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Everything posted by 35foxtrot

  1. however Playing pretend that it was indeed true.. (AGAIN PLAYING PRETEND) I'd seriously consider selling out to be a supreme court justice........ that titles nothing to wave a stick at. and the jobs for life. more of a greater good thing in my book then selling out
  2. I've a easier question What's so special about the " knife vendor " down by the fedex office
  3. About 5 or 6 years ago one of the 1st wannabe/guru/crazy liar ( shotgun Susie) Always claimed it was going to be on a weekend And when it never happen her next excuse was " it"s cause the forex isn't open till Monday ". Now we have the Friday and Monday rumors. She also started the "announcement " crap never has a nation had a press conference to say. " our currency is now worth more " it just happened
  4. test run??? who does a test run? what one instance has there ever been of a test run?
  5. ehh i never believed the hype about 3 bucks or 5 bucks. it was never realistic to me. i always figured a penny. so ya that would do me just fine.
  6. this should be pretty simple to find out.. someone said they live in kuwait .. did someone politely ask them to drop by the bank, or there number is listed on the webpage someone who speaks arabic can call and ask.
  7. dfac = dining facility ( the d from dining and the fac from facility )
  8. jake .. as a point of clarifaction . TQ's airfield is actually larger than balad .. however tq doesnt get combat aircraft ( which is why i think balad is bigger ) in any event .. Is superdave still out there??? think he worked with unisys at a time and had a hook up with the DHL guy out there .. real hard to miss him and his boston accent ..
  9. Hate to be the one to say it but the IMF doesn't have the power to order a country to do anything
  10. So its not okay to take dinar out of iraq but its okay for someone to CHARGE A FEE to open a bank account in iraq.... I'll bet my right arm that he doesnt open bank accounts in iraq from the goodness of his heart i'd be also willing to bet the FEE's this guy charges are not cheap... .
  11. Im sorry did someone actually say he's the number two oil man in the US? I'm sooo not gonna go there .. I will say he's claimed to be quite a few things for the last few years ... even a VP at shell ( 1 its royal dutch shell 2 i have family that work there and have worked there for quite a few years ) his " intel " ( i really hate that word.. i've worked military intel before and am rather insulted by what pass's for actually hands on intel had this been a combat zone there " intel " would have gotten quite a few people killed) but i honestly feel that this guy just likes the attn. he's said it was done and people were cashing in at least 10 times that i can count.. and every week its something else different. He's not at bad as SGS was but at least we KNEW she was crazy ..
  12. I thought you couldn't read the rumor section without being a member logged in So how exactly did he figure out the rumor section without signing up?
  13. so after a little looking around i found this about the 43 point program.. however because the link to to another site i can not post the link... i can however copy and paste not sure if this is the same 43 points but thought to mention this is the closest i found Made by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki before he was sworn in his political program for the new government and has been in forty-three items as follows: 1 - To maintain the Constitution of Iraq and the commitment and work as hard as passed by the Wi subsequent amendments do not take place except in accordance with Article 142 of the Constitution and the activation of all materials and items without selective and follow the work of the committees formed by the government of national unity in accordance with the Constitution, especially Article 140 and other materials problem essentially and formally adopt legal contexts reference head of the government work to resolve all the problems outstanding on this basis and abide by the political forces and members of the House of Representatives by the Constitution and the curriculum as is the common government of the forces and parties participating in the political process. 2 – to achieve political stability and expanding the base of participation in the political process and strengthen the democratic experience. 3 – consolidation of state institutions and building the rule of law and follow the asset management and institutional accordance with the principle of citizenship and as the ministries and state institutions of national identity and belongs to the people and not the identity of the party, the minister and its personal and we will prevent any domination or tutelage of any class or groups of formations governmental, administrative and public institutions. 4 – respect for human rights reform, which guarantees the freedom of all to express their beliefs, opinions and worship under the law. 5 – renunciation of aggression and terrorism, discrimination and address all practices of aggression and terrorism by the enemies of the Iraqi people, led by Saddam’s Baath and terrorist groups, commitment and fight against sectarianism and to prevent any attempt to return the country to the eras of tyranny and terror and dictatorship and the atonement and the confiscation of the other opinion and condemn the crimes of deportation and the Anfal and mass graves, wars and adventures and aggressive policies and coups. 6 – Work to ensure the right to live in peace and security and freedom for all Iraqis in their homeland from all religions and nationalities and creeds, and that Iraq is Bmonath social model in the fraternity and coexistence and tolerance. 7 – concentration of a culture of tolerance, fraternity and non-violence to promote civil peace and addressing the cracks caused by the sectarian strife in the social fabric and work to foster a spirit of moderation in thought and behavior and culture. 8 – maintain work to achieve better relations with the vicinity of Iraq’s Arab and Islamic world and international openness to the world and solve the outstanding problems with neighboring countries left behind by the former regime and closer ties between Iraq and the international community, especially with its neighbors on the basis of mutual respect and common interests and non-interference in internal affairs and work on controlling the border International outlets and activate the constitutional articles of their own. 9 – promote successes security, political and diplomatic achievements of the national unity government to sign an agreement to withdraw foreign forces according to the announced schedule and the restoration of national sovereignty and its success in lifting the international sanctions imposed on Iraq because of the policies of the dictatorial regime and benefit from the international community’s position in support of the political process and the Iraqi government in achieving further gains in various areas, including helping to return Iraq to normal political, economic, and security and strengthen its position regionally and internationally. 10 – complete the construction of the armed forces and security services on the basis of national and professional away from the narrow belongingness and commitment to the Constitution and the law to combat terrorism and organized crime and to address each of the more than the laws in force and to support and strengthen the military forces with weapons, equipment and supplies that you need to perform their basic function in the protection of national sovereignty. 11 – extend the authority of law and bear arms, however, the State and to reject any military activity or security by any party and not allow politicization of the security services and lawlessness and to activate the principle of compliance with the law and respect for human rights by security forces in the performance of its duties. 12 – The judiciary is independent and must be supported and the imposition of prestige and a common commitment to respect its mission in facilitating the independent regulatory bodies and to overcome the difficulties encountered and the activation states of the judiciary and oversight in the fight against corruption and crime. 13 – care of the holy shrines, mosques and churches and houses of worship and reconstruction and to provide full support for its security WAM visitors and the development of religious tourism. 14 – the adoption of the principle of balance and efficiency in the management of the country and the distribution of responsibilities and employment in government departments, army and police and security agencies and embassies, to achieve justice and improve the standard of professional performance, provided commitment to competence, integrity and professionalism. 15 – completion of the draft national reconciliation which Bdonha 2006, which has achieved great success and further to achieve the full goals and opening new horizons in the relations between forces and national parties, and remove the effects of sectarian and ethnic by the policies of the former regime and criminal practices perpetrated by terrorist organizations. 16 – Follow-up to the implementation of the oil and gas contracts, signed by the government of national unity with major international companies in raising oil production to the levels and ceilings agreed time in more than the proceeds of Iraq, the financial wealth of oil and gas and work on the diversification of their revenue through the development of agriculture industry and tourism. 17 – Liberation of the Iraqi economy from the central system to a market economy and encourage the private sector and protection regulations and laws to be a partner in the process of building and reconstruction. 18 – to stabilize the Iraqi economy and the installation of the national currency and prevent inflation and to address the phenomenon of unemployment through the provision of employment opportunities in the private and public sectors. 19 – the development of industrial and commercial sectors and the expansion of transport networks, land, sea and air. 20 – to speed up the development and raising the level of services in the areas of health, electricity, water and sanitation and to speed up the implementation of projects by contracting in the previous government. 21 – a national campaign to urge citizens to cooperate with government institutions and security services and the rationalization of energy consumption, water and protection structures tribute to the state institutions and the maintenance and protection of archaeological sites. 22 – encouraging investment and attracting national and foreign funds to build housing units for different income levels and build housing units for the poor and families of martyrs, prisoners and this is being implemented now. 23 – activating the directions of the state interest in the agriculture sector as an important resource to support the economic sector, providing an opportunity to achieve food security and providing employment opportunities and improve the environment and climate through support to initiatives of scientific research and the introduction of companies, global experience in the field of agriculture and agricultural development according to scientific bases. 24 – to continue efforts in the use of modern systems for irrigation, agriculture and the best investment of our water resources and land reclamation. 25 – The Government has developed a system of projects for the attention of the inhabitants of cities, villages and rural areas and to provide appropriate services to them and compensate them for the great disadvantage that they have suffered neglect due to deliberate policy adopted by the former Baathist regime in the areas of health and education. 26 – to proceed to develop a system of interdependence and social security to tackle poverty and underdevelopment afflicting the underprivileged classes. 27 – end file on terrorism internally displaced who had forced them to leave their towns and homes and the provision of adequate employment opportunities and to achieve security and all that would ensure their legitimate rights. 28 – attention to women and their political role and leadership as representing an important segment stores a lot of capabilities and competencies and a rich source of state-building and the community and paying attention to the child and family to building a healthy society coherent according to the values that our society believes in Iraq. 29 – Government is committed to the allocation of economic resources to provide appropriate support for the sports sector and young people are our future and the base of the construction and reconstruction and development and strive to provide favorable conditions to make the most of their energies in all areas. 30 – Government will continue national partnership to continue to solve problems and complete the legislation that join the relationship between the federal and regional governments, governorates and to invite the House of Representatives to complete the legislation and important laws such as oil and gas law and the financial resources and the laws of the ministries and institutions, public bodies and dozens of bills referred by the Government of National Unity to former House of Representatives. 31 – develop an effective mechanism to monitor the spending and address the administrative and financial corruption and activating the constitutional articles and pledge their commitment, and support organizations of integrity, transparency and keep it away from political differences and partisan. 32 – reconsidering the law on elections and support the integrity and independence of the Electoral Commission to ensure its efficiency and impartiality. 33 – the big role that Iraqi tribes represented as a solid base for the unity of these components will be necessary for us to attention and the organization of participation of tribes to protect Iraq’s unity and integrity of social structure as stipulated by the Constitution. 34 – Protection of Iraqi society practices that are inconsistent with the Constitution and religious values and morals, which are known by the Iraqi society and activating the existing laws to deal with any breach in this area. 35 – deal with setbacks and the decline in the educational process and suffered from Iraqi universities has shown the previous ruling, which was a model in the region and work to raise the scientific level and provide support and providing the requirements of progress and modernization of curricula, openness and communication with the world to catch up with evolution. 36 – Supporting universities and supporting independence and the development of scientific research institutions and a review of educational curricula at all levels so that they keep pace with the developments of the process and rid them of fascist and sectarian ideology so as to enhance national unity. 37 – continue to support the scientific talent and bands of teachers and university professors, their salaries and improve their living standards and the provision of living conditions and residential units and provide appropriate conditions for the return of migrant brains. 38 – support and promote the role of civil society organizations and assist in opening the prospects for it to be effective and supportive of the efforts of the government and the different state institutions and advocate for the citizen by the Constitution and the law. 39 – Media Support and the empowerment of Iraqi journalists to perform their oversight role and responsible freedom of adequate security conditions and strengthening the role of the press in nation-building and community building as the fourth power of media organizations and to invite local and foreign media to comply with the standards. 40 – respect for media pluralism and freedom of expression and considered as essential pillars to support the political process and the democratic experience. 41 – to provide support for writers, intellectuals, artists, poets, pioneers and innovators in all areas and disciplines of scientific and technical Balnteg in order to promote scientific and intellectual, cultural and humanitarian. 42 – Iraq, which is the cradle of civilization and the country of culture, the government will seek to build and expand cultural institutions across the country and support various cultural activities on the basis of freedom of thought and commitment to constitutional limitations. 43 – Government will continue to hold national partnership in solving problems between the federal government and the governments of the regions and governorates not organized in a region according to the Constitution and the law of the provincial councils
  14. With usaa thats not going to be an issue i believe they only have two branches .,. one in texas and the other in germany .. .
  15. also being a usaa member i can tell you most wire transfers in post the same day and if you call them after the wire you can get them to post it almost immediately on the flip side transfers OUT of ussa take a day or so to post .
  16. i checked the bank of america branch inside of the pentagon and they said they dont trade it i asked him about a sealed currency book and he said that he wasnt sure what i was refering to but there is a currency book they use but its not sealed. and wont be updated until mid march.
  17. Im thinking if i left there and went down the street to bank of America wells Fargo or whoever then it makes a nice convenient way to get it down will little fuss...
  18. cashiers check ... hmm thats not a bad idea ..
  19. the decimal point has been there before as well it comes and goes
  20. I can prove there's life on mars easy... name one thing we sent to mars that we actually got back...
  21. for what its worth i asked a guy at work to translate the video for me if he does it i'll post
  22. ok ... let me say it cause i've been around the block a few.. OKIE is full of crap... always as been... It bothers me that he and a few run around screaming intel intel intel.. if you've worked in the intel field i'm sure you'd be seriously insulted as to what pass's as " reliable intel " before someone goes around asking me about my creditability... let me sum up my credentials by saying i work at the pentagon... dont believe me check the ip ( still dont believe me ( as i'm on a different pc ) check my ip history.. still dont want to believe me ... well there's nothing i can do for you. If anyone would bother to check okies past post ( and there are a ton of them ) even as far back as rolclub you'd see for yourself he doesn't know crap and just likes the attn. but hey .. maybe thats what makes people feel better is listening to people lead others around by the nose
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