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Everything posted by BW3

  1. GREAT POST! THANK YOU!! Looks like the country investors are ready to GET THIERS!!!!! CHEERS!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  2. NICE,, inch worm,,, inch worm....... how many inches are we to the goal? LOL........ inches.... hahaha
  3. THANKS FOR THE POST! Sounds like forward movement and that's a miracle with these slow-boat decision makers....
  4. Thanks for the Post! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING TO ALL OF THIS>>> zero cash 38 days,,, gold,,,oil<<<< = RV TIME~~~!!!!!!!!
  5. Hello, NO RV YET! All just speculation right now.... Kindof like when guys think they "know" who the winner of the game will be on Monday night football.... Keeps us OCD people busy...LOL ALL GOOD,,, hang tight..... WE ARE SOOOOOOO CLOSE... but not yet btw~ If other countries can RV, so can we.... Only Internal vs. External RV is only concern,, but it's not a big one.....
  6. THAT GOES ALONG WITH MOST ALL OF WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS WHOLE TIME....... knock the zeros,, and you get A REAL VALUE! (I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT LOP) ALL U Lingys out there.....LOL EX: 1170 = 1.170 (in this senario ONLY), then let the market build it up from there!!!
  7. I am using the "Safe Keeping" ONLY for my IRA with Entrust of my invested Dinars. All other Dinar "cash in hand" is in my safe at home... It was easier, so (my hands dont touch it) and it is not taxable in my IRA (no co-mingling here),,,, UNTIL I TAKE IT OUT of my IRA account Also, it would be super easy to have DinarTrade, change them into smaller denoms, if I so choose, and keep playing the game... I have heard that Ali has an appointment with CBI, the Dec. 15th about setting up his private bank in Iraq, which has been his goal from day 1. Hope this helps! GO RV!!
  8. Thanks for the post! They are simply stating that you literally cut and pasted another post.. SO it started with "I"... Meaning,,, we thought you were making the comments, because you did not clarify. No worries mate. Thank you for clarifying OMG. Many peeps here really like SteveI, he is a professional and a good man! GO RV 2010!!
  9. NICE...... I bet Ali will be getting his bank soon enough!!! Love it! Thanks for the POST!!
  10. Yes, I have to agree and most all intel reports of more countrys ready for their returns, from all debt forgiving, in the past 8 years. LOL... Plus they are on SWIFT now, so who cares... We will get paid... this is 2010, not 1980 with computers that are bigger than most server rooms these days... Sheeeesh!! Didn't hear something about the Fed Reserve owning the CBI..???? How about them apples.... ??? GO RV!! 2010 or 2011!! either way,,, ALL GOOD!!!!
  12. AGREED, thanks for the post!!! Regardless it will happen soon,,, indeed! BE BLESSED!!
  13. THANKS DOC.... YOU ROCK!!! Let's hope the banks dont stop,,,, until the RV hammer Drops.....
  14. Honestly, (from .10 to $8.00 OR anything in between)!!! This is one of the BEST Investments Ever... How FUN!!!!!
  15. I recall hearing that similar story about 3 or 4 weeks ago.. Because they were speculated it would be higher than 1:1 so they will gladly trade them in exchange of hopes & Higer future returns... Either way, THAT IS GOOD FOR THE RV!!!! Just another confirmation of many people working together, YOU ALL ROCK!! Seriously!! Thank you!!
  16. Nice find & speculation. Thank you baby Jesus for our soon to be new fortunes! jkjkjk.. But seriously GO RV!!!
  17. Hey VIPs, I am greedy... LOL... I could never have enough money.... But we do indeed share with the many charities and many local events we sponsor around here, (we have a special account just for that), promise!! So, with that being said.... What are you all up to with your wisdoms or "word of mouth" of other investing areas...??? Adam, mainly I feel there will be great opporitunity in Iraq and what you are up too, if you feel like sharing... I am very interested in Iraq's growth and perhaps with sustainable mobile-home type pods or something.??? My self, I am mainly a real estate guy in Arizona!! Where are you investing>?? GO RV and HAPPY INVESTING!!! Thank you, Brett
  18. Thanks ADAM for this great site!!! and YES for ALL the INTEL guys & gals THANK YOU ALL!!! FIRST ONE IS ON ME!! 1800 people, that will be one good write off! Sounds like I will need some more of those either way... haha!! GOD BLESS and TAKE care of YOURSELF!!! (without you, you wouldn't be here) haha... Much Love!!! Brett
  19. THEY ARE ABOUT TO BURST!!!! GO RV/RI.... GO GO GO~~~~~!!!!!! T-Minus 72 hours.... or less....
  20. BW3

    HCL and FILs

    Thanks for the POST!! RV/RI is coming to a theater near you
  22. THANKS FOR THE POST VIPER!! GOD BLESS to ALL!!! or Allah or Yourself or Source or Universal Power or Whomever you beleive in!!! Just beleive in something for gosh sakes!!!
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