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Everything posted by rocky808

  1. something's fishy in 2004 they started "rigging" 3 billion dinar that had just been introduced at a rate of I think 4000/1 . today they cant get their peeps to have any confidence in their own currency yet 10 years ago in some electricity starved war ravaged country with daily bombs these guys had the "ability" let alone the confidence in a newly introduced or forced currency at an extremely worthless rate to want to counterfeit the dinar. Why not counterfeit the dollar it has more purchasing power less anti counterfeiting measures more desirable in their markets. perhaps rumors abound back then of future purchasing power of the dinar when it revalues to pre war rates? the question is why do this? another question is where did they do this? 2003 it was introduced yet one year later "the most anti-counterfeited measured currency" was conquered in a sandy underpowered every car or truck must be white until destroyed oil rich country for whaaaaaaaat? :shrug:I don't know :salute:we have lots of "domestic" oil here and my cars paint is faded for the love of God -what- do -they- know ? from what I hear you don't have to paint a camel and you got a lover for life
  2. looks like the camel couldn't see his shadow so till spring we wait. then again a camel can defecate standing up could he be the most intelligent life without its head stuck so far up its hole
  3. oh boy another serving of lima beans just add it to the salad bar of confusion pretty soon we will be smelling lamb chops then we will have a full buffet and feast like gluttonous kings. Hear Hear
  4. Once again we wait and wait last I heard he was going to do a recap of his window of opportunity that closed leaving him stating he would return at weeks end to update.there are a couple people I like to read into Randy being one of them.has anyone heard any late guru koonce Intel. Thanks
  5. Bonds, bonds, bonds, how about derma bond and put it together and unveil this project already.
  6. Agreed, legless mosquitoes let me know when the last remaining member cuts his own head off .
  7. interesting though it is an annual event and last year was interesting but this year is even more interesting and next year will be even more interahhhhhhhhhhhhhh just stop we are sitting nice right now but my butt is in need of some movement IRAQ lets do this and look if ya want some of those new Benjamin's to study give me 100 dinar each muuwahahahahaha.just some food for thought wouldn't it be ironic if Turki planned another trip here on Nov.28 hey just saying a little stuffing and mashed potatoes and Turki for dinner is tasty!!! hold the spiral cut Maliki
  8. LMAO just gave me a laugh I needed someone needs to tap their brains or phones to get to the bottom of this we as investors have a right to know the true direction of this company. Where's the board members lets get this meeting started.
  9. Becoming international one way or another definitely good off your neighbor and step out beyond the curtain and let's get this show on the road.
  10. One of the illustrations that pyramid showing what we consider huge controlling companies are at the base.deffinately an interesting read.
  11. I always hear the names and did a search and came across this history tree that made me say hmmmmmmm but not sure where to post it.
  12. indeed thanks guys I was about to post a frustrated negative comment about this whole dang scenario and just that little bit of enlightened humor made me smile and take a breath so for that I thank you.
  13. Intriguing what gives.that 3 part split is worry some that would call for a new currency with 3 regional representations ...........Oh intriguing .
  14. The base possibly a joint ops base possibly a joint nation base placed in a strategic location not even a desert donkey with his master attached at the rear can get close to.oh wait did we ever really leave the area anyway?just sayin what you see is what your meant to see.
  15. guess I never thought of Spain having had a dictator perhaps that's todays lesson learned. thanks next life I will pay a little more attention in history class Oh and welcome back TalaBerni I take it your weekend was eventful
  16. you know I bet introducing these smart cards will put a big dent into the local counterfeiter. every citizen will carry a card and minimal cash so really who cares how many zeros are on the paper its just digits on a card doesn't take up much space in your wallet. just a thought
  17. just a thought these cards allow the citizens to carry less cash as in before to buy a car with dinar you need a wheelbarrow(most common example) and now you only need a OP Velcro wallet. Just a thought would these smart cards even care how many zeros they have on them
  18. seeing those dates coming out.2015/2016 lets just hope its talk and we can get this done 2013/2014. lots of violence happening that has nothing to do with the dinar value therefore increasing the dinar wont calm the storm JMO that the unrest is showing instability in the populated areas which makes for limelight any companies looking to invest in these areas would be disrupted but lets face it that's not the money running things all the holes way out in no mans land pumping that black gold are the big dollars and business is PUMPING(pun). I would say they are well(pun) protected and massed out that disrupting one would just make two others pump faster which all leads to $$$$ for Iraq anyway. seems a few have an agenda whether its political or historic and the possibilities of a Chinese fireworks factory opening in Iraq is remote they do like to blow shi* up and maybe a few firecrackers in some ant holes would suffice(my childhood experience) or lucrative like opening up an Italian restaurant in little Italy you never know but I bet its in making light of the situation its business as usual and we wait , smoke maybe, Romo throwing a touchdown in the super bowl unlikely (uhg Romo stop choking). patience and breathe, laugh, work and love its "mentally" hard on our minds but others have it more "physically" haunting and life ending turmoil in theirs. PEACE
  19. Well apparently it's divided here too amongst the rooms. Pull it together get the R from Maliki and the V from Obama and put this shiz together.
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