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Everything posted by Upgradable

  1. Upgradable

    DD chat

    fingers crossed thanks Rich!
  2. What I read is that he is not going to be pushed into accepting a "quota for a particular party." In my mind, all his talk about not having two governments means that he is trying to deny Allawi any significant power at all. I think the following part of the article is very telling: I'm seeing these statements as a glimpse at a significant block to the completion of the GOI. Maliki is not going to allow ANYONE to share his power!
  3. Thanks, as always, Doc! I thought it interesting watching the world news last night. All the focus on the instability in Egypt, while linking it with Tunesia, yet not a single word about the steps Iraq is taking and either how this could affect the new GOI, or how it could be an example that other ME countries are trying to emulate. Just made me go "hmmm...."
  4. I just noticed that my passport has expired (Jan. 22). I would like to get it renewed ASAP just in case the RV comes in and I decide to take an immediate trip out of the country. Has anyone used a Passport Expediting Service? Can anyone recommend one that they have had a good experience with?
  5. All the "heads" together except Maliki? So how many believe he wasn't a topic of discussion??
  6. I'm surprised Mr. Mubarak(sp?) had time to draft a note of congratulations in the last couple of days. One would think he'd be a bit busy with everything going on outside his own back door.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. And everyone, all we truly know about this investments is that we don't know anything! I'd love to believe that the US govt and IRS would be thrilled for our new found wealth. I guess I'm just worried about being too naive.
  8. I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything about the US govt enacting some sort of Windfall Tax immediately after RV that could tax our profit by as much as 70%? Is there any hard documentation on this?
  9. Did you read the article prior to posting it? If not, here's the first sentence: I don't know any bookie who would take a bet on Wednesday for something that happened on Tuesday, no matter how accurate it WAS.
  10. I mocked my father for 2 years about the dinar. Then at the beginning of December he sent me a link to DV and said, "just research like you do. Could you imagine a $1000 investment making you $1,000,000?" So I read and researched, and here I am! Now more invested than he. People have to see for themselves.
  11. I agree with Bumpers assessment. If Adam is considering this to 1) require some time to encourage reading and researching before posting questions, or 2) deter rabble rousers from registering and posting just to cause trouble, I believe a 72 hour period will allow for both to occur without discouraging viable new members from going somewhere else where they can post their questions or observations and get less honest and accurate replies than they would get here at DV.
  12. Adam, I sure appreciate your post and your perspective. But, you certainly disappoint me with the last line. GO BEARS!!
  13. This is the greatest bit of news I've heard in the past several days!! Way to go, guys! Stay safe!!!
  14. Muqtada al-Sadr's return to Iran suddenly تاريخ النشر 21/01/2011 09:06 PM Posted 21/01/2011 09:06 PM النجف (رويترز) : قال مساعدون لرجل الدين الشيعي العراقي المناهض للولايات المتحدة مقتدى الصدر إنه عاد إلى إيران الجمعة بعدما قضى أسبوعين في العراق بعد فترة طويلة كان قد أمضاها في إيران. Najaf (Reuters): Aides to Iraqi Shi'ite cleric anti-American Moqtada al-Sadr said he returned to Iran on Friday after spending two weeks in Iraq long after he had spent in Iran. وغادر الصدر البلاد دون ضجة إعلامية. Chest and left the country without fanfare. وكانت خطب الصدر تحشد ملايين الشيعة الفقراء ضد القوات الأمريكية بعد غزو العراق في 2003 ولعبت الميليشيا التابعة له دورا كبيرا في العنف الطائفي الذي أطبق على العراق. The speeches of al-Sadr mobilized millions of poor Shiites against the American forces after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and his militia played a major role in the sectarian violence that has engulfed Iraq. وقال مصدر من داخل مكتبه طالبا عدم الكشف عن اسمه "نعم عاد السيد مقتدى الصدر إلى إيران." A source from inside his office, asking not to be named, "Yes, Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr returned to Iran." ولم يتضح على الفور ما إذا كان الصدر قد عاد إلى إيران مؤقتا أم انه ينوي البقاء لفترة ربما لاستئناف الدراسات الدينية في مدينة قم في إيران. Was not immediately clear whether al-Sadr had returned to Iran temporarily or that he intended to stay for a period of perhaps for the resumption of religious studies in Qom in Iran. وقال عضو كبير سابق في ميليشيا جيش المهدي التابعة للصدر إن عودته إلى إيران "مفاجأة" في حين قال عضو في كتلته السياسية إن من المتوقع ان يعود للعراق قريبا. A senior member of former militia, the Mahdi Army of Sadr that his return to Iran, "surprise," while a member of the political bloc that is expected to return to Iraq soon. وكان الصدر عاد إلى العراق في الخامس من يناير كانون الثاني بعد اكثر من ثلاث سنوات من فراره من البلاد في مواجهة أمر اعتقال قديم بحقه من جانب الأمريكيين. Al-Sadr returned to Iraq on the fifth of January after more than three years of fleeing the country in the face of an arrest warrant against him is part of the Americans. واصبحت الحركة الصدرية قوة سياسية ذات نفوذ كبير في العراق بعدما حصلت على 39 مقعدا في الانتخابات البرلمانية التي جرت العام الماضي ولعبت دورا محوريا في ضمان إعادة تعيين نوري المالكي رئيسا للوزراء الشهر الماضي. The Sadrist movement has become a political force with considerable influence in Iraq after winning 39 seats in parliamentary elections last year and played a pivotal role in ensuring the re-appointment of Nouri al-Maliki as prime minister last month. وسيجعل هذا النفوذ من الصعب على المالكي التفكير في تمديد الوجود العسكري الأمريكي إلى ما بعد نهاية العام حيث يتعين على القوات الأمريكية الانسحاب بموجب اتفاقية امنية. This will make it difficult to influence thinking on Maliki to extend the U.S. military presence until after the end of the year, where U.S. forces must withdraw under a security agreement. وكانت ميليشيا جيش المهدي قد خاضت انتفاضتين ضد القوى الأمريكية في 2004 لكن المالكي سحقها في هجوم بدعم من القوات الأمريكية في 2008. The Mehdi Army militia fought two uprisings against U.S. forces in 2004, but al-Maliki was defeated in the attack with the support of U.S. forces in 2008. وطالب الصدر الحكومة في أول خطاب علني له بعد عودته من إيران باحترام تعهد بعدم السماح ببقاء القوات الأمريكية. Sadr demanded that the government in his first public speech after his return from Iran to respect a pledge not to allow U.S. troops to stay. وانخفض عدد القوات الأمريكية في العراق إلى أقل من 50 ألفا في اغسطس اب حين تحول الجيش الأمريكي إلى القيام بدور استشاري وداعم للحكومة العراقية بدلا من تصدر القتال ضد المسلحين. The number of U.S. troops in Iraq to less than 50 thousand in August, while turning the U.S. military to play an advisory and supportive role to the Iraqi government issued instead of fighting against insurgents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link
  15. Okay, I know math is not my top subject, but why did he take the 4 billion kuwaiti dollars (that will go to the people) and multiply it by the 3.54? He was already in KWD.
  16. Thank you, Brisco. It's always darkest right before the dawn.
  17. So, the extra items equate to about $10 US per person, but they're loading the cards with 500 IQD (which right now is worth about .42 cents US). According to VIZ, that would indicate a rate of 1.35 IQD per dollar. How does that work for everyone? I'd take instead of a slap across the face!!
  18. Thanks, VIS. This sounds as if the SMART CARDS and RATION CARDS are the same thing. Is this what you're getting too?
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