may be late for the vaccinated, but research on how to keep your body healthy or healthier!
  3. But we do know, however, that someone was nabbed during the sweep. From NY Post: Dang. First, the mayor is caught up in her own indictment. Now, her husband has been arrested. From what we can gather, police are giving little details related to this sting. They are calling it an “ongoing criminal investigation,” so specifics are sparse. But that alone is pretty damaging. Criminal investigations that led to search and arrest warrants are no small matter. And, surprise, surprise, it’s another Democrat and their spouse. Why is it that so many Democrats are caught with their pants down? Especially when it comes to money? It probably has to do with the fact that many on the left see public service as some kind of “get rich quick scheme.” When you’re at the higher end, you can rack in all kinds of cash just from your notoriety (see: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden). But when you’re still at the local level, that’s a bit harder. So, Democrats in local government sometimes get a little too greedy and take money that doesn’t belong to them. Often, drugs and other crimes are connected as well. What forced the cops to arrest this man? I guess we’ll find out soon. Source: Fox News, NY Post This is going to be a trend seeing these politicians going down the toilet.
  4. They know Lindell has evidence on the corruption that has and is still happening. He's a threat to the Demo/Rinos But hey, his pillows are comfy!!
  5. It's a challenge to raise children indeed. Parents need to incorporate God into their everyday conversation in order for their children to be respectful, compassionate, caring, loving and forgiving. President Trump has nothing to do with that. With this said the parents should be the example of being respectful at all times.. There's a time when and when not to express ourselves about politics in front of the children, leave the children out of politics, let them enjoy their childhood. Unfortunately voices such as yourself regarding the Trump yard decoration does nothing but expose the negativity you have toward this one man.
  6. Wow! Its unbelievable the efforts of these spiteful people will go to diminish one individual. Everything they have pushed to bring him down has failed, I truly believe he has divine intervention around him.
  7. I appreciate anyone who brings over information on this topic. It is seriously needed to make a sincere decision pertaining to my well being. It's perplexing to me to see many fall for this injection just because the CDC says so. Quiet a few deaths, and side affects that the CDC is not reporting, they're not reporting the side affects on the young teenagers. (Heart issues) Also it's boggling for some states to offer prize incentives. WHY? The pandemic is over, but the media still feeds fear. Research other outlets I wouldn't depend on the news media for accurate information. I pray for a good outcome to all.
  8. Ahhh, well that all depends if he actually got the vaccine or placebo. We won't know. My bet is he'll continue his role as President. 😉
  9. Your absolutely correct. The dollar is losing its value. If gold is worth $1900 you can purchase alot with it, $1900 in US dollars can't buy much because of inflation. I would rather have gold, silver and cryptocurrency for security.
  10. Your absolutely correct, the article is leaving so much out of the actual event. Bundy is correct in not caring for the Republican party. Its infiltrated with Demo Rinos.
  11. If they accomplish this it will mean they will squeeze another form of taxes added on to the peoples pockets. They have to make money from this. Greedy devils. US central bank is a corporation, not a federal entity, the government uses it to borrow money and the people get penalized.
  12. Placebo. They have to continue to run the world with their evil plans. Just my opinion and could be wrong. The first dose, no symptoms, placebo, if symptoms appear you got actual vaccine. Same with second dose.
  13. BRIDGENIT – 22 May 21 3.6k COVID Vaccinated People Within 2 Years : BRIDGENIT 3.6k All vaccinated people will die within 2 years. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for Scary and sad. I'm picking up the same information when I search the vaccine. People will have organ failure within two years. I pray not, but who knows what the heck is happening. I've read Detoxing your body may help. All I like to say is, take this serious, look up ways to help your body rebuild. Better safe than sorry. No fear mongering, just alot of information is coming out on this. Remember we are fighting evil.
  14. More and more Doctors are coming forward. Good for them. Sad to say some are being silenced for doing so. I commend the doctors (and others) for taking ownership in researching these so call vaccines. They took a medical oath to care for human life, not to use humans as quinea pigs for a rushed cure, especially not to control the population. I would believe a doctor, not the pharmaceutical company who are in it for profit.
  15. I don't know about your sources, they're known to take quotes out of context, retract their stories and at times admit they misinformed. But hey, their writings as you may know they tend to use certain words, phrases over and over and the un-woke tend to believe it as truth. Oh and we all know family/ friends and coworkers can turn on you at anytime out of jealousy, envy or just to be spiteful.
  16. I have to agree with Rep. Warren Davidson, a risk to our personal liberties. US Central Bank wants control just like China. They're leaning toward China system. The US dollar is collapsing and they want to stir the people away from cryptocurrency and want the people to believe theirs will be better. Why do you think they knock bitcoin down with deter the people from investing. Keep buying gold and silver and cryptocurrency.
  17. I'd stay away from anything from China, even all those blue paper mask, no telling what they are made from. I read somewhere a few months back that the mask may have asbestos fibers and some form of synthetic chemical, don't take my word, do your homework. China trustworthy, I think not.
  18. So Shabs, can you give us a list of good that Biden has done so far. Issues that benefits all the peoples not just the liberals. What Trump accomplished was a lot more than any other president in history. What was an inspiration to me, was he was able to accomplish so much while being attacked on a daily basis. He persevered through it all.
  19. They're more out there then you think, remember we don't know God's time frame. I guess the patriots are on God's time. Pray that soon we'll prevail. Also we are meant to suffer in order to grow closer to God, so everyone get on your knees and pray! Good will be victorious!
  20. Perfectly truthfully stated. Liberals are to busy hating on one man!!! that their brain cells are on overdrive and have no clue this will circle back and flush them down the toilet drain. Bunch of ignorant traitors on the Rino's part, liberals can have them.
  21. You are correct, these sources are laughable. They are known for misinformation, lies, fear mongering, ratings.
  22. Thank you for bringing forth this information. So many other stories of death, and severe complications related to these vaccines, the media won't report them, or the CDC, so it's up to you, every individual to take ownership and do your diligent research. Stay away from the media for factual information. Research, educate before you get your first dose, much less the second dose. Do not vaccinate your children until you are 100% sure it is safe. A smidgen of uncertainty should guide your decision. Remember its a rushed vaccine, not enough trials, not enough factual data. Don't be a follower, don't regret your actions.
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