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Norm Walker

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Everything posted by Norm Walker

  1. Most people think we are kooks. I even have one friend that won't return my calls after i told him he might want to invest. He asked how I was going to make money off of him!!!! I was totally blown away, here i was trying to help him out and he assumes I am trying to make money off of him. He is going to be the first person I invite over to my new house when it is done.
  2. Cris I will definetly look into it more to be sure. I will not chance having my Dinar confiscated or stolen, it is just too much money to risk it. I have thought about the private plane but they run about $1K per hour and it will be 4+ hours from MSP.
  3. I am hoping to trade in my Dinars in California with Ali. My wife and our two boys live in a small rural Midwest town. Armed robberies are almost unheard of here so we should be very safe in our home. I am also a gun collector and shooter so I do have the means to protects myself and family form any threats that come into our house. I would be flying out of Minneapolis Saint Paul International Airport. I plan to fly first class into LA where I will be having a private car meet me at the airport and take me to Ali's office. I will be wearing shorts and only have one small bag with me. I am a full time student so I will be trying my best to look like a college kid and blend in with the people in Cali. Ali has explained some of his security measures and I can say being in his office will probably be the safest place I will be all day. Once my dinars have been counted and my money has been wired out. I will check my online account with my iPad and then leave Ali's office to go down to my waiting car. Ali has said that there will even be security in the parking garage of his building. I plan to take the very first flight out of LAX to the midwest so that I can get back home to my wife and kids. If I cannot get an appointment at Ali's office in LA then I will probalby wait for one of the Satelite offices to open up. Keys to my plan: 1. At no time will I ever be walking down any streets by myself 2. Hiring a private car with trusted transport company 3. No overnight in hotels 4. No money talk with anyone on the flight or with car company 5. Blend in look like a nobody 6. Avoid expensive cheap cheap 7. My wife and parents will be the only people that know of my travel plans
  4. OK I looked into this and NavyChick is correct you can fly in the US with as much money as you can haul with you. It is when you want to leave the country that things get a little trickier.
  5. I am interested to hear how people plan to travel if they think that it is not safe to fly with that kind of cash?? I know there are rules about flying with more then $10K US Dollars, but I can't imagine they would care if you are traveling with a bunch of Iraqi money. NW
  6. Bottom line is there is no evidence that the US owns Dinar? There should be a report somewhere that states how much Dinar the US owns, but no one can produce it.
  7. That about covers it for me. I usually check the CBI website, and my email every single morning first thing.
  8. I would just bring your passport or some type of documentation to prove that you were in Iraq. Some of the Dinar dealers such as Dinar Banker are requiring some type of proof of purchase.
  9. Yes what a great game!
  10. Sounds like a dumb pilot, I don't think it is any sort of conspiracy.
  11. I will probably just quit. I have seen my employer fire and lay off people with no notice I don't feel I owe them that much. I am close to being laid off myself and if they do lay me off I know there will be no notice. The wife and I have enough Dinars that we can live off the interest for the rest of our lives.
  12. Good then lets plan on it happening this weekend. NW
  13. It is always interesting to see these threads rise from the dead. NW
  14. It has been fascinating the range or responses I have had from people. I have talked to most of my family and extended family. I have even mentioned my investment to most of my coworkers. About 75% of the people I talk to say that it is just too good to be true so it must be a scam! They won't do the research or take the time to really learn what we are talking about. It is some sort of mental block that most people have. The other 25% know that I did my homework and would not buy in without a good reason, and are willing to risk some cash to see an amazing return. Why don't more people get in?? I just don't get it.
  15. DD is good stuff I am excited to see what happens after this weekend.
  16. Some people just like to feel important.
  17. This made my day thanks!! PHOENIX!!!
  18. I laughed so hard I almost blew my drink all over my monitor.
  19. We like the work "sson" just hope their soon and my soon are the same.
  20. There has to be documentation out there somewhere I wish some online detective could come up with something.
  21. I hope we are close now, all this good news is great!
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