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Mr. Phonics

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Everything posted by Mr. Phonics

  1. I did!!! You know why we have this???? America is so "politically correct" that instead of profiling people, they'll just lump everyone into the same category. It's sad now when you go to an airport that you are guilty until proven innocent. This isn't about safety, it's about being "politically correct." We are the only country on the planet that enforces this nonsense. Did you know that the underwear bomber, on the plane to Detroit, was on a "no fly" list??? Yet, he was still allowed on an airplane. I got an idea, instead of strip searching little boys and nuns, why don't we adhere to the "no fly" list!!! After all, they must be on that list for a reason!!!
  2. Let me get this straight... you would "fire" "whiners" but yet you would let liars and scam artists, such as (changed my mind, I was going to mention names here) and the list goes on, stay on board??? Give me an honest whiner any day of the week over a lying scam artist that is trying to pull one over on me. Oh, and, don't lump me in with the "low lives." I'm a 23 year old business owner. I started it when I was 20 and worked 2 jobs to get it off the ground. I AM NO LOW LIFE, sir!!!! I just like to live in the reality that no one on this board, NO ONE, knows exactly when this will happen. Have a nice day.
  3. Guests can no longer post anything. These are search engines that scan the website for "key words" for when you do searches on their websites.
  4. "^theStig" was addressing "kap & stretch." You both need to stop it. This thread is going to end up getting locked because of the two of you.
  5. Change your attitude and follow your own advice. One person saying something, that you find offensive doesn't give you the right to "tear into them." Have a nice day.
  6. Thanks for the laugh, PP. . "Might not always be right????" He has the same batting average as everyone else....0.000. These rumors have been going on for years and years.
  7. 1.) Mitt Romney 2.) Mitch Daniels 3.) Mike Pence I liked Newt Gingrich until he started talking about "global warming."
  8. Which forum was this chat held?
  9. Wow, so much negativity!!! Cheer up!!! "The sun will come out tomorrow."
  10. :lol: Thanks, I hadn't had a good laugh today.
  11. Sorry, pilgrim. The Democrats didn't gain control of Congress until 2006, not 2002.
  12. He had control of both Houses of Congress!!!!!! He had more than "a fair opportunity!!!" Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush. We went from "Bush lied, kids died," to "Blame Bush, Blame Bush." Give me a break, blaming Bush for everything is getting really old.
  13. We're not talking about them, they're not in power anymore. Have you ever heard of George Soros' "Secretary of State" plan??? He wants to get as many liberal democrats in "Secretary of State" positions to alter elections around the country. IF he can win these positions, then election results can be viewed and analyzed in a "progressive" way. And no, I didn't hear this from Glenn Beck!!!! I try not to follow anything the man has to say. Yeah, we had a surplus. The Congressional Republicans made President Clinton balance the budget.
  14. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Hooked on Phonics!!! "The Official DV Grammar Police, Retired"
  15. I'm from N.W. Indiana and now live in California. I do the same thing! I can see your point in telling people, but why the manager at a 7-11??? Sounds like you will tell anyone that will listen!
  16. I hope the mods move this to the chat log section. This is not "news." How do you know "Admin Rilee" is trustworthy????
  17. VIP members, which is every moderator, do not see the ads. So I really don't see how you can say there is a double standard when the mods don't even know those ads are popping up on the site. I'm sure it will now be brought to Adam's attention. Maybe I'll give him a call tomorrow, I haven't talked to him in a while!
  18. He did not post much, that is probably why you don't remember. I will back up dogmatic, there have been complaints that stretch back even further than April on that avatar.
  19. Those are random advertisements that come up on their own. Also, if you were VIP, you wouldn't see them.
  20. Well, it was up to "-9" but I made it "-8". I was glad the day "Eeyore" was forced to peddle his garbage some place else.
  21. Something that needs to be taken into consideration; there are many, many people that hang off of every word these people say. You have people buying more Dinar than they can afford and ruining themselves. Do your research on some that "stick their neck out on the line and give information" and you will see some do not have the most reputable past, which is putting it nicely. Are some a little too rude? Yes. Are some a little too mean? Yes. But on the other hand, do some people have their "head in the clouds" hanging on every word given by these people? Yes. P.S. - I do agree with you about "Bush haters," but they aren't the same people that can't stand the likes of TK, Eeyore and all the others. P.P.S. - In a spirit of kindness, I will not point out all of your grammatical errors like I, sometimes, do when responding to posts. ;) Have a good day!
  22. No, I'll tell you what is irresponsible, people hanging onto every last word of some of these "gurus." People need to live their life like it won't happen for another 5 years. It will much better for their nerves and maybe their blood pressure. Thanks again, Eagleman!
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