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Everything posted by thegente

  1. Do some research in LOP talk, you will find all the answers there. They are simply going to remove the larger bill from circulation over time, not LOP the zeroes off and reduce the value of the currency itself. Hope this helps!
  2. They need more TIME? I think this is definitely smoke, or they are smoking something.
  3. Well, we ARE coming up on the mid-month payday for many people. Seems to happen like clockwork just before the 1st and the 15th every month. I guess we just wait and see. Hope it's not pumping this time, and we can be done with it.
  4. The fact is, NO ONE KNOWS, period. We will wake up one morning, and BAM-it will be done. I think that morning will be sooner than later however!
  5. I guess they got tired of using "soon", "imminent", "2 days", and "in the coming weeks".
  6. I followed your link and this is what it stated: "Bi tarikh Al Ghad” is a weekly political talk-show prepared and presented by Ahmad Hassan and directed by Yaseen Mohamad Amin. It retraces the latest major political developments taking place in Iraq and handles events from a leading-edge angle. “Bi tarikh al ghad’ projects the consequences of newest developments on the political process and highlights their effect on the current situation. It analyzes as well the future impact of the present situation on Tomorrow’s political stands and provides insight on how Iraqis see their future. “Bi Tarikh Al Ghad” is a political talk-show aimed at uncovering the fate of Iraq. It's not stating anything regarding currency or financial matters, but then again when has anything from Iraq made any kind of sense to the Western mind? Where did you find that link? I don't see it mentioned in the article.
  7. Here is the link and the article about Friday the 15th public address on deleting the zeroes: As of tomorrow displays the file "to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency (صوت العراق) - 11-10-2010 (Voice of Iraq) - 10/11/2010 ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق Send this to a friend (صوت العراق) - - 11 اكتوبر 2010- شرع البنك المركزي في مطلع عام 2007 بوضع مشروع استراتيجي يقع تحت عنوان اصلاح نظام ادارة العملة العراقية بتوصية من اللجنة الاقتصادية العليا التابعة لمجلس الوزراء مع دعم من وزارة المالية العراقية. (Voice of Iraq) - - October 11, 2010 - The Central Bank launched in early 2007, to develop a strategic project located under the title of the reform of management system of the Iraqi currency on the recommendation of the Supreme Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers with the support of the Iraqi Ministry of Finance. يتحدث المشروع عن استبدال تدريجي للعملة العراقية بأخرى اقل منها في القيمة الاسمية. The project speaks for gradual substitution of the Iraqi currency with another is lower than in the nominal value. انطلاقاً من هنا، يطرح برنامج "بتاريخ الغد" على قناة السومرية، مساء الجمعة 15 أكتوبر 2010 الساعة العاشرة مساءً بتوقيت بغداد هذا الموضوع لمعرفة تداعياته على الاقتصاد العراقي. From here, presents the program "as of tomorrow" on Alsumaria afternoon, Friday, October 15, 2010 at ten pm Baghdad time this topic to see its repercussions on the Iraqi economy. سيناقش معد ومقدم البرنامج أحمد حسن مع ضيوفه محاور عديدة في سياق الحلقة. Contagious and will discuss the program with guests Ahmed Hassan several themes in the context of the loop. فهل الاجواء الاقتصادية مهيئة لترتيب هذه التغيرات على العملة؟ Does the economic climate well suited to the order of these changes on the currency? وما اثار حذف الاصفار منها وهل هذا يسبب اضطرابات في السوق العراقية؟ The effects of deletion of zeros, including whether this is causing unrest in the Iraqi market? من جهة اخرى، يناقش الضيوف امكانية بت هذا المشروع لاصلاح نظام المدفوعات العراقي ومدى تاثير حذف الاصفار على سوق الاوراق المالية بالاضافة الى النسب المنجزة لعملية حذف الاصفار. Meanwhile, the guests discuss the possibility of bit of this project to reform the Iraqi system of payments and the impact of deletion of zeros on the stock market as well as to the descent completed the process of deletion of zeros. فهل ستضيف عملية حذف الاصفار الى القيمة الشرائية شيئا وما المكاسب الاقتصادية التي سيخرج بها هذا المشروع؟ Is a delete operation will add zeros to the value of purchasing something and economic gains that will come out in this project? بالاضافة الى تفاصيل أخرى أكثر دقّة متعلقة بتوقيت العمل بالمشروع. In addition to details of other more accurate timing of the work related to the project. ويستضيف "بتاريخ الغد" في الحلقة المقبلة مستشار البنك المركزي العراقي مظهر محمد والخبيرين الاقتصاديين باسم انطوان وماجد الصوري بالاضافة الى الخبير الاقتصادي ثائر الفيلي المتحدث باسم هيئة استثمار بغداد فضلاً عن رئيس اتحاد رجال الأعمال العراقي راغب رضا والمستثمر الصناعي ثابت البلداوي. Hosts "on tomorrow" in the next episode adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed and two economists as Antoine Majid picture in addition to the economic expert Faili spokesman Thaer Investment Authority, Baghdad, as well as the President of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen and investors willing Reza industrial fixed Baldawi. يتفرغ فريق عمل "بتاريخ الغد" هذا الاسبوع لطرح حلقة بعنوان "حذف الاصفار" من العملة العراقية مساء الجمعة 15 أكتوبر 2010 الساعة العاشرة مساءً بتوقيت بغداد، والاعادة صباح الأحد الساعة الحادية عشر على قناة السومرية، الشبكة الفضائية العراقية. Full-time working group "on tomorrow" this week to put the episode titled "Delete zeros" of the Iraqi currency pm Friday, October 15, 2010 at ten pm Baghdad time, and run-off on Sunday morning at ten o'clock on Alsumaria, Iraqi Satellite TV Network.
  8. We could very well be screwed. Oh well, we will find out soon!
  9. Thanks for the info JoeP. I'll take a buck+!
  10. I guess we will all find out this weekend. It's out of our control, so I'm not gonna stress it, too many other things to deal with in life.
  11. If they RV @ .85, speculation will destroy them. They will not risk a run of EPIC proportions to pull in some larger notes held by smaller speculators, it would leave them wide open to hedge-funds and the like. Exactly what they DON'T want. If they RV at a rate similar to their neighbors, they will avoid this, and make some smaller speculators (like us) millionaires, which is a drop in the bucket to them.
  12. The CBI could be putting these reports out to scare large scale speculation away as well. Being so close to an RV they've gotta be paranoid about a leak from the inside.
  13. If they are introducing a lower denoms that equate with the larger bills, how is that NOT a LOP? That would mean 25 Dinar note lower denom=25K Dinar note. Unless they intend to make Iraqis very rich, (which would be great for the country) and simply break the larger bills into the smaller denoms at the time of exchange. Then you would have 25-100 Dinar notes or vice versa. Then we would be A-O-K. Fact is, we just don't know for sure. I hope we find out soon!
  14. Hey, you NEVER know, it's as good of a day as any.
  15. As soon as I see Frank or G.E.T, I move on.
  16. NOW the State of Law wants to speak about protecting the constitution and the will of the Iraqi people? What a crock. These guys make our politicians look like boy-scouts.
  17. And look at all the good it's done. Our administration is a JOKE-
  18. In "two days" we will "soon" discuss "mechanisms" for a meeting to have an "imminent" result for the formation of the govt. Drives you CRAZY doesn't it! hahahaha
  19. I doubt the powers that be will allow this farce to continue much longer, especially with the threat of a possible coup and civil war looming. Too many greenbacks at stake.
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