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Everything posted by usndiver

  1. Why are you posting an article that is almost four years old?
  2. I'm sure she wont be working on December 25th! Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!
  3. Mine too, I like the fact the fact that your posts on here are positive. Stay safe!
  4. If you gift your IQD pre RV you will gain on two fronts. First, you will not pay taxes, and second you will be able to give more. Here's an example: You want to donate the proceeds of 1M IQD. Let's say for arguments sake that the total spread and tax comes out at 40%. The RV comes in at 1 to 1. You cash in $1M and now your left with $600K to give to the charity. Had you gifted it outright the charity would only have the burden of paying the spread. As for donating to friends or family I would do the same thing. If you are planning to give them anything over $13,500.00 (I believe this is the annual per person maximum set by the IRS for gifting). FYI, there is no IRS limit for paying medical bills or school tuition. Find a tax attorney to help you. As far as annonimity, use your first initial and last name on your gift letter, and state in a seperate letter that your identity needs to be protected. Good luck.
  5. It's all hocus pocus BS. These people, and those like them, will eventually believe in God and the redeming gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, the question is which side of eternity will their belief be? Pray for these people because God loves them too.
  6. I'm with you brother.
  7. These clown asses see the writing on the wall and are doing anything possible to make Iraq comparable to Assghanistan. Their days are numbered and Iraq will be a Phoenix in the mid-east.
  8. Agreed. The "experts" say you should wait a minimum of a year, to get your ducks in order, before you start making large expenditures.
  9. I don't know about DT but as far as Tampa Dinar as I understand their IQD is not on site. I inquired about pick up of IQD post RV and they told me I would have to contact Brinks for pick up. I do not see any IQD dealer selling over the counter just for security reasons alone.
  10. I think a majority of us should have honorary doctorates confered to us with our knowledge of Iraqi politics and economics!
  11. Same thing here brother. Drawing up new house plans now. Problem there I wanted something around 4500 square feet, but it's around 9,000 now with two safety rooms accessible to one another, a small armory for exfiltration as well. I don't think the Barrett will work unless I incorporate a hide into the home as well. As far as vehicle, I really have my heart set on a 1965 Lincoln Continental. And ditto on the politics and charity! Lets get these kids and family taken care of. There are enough people on this site that can help. If just a hundred of us put $5 in an envelope and sent it to your friend that would be a blessing. If you can post a secure address I am in!
  12. Falls under Section 988. ExecConsultant has done the research. I recommend that you get the BEST accountant and do this right. Uncle Sam loves his penalties and interest!
  13. I have purchased twice from TampaDinar and was very satisfied with their service.
  14. And this is why I have no use for Kum By Yah Christians. Perhaps if we in our faith would emulate the hero's of the Bible and start kicking some ass for a change, and putting the fear of God into these people, things may start to change. My Christian brothers and sisters, wake up, get your head out of the sand and stand strong in your faith. If I'm going to be branded as intolerant, then by God I'm going to earn it! I love my fellow man but no where in the Bible does it say I have to be a door mat!
  15. Moore is a pathetic human being that would never survive under the regimes that he touts as advanced and better than the U.S.A. The man lives in a rather large self delusional bubble. Take away his money and watch him squeal!
  16. Well there you go. My feelings are hurt, I'm keeping the pacifier and blankey for myself now.
  17. If you like I can send you a fesh diaper, a new pacifier and blankey. Perhaps if you and the rest of the newbies would spend a minimum of two weeks going through this forum and learn what is going on the rest of us "experienced" folks wouldn't be aggravated. Everytime one of these posts appears it ends up clogging the "What's New" section with multiple "new" topics that have been gone over multiple times. We are all adults here, I don't sugar coat and I get right to the point, so if your thin skinned get over it. As for me I do not take your post personally. Had I paid attention to the fact that this was posted in the Rumors section I would not have responded as this section is for the lazy and less informed. You are absolutely right, I do not know what the date and rate, however; my own research leads me to believe that the RV will be considerably higher.
  18. Don't want to burst your bubble, but are you really qualified and have you done enough research to come up with this hypothesis? Your a bit off. Spend a little more time on this site, get a bit more informed please.
  19. I am personally planning to set up a non profit to benefit YoungLife, plans include three buildings to host activities for this organization. YoungLife is a Christian outreach ministry for high school students, check them out at
  20. Yeah right, we invested billions and sacrificed 1,000's of our own for a hidden agenda. liberals!
  21. You completely missed the point. Do us a favor and stay out of America please.
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