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Everything posted by luvcats17

  1. Thanks for the encouraging post! No bashing here.
  2. Thanks for the post! Let's keep on believing!
  3. I really did miss you....glad to have you back!
  4. I'm not going to bash you...just BLESS YOU!
  5. Welcome, Anthony! I love Ireland! It looks like a beautiful quilt when you're flying over the Emerald Isle. Hopefully the wait for the RV won't be much longer, but it will happen at its appointed time! Have a blessed week
  6. Hoosier 1470, I totally agree with you. I have my own personal intel that I have received that is true, but I refuse to share it here because of the rude remarks. I was just telling my husband last night that I will not share because I know what the response will be...not good. Personally, I don't need it. So, I will rejoice on my own as to what is soon to take place. Rejoice, the RV/RI will occur at the appointed time.
  7. Hi, Bang. Left you a message under Soji's thread in response to the comment you left me in that thread. So, since I still have it, I will paste what I wrote you there: I just saw your comment when I commented on Soji. I am very proud to be the wife of a Marine. I can honestly say that it has truly changed my life not realizing what I was getting into when I first got married to Jon. We were first stationed in Quantico for TBS and then moved to Pensacola for flight school. Went to Jacksonville where Jon was stationed at New River flying the CH 46. Had my first experience with war when he went to Desert Storm. Moved back to Pensacola where he was stationed at Whiting Field as a flight instructor. We lived in the Pace, FL area for 12 years. Before moving to NJ, Jon was activated to fight in Iraq. We are now in Mays Landing, NJ where Jon is a flight inspector for the FAA. He is a Col in the Marine Corps Reserves. To this day, it is still exciting and very rewarding. I have a great love of God and our country. I am very grateful for your service. You are truly one of the few, the proud, a Marine. Blessings to your wife and children. Please let her know that she too is a great soldier herself. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Are you overseas at this time? Please feel free to keep in touch and let us know how we can pray for you. "The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually)." Numbers 6:24-26 Amplified Version. Be blessed! Semper Fi, Ana
  8. Thank you, Bang. I tried sending you a PM, but it wouldn't let me. So here goes what I tried to e-mail you: I just saw your comment when I commented on Soji. I am very proud to be the wife of a Marine. I can honestly say that it has truly changed my life not realizing what I was getting into when I first got married to Jon. We were first stationed in Quantico for TBS and then moved to Pensacola for flight school. Went to Jacksonville where Jon was stationed at New River flying the CH 46. Had my first experience with war when he went to Desert Storm. There I taught school at the Camp Lejeune schools. Moved back to Pensacola where he was stationed at Whiting Field as a flight instructor. We lived in the Pace, FL area for 12 years. Before moving to NJ, Jon was activated to fight in Iraq. We are now in Mays Landing, NJ where Jon is a flight inspector for the FAA. He is a Col in the Marine Corps Reserves. To this day, it is still exciting and very rewarding. I have a great love of God and our country. I am very thankful for your service. You are truly one of the few, the proud, a Marine. Blessings to your wife and children. Please let her know that she too is a great soldier herself. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please feel free to keep in touch and let us know how we can pray for you. "The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually)." Numbers 6:24-26 Amplified Version. Be blessed! Semper Fi, Ana I am so sorry for your pain at this difficult time in your life. I have been through four of these and each one has felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. These animals are family. I pray that God will comfort you and give you peace like only He alone is able to do for you. Know that you are in my prayers. Please PM me if you need someone to visit with...I know exactly what you are going through...Ana Jak, Soji is so beautiful! So is the other dog. Maybe it won't be too long before Soji arrives home. =)
  9. A tithe is 10% given for the money that you earned from work. You probably already tithed from the money that you earned from work and what remained was what you used to buy your dinar. The money that you will make from investing in the dinar is really a blessing from God and not something that you earned from working. God wants us to invest and teaches us to do this when Jesus speaks about the Talents twice in the New testament. Jesus was teaching us how to prosper. Therefore, what is appropriate to give is an offering which is completely different from the tithe. An offering can be less than 10% or more than 10%. You can pray about it and see what you sense in your spirit to give as an offering. There is no right amount to give; just give the amount that you sense in your heart. God will bless whatever amount you decide to give so that you will have an increase in the future. =)
  10. About two years ago, my students made a magnetic levitating train as their science project. It was quite fascinating!
  11. Hi, Judy. From a fellow wife of a Marine, I will gladly bless your son by donating to help bring a puppy that helped bring him joy while serving in Afghanistan. I'll also do my best to help spread the word by sharing your info. I believe your son will surely be reunited with Soji when he returns to the states. The Lord give you the strength and peace of mind that He gave me when my husband was serving in Desert Storm and Iraq. Have a blessed weekend and Semper Fi.
  12. I just talked to my husband who understands this stuff, and he said that it is good news because they are getting it ready for trading. He said that you need multiple decimals for trading. So this is good news according to him. Go RV!!!! Everyone, I have to get back to work. Have a blessed day!!!
  13. I just finished reading Heaven is For Real. I had it downloaded to my Nook Color and found that once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. What an amazing testimony! It just increased my own belief that Heaven is truly real and one day I will be there! I forgot to mention that I became interested in this book when I saw an interview of Colton and his father on Fox News. I was totally mesmerized and couldn't wait to read their story.
  14. My husband and I have been living in NJ for seven years. I am presently a teacher and not a member of the teacher's union by choice. I believe that Governor Christie is doing a fantastic job, and I hope that he will finish the job that he was elected to do in this state.
  15. I want to thank EDavis for the post and for the courage to post it in the first place. I personally have my own intel, and it is good. However, I will not post because of the terrible treatment from fellow members. I appreciate your info, EDavis. I am presently a school teacher married to a Colonel in the Marine Corps. As an active Marine, he served in Desert Storm and later was activated as a reservist at the beginning of the Iraqi war. We were living in Florida at the time, the Buccaneers won the Superbowl that year, and later that week he left for Iraq. After his return, I found out about the Dinar, but it wasn't until two years ago that I finally invested in what I believe to be an incredible opportunity and that I believe will soon come into fruition. I am thankful that I came across this website and that I am a VIP with Dinar Vets. I appreciate the posts that everyone brings to the table. Most importantly, I respect everyone's opinion whether it is true or false. Therefore, I will continue to read what is posted knowing that I am intelligent enough to make my own decision as to who may or may not be telling the truth about their personal experiences with the dinar without needing to post negative feedback. Now, I shall return to reading all the interesting posts that I have yet to read. Have a great weekend!
  16. Hi. I have been a VIP member for quite a while. I renewed my subscription on November 1 when it was set to expire on November 2. My credit card was charged and I made a copy of the receipt. I would like for this to be taken care of as soon as possible. Thank you.
  17. God has called and equipped you for such a time as this. How do I send a PM to you to get info about your multi-media presentation and your books? Blessings, Ana =)
  18. Hi. I am a military wife (married to a USMCR Colonel...Semper Fi) and am a Bilingual K-1 Elementary School teacher . My husband was a CH46 pilot. He fought in Desert Storm and was sent to fight in Iraq shortly after 9-11. My interest in the dinar came shortly after he returned from Iraq, but we both didn't invest until 2007. I believe that the Dinar will RV and it will happen when it is suppose to happen. I too, like many others on your chat forum, am very excited. It's almost like the football game where the score is tied and seconds are left on the clock and the field goal is all that's need for our team to break the tie and win the game. The anticipation is so incredibly exciting! I have to say that I always look forward to what you have to say on the Dinar. In the times that I have read your updates, I have found them to be quite encouraging and credible. I have found you to be unselfish and a level headed person. I appreciate the fact that you want to keep things honest and all the information that is shared to remain as factual as possible. I am happy to have joined this forum and look forward to hearing what everyone has to say. By the way, since I am new to this forum, are many of you military vets or active duty? If so, "Thank you for your service!" =)
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