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Everything posted by MyLadiesDaddy

  1. I wish to say that this experience has been one of the most educational experiences I've ever had. DV has helped me to grow and become a better person in more ways than I can ever express. I thank everyone, those who loved my commentary and those who didn't. It's without question that this site has forever changed me for the better. I am thankful for Adam Montana and all the moderators who gave me a chance when I probably didn't deserve it. Nevertheless, life has become more than enough for me to deal with. Also I believe that there's nothing more I can offer anyone here. My emotions are as strong as they are deep and for me to continue here would be like playing with ๐Ÿ”ฅ Fire. I simply don't wish to lose the hard earned respect from my peers. I've made several dear friends ๐Ÿงก here and would loved to have visited with you all. @pokerplayer Gloria you and your husband are, and always will be, near and dear to my heart and family. You know how to contact me. @yota691 John, where are you. I've so missed our conversations. Praying the Lord that everything is well with you. You're a great man. @TexasGranny Your level headed approach to everything astounds me. Such a beautiful person and wonderful spirit. May God bless you in everything. @bigwave I've never before seen someone as educated as you that has such a rounded perspective on life. And while I will no longer post I most certainly will be following you. A man who has something to teach everyone. Please don't ever stop. @NoviceInvestor Your generosity for my family will never be forgotten. I'm not sure if you still visit DV but I pray everything is well with you and your family down under. If we never see each other this side of Heaven I always have hope that we will on the other side. @Adam Montana Finally the architect of something so great. Which has cost you just too much. Nevertheless, I must say that your passion for letting everyone speak their piece as long as they are respectful is truly a rare commodity. Nothing could bring back what you paid for in creating this site. So please know that I speak for many here when I say, thank you. As long as I live you and your family will be in my prayers. There are so many others here that I would like to say thanks to individually but that would make this the longest post in DV history. Suffice it to say everyone here has played a part in helping me to be a better human being. God bless you all. ๐ŸŽ…
  2. Sorry, but for us who love the Lord ,everything is his will. And think about what you just said,... Your financial reward was an earthly compensation for your loss - Do you actually believe that anything on this pathetic world filled with all manner of sin would be enough compensation for my child? Sorry but you could offer me all the wealth on His earth and I would not want one penny if I can't have my baby. As far as, "missing it, I'm not a fool. Having wealth and wanting wealth are too entirely different things. Why is it that people without wealth crave it? Why would Jesus give anyone that which will blind them forever? So why did he give it to me? The very night Jesus took my little baby girl my wife asked me in the parking lot of the hospital, what are you going to do now? My reply was as honest as it was simple. "I'm going to get as close to Jesus as is humanly possible. Because I know she's in Heaven and I'm going to see her again." Jesus knew what my reaction would be, but more importantly he knew that was the only way I would change. Sadly, he took her because I wouldn't listen any other way. When He wants to get our attention, BELIEVE ME HE WILL. His mercy, however, gave me two more precious little girls. For me it was like Jesus saying, "I understand your pain". Nothing on this world is going to come between me, Jesus, Or seeing my baby girl. It's really simple, Everything, on this world will soon be burned up in the fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ of God's wrath. Thus, nothing on this world should be desired, save Salvation. And if a person calls themselves a preacher doesn't understand that simple reality, I'd strongly suggest finding someone who does understand. Something else to say, I do my best to follow Jesus, not saying I'm good at it, but I'm trying my best. Therefore, Everything in my life is in Jesus hands. Really do you think that Jesus is going to allow my child to perish without his will? Not even the worst sinner dies without his will. Not even a bird ๐Ÿฆ can fall to the ground dead without His will. Believing otherwise is not listening to the Holy Spirit.
  3. In this we ABSOLUTELY agree. It will be Biblical. It's called the TRIBULATION. And I'm not going to be sitting around believing that Jesus will give me more money than ever. I used to pray for wealth so I could be a blessing to everyone. All the while knowing that I would use it to bless myself first. What a lie I kept telling myself. But, sister, make no mistake about it, Jesus WILL give you what you are asking for if you continue. So allow me to tell you a secret. I recently received more currency than most people have ever seen. You wouldn't believe the amount. And what was the catalyst that brought me such wealth? A LAWSUIT!!!!!!! And what was the reason for the lawsuit? Medical Malpractice. You see sister, in order for me to become more wealthier than most people I had to hold my precious little daughter in my hands as she died. Let me say it again, SHE DIED IN MY VERY OWN HANDS. The very same day that her mother had taken her to the pediatrician. A quack doctor who was so afraid of the so called covid flu that he and his staff never even bothered to check her vitals. Straight up, they even recorded it in their own records. I'm not allowed to say what the settlement was because the hospital was so embarrassed and insisted that I sign a non disclosure agreement. But you're an intelligent girl, you do the math. Suffice it to say that immediately after the settlement I realized I would never have to work again, and retired. Oh yeah, Jesus gave me exactly what I asked for. And I would GLADLY give it back to him for just a few minutes with my baby girl. So be very careful with the power of your prayers ๐Ÿ™ because eventually Jesus will grow tired of them and your insistence granting you what you want. Never forget these words, YOU WILL REGRET ASKING. Forget what you call "prophets" and research eschatology. From the Euphrates drying up to calamities of nature, to The nation of Israel being totally surrounded by her enemies, we are witnessing the GREATEST BIBLICAL EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY. Sadly very few are even noticing. More concerned about wealth untold they are missing the...... GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. Please, sister, know that I am not against you. Actually I vehemently love your passion for our Lord Jesus Christ. And that is why I try. This is something of a calling. I'm not a preacher nor a Priest. I'm not a prophet to be sure. I am just a father who refused to listen to the unction of the Holy Spirit until it was too late. I once wrote a song and I wish to give you the chorus I keep my eyes on Jesus, Cause Jesus never takes his eyes ๐Ÿ‘€ off me. I would ask you one favor, take this post to your preacher and ask him for his thoughts. Somehow I believe you will be surprised. Your loving Brother in Christ Saint Nick
  4. Hey, @skeetdog (yeah I called you out) you're such a pathetic looser. A total pos. To stupid to even understand I had nothing to do with you being banned. And too stupid to understand that you dropping rubies on me for nothing is EXACTLY the kind of behavior that got you banned from posting in the first place. Take a hint little boy and go away.
  5. So..... today I had a big revelation. I've been touting silver and gold for over 4 years. However, I was lead to believe that Precious metals had zero counter party risk. Especially when you hold it personally. This is NOT entirely true!!!! When you purchase a PM you pay a hefty premium. That premium is based on the spot price. BUT when you attempt to sale PMs you are not going to receive the spot price. You're going to receive the "BID" price. Which is ALWAYS 30 cents below the spot price. Which essentially negates the so called spot price as irrelevant to the buyer. Because you will never pay it or sell at it. You may be wondering then, where is the counter party risk? Well it's hiding in the complete and immoral manipulation of the financial institutions. The dealers know that there are 6 of the largest financial institutions in America who are NEVER going to allow PMs ,especially silver, to rise above certain levels. Thus, it's next to impossible for the average investor to make a decent profit. If any profit at all. Therefore, the counter party risk is hidden in the quiet manipulation and the dealers pricing. Having said that you must be willing to hold your metals for the long haul. Or else you're just blowing currency. And there's always the small possibility that something will break and the BANKSTERS loose control. At which time Both Silver and Gold would reveal their true price discovery. Just for inflation from Silvers all time high of $50 dollars in 1980 the price would be north of $200 an ounce. So what could cause the BANKSTERS to lose control? WW3, an all out revolution,...... OR EVERYONE IN AMERICA WITHDRAWING THEIR MONEY FROM THE BANKS AT THE SAME TIME. Of course that's not gonna happen because most people have been brainwashed to be sheep. So remember, if you want to buy PMs do so with extreme caution.
  7. Anyone willing to Slaughter their own baby had best stay away from me. It's really simple, if you're willing to Slaughter your own baby ๐Ÿ‘ถ then I doubt there's anything you won't do to me.
  8. Many people in my life think I'm crazy because I speak the truth. I see demons ๐Ÿ˜ˆ, they're everywhere. And I have 2 things to say about that. 1st, make no mistake about it, a demon possessed person also knows 100% when it sees a Holy Spirit filled person. 2nd, Demons ๐Ÿ˜ˆ are, "like Satan ", absolutely stupid. From Lucifer to the lowest demon they've NEVER had an original thought. They want one thing only, YOU DEAD! But the most dangerous ones claim themselves to be Christian. They hide behind a false Christianity while subtlety attacking Holy Spirit filled Christians. I could give you hundreds of scriptures explaining that anyone who claims to be Christian while hating another is a liar and the truth is not in them. They," have itchy ears,... 2 Timothy 4:3-4 New King James Version (NKJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. They will justify following those who lie and say words that are in agreement with their own desires and lust. Nevertheless, those false Christians are so blinded by their demons that it's practically impossible for them to understand. This was prophesied by true prophets throughout the ages. "For there shall come a great falling away before the coming of the Lord ". Clearly that is the situation today. The BLOOD THIRSTY cop in this video unequivocally proves what I'm saying. He's probably considered a Pilar of the church he goes to. Like so many christians believing that simply going to church and saying, "praise Jesus", will get them to Heaven. But in the end he will stand before Jesus only to hear him say, "Depart from me you worker of sin, I never knew you". Not ONE SINGLE DAY PASSES wherein I don't beg my Savior to keep me from being so blinded. Forever questioning my own lot in life. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that all of the Apostles were the same way. 1st Corinthians 9:27 Of course there's always the possibility that I haven't a clue.
  9. You know how my mind thinks and I had a thought that shocked me. What is the possibility that the military is actually running the country? There's far too many people who's current picture clearly shows that they're not the same person. The final giveaway was a video I recently watched, The person playing Biden scratches the back of his neck and as clear as day you could tell that the person was wearing a mask ๐Ÿ˜ท. However, I cannot for the life of me understand why all the subterfuge. What do you think?
  10. OMG! Please don't ever think I believe that Jack a$$. He's just trying to get out of the bus before it's nuked by Trump. A demon possessed asswipe he is to be sure. Sadly the Don will give him a pass just to use him. He's been given the credit for creating FB,META by the CIA ( who actually created that platform) just to get MORONS the world over to stupidly give up all their personal information. We've seen the video where the CIA asked congress for more money to support FB. I am quitting drinking today FOREVER. Even though I own a liquor store I now know why they have always called them "Spirits". With evey bottle and can comes a demon. And if the last 8 years has taught me anything it's that, "all hell is pouring forth upon humanity." Therefore, I'm pulling my dumb A$$ out of the way. I'm forever calling a SPADE A SPADE. And if anyone is offended by that word then suck it. Cards are what they are. 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 GAME OVER
  11. Also @caddieman if you're willing to look outside the box it's becoming clearer every day that the demonic rats are jumping ship. They know themselves that the kameltowe freak of nature will NEVER be President.
  12. @caddieman I was gonna give you a lot more details but my brother from another mother did a fine job. Like when you asked me to prove all the layoffs I created a thread that got to much information for me to continue with. Proving the inbound flights of illegal immigrants would be just as time consuming. However, if you really want to understand what is happening around the world follow this guy. Please don't say that he's just some youtuber. He's not. He's worked in the spec opps most of his life. He's worked in the military aviation side on top secret projects. Every bird that flies has a transponder. Letting everyone know who they are and where they are. Also who owns the bird. Using this information one can extrapolate what is being transported. At @ 16:20 in this video he begins to talk about the immigration flights. I think you would find his information very interesting.
  13. I will say this, the Holy Spirit told me himself that Trump will be the President. And the world will be changed forever because of it. It's not hope for me, it's already done. And the war in the Middle East against Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ will come to an end. May God help us all.๐Ÿ™
  14. No they won't. Don't accept the lies of the Lame Steam Media. Kameltowe hasn't ever gotten a single vote ๐Ÿ™„ and I doubt she ever will. Of all the morons the demonic left could have picked closing her just so they could steal Bidens money was by far the dumbest of all. There are powers working here that few are willing to ever understand. Rest assured Trump will be the next POTUS. Come what may. The race ended at Butler PA.
  15. Somebody better let this freak of nature know that when she looses BIG TIME and her sexual pervert freaks of nature followers start rioting again, Trump and ALL his supporters will finally clean house.
  16. I'm going to bed right now but I will bring you some tomorrow. It's not even something they're trying to hide. However, it's also something that the LSM won't talk about.
  17. And she also says she wasn't in charge of the border. That she's black, and that it's a close race. But she actually stole the nomination from Biden, and all his fundraising money. She literally transported tens of thousands of ILLEGAL military aged men into America via direct flights from south America. Taking them to American cities. She is the absolute most ignorant moron EVER to be in office. This isn't a race against liberals and conservatives. It's a Battle of Pure evil. Anyone supporting this EVIL ๐Ÿ˜ˆ is either ignorant or subjected to their own demonic forces. Do you even realize that just a month ago EVERYONE wanted her off the ticket? At this point in time it's perfectly clear to me America is lost. And the second coming is upon us. Or as the Lord called it, " THE GREAT TRIBULATION"
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