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Everything posted by usndiver

  1. Thanks k98. This article brings out the truth that we all can understand, nothing lost in translation on this one. But, what a mess this agreement seems to be, just legislation to pump Allawi's head up.
  2. So I suppose that the oil field rigs that were set on fire when Saddam's troops retreated during the first Gulf War are a figment of our imagination?
  3. Please do not refer to a SEAL Team Operator or a U.S. Marine a soldier (adding USMC for everyones info). SEAL Team members are referred to as Operators, U.S. Marines are Marines. Their is nothing derogatory in the term soldier, but there is a distinct difference between SEAL Team Operator, U.S. Marine and Soldier.
  4. So we have the first reading of HCL & NCPS. We need three readings, correct? Does anyone know the average time it has taken to complete the second two readings for other laws?
  5. All tax legislation is generated in the U.S. House of Representatives, which is currently controlled by the Republican Party, thank God. IMO, there will be no new tax laws generated regarding this investment.
  6. Heaven forbid Washington tighten it's belt just like the rest of American citizens and businesses have these past few years.
  7. Limousine Liberals tring to save the world with everybody elses money. Damon and those like him live in a bubble where everyone and everything revolves around them.
  8. Please reference the quote. Source and date should do.
  9. This wouldn't have happened if you would have worn your tin foil hat!
  10. What about Morgan & Morgan? For the People. They pinched me in an employment dispute. If I ever get another letter from those vermin I will personally answer it, and it won't be pretty. What do you call a 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A Good Start
  11. One of the side perks of being a VIP member is that the ads do not appear when you are on the boards.
  12. Your posts are arrogant sir. Adam never has or will give a date. If you can find a post of his where he has please post a link to it. Otherwise keep it respectful please.
  13. I hope there isn't a fur bikini portion of the pageant.
  14. You were zinged with negatives because you read the article wrong. First off the translation programs are not that great, ask anyone that has read these articles over the months. Second, it does not state that Obama will get them out of Chapter 7, the quote is "make efforts" which more than likely means support in the U.N. to have them removed from Chapter 7.
  15. It's past ridiculous to think that the U.S. debt problem has anything to do with the RV. This topic is one that was spun up by the pumpers of IQD. JMO
  16. Millions, seriuosly? I own a business that is still grossing a respectable 2M a year, but I sure as heck am not making millions. I'd be willing to bet a few dinar that Adam is not making millions off of this site, I'd be suprised if it even cleared 5 digits. He obviously has expenses connected to this site, and he has been very clear that the money made from this site goes to pay attorneys, and other consultants that have and will continue to give advice post RV. Adam's millions, IMO will come post RV, and those will come from the investment opportunities that will be available for VIP members post RV.
  17. The countries in which these banks are located made the reporting agreements with the U.S., not the banks. There are plenty of countries that have refused the U.S. governments request for reporting.
  18. Is it just me or is there anyone else, veterans in particular, that get aggravated when you see the words "elite revolutionary guard"? There is nothing elite about them, IMO they are cowards at best. Are they not the same louts that brutalize their own unarmed fellow citizens?
  19. My head could not handle the weight of that crown.
  20. Hey easy, Did you get your Certified Guru Pumper certificate from the same place that sold Sea Monkey's on the back of comic books?
  21. Not to be argumentative but why are you here scotchnsoda? You would be better served if you laid out your case right now instead of posting "drive by" snippets of your disappointment with this site. IMO those that have been banned from DV were given ample warning from Mods and Adam to "tone it down", but they chose to maintain their antagonising rants, misinformation or promotion of other sites.
  22. Indicators are that it will be treated as ordinary income under Setion 988 of the Internal Revenue Code. Go to the Tax Discussion Forum, this topic has been sliced, diced, chopped and chunked to death. ExecConsultant has delved into this matter very deeply, he is an attorney that has exhausted hours into the subject. IMO capital gains is perpetuated by dreamers, 15% short term would be awesome, but I believe what ExecConsultant has posted, 35%. No matter what, one would be best served by using competent lawyers and CPA's that are familiar with this subject.
  23. No, yesterdays news stated that the amendments to it were approved. This article states that it has been submitted to the Ministerial Board. We are very close to passage of the law.
  24. Or three simultaneously fired .50 caliber rounds to the head, torso and abdomen, vaporizing him in front of his devoted minions.
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