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Everything posted by silas

  1. Sorry, but I take high offense to that statement. She is NOT full of crap. If you would take the time to read HER words you might realize that she is the first to submit that all she does is pass on what OTHERS post...and that she does not necessarily agree or disagree with them. And in case you have not noticed ( which you obviously have NOT!) she is a very decent and caring person who has gone to a great deal of trouble to bring us not only intel as legitimate as anyone else, but perhaps some laughter as well to try and lighten the mood. You need to back off of her...she is highly thought of around here!
  2. I thought perhaps I should add a kind of update to my earlier post here and share a few things that many of you probably have experienced to some degree. I hope you have not. I have been diligently following this dinar thing now for better than 8 years. Every single day in Iraq, on every r&r home, and every single day since. I has become an addictive obsession. The belief in it became so powerful a drug, that I neglected most all other job, my wife, my kids and grandkids, my friends...everything. And what has that gotten me? They are now all gone. My wife, the kids, the grandkids, and many opportunities for happiness I have let slide away from me while waiting for this r/v. So, even though I do believe in it and wanted and want so I could enrich the lives of those closest to me, I ultimately abandoned them in favor of waiting for something totally illusive. Many of us here have fallen prey to the same things and based our whole futures on the possibility of wealth...and the supposed happiness and joy it would bring. I can tell you now that that magnificent obsession is not worth the cost, because I will ultimately "enjoy" it without them. No, it is not a pipe-dream or something, but what I am saying to you is that while we wait, life goes on. We can bring joy and happiness to many people WITHOUT the benefits of a massive revaluation of Iraqi currency...IF WE ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN!! It is a mistake of Biblical proportions to base our existence on something completely speculative and neglect the tangible things around us. I am not particularly religious and do not mean to bring that subject to the table here, but I am reminded of a scripture my Mother used to hit me with all the time growing up, and it aplies to this posting: " For what shall a man profit is he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" Might not be verbatim quotation, but you get my point I am sure. Don't get so wrapped up in this thing that you forget those around you that love you, need you in their lives and depend on you like I did. You'll find out the hard way that some things are just not worth the price.
  3. Well, here we are again with yet another month approaching it's end and another starting. What do we hear? Just what we have heard for what now seems like forever..." it still might happen by the end of the month", or " it could happen in the first couple weeks of next month" Yada, yada, yada. I, like manyof you out there have heard this now for years and I have had to learn to not hold my breath, and take all those statements and prognostications with the proverbial grain of salt. I try to remain grounded and all that like we all advise each other to do. But, with the approaching death of February, I find myself again subconsciously hoping more and more that this will indeed be our month? Will it be? It could conceiveably. But who knows? There are SO many factors at play here, most of which we are not privy to as Western infidels. The issue of Middle Easterners saving face ( which is, believe it or not a HUGE deal there!), the intentional misinformation campaigns designed to throw us off balance and prevent rampant frenzied speculation....the back room deals no one seems to know about but many allude to knowing of but are "silenced" so as to not get certain un-nameable parties in trouble. Blah, blah blah Is there some huge Machievellian plan at work here by the super rich who silently rule the world? Maybe. It IS possible. Is the U.S. behind all the hold ups on our beloved R/V? Or China, or Japan, or the planet Skynxz? Who knows? Not one person here or any other site really has a clue. Even the mosr educated and well informed among us are simply guessing. Granted, it may be educated guessing with more insight than you or I have, but it is still in the end only guessing. I think what I will do and perhaps what all of us should do is gather all the "intel" presented, absorb it and then form our own opinions about what it means. Use the brain the Good Lord gave us and not be led down the primrose path by someone who annoints themselves a "guru" and has agendas of their own and nothing to do with OUR agendas. I agree whole-heartedly that we are indeed much much closer than we have ever been before...the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be growing brighter almost daily. Personally, I believe it IS, and that this ride is almost over, But! That is only what I think...not necessarily what anyone else thinks. I say again that we have to remember that no matter what we think, or deduce or believe, we can NEVER truly understand the Iraqi mentality. It is impossible for us because we are Westerners!!! A life time of studying their culture cannot change us nor make us understand their way of thinking and acting. We think as Western peoples...our logic is derived from that, and while we may think things are crystal clear as to a course of action for the country of Iraq, it may, in fact not be the least bit acceptable or viable to them. I suppose what I am getting at here is we have to continue to down the chill it or not. It WILL happen. Of that I am certain. But until it does, keep leading your life. Enjoy the day that God has granted you! Carpe Diem!
  4. I was just having a discussion in the chat room and a couple of things stuck in my mind about all this. Been in this now for 8 years, and like most everyone else, am frustrated and tired with how it has gone thus far. But I refuse to give up completely! Over the years I have sold off most of my stash out of necessity. While we wait, life goes on and so do the bills. But the little bit I have left will stay tucked away in my wallet until the great day arrives when we can actually go to the bank and come out with a smile and a butt load of cash. Many express their concerns for the Iraqi people themselves and what they live with on a day to day basis, which is a laudable sentiment. But I have to wonder about their altruistic feelings. I would wager to say the majority of dinarians are in this stricly for the money. Simple as that. And when the ride is over, one way or another, most will be perfectly happy to never even hear to word Iraq or Dinar ever again. Certainly it is disturbing to read about hungry children, no power, no electricity, etc.,etc.,etc. But you know something? We have the situation right here in our OWN country too! We see those comercials on tv about feeding a child in some Latin American country for just pennies a day...but you never see the same commercials for our own children here! I know I am going off on a tangent here, and I will digress. I agree 100% that to give up all hope at this point, and divest yourself of everything dinar wise would be a HUGE mistake. If your luck is like mine, you would do that, and the very next day you would be a millionaire or something. Don't get hooked on te hype and the guru prognostications. Use the mind God gave you. I think you will come away realizing that the Dinar HAS to ultimately rise in value!
  5. Wow. Ok, so we are being watched. So, what else is new? On a site such as this, it really should come as no surprise. Why would the Gov't be doing that? Quite a number of reasons actually. With all that has happened across the globe in regards to terrorist activity, virtually any site in the world would be monitored watching for some kind of indicative action that would cause alarm. The IRS is probably watching too, considering many of the discussions here and elsewhere tend to talk about ways to minimize taxes paid to them. "Big Brother" has been watching us for years, and will continue to do so more and more until they know precisely what time of day our bowels move. Get used to it. Just my personal opinion, but I think the time has already passed when we could have done something to stop this kind of intrusion into our private lives. It isn't just this site that has declined over the years, it is the whole country. As a three tour VietNam combat veteran, you can be assured I do love my country, but I do NOT trust my Government. We are lied to daily, almost hourly and are told only what they want us to know...and that does NOT mean what we are told is the truth. This site exists primarily for the discussion of the Iraqi Dinar as an investment, and all the things that go along with it. As such, and after having visited numerous other sites of the same nature, I think most of us would agree that this site remains probably the best, the most truly informed and educated on the internet. For those that disagree, so be it! Go somewhere else! Simple as that. But the bottom line here is, yes, I agree 100% in the possibility we are being monitored closely. Get used to it. It isn't going to stop.
  6. Well jeez Sarge...don't beat around the bush...tell us how you REALLY feel! Well said sir!
  7. I am a relatively new member here, and as such have not posted a great deal. However, I have been a shadow reader here and elsewhere for many years now. I have been invested in this dinar adventure now since late 2005, when I was a civilian in Iraq. At that time, the hot news of the day in Iraq was the revaluation of their currency. It became an every day, all day topic and frustrations ran high due to it. I remember well the days of people like shotgunsusie, clay and davedinar and all the hoopla they generated with their predictions. What never became clear to me in the beginning, and something that has persisted with me to this day, is the WHY regarding that frustration. It was known in the beginning that a revaluation such as we are expecting would be a chance thing and would undoubtedly be a drawn out affair. It finally dawned on me that our frustrations were due in large part to our way of thinking. We approach the scenario from our Western world way of thinking. We are used to our own logic and explanations and time frame schedules. Unfortunately, that thought process does not work here. We HAVE to approach it from a Middle Eastern thought process...something we, in all likelihood cannot ever accomplish because our own ways have been inbred into use since birth. We cannot think the way an Iraqi does...nor a Jordanian, Iranian, Turk, Syrian, Lebanese, etc. We are of the Western infidel world...incapable of understanding the fundamental subtleties of of their culture without intensive study requiring years of tireless effort. It may not be that we are totally incapable of such action, but most simply do not have the time or inclination to devote that much of their time. Far easier to just criticize and complain and carry on our daily lives here without ever understanding that OUR approach to this is not necessarily THEIR approach to the same situation. What makes perfect sense to us makes none to them and vice-versa. Granted, basic economics are what they are, but they are not the only factors at work here. It is not just politics either. It is a way of life that has been perpetuated in them for thousands of years. It is an accepted ideology that whatever circumstances they are in is simply their lot in life. For the most part, the majority of Iraqis today have known nothing but a dictator. Consequently, the thought of something called "Democracy" really has no meaning or value. They are used to being subjugated. Used to being poor. Used to being used. The sad part about it is that they do not know this, do not know how to change it, even though the means to do so has been and is being shown to them now. It's rather like the blind man being handed the color red and being asked to describe it. Make no mistake...I am a severely devout Dinarite and believe in this investment and adventure whole-heartedly. I also believe this ride is about over. For every new day that passes without the end occurring, I am just the same as most...I go to bed frustrated and disgusted thinking it should have happened today. I have to continually remind myself though, that this thing is not on MY time line. It is on theirs! I believe we truly are almost at the end of this. That it will come to the fruition we have waited for, prayed for, agonized about and need for all these years. But at the same time, I keep thinking of a quote I heard some years back " Just because you pass someone on a parallel road to yours, going in a different direction, does not mean THEY are the ones who are lost"!
  8. Actually, I believe things are actually moving faster than they ever have before! It still may be slow as far as we are concerned, but considering how long some of us have been watching and praying for this, seeing steady, albeit slow progress is reassuring to say the least! Go RV!
  9. What happened to numbers 5, 7, 8 and 10?
  10. Wow...hope there is indeed something to this story. Everybody here just jumped on this like a duck on a june bug.
  11. Well, I'm trying to not get too excited...been there and done that already! But this news today has me pretty optimistic. The most so in quite awhile now! Fingers and toes crossed!!
  12. If .91 cents is true, I'd take it in a Kentucky heartbeat and never look back!! Cry all the way to the bank with a loaf of bread under each arm...
  13. So, they just HAPPEN to find this huge deposit? Amazing, but then again reinforces what I heard years ago: when they were first described as the second or third largest oil reserve country in the world, something like 75% of their known oil fields were unexplored. Seems like this is now being proven true, if this article is correct. And truthfully, I think they know more about their in the ground reserves than they let on! The other article I read years ago seems like it will also be proven true...that Iraq will prove to be the single wealthiest country on the planet.
  14. For whatever it's worth, this rumor was one I bought into back in '05 when I first bought dinar. And, to be honest, was one of the motivators in my belief in it. We also heard quite a few other celebrities had invested including Jane Fonda and Ted Turner. Who knows? I do agree though that Trump would not invest a dime unless he thought he would get more than that back.
  15. I vote we get a seperate section just for 'Thugisms"
  16. Thanks for saying that. There are just so many people out there who could use some in hospitals, elderly needing everything, to say nothing of the vets. Kind of overwhelms you when you think about it...
  17. Much as it breaks my heart to do it, especially now, I am going to have to sell my last 50k dinar. I have a sick wife who needs meds, I need my own meds, and we are probably going to have our truck repo'd if I don't get some money fast. Everything is due Monday...the truck payment, the electric bill, and this internet. Got laid off from my job right before Christmas, so times are just rough. I am 62 years old and won't be getting Social Security till end of March, and have not been able to find a job. I have COPD, and a limp, so a good resume doesn't mean too much. Please help us out here if you can. Silas.
  18. Evening everyone. I hesitated starting this topic, but it is something that I really think needs to be addressed. I firmly believe in this investment, and even though I am not an overly religious person, I do think we were led into this for a it God, or whatever. Be that as it may, if we are as blessed with this thing as I suspect we will be, I think it behooves us all to do something other than gratify our own something worthwhile to help someone who truly needs some help. There are hundreds, if not thousands in any of the areas where you live that go without the basic necessities of living. What is not acceptable is that many of those folks are veterans of our military. As a 3 time Combat Veteran of VietNam, I see those vets everyday struggling to stay alive. I think we have been admitted into a cycle and in order for us to complete that cycle, we need to give to those who truly need. Not the scammers who stand on a corner with a sign who instantly transform any money placed into their hands into alcohol, tobacco or drugs, but those who are forced by our own society into sleeping cold, hungry and depressed. If a miracle can happen to our lives, I think it behooves us to make a miracle happen for someone else as well. So think about it...vets, children, the sick. And remember these prophetic words : " To the world you may be just one person. But to one person you just may be the world. Act accordingly!" You CAN make a difference!
  19. Make no mistake...Uncle Sam WILL get his piece of the pie. One way or another. There's the U.S. Govt., and then there's the IRS...
  20. I remember reading a few years ago when I was in Iraq that Iraq was touted as being arguably the second or third largest oil reserves country in the world. But the interesting thing is that when that determination was made app. 75% of the known oil fields were totally unexplored! So, yes, I would have to say they have WAY more than anyone knows about even today. jmho
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